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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Computer Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol. / R.R. Flynn. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Інформатика


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Vol. 1 : Foundations : Ideas and People. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : Software and Hardware. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : Social Applications. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Electronic Universe. - 368 p.

Here is an attractive, readable set designed to present the history of computers and reflect on their purpose, use, and impact today. Nearly 300 entries are organized into four volumes, usually with black-and-white illustrations, photos, or charts. Signed entries are two to four pages long and often include sidebars, definitions for terms or concepts, see also references, and bibliographies with a handful of current sources, many of them online. University professors are among the contributors. Repeated at the beginning of each volume are the preface, tables of measurements, time lines, and table of contents. Each volume concludes with the same glossary and topic outline and a volume index, with a cumulative index at the end of volume 4. Volume 1 (Foundations: Ideas and People) covers history; volume 2 (Software and Hardware), the nuts and bolts of the technology; volume 3 (Social Applications), how computers affect our everyday lives; and volume 4 (Electronic Universe), the networked society. Organization within each volume is alphabetical. Some representative subjects covered in volume 1 include Babbage, Charles; IBM Corporation; and Transistors. In volume 2 we learn about Client/server technology, Game controllers, and Touch screens; in volume 3, about Airline reserva tions, Educational software, and Spreadsheets; and in volume 4, Cookies, Global positioning systems, and Political applications. Several articles are current enough to include the 9/11 attacks and October 2001 anthrax letters. There are so many interrelated topics that dividing them by volume is confusing to a user. Chemistry and Electronic campus are in volume 4, but Distance learning and Physics are in volume 3. Assistive computer technology for persons with disabilities is in volume 4, although it could be considered a social application. Art and Music composition are placed in different volumes. The topic outline lists entry headings under broad topics and might be helpful in providing an overview, but it gives no indication of the volumes in which the entries can be found. For academic libraries, the standard Encyclopedia of Computer Science (4th ed., Grove, 2000) will probably be adequate, even though this field changes so rapidly. High-school and public libraries where there is emphasis on technology may want to add this set for its detailed coverage of people, concepts, and applications.

компьютер -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Real-Life Math [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia : in 2 vol. / K.L. Lerner, B.W. Lerner. - New York : Macmillan, 2006. - 653 p.
Переклад назви: Математика у нашому житті


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This new set helps students better understand commonly studied math concepts by illustrating their use in everyday life. Everyday tasks are designed to support the modern mathematics curriculum and contain examples related to the global economy. Grade 6-9-From concept to copyediting, this unwieldy survey of applied mathematics falls short in nearly every aspect. Each of the 80 alphabetically arranged chapters, from Addition to Zero-Sum Games, takes on a curriculum-centered topic. They open with a definition, close with a brief list of further sources, and in between quickly lay out fundamental terms and ideas, historical background, and descriptions of Real-life Applications. The latter often include word (rarely number) examples, but also tend to be nonspecific, if not outright simplistic; online purchasing over a secure connection is safe, for instance, because hackers can't decode the content even if they somehow manage to intercept the message somehow. Under Algebra, the entry on making tradeoffs between lifespan and voltage when Buying Light Bulbs assumes that small variations in voltage are an option. In addition, despite substantial duplication of topics, there are no see references to connect related entries, such as those for carbon dating or sports wagering. Printed in two large volumes of dense, double-columned, seldom-illustrated text, this is less likely than the textbooks that it is supposed to compliment.

математика -- обчислення -- розрахунок -- формула -- алгебра -- геометрія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Горнаков, С. Г.
Разработка компьютерных игр для приставки Xbox 360 в XNA Game Studio Express [Електронний ресурс] / С. Г. Горнаков. - М. : ДМК Пресс, 2007. - 392 с.


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Это серия книг для настольной библиотеки начинающего программиста игр. На данный момент она состоит из двух книг и поможет программистам изучить технику разработки игр для системы Windows и Xbox 360. В этой книге рассматривается полный цикл по созданию игр в XNA Game Studio Express для игровой приставки Xbox 360. За время изучения книги с помощью пошаговой инструкции вы вступите во всемирно известный клуб разработчиков игр XNA Creators Club, изучите основы работы с инструментариями Visual C# Express и XNA Game Studio Express. Научитесь работать с двухмерной и трехмерной графикой, анимацией, познакомитесь с секретами создания игровых классов и формированием механизма игровых состояний. Освоите создание интерактивных заставок и меню, работу с устройствами ввода и звуком, а также научитесь переносить свои игры на приставку Xbox 360. Итогом книги станет создание полноценной двухмерной и трехмерной игры, готовой к запуску на приставке.

