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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture [Electronic resource] / ed. David Bradshaw, Kevin J. H. Dettmar. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. - 616 p
Переклад назви: Довідник з модерністської літератури і культури


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The Companion combines a broad grounding in the essential texts and contexts of the modernist movement with the unique insights of scholars whose careers have been devoted to the study of modernism. An essential resource for students and teachers of modernist literature and culture Broad in scope and comprehensive in coverage Includes more than 60 contributions from some of the most distinguished modernist scholars on both sides of the Atlantic Brings together entries on elements of modernist culture, contemporary intellectual and aesthetic movements, and all the genres of modernist writing and art Features 25 essays on the signal texts of modernist literature, from James Joyce's Ulysses to Zora Neal Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God Pays close attention to both British and American modernism.

культурологія -- літературознавство -- модернізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McDarrah, Gloria S..
Anarchy, Protest, and Rebellion, and the counterculture that changed America [Electronic resource] / Gloria S. McDarrah, Timothy S. McDarrah, Fred W. McDarrah. - New York : Thunder's Mouth Press, 2003. - 376 p
Переклад назви: Анархія, протест, бунт і контркультури, які змінили Америку


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In a work of defiant ambition culled from over 5,000 photographs, Fred W. McDarrah’s Sixties presents America’s most tumultuous decade through the eyes of one man. As staff photographer for the leading counterculture weekly the Village Voice, McDarrah was everywhere—and he photographed everything and everybody. From the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago to the Newark riots; from the Beatles’ first American press conference to Andy Warhol’s Factory; from Woodstock to the closing of the Fillmore East; from Broadway to Stonewall to Harlem to City Hall, Fred’s award-winning pictures capture the struggle and the promise of the sixties and define a generation. Many of these photographs have never been published, or were seen only once in the Village Voice, where for forty years McDarrah ran the photo desk. A number of his portraits, like those of Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, and Abbie Hoffman, have become some of the most celebrated icons of their subjects. These pictures represent a depth and breadth of public and private events and emotions, a view both political and startlingly intimate that is rarely found in the work of one man—a powerful synthesis of American photojournalism, cultural and political documentary and, despite McDarrah’s modest protestations, art.

молодіжна політика -- бунти -- нонконформізм

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / S.H. Katz. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія їжі та культури


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Vol. 1 : Acceptance - Food Politics. - 720 p.

Vol. 2 : Food Production - Nuts. - 626 p.

Vol. 3 : Obesity - Zoroastrianism. - 712 p.

As the title implies, the encyclopedia discusses food in its relation to society. The 600 articles, arranged alphabetically, cover everything from the significance of Betty Crocker to bioactive food components. Chronological scope encompasses the Paleolithic origins of hunting and current trends such as comfort food and fusion cuisine. Length of the signed articles ranges from less than a page for most biographies (Birdseye, Clarence; Escoffier, Georges-Auguste) to more than 10 pages for Dairy products and Sensation and the senses. Some topics, among them Beer, France, and Fruit, are examined in series of subentries. See also references and current bibliographies are at the end of each entry, with some bibliographies containing Web sites. Interspersed throughout the text are boxes and sidebars on subjects such as genetically modified organisms, a controversial topic that is treated impartially. A box adjacent to the entry on Julia Child provides three quotations by Child. The best one is this advice: "No matter what happens in the kitchen, never apologize." The volumes also include tables with statistical information; for example, production, imports, and exports of butter by country.In addition to the set's 550 black-and-white photos and 50 maps, each volume has a section of color plates, an eclectic mix illustrating relationships between culture and food. A plate in volume 1 offers a detail of a Spanish still-life painting containing biscuits, a page from a Belgium biscuit catalog, and a photograph of a bread vendor in Central Asia. Interesting textual links between culture and food include a discussion of the problem of litter in the U.S. because of fast-food restaurants and the elevation of the chef, making "going to restaurants a combination of high theater and spectator sport." The contributors are listed in the appendix with affiliation and the articles they wrote. They include a number of U.S. academics but also Alan Davidson, the editor of The Oxford Companion to Food; the famous Paris bread baker, Lionel Poilane, who died last fall; Chef Fritz Blank of Deux Cheminees in Philadelphia; and cookbook author Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz. The appendix also has "Dietary Reference Intakes" and a "Systematic Outline of Contents," which is a good finding tool. The index is comprehensive, indexing minor names such as Marjorie Hendrick and the Watergate Inn, which are mentioned in the entry United States: Middle Atlantic. Criticisms are few. A general bibliography would have been useful because sometimes books mentioned in articles are not cited in the accompanying bibliographies. The ice cream entry says nothing about the great variety of flavors that are now in existence. The cookbook article fails to mention the effect of Erma Rombauer's Joy of Cooking on women in the twentieth century. Although this is an expensive resource, it is well worth the money. Recommended for all academic and public libraries that have patrons interested in food and culture.

