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60 правдивых историй [Електронний ресурс] / сост. И. Гансвинд. - М. : Секрет фирмы, 2006. - 464 с.


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Эта книга построена на основе 60 интервью с представителями российского бизнеса, которые рассказали свои правдивые истории о том, как начали собственное дело и преуспели. Эти истории были опубликованы на страницах ежедневной газеты «Бизнес». Уникальность данного издания в том, что первая часть книги представляет собой откровенный и практический анализ закономерностей становления отечественных «старта-пов». Это своего рода пошаговое руководство по открытию бизнеса, написанное «кровью» тех, кто уже прошел этот нелегкий путь. Вторая часть книги – 6о историй – читается как авантюрный роман нашего времени, как подробная картина шальных девяностых годов, когда закладывалась основа свободного предпринимательства. Издание рекомендуется в первую очередь для тех, кто собирается превзойти героев этой книги или как минимум повторить их успех.

економіка -- макроекономіка -- капіталізм -- ринок

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Civil Society in Central Asia [Electronic resource] / ed. by M. H. Ruffin, D. C. Waugh. - Seattle : Center for Civil Society International, 1999. - 344 p.
Переклад назви: Громадянське суспільство в Центральній Азії


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Central Asia, known as the home of Tamerlane and the Silk Road, is a crossroads of great cultures and civilizations. In 1991 five new nations at the heart of the region--Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan--suddenly became independent. Today they sit strategically between Russia, China and Iran and hold some of the world's largest deposits of oil and natural gas. Ethnic and national identities formerly suppressed now find expression in language, religion, the arts, new international alignments and, occasionally, severe civil conflicts. In the decades ahead what kind of societies will the 50+ million people living in this very-old-and-very-new part of the world create? Single party secular states, Islamic republics, market democracies--something else? Civil Society in Central Asia is a pathbreaking collection of essays by scholars and activists that looks at some of the social and institutional developments which are shaping this important region's future. Are institutions emerging which create the foundations of a democratic order? As the essays suggest, trends are contradictory and not the same for each country. This timely book matches contributions by leading specialists such as S. Frederick Starr, Olivier Roy, Aziz Niyazi, Scott Horton, Alla Kazakina, Abdumannob Polat, and Reuel Hanks with the insights of individuals who have been on the front lines of the struggle for civil society in Central Asia itself--representatives of organizations such as Counterpart, Internews, and the Kazakstan International Bureau for Human Rights. Topics addressed are as diverse as the legal framework for independent associational activity, grassroots movements for environmental protection, the resurgence of Islam and the viability of the Soviet-era collective farms. A 75-page appendix provides a guide to many of the most significant projects being carried out by local and international NGOs in the region.

свобода слова -- неурядові організації -- Центральна Азія

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Cohen, H.
Freedom of speech and press: exceptions to the First Amendment [Electronic resource] / H. Cohen. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2008. - 87 p.
Переклад назви: Свобода слова та преси: виключення з Першої Поправки


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The First Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press....” This language restricts government both more and less than it would if it were applied literally. It restricts government more in that it applies not only to Congress, but to all branches of the federal government, and to all branches of state and local government. It restricts government less in that it provides no protection to some types of speech and only limited protection to others.

цензура -- адміністративний тиск

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fairman, C. M.
Fuck [Electronic resource] : word taboo and protecting our First Amendment liberties / C. M. Fairman. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2009. - 250 p.
Переклад назви: Дідько: табуйоване слово і захист нашої свободи в Першій поправці


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This entertaining read is about the word "fuck", the law, and the taboo. Whether you shout it out in the street or whisper it in the bedroom, deliberately plan a protest, or spontaneously blurt it out, if you say "fuck," someone wants to silence you, either with a dirty look across the room or by making a rule that you cannot say the word. When it's the government trying to cleanse your language, though, you should worry. Words are ideas. If the government controls the words we use, it can control what we think. To protect this liberty, we must first understand why the law's treatment of "fuck" puts that freedom at risk. This book examines the law surrounding the word and reveals both inconsistencies in its treatment and tension with other identifiable legal rights that the law simply doesn't answer. The power of taboo provides the framework to understand these uncertainties. It also explains why attempts to curtail the use of "fuck" through law are doomed to fail. Fundamentally, it persists because it is taboo; not in spite of it.

