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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Мусский, И. А.
100 великих мыслителей [Електронний ресурс] / И. А. Мусский. - М. : Вече, 2009. - 497 с.. - (100 великих)

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"100 великих мыслителей" - очередная книга серии "100 великих", освещающая жизнь и творческие поиски самых известных титанов человеческой мысли. В их ряду читатели встретят Конфуция и Пифагора, Платона и Аристотеля, Маркса и Канта, Розанова и Вернадского, Фрейда и Жан-Поля Сартра.

філософія -- інтелектуали -- історія думки

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Іздрик, Ю. Р.
3:1. Острів Крк. Воццек. Подвійний Леон [Електронний ресурс] / Ю. Р. Іздрик. - Харків : Клуб сімейного дозвілля, 2009. - 320 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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У пропонованій книзі зібрано три твори Ю. Іздрика — повість «Острів Крк» та романи «Воццек» і «Подвійний Леон», — що їх об’єднує неповторний стиль автора. Ці тексти схожі на інтелектуальну гру, просякнуті найрізноманітнішими й найнеочікуванішими настроями героїв, їхніми одкровеннями та неприкритим цинізмом, їхніми страхами та бажаннями, стражданнями та любов’ю.

українська література -- постмодерна проза -- станіславський феномен

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Manjapra, Kris.
Age of Entanglement [Electronic resource] : german and Indian Intellectuals across Empire / Kris Manjapra. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2013. - 454 p
Переклад назви: Вік з'єднання: Німецькі та Індійські інтелектуали по всій імперії

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Age of Entanglement explores patterns of connection linking German and Indian intellectuals from the nineteenth century to the years after the Second World War. Kris Manjapra traces the intersecting ideas and careers of a diverse collection of individuals from South Asia and Central Europe who shared ideas, formed networks, and studied one another's worlds. Moving beyond well-rehearsed critiques of colonialism toward a new critical approach, this study recasts modern intellectual history in terms of the knotted intellectual itineraries of seeming strangers. Collaborations in the sciences, arts, and humanities produced extraordinary meetings of German and Indian minds. Meghnad Saha met Albert Einstein, Stella Kramrisch brought the Bauhaus to Calcutta, and Girindrasekhar Bose began a correspondence with Sigmund Freud. Rabindranath Tagore traveled to Germany to recruit scholars for a new Indian university, and the actor Himanshu Rai hired director Franz Osten to help establish movie studios in Bombay. These interactions, Manjapra argues, evinced shared responses to the cultural and political hegemony of the British empire. Germans and Indians hoped to find in one another the tools needed to disrupt an Anglocentric world order. As Manjapra demonstrates, transnational intellectual encounters are not inherently progressive. From Orientalism and Aryanism to socialism and scientism, German-Indian entanglements were neither necessarily liberal nor conventionally cosmopolitan, often characterized as much by manipulation as by cooperation. Age of Entanglement underscores the connections between German and Indian intellectual history, revealing the characteristics of a global age when the distance separating Europe and Asia seemed, temporarily, to disappear.

друга світова війна -- індуїзм -- нацизм -- арійська теорія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Tim Jones, M.
Al Application Programming [Electronic resource] / M. Tim Jones. - Hingham : Charles River Media, 2003
Переклад назви: Штучний інтелект. Програмування додатків


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The purpose of this book is to demystify the techniques associated with the field of artificial intelligence. It covers both the theory and the practical applications to teach developers how to apply AI techniques in their own designs.

інтелектуальна система

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Feldman, S. M.
American legal thought from premodernism to postmodernism: an intellectual voyage [Electronic resource] / S. M. Feldman. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Американська юридична думка з премодернізму до постмодернізму: інтелектуальна подорож


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To travel from premodernism through modernism and into post-modernism might take several centuries and even millennia. American legal thought, remarkably so, has made the voyage in just over two hundred years. My purpose is to tell the story of this mercurial journey.