їжа -- харчова технологія -- культура їжі

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of sex and gender [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / ed. Fedwa Malti-Douglas. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2007. - 1682 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія сексу та статі


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Vol. 1 : А - С. - 1-359 pp.

Vol. 2 : D - I. - 361-787 pp.

Vol. 3 : J - P. - 789-1219 pp.

Vol. 4 : Q - Z. - 1221-1682 pp.

The central aim of this encyclopedia is to give the reader a comparative perspective on issues involving conceptions of gender, gender differences, gender roles, relationships between the genders, and sexuality. The encyclopedia is divided into two volumes: Topics and Cultures. The combination of topical overviews and varying cultural portraits is what makes this encyclopedia a unique reference work for students, researchers and teachers interested in gender studies and cross-cultural variation in sex and gender. It deserves a place in the library of every university and every social science and health department.

ґендер -- статеві стосунки

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Birx, H. James.
Encyclopedia of time [Electronic resource] : science, philosophy, theology, and culture : in 3 vol. / H. J. Birx. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2009. - 1576 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія часу: наука, філософія, теологія та культура


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Surveying the major facts, concepts, theories, and speculations that infuse our present comprehension of time, the Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, and Culture explores the contributions of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and creative artists from ancient times to the present. By drawing together into one collection ideas from scholars around the globe and in a wide range of disciplines, this Encyclopedia will provide readers with a greater understanding of and appreciation for the elusive phenomenon experienced as time. Features · Surveys historical thought about time, including those that emerged in ancient Greece, early Christianity, the Italian Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, and other periods+ Covers the original and lasting insights of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin, physicist Albert Einstein, philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, and theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin + Discusses the significance of time in the writings of Isaac Asimov, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Fyodor M. Dostoevsky, Francesco Petrarch, and numerous other authors+ Includes the contributions of naturalists, philosophers, physicists, theologians, astronomers, anthropologists, geologists, paleontologists, and psychologists+ Includes artistsÆ portrayals of the fluidity of time, including painter Salvador DaliÆs The Persistence of Memory and The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, and writers Gustave FlaubertÆs The Temptation of Saint Anthony and Henryk SienkiewiczÆs Quo Vadis+ Provides a truly interdisciplinary approach, with discussions of Aztec, Buddhist, Christian, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Islamic, Hindu, Navajo, and many other culturesÆ conceptions of time

наука -- філософія -- теологія -- культура

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of World Cultures [Electronic resource] : in 11 vol. / M. Ember, C.R. Ember, I. Skoggard.. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія світових культур


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Vol. 1 : North America. - 448 p.

Vol. 2 : Oceania. - 448 p.

Vol. 3 : South Asia. - 412 p.

Vol. 4 : Europe. - 336 p.

Vol. 5 : East and Southeast Asia. - 348 p.

Vol. 6 : Russia and Eurasia / China. - 586 p.

Vol. 7 : South America. - 480 p.

Vol. 8 : Middle America and Caribbean. - 368 p.

Vol. 9 : Africa and Middle East. - 488 p.

Vol. 10 : Indexes. - 340 p.

Supplement. - 448 p.