комп'ютер -- програмування -- гра

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Крукс, К.
Увлекательное создание трехмерных компьютерных игр без программирования [Електронний ресурс] / К. Крукс. - М. : ДМК Пресс, 2005. - 560 с.


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В книге рассказывается о том, как с помощью программ Game Maker, 3D GameMaker, Gmax, Reality factory, Multimedia Fusion, MilkShape 3D Modeler, Paint Shop Pro и других создать зрелищные и увлекательные игры, не написав при этом ни строчки программного кода. Описаны процедуры разработки персонажей, вооружения, декораций, подсчета очков, особенности создания экранных заставок, рекламных роликов и т.д. В книге изложена история возникновения и развития компьютерных игр, подробно анализируются их жанры, состав пользовательской аудитории, достоинства и недостатки наиболее известных проектов. Автор уделяет большое внимание терминологии и грамотному планированию процесса проектирования и разработки игр. На прилагаемом компакт-диске содержатся изучаемые программные продукты, графические и звуковые файлы, требуемые для выполнения упражнений, а также примеры готовых игр. Издание адресовано всем, кто интересуется вопросами создания компьютерных игр.

Game Maker -- 3D GameMaker -- Gmax -- Reality factory -- Paint Shop Pro -- комп’ютерна гра -- комп’ютерна програма -- комп’ютерні технології -- програмування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Горнаков, Станислав Геннадьевич.
Секреты игровой приставки Xbox 360 [Електронний ресурс] / С. Г. Горнаков. - М. : ДМК Пресс, 2008. - 232 с.


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Это издание содержит максимум полезной информации об игровой системе Xbox 360. В этой книге вы изучите комплектацию Xbox 360, познакомитесь с обилием аксессуаров, ознакомитесь с пользовательским интерфейсом и настройкой системы. Освоите подключение к серверу Xbox Live, создадите свой Gamertag, научитесь работать с картами оплаты и банковскими картами, узнаете как правильно купить и бесплатно скачать игру из Xbox Live. Также рассматривается мультимедиа составляющая консоли, а именно возможность прослушивания музыки, копирование аудио дисков, просмотр DVD и видеороликов, а также подключение к приставке обычного компьютера


   Тип видання:   монографія   

Бурлаков, Игорь.
Homo Gamer. Психология компьютерных игр [Електронний ресурс] / И. Бурлаков. - М. : Независимая фирма Класс, 2000. - 160 с.


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Эта книга представляет взгляд психолога на современное массовое увлечение — компьютерные игры. Что ищут люди в виртуальных битвах — только ли способ разрядить агрессию? Как игровой мир влияет на психику и стиль мышления игрока, на его отношение к реальному миру? На что рассчитывают родители, покупая ребенку компьютер, и что происходит на самом деле? Человек-игрок — что это? Новый вид зависимости? Новый тип мышления? Новое сообщество? Над этими и другими вопросами интересно будет подумать и психологам, и педагогам, и самим игрокам, и родителям, которые хотят лучше понимать своих детей.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Mankiw, N. G.
Principles of macroeconomics [Electronic resource] / N.G. Mankiw. - 3rd. ed.. - Cincinnati : South-Western College Pub, 2003. - 526 p.
Переклад назви: Принципи макроекономіки


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In writing this textbook, Mankiw has tried to put himself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. The author's conversational writing style is superb for presenting the politics and science of economic theories to tomorrow's decision-makers. Because Mankiw wrote it for the students, the book stands out among all other principles texts by intriguing students to apply an economic way of thinking in their daily lives. Receiving such a praise as "perhaps the best ever" textbook in economic principles, it's no wonder Mankiw's prize project has quickly become one of the most successful books ever to be published in the college marketplace.