модернізм -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Rea, S. M.
Building intelligent .NET applications: agents, data mining, rule-based systems and speech processing [Electronic resource] / S. M. Rea. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2005. - 312 p.
Переклад назви: Будівництво інтелектуальних NET додатків:. Агенти, Data Mining, заснована на правилах системи, і мови


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Building Intelligent .NET Applications is an introduction to the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for .NET programmers. It is the first book to show professional .NET developers how to incorporate AI into their daily programming. In this accessible guide, developers will learn how to enhance both new and existing .NET applications with intelligent agents, data mining, rule-based systems, and speech processing.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Computers, chess and cognition [Electronic resource] / ed. T. A. Marsland, J. Schaeffer. - New York : Springer-Verlag, 1990. - 323 p
Переклад назви: Комп'ютери, шахи та пізнання


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Computers, Chess, and Cognition presents an excellent up-to-date description of developments in computer chess, a rapidly advancing area in artificial intelligence research. This book is intended for an upper undergraduate and above level audience in the computer science (artificial intelligence) community. The chapters have been edited to present a uniform terminology and balanced writing style, to make the material understandable to a wider, less specialized audience. The book's primary strengths are the description of the workings of some major chess programs, an excellent review of tree searching methods, discussion of exciting new research ideas, a philosophical discussion of the relationship of computer game playing to artificial intelligence, and the treatment of computer Go as an important new research area. A complete index and extensive bibliography makes the book a valuable reference work. The book includes a special foreword by Ken Thompson, author of the UNIX operating system.

комп'ютерні шахи -- штучний інтелект -- інформатика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Netanel, Neil.
Copyright’s paradox [Electronic resource] / N. Netanel. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2008. - 288 p.
Переклад назви: Парадокси авторського права


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In this book I trace the growing tension between freedom of expression and copyright law’s grant of property rights in expression. That tension cannot be eradicated: by giving authors exclusive rights, copyright both encourages the creation of new works and necessarily prevents some speakers from copying from existing expression to convey their message effectively. But while that tension is inevitable, it is not wholly irremediable. As I argue, copyright can and should be redrawn to better serve free speech goals in both traditional and digital media. I have two caveats about my project. First, due to space limitations, I focus almost entirely on the law and system of free expression in the United States. Copyright and free speech simultaneously face and embrace each other in other countries as well, and while copyright’s paradox has received first, most intensive attention in the United States, non-American scholars, lawmakers, and judges have also joined the fray, yielding much insight. I hope that my foreign colleagues will draw parallels to my exploration of the U.S. experience. Second, especially as applied to digital networks, copyright is a highly fluid area of law and policy with new, noteworthy developments taking place almost every day. Unfortunately for readers, but perhaps thankfully for tired authors, there comes a time when texts published in hard copy are put to bed and can no longer reflect ongoing developments. With isolated exceptions, this book reflects developments only through April 1, 2007. I trust that its thesis and argument will remain relevant for a good time after that, even as some of its detail is overtaken by subsequent events.

інтелектуальна власність -- авторське право -- цифровий контент

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Han, J.
Data Mining [Electronic resource] : concepts and Techniques / J. Han, M. Kamber. - San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2010. - 26 p.
Переклад назви: Інтелектуальний аналіз даних: концепції та методи


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дані -- модель

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kantardzic, M.
Data mining: concepts, models, methods, and algorithms [Electronic resource] / M. Kantardzic. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 343 p.
Переклад назви: Видобуток даних: Принципи, моделі, методи та алгоритми


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This text offers guidance on how and when to use a particular software tool (with their companion data sets) from among the hundreds offered when faced with a data set to mine.

штучний інтелект

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gorz, Andre.
Farewell to the Working Class [Electronic resource] / Andre Gorz. - London : Pluto Press, 1982. - 80 p.
Переклад назви: Прощання з робочим класом


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André Gorz argues that changes in the role of the work and labour process in the closing decades of the twentieth century have, once and for all, weakened the power of skilled industrial workers. Their place has been taken, says Gorz, by social movements such as the women’s movement and the green movement, and all those who refuse to accept the work ethic so fundamental to early capitalist societies. Provocative and heretical, Farewell to the Working Class is a classic study of labour and unemployment in the post-industrial world.

