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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Масенко, Лариса Терентіївна.
(У)мовна (У)країна [Електронний ресурс] / Лариса Масенко. - К. : Темпора, 2007. - 88 с.. - (Likbez-Абетка)


Географічні рубрики:

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У книзі Лариси Масенко - одного за найавторитетніших соціолінгвістів України - читач знайде відповіді на багато цікавих і гострих запитань. Чи може існувати і розвиватися в Україні багато мов і чи можуть бути державними дві мови? Що відбувається сьогодні з українською мовою і який досвід у вирішенні мовних проблем мають інші європейські країни? Що загрожує українській мові і що - російській? Яких помилок припустилися і припускаються українські політики та громадські діячі у мовному питанні? Про все це та багато іншого Ви дізнаєтеся на сторінках цієї книги, призначеної не лише для шкільної та студентської аудиторії, а й для журналістів, учителів та всіх допитливих і небайдужих.

українська мова -- мовна політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Мусский, И. А.
100 великих мыслителей [Електронний ресурс] / И. А. Мусский. - М. : Вече, 2009. - 497 с.. - (100 великих)

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"100 великих мыслителей" - очередная книга серии "100 великих", освещающая жизнь и творческие поиски самых известных титанов человеческой мысли. В их ряду читатели встретят Конфуция и Пифагора, Платона и Аристотеля, Маркса и Канта, Розанова и Вернадского, Фрейда и Жан-Поля Сартра.

філософія -- інтелектуали -- історія думки

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

A guide to effective nonviolent struggle [Electronic resource] / Srdja Popovic [etc.]. - Belgrade : Canvas, 2007. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Керівництво з ефективної ненасильницької боротьби


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Before you is a wealth of knowledge about the planning, conduct, and evaluation of strategic nonviolent conflict. This curriculum guide will be a valuable companion to new and experienced activists, as well as to others who wish to learn about this subject. The authors combine classic insights about nonviolent conflict with new ideas based on recent experience. The result is a synthesis that pushes the limits of what we thought nonviolent strategies were capable of achieving.

протест -- громадська непокора -- страйк

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Feldman, S. M.
American legal thought from premodernism to postmodernism: an intellectual voyage [Electronic resource] / S. M. Feldman. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Американська юридична думка з премодернізму до постмодернізму: інтелектуальна подорож


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To travel from premodernism through modernism and into post-modernism might take several centuries and even millennia. American legal thought, remarkably so, has made the voyage in just over two hundred years. My purpose is to tell the story of this mercurial journey.

модернізм -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ledeneva, Alena V..
Can Russia Modernise? [Electronic resource] : sistema, power networks and informal governance / Alena V. Ledeneva. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Чи може Росія модернізуватися? : Система, сила мережі та управління інформацією


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In this original, bottom-up account of the evolution of contemporary Russia, Alena Ledeneva seeks to reveal how informal power operates. Concentrating on Vladimir Putin's system of governance - referred to as sistema - she identifies four key types of networks: his inner circle, useful friends, core contacts and more diffuse ties and connections. These networks serve sistema but also serve themselves. Reliance on networks enables leaders to mobilise and to control, yet they also lock politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen into informal deals, mediated interests and personalised loyalty. This is the 'modernisation trap of informality': one cannot use the potential of informal networks without triggering their negative long-term consequences for institutional development. Ledeneva's perspective on informal power is based on in-depth interviews with sistema insiders and enhanced by evidence of its workings brought to light in court cases, enabling her to draw broad conclusions about the prospects for Russia's political institutions.

маніпулювання громадською думкою -- пропаганда -- авторитаризм -- цензура -- ортодоксія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dementia [Electronic resource] : a public health priority. - Genève : World Health Organization, 2012. - 112 p
Переклад назви: Деменція: пріоритет громадської охорони здоров'я


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The world's population is ageing. Improvements in health care in the past century have contributed to people living longer and healthier lives. However, this has also resulted in an increase in the number of people with noncommunicable diseases, including dementia. Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is not a normal part of ageing. Dementia is a syndrome, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, caused by a variety of brain illnesses that affect memory, thinking, behaviour and ability to perform everyday activities. Dementia is devastating not only for the people who have it, but also for their caregivers and families. It is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide. There is lack of awareness and understanding of dementia, at some level, in most countries, resulting in stigmatization, barriers to diagnosis and care, and impacting caregivers, families and societies physically, psychologically and economically. Dementia can no longer be neglected but should be considered a part of the public health agenda in all countries. The objective of this report is to raise awareness of dementia as a public health priority, to articulate a public health approach and to advocate for action at international and national levels based on the principles of inclusion, integration, equity and evidence.