закон -- свобода слова -- обсценна лексика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fischer, David Hackett.
Liberty and freedom [Electronic resource] / David Hackett Fischer. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. - 862 p
Переклад назви: Вільності і свобода


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Liberty and freedom: Americans agree that these values are fundamental to our nation, but what do they mean? How have their meanings changed through time? In this new volume of cultural history, David Hackett Fischer shows how these varying ideas form an intertwined strand that runs through the core of American life.Fischer examines liberty and freedom not as philosophical or political abstractions, but as folkways and popular beliefs deeply embedded in American culture. Tocqueville called them "habits of the heart." From the earliest colonies, Americans have shared ideals of liberty and freedom, but with very different meanings. Like DNA these ideas have transformed and recombined in each generation.The book arose from Fischer's discovery that the words themselves had differing origins: the Latinate "liberty" implied separation and independence. The root meaning of "freedom" (akin to "friend") connoted attachment: the rights of belonging in a community of freepeople. The tension between the two senses has been a source of conflict and creativity throughout American history.Liberty & Freedom studies the folk history of those ideas through more than 400 visions, images, and symbols. It begins with the American Revolution, and explores the meaning of New England's Liberty Tree, Pennsylvania's Liberty Bells, Carolina's Liberty Crescent, and "Don't Tread on Me" rattlesnakes. In the new republic, the search for a common American symbol gave new meaning to Yankee Doodle, Uncle Sam, Miss Liberty, and many other icons. In the Civil War, Americans divided over liberty and freedom. Afterward, new universal visions were invented by people who had formerly been excluded from a free society--African Americans, American Indians, and immigrants. The twentieth century saw liberty and freedom tested by enemies and contested at home, yet it brought the greatest outpouring of new visions, from Franklin Roosevelt's Four Freedoms to Martin Luther King's "dream" to Janis Joplin's "nothin' left to lose."Illustrated in full color with a rich variety of images, Liberty and Freedom is, literally, an eye-opening work of history--stimulating, large-spirited, and ultimately, inspiring.

свобода -- цінності -- уявлення

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Friedman, Milton.
Capitalism and freedom [Electronic resource] / Milton Friedman. - Fortieth anniversary edition. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2002. - 226 p
Переклад назви: Капіталізм і свобода: сорокаріччя видання


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How can we benefit from the promise of government while avoiding the threat it poses to individual freedom? In this classic book, Milton Friedman provides the definitive statement of his immensely influential economic philosophy—one in which competitive capitalism serves as both a device for achieving economic freedom and a necessary condition for political freedom. The result is an accessible text that has sold well over half a million copies in English, has been translated into eighteen languages, and shows every sign of becoming more and more influential as time goes on.

геополітика -- фінансові потоки -- ринкова економіка

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Human and civil rights [Electronic resource] / K. L. Lerner, B. W. Lerner, A. W. Lerner. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006. - 557 p.
Переклад назви: Права людині та цивільні права


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Human rights are the basic freedoms, liberties, and protections to which all persons are entitled. Human rights are not specilic to one government or religion. They do not differ in times of war or peace. Human rights are constant and inalienable rights, possessed by all people. Ideally, governments should promote and protect human rights through systems of law. Today, human rights include life, liberty, and security of person; the freedom of religion, thought, political expression, movement, assembly, speech, and organization; due process of law, education, employment, health, property ownership, cultural preservation; the right to marry and found a family; and freedom from discrimination, unjust punishment, persecution, tyranny, and oppression. The modern concept ol human rights developed over diree centuries. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the concept of natural rights emerged. Natural rights are not subject to any political, legal, or religious system. They are inalienable rights that humans possess from birth...