постіндустріальне суспільство -- інтелектуальна праця -- капіталізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання      життєпис   

Specter, Matthew G..
Habermas [Electronic resource] : an intellectual biography / Matthew G. Specter. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 278 p
Переклад назви: Габермас: інтелектуальна біографія


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This book follows postwar Germany's leading philosopher and social thinker, Jürgen Habermas, through four decades of political and constitutional struggle over the shape of liberal democracy in Germany. Habermas's most influential theories - of the public sphere, communicative action, and modernity - were decisively shaped by major West German political events: the failure to de-Nazify the judiciary, the rise of a powerful Constitutional Court, student rebellions in the late 1960s, the changing fortunes of the Social Democratic Party, NATO's decision to station nuclear weapons, and the unexpected collapse of East Germany. In turn, Habermas's writings on state, law, and constitution played a critical role in reorienting German political thought and culture to a progressive liberal-democratic model. Matthew Specter uniquely illuminates the interrelationship between the thinker and his culture.

політологія -- соціологія -- держава і право

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jordan, Tim.
Hacktivism and Cyberwars [Electronic resource] : rebels with a cause? / Tim Jordan, Paul Taylor. - London : Routledge, 2004. - 193 p
Переклад назви: Хактивізм і кібервійни: повстанці з причини?


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As global society becomes more and more dependent, politically and economically, on the flow of information, the power of those who can disrupt and manipulate that flow also increases. In Hacktivism and Cyberwars Tim Jordan and Paul Taylor provide a detailed history of hacktivism's evolution from early hacking culture to its present day status as the radical face of online politics. They describe the ways in which hacktivism has re-appropriated hacking techniques to create an innovative new form of political protest. A full explanation is given of the different strands of hacktivism and the 'cyberwars' it has created, ranging from such avant garde groups as the Electronic Disturbance Theatre to more virtually focused groups labelled 'The Digitally Correct'. The full social and historical context of hacktivism is portrayed to take into account its position in terms of new social movements, direct action and its contribution to the globalization debate. This book provides an important corrective flip-side to mainstream accounts of E-commerce and broadens the conceptualization of the internet to take into full account the other side of the digital divide.

інтелектуальна власність -- інтернет -- безпека даних

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Identification and control. The gap between theory and practice [Electronic resource] / ed. R. S. Sánchez Peña, J. Q. Casín, V. P. Cayuela. - London : Springer-Verlag, 2007. - 330 p.
Переклад назви: Ідентифікація та керування: проміжок між теорією та практикою


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This book meets head-on the difficulty of making practical use of new systems theory, presenting a selection of varied applications together with relevant theory. It shows how workable identification and control solutions can be derived by adapting and extrapolating from the theory. Each chapter has a common structure: a brief presentation of theory; the description of a particular application; experimental results; and a section highlighting, explaining and laying out solutions to the discrepancy between the theoretical and the practical.

оптимальне управління -- інтелектуальне керування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lindberg, Van.
Intellectual property and open source [Electronic resource] / Van Lindberg. - Beijing : O’Reilly, 2008. - 371 p.
Переклад назви: Інтелектуальна власність та відкритий код


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"Clear, correct, and deep, this is a welcome addition to discussions of law and computing for anyone -- even lawyers!" -- Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society If you work in information technology, intellectual property is central to your job -- but dealing with the complexities of the legal system can be mind-boggling. This book is for anyone who wants to understand how the legal system deals with intellectual property rights for code and other content. You'll get a clear look at intellectual property issues from a developer's point of view, including practical advice about situations you're likely to encounter. Written by an intellectual property attorney who is also a programmer, Intellectual Property and Open Source helps you understand patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and licenses, with special focus on the issues surrounding open source development and the GPL.