здоров'я -- геронтологія -- сенільна деменція

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of philosophy [Electronic resource] : in 10 vol. / ed. D. M. Borchert. - 2nd. ed.. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія філософії


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Vol. 1 : Abbagnano–Byzantine Philosophy. - 790 p.

Vol. 2 : Cabanis–Destutt de Tracy. - 761 p.

Vol. 3 : Determinables–Fuzzy Logic. - 767 p.

Vol. 4 : Gadamer - Just War Theory. - 874 p.

Vol. 5 : Kabbalah–Marxist Philosophy. - 742 p.

Vol. 6 : Masaryk–Nussbaum. - 680 p.

Vol. 7 : Oakeshott–Presupposition. - 771 p.

Vol. 8 : Price–Sextus Empiricus. - 852 p.

Vol. 9 : Shaftesbury–Zubiri. - 889 p.

Vol. 10 : Appendix: Additional Articles, Thematic Outline, Bibliographi. - 672 p.

наукова думка -- філософія -- мудрість

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Campbell, Duncan Andrew.
English public opinion and the american civil war [Electronic resource] / Duncan Andrew Campbell. - Woodbridge : Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2003. - 274 p
Переклад назви: Англійська громадська думка та Громадянська війна в США


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This book is based upon the doctoral dissertation I wrote at Cambridge, completed in early 1997, and considerably revised since. From those days to the present, many kind and thoughtful individuals have greatly contributed to the process of thought and research that this work has entailed. I owe a debt of deep gratitude to Professor Miles Taylor, of the University of Southampton, who, from my time as a PhD candidate, through the revising of this manuscript for publication, could always be counted upon for insightful counsel and invaluable advice. For all of his help, I am profoundly thankful. I am very grateful to my former supervisor, Dr Gareth Stedman Jones of King’s College, Cambridge, for listening to and critiquing my ideas and arguments, as well as reading the numerous drafts with which I presented him. Gratitude is also owed to Dr Ann Robson, at whose stimulating graduate course at the University of Toronto, the seed of this book was planted and I first became interested in, and in some cases introduced to, many of the people examined within it. From my days at Cambridge, I should like to thank Dr Mike Sewell, Dr Beau Riffenburgh, Dr Derek Beales and Dr Graham Storey, who all provided me with information that I would never have come across on my own. At the University ofWales Swansea, I should like to express my appreciation to my colleagues in the American Studies Department who listened to my paper on this subject and weighed in with their intelligent and perceptive comments. I would especially like to thank Dr Craig Phelan, who has listened to my ideas with a patience that goes beyond the point of collegial courtesy. I am further grateful to the Royal Historical Society for publishing this book, particularly Professor Martin Daunton, Professor Peter Mandler and Mrs Christine Linehan, the executive editor, all of whom have helped improve this work immeasurably. I should also like to thank Bobbie Jo for patiently putting up with this apparently never-ending project. I owe her a major debt of gratitude. It remains to be noted that although this book could never have been started, never mind completed, without the help of everyone named above, they are in no way responsible for any errors or omissions; these are entirely my own. Finally, I should like to thank my parents Dr Neil and Mrs Sheila Campbell, without whose support and attention this book could not have been written. It is to them that this work is dedicated.

історія США -- громадська думка -- політика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Gender equality. Dimensions of women’s equal citizenship [Electronic resource] / ed. L. C. McClain, J. L. Grossman. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 470 p.
Переклад назви: Ґендерна рівність. Міра рівної громадськості жінок


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Citizenship is the common language for expressing aspirations to democratic and egalitarian ideals of inclusion, participation, and civic membership. However, there continues to be a significant gap between formal commitments to gender equality and equal citizenship – in the laws and constitutions of many countries as well as in international human rights documents − and the reality of women’s lives. This volume presents a collection of original works that examine this persisting inequality through the lens of citizenship. Distinguished scholars in law, political science, and women’s studies investigate the many dimensions of women’s equal citizenship, including constitutional citizenship, democratic citizenship, social citizenship, sexual and reproductive citizenship, and global citizenship. Gender Equality takes stock of the progress toward – and remaining impediments to – securing equal citizenship for women, develops strategies for pursuing that goal, and identifies new questions that will shape further inquiries.