свобода -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Human rights [Electronic resource] : the hard questions. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 490 p
Переклад назви: Права люди: важкі питання


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The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. A burgeoning human rights movement followed, yielding many treaties and new international institutions and shaping the constitutions and laws of many states. Yet human rights continue to be contested politically and legally and there is substantial philosophical and theoretical debate over their foundations and implications. In this volume, distinguished philosophers, political scientists, international lawyers, environmentalists and anthropologists discuss some of the most difficult questions of human rights theory and practice: What do human rights require of the global economy? Does it make sense to secure them by force? What do they require in jus post bellum contexts of transitional justice? Is global climate change a human rights issue? Is there a human right to democracy? Does the human rights movement constitute moral progress? For students of political philosophy, human rights, peace studies, and international relations.

правознавство -- суспільство -- демократія -- свобода слова

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Hyundai Tucson [Електронний ресурс] : руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту. - М. : Третий Рим, 2007. - 340 с.


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Цветное богато иллюстрированное информационно-справочное пособие руководство по ремонту Hyundai Tucson, а также руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, устройство автомобилей Hyundai Tucson, с 2004 г. выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями G4G6 рабочим объемом 2,0 л. и G6BA рабочим объемом 2,7 л. Книга содержит более 2000 фотографий, подробно освещающих весь процесс пошагового ремонта автомобиля Хундай Туксон. Детально описывается ремонт всех узлов и агрегатов автомобиля. В отдельные разделы книги входят инструкция по эксплуатации Hyundai Tucson, рекомендации по техническому обслуживанию, цветные электросхемы автомобиля. Во всех разделах издания, посвященных обслуживанию и ремонту агрегатов и систем, в виде таблиц приведены перечни возможных неисправностей и рекомендации по их устранению. Указания по разборке, сборке, регулировке и ремонту узлов и систем автомобиля с использованием готовых запасных частей и агрегатов даны пооперационно и иллюстрированы фотоматериалами и графическими рисунками. Технология работ выбрана применительно к условиям гаража с использованием универсального инструмента, и только в исключительных случаях приведены рекомендации по применению специального инструмента, имеющегося в свободной продаже. Операции ремонта агрегатов и узлов в каждом разделе подобраны по принципу «от простого к сложному»: начиная с простейших операции по обслуживанию, регулировке узлов и систем, замене их отдельных, часто выходящих из строя деталей с постепенным переходом к крупному ремонту агрегатов. Фотоматериалы подготовлены в процессе разборки и сборки автомобилей высококвалифицированными автомеханиками.

авто -- автосервіс -- технічне обслуговування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Libraries, national security, freedom of information laws and social responsibilities [Electronic resource]. - Сopenhagen : IFLA/FAIFE, 2005. - 407 p.
Переклад назви: Бібліотеки, національна безпека, Закони про свободу інформації та соціальну відповідальність


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бібліотека -- інформація

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Linux Network Administrators Guide [Електронний ресурс]. - [Б. м. : б. в.]


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Internet сейчас очень распространен во многих странах. Из задач для серьезных людей работа с компьютерными сетями переходит в категорию самых обычных дел, вроде просмотра телевизора. Internet имеет необычно высокое освещение в печати, сейчас идут даже исследования новой "Internet-культуры". Конечно, работа с сетями была доступна давно. Соединение компьютеров, чтобы формировать локальные сети, было общей практикой даже в маленьких организациях. Но действительно широкое распространение сети получили с появлением Internet. Создание хоста Internet с поддержкой почты и новостей, предоставляющего dialup-доступ, стало относительно простым, а появление ISDN только ускорило процесс. Сейчас развиваются еще две технологии скоростного доступа DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) и Cable Modem. Разговор о компьютерных сетях часто означает обсуждение системы Unix. Конечно, Unix не единственная операционная система с сетевыми возможностями, и она не будет оставаться лидером навсегда, но сейчас она безусловный лидер. Что делает Unix особенно интересной частным пользователям, так это активность по созданию свободных систем на ее основе для PC, например 386BSD, FreeBSD и Linux. Linux свободно распространяемый аналог Unix для персональных компьютеров. Она в настоящее время выполняется на ряде машин, включая Intel, системы на базе Motorola 680x0 (например, Commodore Amiga и Apple Macintosh), Sun SPARC, Ultra-SPARC, Compaq Alpha, MIPS, PowerPC (новое поколение Apple Macintosh) и даже на системах StrongARM (rebel.com Netwinder и 3Com Palm). Linux была перенесена и на ряд не слишком распространенных платформ, например, Fujitsu AP-1000 и IBM System 390. Но этот процесс не закончен. Идут работы по переносу данной системы на другие архитектуры. Linux была разработана большой группой добровольцев через Internet. Проект был начат в 1990 году студентом колледжа в Финляндии Линусом Торвальдсом (Linus Torvalds). На сегодняшний день Linux представляет собой полнофункциональный клон Unix. Много аппаратных средств поддерживаются, и Linux содержит полную реализацию TCP/IP-стека для работы с сетями, включая SLIP, PPP, firewall, полную поддержку IPX. ОС Linux распространяется по лицензии GNU General Public License. Эта лицензия позволяет любому желающему распространять или переделывать программное обеспечение (бесплатно или для прибыли) пока все модификации и дистрибутивы также свободно распространяются. Термин "free software" (свободное программное обеспечение) относится к свободной модификации программ, а не к их бесплатности. Как раз наоборот, на таком программном обеспечении немало фирм зарабатывают хорошие деньги.