культура -- ідентичність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lessig, Lawrence.
Free Culture [Electronic resource] : the nature and future of creativity / Lawrence Lessig. - London : Penguin Books, 2005. - 353 p
Переклад назви: Вільна культура: сутність і майбутнє творчості


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Lawrence Lessig, “the most important thinker on intellectual property in the Internet era” (The New Yorker), masterfully argues that never before in human history has the power to control creative progress been so concentrated in the hands of the powerful few, the so-called Big Media. Never before have the cultural powers- that-be been able to exert such control over what we can and can’t do with the culture around us. Our society defends free markets and free speech; why then does it permit such top-down control? To lose our long tradition of free culture, Lawrence Lessig shows us, is to lose our freedom to create, our freedom to build, and, ultimately, our freedom to imagine.

культура -- мистецтво

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Lessig, L.
Free culture. How big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity [Electronic resource] / L. Lessig. - New York : The Penguin Press, 2003. - 352 p.
Переклад назви: Вільна культура. Як великий медіа-простір використовує технології та закон щоб обмежити культуру та контролювати творчість


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From "the most important thinker on intellectual property in the Internet era" (The New Yorker), a landmark manifesto about the genuine closing of the American mind. Lawrence Lessig could be called a cultural environmentalist. One of America's most original and influential public intellectuals, his focus is the social dimension of creativity: how creative work builds on the past and how society encourages or inhibits that building with laws and technologies. In his two previous books, Code and The Future of Ideas, Lessig concentrated on the destruction of much of the original promise of the Internet. Now, in Free Culture, he widens his focus to consider the diminishment of the larger public domain of ideas. In this powerful wake-up call he shows how short-sighted interests blind to the long-term damage they're inflicting are poisoning the ecosystem that fosters innovation. All creative works-books, movies, records, software, and so on-are a compromise between what can be imagined and what is possible-technologically and legally. For more than two hundred years, laws in America have sought a balance between rewarding creativity and allowing the borrowing from which new creativity springs. The original term of copyright set by the Constitution in 1787 was seventeen years. Now it is closer to two hundred. Thomas Jefferson considered protecting the public against overly long monopolies on creative works an essential government role. What did he know that we've forgotten? Lawrence Lessig shows us that while new technologies always lead to new laws, never before have the big cultural monopolists used the fear created by new technologies, specifically the Internet, to shrink the public domain of ideas, even as the same corporations use the same technologies to control more and more what we can and can't do with culture. As more and more culture becomes digitized, more and more becomes controllable, even as laws are being toughened at the behest of the big media groups. What's at stake is our freedom-freedom to create, freedom to build, and ultimately, freedom to imagine.

відкритий доступ -- копірайт -- піратство

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Moore, C. W.
Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation [Electronic resource] / C. W. Moore, P. J. Woodrow. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2010. - 485 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво по глобальним та мультикультурним переговорам


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In today's globalized world, few competencies are as essential as the ability to negotiate across cultures. In this insightful and practical book, Chris Moore and Peter Woodrow draw on their extensive global experience to help us understand the intricacies of seeking to reach intercultural agreements and show us how to get to a wise.


   Тип видання:   монографія   

Хейзинга, Й.
Homo Ludens [Електронний ресурс] / Й. Хейзинга. - [Б. м. : б. в.]


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Книга продолжает издание избранных произведений выдающегося нидерландского историка и культуролога. Классическая работа Homo ludens [Человек играющий] посвящена всеобъемлющей сущности феномена игры и универсальному значению ее в человеческой цивилизации. Статьи Задачи истории культуры, Об исторических жизненных идеалах. Политическое и военное значение рыцарских идей в позднем Средневековье. Проблема Ренессанса всесторонне рассматривают актуальные до сих пор философские и методологические вопросы в сфере истории и культорологии. раскрывают теоретические и нравственные основы подхода И. Хейзинги к истории и культуре Публикуемые произведения, с их анализом фундаментальных проблем теории и истории культуры, отмечены высокой научной ценностью, ясностью и убедительностью изложения, яркостью и разнообразием фактического материала, широтой охвата, несомненными художественными достоинствами

історія культури -- феномен гри

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Хейзинга, Й.
Homo ludens. Человек играющий [Електронний ресурс] : опыт определения игрового элемента культуры : пер. с нидерл. / Й. Хейзинга. - СПб. : Издательство Ивана Лимбаха , 2011. - 416 с.