ґендерне питання -- рівноправність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Currell, David.
Making and Manipulating Marionettes [Electronic resource] / David Currell. - Ramsbury : Crowood Press, 2004. - 192 p
Переклад назви: Створення та маніпулювання маріонетками

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Making and Manipulating Marionettes is a superb guide to a craft and performance art that has fascinated audiences for over 2,000 years. Handsomely illustrated throughout, it presents precise instructions for the making of marionettes, both for plays and for acts in the variety tradition. All aspects of marionette design, construction, and control are covered, and there are rare insights into specialized designs and stringing techniques. Contents include an introduction to the marionette tradition and the principles and practicalities of marionette design; advice on materials and methods for carving, modeling, and casting puppet parts; detailed explanations for marionette control, stringing, and manipulation; step-by-step instructions for the construction and jointing of human and animal marionettes; and professional secrets for achieving a wide range of special effects.

мистецтво -- лялькарство -- театр

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Nick Crossley
Making sense of social movements [Electronic resource] / Nick Crossley. - New York : Open University Press, 2002. - 201 p
Переклад назви: Зрозуміти сенс соціальних рухів


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Why and how do social movements emerge? In which ways are social movements analyzed? Can our understanding be enhanced by new perspectives? Making Sense of Social Movements offers a clear and comprehensive overview of the key sociological approaches to the study of social movements. The author argues that each of these approaches makes an important contribution to our understanding of social movements but that none is adequate on its own. In response he argues for a new approach which draws together key insights within the solid foundations of Pierre Bourdieu's social theory of practice. This new approach transcends the barriers that still often divide European and North American perspectives of social movements, and also those which divide recent approaches from the older 'collective behavior' approach. The result is a theoretical framework that is uniquely equipped for the demands of modern social movement analysis. The clear and concise style of the text, as well as its neat summaries of key concepts and approaches, will make this book invaluable for undergraduate courses. It will also be an essential reference for researchers.

суспільна думка -- громадські рухи -- солідарність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Handel, Michael I..
Masters of war [Electronic resource] : classical strategic thought / Michael I. Handel. - London : Routledge, 2000. - 512 p.
Переклад назви: Майстри війни: класична стратегічна думка


Географічні рубрики:

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This is the first comprehensive study based on a detailed textual analysis of the classical works on war by Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, Mao Tse-tung, and to a lesser extent, Jomini and Machiavelli. Brushing stereotypes aside, the author takes a fresh look at what these strategic thinkers actually said—not what they are widely believed to have said. He finds that despite their apparent differences in terms of time, place, cultural background, and level of material/technological development, all had much more in common than previously supposed. In fact, the central conclusion of this book is that the logic of waging war and of strategic thinking is as universal and timeless as human nature itself. This third, revised and expanded edition includes five new chapters and some new charts and diagrams.

військова справа -- ведення війни -- стратегія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gregor, A. James.
Mussolini's intellectuals [Електронний ресурс] : fascist social and political thought / A. J. Gregor. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2005. - 296 p.
Переклад назви: Інтелектуали Муссоліні: фашистська соціальна та політична думка


Географічні рубрики:

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This book appears after almost four decades of study, conferences, discussion, and publication. Over those years, students of “fascism,” as a subject of inquiry, have seen its “essence” change, in the judgments of scholars, from a movement of the “extreme right” into one that was neither of the “right” nor the “left.” We are now told that “Fascist ideology represented a synthesis of organic nationalism with the antimaterialist revision of Marxism.” From a political revolution entirely without any pretense of a rational belief system, we are now told, by those best informed, that “fascism’s ability to appeal to important intellectuals . . . underlines that it cannot be dismissed as . . . irrational. . . . [In] truth, fascism was an ideology just like the others.” Moreover, it has been acknowledged that “Fascism was possible only if based on genuine belief.” In effect, the study of Italian Fascism has delivered itself of significantly altered assessments over the past decades. Where, at one time, Fascism was simply dismissed as a phenomenon understood to be without intellectual substance, a right-wing excrescence that invoked violence and war, it is now more and more regularly understood to be a movement, and a regime, predicated on a reasonably well articulated belief system that engaged the rational commitment of many.