операційна система -- сервер -- файлова система -- мережа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Marshall, J.
Personal Freedom Through Human Rights Law? [Electronic resource] : autonomy, Identity and Integrity Under the European Convention on Human Rights / J. Marshall. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009. - 233 p.
Переклад назви: Особиста свобода завдяує галузі прав людини? : Автономія, ідентичність і цілісність відповідно до Європейської конвенції про права людини


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The European Court of Human Rights has interpreted this provision broadly to include a right to personal autonomy, identity and integrity. The book examines these concepts by interconnecting case law from the Court with the philosophical debates, including those in feminism, in four parts: personal freedom and human rights law; privacy and personal autonomy; personal identity; and bodily and moral integrity. The author notes, through her analysis of the Court's case law, that different versions of freedom are evident in the jurisprudence, including one which may restrict human freedom rather than enhance it through human rights law. This book will be invaluable to scholars of the Court, human rights and issues of the self.

права людини -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Murphy, J. G.
Character, Liberty and Law [Electronic resource] : kantian Essays in Theory and Practice / J. G. Murphy. - Norwell : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. - 242 p.
Переклад назви: Характер, свобода і право: кантівські нариси теорії та практики


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Jeffrie G. Murphy's third collection of essays further pursues the topics of punishment and retribution that were explored in his two previous collections: Retribution, Justice and Therapy and Retribution Reconsidered. Murphy now explores these topics in the light of reflections on issues that are normally associated with religion: forgiveness, mercy, and repentance. He also explores the general issue of theory and practice and discusses a variety of topics in applied ethics - e.g., freedom of artistic expression, the morality of gambling, and the value of forgiveness in psychological counseling. As always, his perspective may be described as Kantian; and, indeed, this collection contains the first extended piece of Kant scholarship that he has done in years: a long essay on Kant on theory and practice.


   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

On freedom and free enterprise [Electronic resource] : essays in honor of Ludwig Von Mises / ed. M. Sennholz. - Princeton : D. Van Nostrand Company, 1956. - 333 p.
Переклад назви: Про свободу та вільне підприємництво: Есе пам'яті Людвіга фон Мізеса


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In the German-language scholarly tradition, a Festschrift is a collection of writings published in honor of a living scholar, containing original contributions by close colleagues and former students. On Freedom and Free Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises (1956), edited by Mary Sennholz, was the first Festschrift in Mises's honor, and the essays it contains have proven fruitful sources for decades. Preeminently, it contains Murray N. Rothbard's reconstruction of utility and welfare theory. The other contributors are Jacques Rueff, William E. Rappard, Henry Hazlitt, Bertrand de Jouvenel, Hans F. Sennholz, F.A. Harper, Wilhelm Röpke, Faustino Ballvé, Carlo Antoni, Louis M. Spadaro, Fritz Machlup, L.M. Lachmann, Leonard E. Read, W.H. Hutt, William H. Peterson, F.A. Hayek, Percy L. Greaves, Jr., and Louis Baudin. There is also an introduction by the editor, Mary Sennholz. Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) brought the Austrian School of political economy to the United States. His colleagues in Europe called him the "last knight of liberalism" because he was the champion of the classical-liberal ideal of liberty and property that they considered dead and gone in an age of central planning and socialism of all varieties