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Фундаментальное исследование выдающегося нидерландского историка и культуролога И.Хейзинги "Homo ludens. Человек играющий", анализируя игровой характер культуры, провозглашает универсальность феномена игры и ее непреходящее значение в человеческой цивилизации. Давно уже признанное классическим, это произведение отличают научная ценность, широта охвата, разнообразие фактического материала, обширная эрудиция, яркость и убедительность изложения, прозрачность и завершенность стиля.

правосуддя -- мудрування -- гра

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Phillips, Melanie.
Londonistan [Electronic resource] / Melanie Phillips. - New York : Encounter Books, 2007. - 243 p
Переклад назви: Лондоністан


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мультикультуралізм -- плюралізм поглядів -- поліетнічне суспільство -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Beumers, Birgit.
Pop Culture Russia! [Electronic resource] : media, arts, and lifestyle / Birgit Beumers. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2005. - 433 p. - (Popular Culture in the Contemporary World)
Переклад назви: Поп-культура Росії : медіа, мистецтво і спосіб життя


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Pop music is only one aspect of contemporary Russian culture that has taken some unexpected turns in the chaotic aftermath of the Soviet Union's collapse. Television and advertising, theater and cinema, athletics and religion, even fashion and food now reflect more exposure to the West, yet remain in essence distinctively Russian. Pop Culture Russia! introduces readers to the fascinating, often surprising, post-Soviet cultural landscape. With chapters on media, the arts, recreation, religion, and consumerism, the book offers an insightful survey of Russian mass culture from the death of Stalin in 1953 to the present, exploring the historical significance of important events and trends, as well as the social and political contexts from which they emerged.

музика -- мистецтво -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lessig, L.
Por una cultura libre [Electronic resource] / L. Lessig. - Nueva York : The Penguin Press, 2004. - 304 с.
Переклад назви: Вільна культура


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Cultura Librees un libro fundamental para comprender los problemas y prejuicios que las nuevas regulaciones sobre la propiedad intelectual imponen sobre el progreso de la cultura y la difusión del conocimiento en el contexto de la sociedad digital. Lessig plantea que la lógica comercial bajo la se están articulando las leyes del copyright(derecho de autor, entre otros) es una de las principales barreras para el desarrollo de la cultura y particularmente en el ámbito digital; la cultura se ha gestado a lo largo de los siglos, a través de citas y creaciones, basadas o inspiradas en el trabajo de otros. Su autor nos muestra cómo desde la aparición Internet se está librando una verdadera batalla entre quienes desean controlar este nuevo espacio de creación y difusión del conocimiento mediante mayores y más restrictivas regulaciones sobre derechos de autor, y quienes promueven los principios de la libre circulación del conocimiento y la información, enfrentándose, en la práctica, el idea de una cultura libre a la del permiso.

авторське право -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Nealon, Jeffrey T..
Post-postmodernism [Electronic resource] / Jeffrey T. Nealon. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2012. - 243 p
Переклад назви: Пост-постмодернізм.


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Post-Postmodernism begins with a simple premise: we no longer live in the world of "postmodernism," famously dubbed "the cultural logic of late capitalism" by Fredric Jameson in 1984. Far from charting any simple move "beyond" postmodernism since the 1980s, though, this book argues that we've experienced an intensification of postmodern capitalism over the past decades, an increasing saturation of the economic sphere into formerly independent segments of everyday cultural life. If "fragmentation" was the preferred watchword of postmodern America, "intensification" is the dominant cultural logic of our contemporary era.

капіталізм -- економіка -- інтенсифікація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Morris, Pam.
The Bakhtin Reader [Electronic resource] : selected writings of Bakhtin, Medvedev, Voloshinov / Pam Morris. - London : Arnold, 1994. - 269 p
Переклад назви: Антологія Бахтіна: вибрані праці Бахтіна, Медведєва, Волошинова


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This anthology provides a comprehensive selection of the writing by Bakhtin and of that attributed to Voloshinov and Medvedev. It introduces readers to the aspects most relevant to literary and cultural studies and gives a focused sense of Bakhtin's central ideas and the underlying cohesiveness of his thinking.