фашизм -- корпоративна держава -- праворадикальна думка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Rafferty, John P..
New thinking about evolution [Electronic resource] / J. P. Rafferty, A. Editor, E. Sciences. - New York : Britannica Educational Publishing, 2011. - 290 p. - (21st Сentury Science)
Переклад назви: Нове мислення про еволюцію

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The 21st century, like the 20th century before it, promises to be a time of extraordinary scientific growth and innovation. However, the hope for new cures and explanations about the world is often accompanied by new ethical concerns. This series examines the science behind three current fields of research and explores the implications for future scientific developments. Readers are also introduced to some of the controversies surrounding these subject areas to better understand the risks and benefits associated with modern advances. With sections devoted to significant concepts and thinkers, these books help bring to life the excitement of the discovery process.

еволюція -- думка

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Private and civil law in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] / ed. W. Simons. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009. - 400 p.. - (Law in Eastern Europe)
Переклад назви: Приватне та громадське право в Російській Федерації


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The chapters in this volume are from two Leiden conferences. There, distinguished scholars and practitioners from Russia and the Far Abroad measured the winds of change in the field of private law in post-Soviet Russia: enormous differences from the Soviet period, crucial in supporting post-Soviet changes toward freedom of choice in the marketplaces of goods, services, ideas and political institutions. This volume will enable the reader to further chart the progress made in Russia (and the region) in the revitalization of private and civil law—and its impact upon practice and comparative legal studies—and to appreciate the role which the distinction between the public and private sectors is seen as playing in the process

російське право -- право РФ

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Killenberg , George Michael.
Public affairs reporting now [Electronic resource] : news of, by and for the people / George Michael Killenberg . - Oxford : Focal Press, 2008. - 382 p
Переклад назви: Публічна звітність у наш час: новини народу і для народу


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Everyday life, no whether the issues or events arise next-door or a continent away, raises questions and concerns that the public counts on journalists to answer and, more important, confront. More than ever before, we all rely on the news media for warnings, explanations and insights. The profession - and society - cannot afford lazy, inept, uncommitted journalists. Today's reporters must learn how to cover public affairs intelligently and thoroughly. First you must learn about the institutions and people who influence the news; understanding how a legislative conference committee functions or how a trial is conducted remain important pre-requisites. But it is not enough merely to know how to report. Journalists must also understand how they see, define and influence the news. Don't be fooled by the daily dose of fluffy stories about fads, fashions or fetishes. People love to revel in celebrity gossip or fantasize about extreme makeovers. But Donald Trump's love life or the South Beach Diet don't satisfy when people worry about a home invasion in their neighborhood or a rezoning proposal to bring a Wal-Mart super center to town or a Department of Education report that their child's school scored bottom-most in reading achievement. Public Affairs Reporting Now is intended to teach you the best practices and give you the best advice for covering what's generically known as "public affairs reporting.” It's a term that's neither inspiring nor precise, but it's long been a convenient way of describing the kind of news coverage that keeps people informed as citizens and keeps our institutions, public and private, focused on the public good.

журналістика -- новини -- врядування -- зв'язки з громадськістю

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Lawson, F.
Restaurants, clubs & bars [Electronic resource] : planning, design and investment for food service facilities / F. Lawson. - 2th. ed.. - Oxford : Architectural Press, 1994. - 332 p.
Переклад назви: Ресторани, клуби та бари: планування, проектування та інвестиції для підприємств громадського харчування


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This book covers all aspects of planning, design and investment in commercial restaurants, from fast food outlets to night clubs. It also examines requirements for food services in the social and welfare sector. With changing social and living habits creating an increasing demand for meals to be taken away from the home, investment in restaurants is taking place on a massive scale throughout the world. Restaurant design is also constantly evolving as changing fashions and competition demand more frequent refurbishment and reinvestment coupled with technical advances in food production and equipment. The book is illustrated by many examples of the most interesting projects in the field worldwide. Any student or practising caterer, architect or interior designer working in a restaurant in the food service industry will find this volume packed with invaluable guidance on planning, design and management.