бізнес -- економіка

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Rosen, L. E.
Open source licensing: software freedom and intellectual property law [Electronic resource] / L. E. Rosen. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. - 406 p.
Переклад назви: Ліцензування відкритого коду: свобода ПЗ та та прав інтелектуальної власності


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Open source resources are completely common within our society. Yet open source and free software remain a mystery. Science, public highways, city parks, language—these are at the core of any free society. Commerce gets built upon them. Culture flourishes through them. Yet the same ideas applied to software puzzle many people. Language can be free, and the results of science open to all, yet to many, software is, or should be, proprietary.

відкрите ПЗ -- вільне ПЗ

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Rosen, L.
Open Source Licensing [Electronic resource] : software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law / L. Rosen. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. - 432 p.
Переклад назви: Open Source ліцензування: свобода програмного забезпечення та права інтелектуальної власності


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Now that open source software is blossoming around the world, it is crucial to understand how open source licenses work—and their solid legal foundations. Open Source Initiative general counsel Lawrence Rosen presents a plain-English guide to open source law for developers, managers, users, and lawyers. Rosen clearly explains the intellectual property laws that support open source licensing, carefully reviews today's leading licenses, and helps you make the best choices for your project or organization

законодавство -- інтелектуальна власність -- ліцензування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Staton, Hilarie.
The Statue of Liberty [Electronic resource] / H. Staton. - New York : Chelsea House, 2010. - 49 p. - (Symbols of American Freedom)
Переклад назви: Статуя Свободи

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Dedicated in 1886, the Statue of Liberty commemorates the centennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. One of the most recognizable symbols of the United States, the statue has welcomed immigrants to the shores of America and represents the hopes and dreams they harbored as they began a new life. Colorfully illustrated with informative sidebars, The Statue of Libertyexplores the design and construction of the statue as well as its potency as a symbol of American freedom, democracy, and opportunity.

статуя -- Америка -- історія

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

The power and freedom in the structure of global trends of development of economical and legal systems and management techniques [Electronic resource] : peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the LXXXVI International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences (London, July 24 – July 29, 2014) / International Academy of Science and Higher Education ; chief editor V. V. Pavlov. - London : [s. n.], 2014. - 88 p.
Переклад назви: Влада і свобода у структурі глобальних трендів розвитку економічної та правничої систем і механізмів управління


Географічні рубрики:

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This digest includes reports, presented on the LXXXVI International Research and Practice Conference "The power and freedom in the structure of global trends of development of economical and legal systems and management techniques" and on the II stage of research analytics championships of various levels in Economics, Management, Law, Sociology, Political and Military science.

світова економіка -- юриспруденція -- соціологія -- менеджмент

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Williams, S.
Free as in Freedom [Electronic resource] / S. Williams. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2002
Переклад назви: Безкоштовно, як у свободі