семіотика -- літературознавство -- культурологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Meisel, Perry.
The myth of popular culture [Electronic resource] : from Dante to Dylan / Perry Meisel. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 217 p
Переклад назви: Міфологія популярної культури: від Данте до Ділана


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The Myth of Popular Culture from Dante to Dylan is a fascinating examination of the cultural traditions of the American novel, Hollywood, and British and American rock music which leads us to redefine our concept of the division between "high" and "low" culture. A stimulating history of high and low culture from Dante Alighieri to Bob Dylan, providing a controversial defence of popular culture. Seeks to rebut the durable belief that only high culture is ‘dialectical’ and popular culture is not by turning Theodor Adorno’s theories on ‘pop’ against themselves. Presents a critical analysis of three popular traditions: the American novel, Hollywood, and British and American rock music. Offers an original account of Bob Dylan as an example of how the distinction between high and low culture is highly problematic. A provocative book for any student, scholar or general reader, who is interested in popular culture

міфологізація -- поп-культура -- шоу-бізнес

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Benzer, Matthias.
The Sociology of Theodor Adorno [Electronic resource] / M. Benzer. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011. - 268 p
Переклад назви: Соціологія Теодора Адорно


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Theodor Adorno is a widely-studied figure, but most often with regard to his work on cultural theory, philosophy and aesthetics. The Sociology of Theodor Adorno provides the first thorough English-language account of Adorno's sociological thinking. Matthias Benzer reads Adorno's sociology through six major themes: the problem of conceptualising capitalist society; empirical research; theoretical analysis; social critique; the sociological text; and the question of the non-social. Benzer explains the methodological and theoretical ideas informing Adorno's reflections on sociology and illustrates Adorno's approach to examining social life, including astrology, sexual taboos and racial prejudice. Benzer clarifies Adorno's sociology in relation to his work in other disciplines and the inspiration his sociology took from social thinkers such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Kracauer and Benjamin. The book raises critical questions about the viability of Adorno's sociological mode of procedure and its potential contributions and challenges to current debates in social science.

культура -- філософія -- естетика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Boer, Inge E..
Uncertain territories [Electronic resource] : boundaries in cultural analysis / Inge E. Boer. - New York ; Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi, 2006. - 342 p
Переклад назви: Невизначені території : межі культурного аналізу


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Tracing and theorizing the concept of the boundaries through literary works, visual objects and cultural phenomena, this book argues against the reification of boundaries as fixed and empty non-spaces that simply divide the world. Expanding on her previous work on gender and Orientalism, Inge Boer takes us into uncertain territories of fashion and art, tourism and travel, skilfully engaging the ambivalence of boundaries, as both protecting and confining, as bringing distinction while existing by virtue of their ability to be transgressed. In her close readings of that boundaries as desert, as frame, as home (or lack of it), Boer shows that boundaries are spaces within, through, and in the name of which negotiations take place. They are not lines but spaces ; neither fixed nor empty but flexible and inhabited.

культура -- мистецтво -- мода

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Henrich, Natalie.
Why humans cooperate [Electronic resource] : a cultural and evolutionary explanation / Natalie Henrich, Joseph Henrich. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 280 p
Переклад назви: Чому люди співпрацюють: культурне і еволюційне пояснення


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Cooperation among humans is one of the keys to our great evolutionary success. Natalie and Joseph Henrich examine this phenomena with a unique fusion of theoretical work on the evolution of cooperation, ethnographic descriptions of social behavior, and a range of other experimental results. Their experimental and ethnographic data come from a small, insular group of middle-class Iraqi Christians called Chaldeans, living in metro Detroit, whom the Henrichs use as an example to show how kinship relations, ethnicity, and culturally transmitted traditions provide the key to explaining the evolution of cooperation over multiple generations.

спільнота -- колаборація -- психологія мас -- культура особистості

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