управління -- дизайн -- громадський заклад

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Афонін, Е. А.
Social development AD [Electronic resource] : пер. з укр. / Е. А. Афонін, О. М. Бандурка, А. Ю. Мартинов ; Ukrainian social innovation society, Atlantic council of Ukraine, Information and library department of the secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - К. : Parliamentarian Publishing House, 2000. - 316 p.. - (Open Research Conception (відкрита досл. концепція) ; вип. 1)
Титульний аркуш англ. мовою
Переклад назви: Суспільний розвиток від Різдва Христового


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Запропонована праця належить до рідкісних нині загальносоціологічних розробок у галузі концептуального аналізу всесвітньої історії, які після кризи марксистської і позитивістської моделей стають предметом зростаючого інтересу наукової громадськості. Автори працюють на перетині фундаментальної проблематики соціології та психології, історичної науки та соціальних форм економічного розвитку. Значну увагу приділено аналізу перехідних процесів, ключових і переломних циклів всесвітньої історії. Як аналітичний інструмент і засіб прогностики пропонується оригінальна модель універсального епохального циклу. Для дослідників, викладачів і студентів кафедр суспільних і гуманітарних дисциплін, усіх, хто цікавиться минулим, сучасним і майбутнім світового розвитку.

політологія -- соціологія -- ідеологія -- сучасна історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Pocock, J. G. A.
The ancient constitution and the feudal law [Electronic resource] : a study of English historical thought in the seventeenth century / J. G.A. Pocock. - 2th. ed.. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1987. - 424 p.
Переклад назви: Стародавня конституція та феодальне право: вивчення англійської мови історичної думки в сімнадцятому столітті


Географічні рубрики:

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правознавство -- держава -- правова історія

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Barsky, Robert F..
The Chomsky Effect [Electronic resource] : a Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower / R. F. Barsky. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2007. - 400 p.
Переклад назви: Ефект Хомського: радикальні думки з вежі слонової кістки


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Noam Chomsky is one of the most recognized names of our time, and in 2005 he was voted the most important public intellectual in the world today, the result of his winning 4,827 of 20,000 votes cast in a poll conducted jointly by a British monthly called Prospect and the Washingtonbased journal Foreign Policy. This result is hardly surprising; his contributions to linguistics and his theories regarding the workings of the human mind have rocked the intellectual world for more than fifty years, beginning with the critical reception of his early work on syntactic structures and his appeal to what he called the Cartesian approach to language. His crusade against the Vietnam War and his on-going critique of American foreign policy, his analyses of the Middle East and Central America, his long-standing local and international activism, and his assessment (sometimes with Edward Herman) of how media functions in contemporary society have made him a darling of political dissenters around the world who take from Chomsky both useful analysis and, moreover, a whole approach that is valuable in the struggle against oppression. He is at once a beacon to the downtrodden, and, as much of the world witnessed on September 20, 2006, from a televised speech delivered at the United Nations General Assembly, he is also an inspiration to the likes of President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who recommended to representatives of the governments of the world that they read Chomsky’s recent book Hegemony or Survival. Chomsky’s vicious and persistent attacks against “Stalinist” politicians, “commissar” academics, greedy members of the managerial classes, poser liberals, “scientific” Marxists, self-aggrandizing social scientists, authoritarian pedagogues, lackey media types, and fanatical sports fans has also created a vicious set of adversaries who commit remarkable amounts of effort to discredit, admonish, critique, or ignore Chomsky’s approach. In the face of it all, Chomsky stands forth, now eighty years old and yet as energetic, fearless, and courageous as ever, perhaps even more so as the years bring him new kinds of experience, optimism and disgust; he is indeed, as U2’s Bono has called him, the “rebel without a pause.” As a consequence, most everyone has strong feelings (positive and negative) about Noam Chomsky, and the effect that he has upon people extending across national, social, and institutional lines is a fascinating phenomenon, and is a remarkable testament to what an intellectual can accomplish when engaged beyond the ivory tower.

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