   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

Gold and Silversmiths Catalogue 1911 [Electronic resource]. - Toronto : United Watch and Jewelry Company, 1911. - 64 p.
Переклад назви: Каталог золотих і срібних речей 1911 року


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We devote a large part of this Catalogue to beautiful Silverware and other things suitable for holiday gifts, and we exercise special care in preparing for shipment all orders that contain goods intended for presents of any kind. We also show a very desirable selection of leather bads, mesh bads and Jewelry in gold, gold filled and silver. You are specially requested to compare our floods with other makers as QUALITY is essentially the first consideration with us.

ювелірний виріб -- коштовність -- краса -- вишуканість

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

DeKeyser, R. M.
Practice in a second language [Electronic resource] : perspectives from applied linguistics and cognitive / R.M. DeKeyser. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. - 323 p.. - (The Cambridge applied linguistics series)
Переклад назви: Практика іншої мови: перспективи від прикладної та пізнавальної лінгвістики


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Practice gets a raw deal in the field of applied linguistics. Most laypeople simply assume that practice is a necessary condition for language learning without giving the concept much further thought, but many applied linguists eschew the term practice. For some, the word conjures up images of mind-numbing drills in the sweatshops of foreign language learning, while for others it means fun and games to appease students on Friday afternoons. Practice is by no means a dirty word in other domains of human endeavor, however. Parents dutifully take their kids to soccer practice, and professional athletes dutifully show up for team practice, sometimes even with recent injuries. Parents make their kids practice their piano skills at home, and the world’s most famous performers of classical music often practice for many hours a day, even if it makes their fingers hurt. If even idolized, spoiled, and highly paid celebrities are willing to put up with practice, why not language learners, teachers, or researchers?

лінгвістика -- іноземна мова

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bakharia, А.
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 express edition programming for the absolute beginner [Electronic resource] / А. Bakharia. - Boston : Course Technology, 2006. - 280 p.


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Written in a straight-forward style, using a games-based approach that makes learning beginning-level programming fun and easy, this book provides beginner programmers with programming instruction using Visual C# 2005 Express Edition as a foundation.


   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

Newman Lowrance, G.
Digital sports photography [Electronic resource] / G. Newman Lowrance. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2005. - 256 p
Переклад назви: Цифрові спортивні фотографії


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Take a unique look at the special techniques involved in shooting sports photographs digitally as you get a glimpse into the author?s own journey toward becoming a successful sports photographer. You?ll also get a wealth of information from some of the best sports shooters and editors working today in the industry. Cover important issues, including color management, camera setup, and equipment options and get insiders? tips on what a photo editor looks for in determining what makes a great image. Discover the techniques and methods unique to shooting photographs for baseball, football, basketball, ice hockey, soccer, and tennis. Whether you?re covering the Olympics for Sports Illustrated or a local youth soccer game, "Digital Sports Photography" will give you the help and guidance you need to make your photos stand out.

спортсмен -- фотографія -- спорт -- мистецтво

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bellman, R. E.
Dynamic Programming [Electronic resource] / R. E. Bellman. - Princeton : Publishing Princeton University Press, 1957. - 340 p
Переклад назви: Динамічне програмування


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An introduction to the mathematical theory of multistage decision processes, this text takes a "functional equation" approach to the discovery of optimum policies. The text examines existence and uniqueness theorems, the optimal inventory equation, bottleneck problems in multistage production processes, a new formalism in the calculus of variation, multistage games, and more

математична теорія -- варіація -- стратегія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Harbour, J. S.
Beginner's Guide to DarkBASIC Game Programming [Electronic resource] / J. S. Harbour, J. R. Smith. - Portland : Premier Press, 2003. - 711 p.
Переклад назви: Посібник для початківців по програмуванню ігри DarkBASIC


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Design and play your own games without worrying about the technical details of programming DirectX. DarkBasic handles the entire game engine for you! By the end of the book, you will have written complete 2D and 3D games.