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The work of Richard M. Stallman literally speaks for itself. From the documented source code to the published papers to the recorded speeches, few people have expressed as much willingness to lay their thoughts and their work on the line. Such openness-if one can pardon a momentary un-Stallman adjective-is refreshing. After all, we live in a society that treats information, especially personal information, as a valuable commodity. The question quickly arises. Why would anybody want to part with so much information and yet appear to demand nothing in return? As we shall see in later chapters, Stallman does not part with his words or his work altruistically. Every program, speech, and on-the-record bon mot comes with a price, albeit not the kind of price most people are used to paying. I bring this up not as a warning, but as an admission. As a person who has spent the last year digging up facts on Stallman's personal history, it's more than a little intimidating going up against the Stallman oeuvre. "Never pick a fight with a man who buys his ink by the barrel," goes the old Mark Twain adage. In the case of Stallman, never attempt the definitive biography of a man who trusts his every thought to the public record. For the readers who have decided to trust a few hours of their time to exploring this book, I can confidently state that there are facts and quotes in here that one won't find in any Slashdot story or Google search. Gaining access to these facts involves paying a price, however. In the case of the book version, you can pay for these facts the traditional manner, i.e., by purchasing the book. In the case of the electronic versions, you can pay for these facts in the free software manner. Thanks to the folks at O'Reilly & Associates, this book is being distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License, meaning you can help to improve the work or create a personalized version and release that version under the same license. If you are reading an electronic version and prefer to accept the latter payment option, that is, if you want to improve or expand this book for future readers, I welcome your input. Starting in June, 2002, I will be publishing a bare bones HTML version of the book on the web site, http://www.faifzilla.org. My aim is to update it regularly and expand the Free as in Freedom story as events warrant. If you choose to take the latter course, please review Appendix C of this book. It provides a copy of your rights under the GNU Free Documentation License. For those who just plan to sit back and read, online or elsewhere, I consider your attention an equally valuable form of payment. Don't be surprised, though, if you, too, find yourself looking for other ways to reward the good will that made this work possible. One final note: this is a work of journalism, but it is also a work of technical documentation. In the process of writing and editing this book, the editors and I have weighed the comments and factual input of various participants in the story, including Richard Stallman himself. We realize there are many technical details in this story that may benefit from additional or refined information. As this book is released under the GFDL, we are accepting patches just like we would with any free software program. Accepted changes will be posted electronically and will eventually be incorporated into future printed versions of this work. If you would like to contribute to the further improvement of this book, you can

операційна система

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Williams, Thaddeus J..
Love, freedom, and evil [Electronic resource] : does authentic love require free will? / Thaddeus J. Williams. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2011. - 214 p
Переклад назви: Любов, свобода і зло: чи дійсно справжня любовь вимагає свободи?


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The defining premise of the Relational Free Will Defense is the claim that authentic love requires free will. Many scholars, including Gregory Boyd and Vincent Brümmer, champion this claim. Best-selling books, such as Rob Bell's Love Wins, echo that love "cannot be forced, manipulated, or coerced. It always leaves room for the other to decide." The claim that love requires free will has even found expression in mainstream Hollywood films, including Frailty, Bruce Almighty, and The Adjustment Bureau. The analysis shows convincingly that the claim that authentic love requires free will, does not meet the criteria of consistency, compatibility with Scriptural sources, and the demands of concrete encounter with problems of moral evil. The analytical rigor of his exposition, the way in which the argumentation has been structured to progressively sharpen and deepen the focus of the critique, the compelling clarity of his thought and the almost blistering style of his writing, his ingenious ability to invigorate the discussion with metaphor, thought experiments and examples from ordinary life, and his evident mastery of the relevant literature, are only some of the outstanding features of what can rightfully be described as a tour de force. Willie van der Merwe (VU University Amsterdam/Stellenbosch University) The manuscript provides a well written critical analysis of the Relational Free Will Defence and is a significant and original contribution to current scholarship in philosophical theology. Even those scholars who (like myself) do not agree with the author's preferred solutions, cannot merely dismiss his arguments, but will be necessitated to provide adequate counter arguments in order to uphold their alternative views. In this way the manuscript is a worthy contribution to the current debate. Even his opponents can learn much from his argument. Vincent Brümmer (Utrecht University) Why another book on the problem of evil? Judging by the volume of scholarly and popular work on this subject in recent decades, this perennial and vexing human question remains very much on our hearts and minds. Every now and again, though, there are truly new treatments that move the ball down the field. This is such a volume. Simultaneously rigorous and sympathetic in its engagement with contemporary defenders of libertarian free will, Williams also contributes fresh insights of his own to a debate in which "nothing new under the sun" is often the rule. Especially among those of us who think they've already made up their minds on this question, Love, Freedom and Evil not only deserves but demands a serious reading and evaluation. Michael Horton (Westminster Seminary California)

кохання -- філософія відчуттів -- стосунки

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