програмне забезпечення -- комп’ютерна програма -- комп’ютерна гра

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brackeen, D.
Developing Games in Java [Electronic resource] / D. Brackeen, B. Barker, L. Vanhelsuwé. - Washington : New Riders, 2003. - 1008 p.
Переклад назви: Розробка ігор в Java


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If you already have experience programming games with Java, this book is for you. David Brackeen, along with co-authors Bret Barker and Lawrence Vanhelsuwe, show you how to make fast, full-screen action games such as side scrollers and 3D shooters. Key features covered in this book include Java 2 game programming techniques, including latest 2D graphics and sound technologies, 3D graphics and scene management, path-finding and artificial intelligence, collision detection, game scripting using BeanShell, and multi-player game engine creation.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Computers, chess and cognition [Electronic resource] / ed. T. A. Marsland, J. Schaeffer. - New York : Springer-Verlag, 1990. - 323 p
Переклад назви: Комп'ютери, шахи та пізнання


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Computers, Chess, and Cognition presents an excellent up-to-date description of developments in computer chess, a rapidly advancing area in artificial intelligence research. This book is intended for an upper undergraduate and above level audience in the computer science (artificial intelligence) community. The chapters have been edited to present a uniform terminology and balanced writing style, to make the material understandable to a wider, less specialized audience. The book's primary strengths are the description of the workings of some major chess programs, an excellent review of tree searching methods, discussion of exciting new research ideas, a philosophical discussion of the relationship of computer game playing to artificial intelligence, and the treatment of computer Go as an important new research area. A complete index and extensive bibliography makes the book a valuable reference work. The book includes a special foreword by Ken Thompson, author of the UNIX operating system.

комп'ютерні шахи -- штучний інтелект -- інформатика

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Knudsen, J.
Wireless Java developing with J2ME [Electronic resource] / J. Knudsen. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : Apress, 2003. - 384 p.
Переклад назви: Розробка ПЗ для безпровідних пристроїв за допомогою J2ME


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This edition is updated to include coverage of the next version of programs for mobile Java devices. MIDP 2.0 contains many exciting new features, such as sound HTTPS support, lots of user interface API enhancements, a Game API, and much more.

платформа Java -- мобільне програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Rucker, R.
Software engineering and computer games [Electronic resource] / R. Rucker. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2002. - 544 p.


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This book should be a requirement of anyone that wants to write games-period"-Andre Lamothe, author and CEO of Xtreme Games.

ігри -- програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

AI game development [Electronic resource] : synthetic creatures with learning and reactive behaviors. - Washington : New Riders, 2003. - 744 p
Переклад назви: Ігрова розробка AI: синтетичні створення з вивченням і реактивними поведінками


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These reviewers contributed their considerable hands-on expertise to the entire development process for AI Game Development. As this book was being written, these dedicated professionals reviewed all the material for technical content, organization, and flow. Their feedback was critical to ensuring that AI Game Development fits our readers' need for the highest-quality technical information.

технічна інформація -- комп'ютерна гра -- розробка

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Dalmau, D. S. -C.
Core techniques and algorithms in game programming [Electronic resource] / D. Dalmau. - Washington : New Riders, 2003. - 888 p
Переклад назви: Основні методи і алгоритми в програмуванні ігор


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To even try to keep pace with the rapid evolution of game development, you need a strong foundation in core programming techniques-not a hefty volume on one narrow topic or one that devotes itself to API-specific implementations. Finally, there's a guide that delivers! As a professor at the Spanish university that offered that country's first master's degree in video game creation, author Daniel Sanchez-Crespo recognizes that there's a core programming curriculum every game designer should be well versed in-and he's outlined it in these pages! By focusing on time-tested coding techniques-and providing code samples that use C++, and the OpenGL and DirectX APIs-Daniel has produced a guide whose shelf life will extend long beyond the latest industry trend. Code design, data structures, design patterns, AI, scripting engines, 3D pipelines, texture mapping, and more: They're all covered here-in clear, coherent fashion and with a focus on the essentials that will have you referring back to this volume for years to come.

відеогра -- розробка ігор -- комп'ютерна гра

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Engel, W. F.
Beginning Direct 3D game programming [Electronic resource] / W. F. Engel. - 2nd. ed.. - Boston : Premier Press, 2003. - 396 p
Переклад назви: Початок програмування Direct 3D ігор


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This resource serves as a comprehensive guide for learning DirectX graphics programming while allowing you to start with the basics and ease your way into graphics and animation.

анімація -- графіка -- програма -- комп'ютерна гра

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