вільне ПЗ -- відкрите ПЗ -- програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Czapracka, K.
Intellectual property and the limits of antitrust: a comparative study of US and EU approaches [Electronic resource] / K. Czapracka. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. - 162 p.. - (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics)
Переклад назви: Інтелектуальна власність та обмеження антимонополії: порівляльне вивчення підходів США та ЄС


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The scope of US antitrust law as defined in the Supreme Court's decisions in Trinko and Credit Suisse Securities is much narrower than the scope of EU competition law. US antitrust enforcers have become increasingly reluctant to apply antitrust rules to regulated markets, whereas the European Commission has consistently used EU competition rules to correct the externalities resulting from government action. The contrasting approaches adopted by US and EU antitrust enforcers to these issues, as with the differences in addressing market dominance, have had a profound impact on the scope of antitrust intervention in the IP field. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the relevant recent developments on both sides of the Atlantic and identifies the pitfalls of regulating IP through competition rules. With a unique comparative perspective, this book will be an invaluable resource for postgraduate students, academics and practitioners in IP and competition law.

антимонопольний закон

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Robert, F. B.
Intellectual Property Protection of Factbased Works [Electronic resource] : сopyright and Its Alternatives / F. B. Robert. - Northampton : Edward Elgar, 2009. - 361 p.
Переклад назви: Інтелектуальна власність. Захист Factbased працює. Авторське право та його альтернативи


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The chapters in this book are based on papers presented at a symposium entitled ‘Feist, Facts, and Functions: IP Protection for Works Beyond Entertainment’, which was held in Washington, DC on 28 September 2007. The symposium was co-sponsored by The George Washington University Law School and the Software and Information Industry Association. For their support of the project, I would like to thank Frederick M. Lawrence, the Dean of the Law School; Michael Ryan, Director of the Law School’s Creative and Innovative Economy Center; Ken Wasch, President of the Software and Information Industry Association; and Keith Kupferschmid, Senior Vice President of the Association. For their aid in organizing and staffing the event, I would like to thank Sarah Huisentruit Orye, Shauna Eisenberg, and Thomas Lee of the Creative and Innovative Economy Center. For his superlative assistance in compiling the indices, I would like to thank David Yung Ho Kim, whose work was generously supported by the Cardozo Law School during my visit there in the Spring of 2009; for his timely support in finalizing the indices, I would like to thank Thomas Mittenzwei. Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank the participants in the Symposium for their presentations and for their subsequent contributions to this volume, from which I have learned a great deal.

юриспруденція -- право власності

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Intellectual property rights in frontier industries: software and biotechnology [Electronic resource] / ed. R. W. Hahn. - Washington : AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 2005. - 199 p.
Переклад назви: Права інтелектуальної власності в граничних промисловостях: програмне забезпечення та біотехнологія


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In this volume, leading scholars tackle the debate over intellectual property rights in high-technology industries and express their views on how to improve the current system.

авторське право -- копірайт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Burns, Eric.
Invasion of the mind snatchers: [Electronic resource] : television's conquest of America in the fifties / Eric Burns. - Philadelphia : Temple university press, 2010. - 352 p
Переклад назви: Вторгнення викрадачів інтелекту: підкорення Америки телебаченням у п'ятдесяті


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When the first television was demonstrated in 1927, a headline in The New York Times read, "Like a Photo Come to Life." It was a momentous occasion. But the power of television wasn't fully harnessed until the 1950s, when the medium was, as Eric Burns says, "At its most preoccupying, its most life-altering." And Burns, a former NBC News correspondent who is an Emmy-winner for his broadcast writing, knows about the impact of television. Invasion of the Mind Snatchers chronicles the influence of television that was watched daily by the baby boomer generation. As kids became spellbound by Howdy Doody and The Ed Sullivan Show, Burns reveals, they often acted out their favorite programs. Likewise, they purchased the merchandise being promoted by performers, and became fascinated by the personalities they saw on screen, often emulating their behavior. It was the first generation raised by TV and Burns looks at both the promise of broadcasting as espoused by the inventors, and how that promise was both redefined and lost by the corporations who helped to spread the technology. Yet Burns also contextualizes the social, cultural, and political events that helped shape the Fifties--from Sputnik and the Rosenberg trial to Senator Joseph McCarthy's Red Scare. In doing so, he charts the effect of television on politics, religion, race, and sex, and how the medium provided a persuasive message to the young, impressionable viewers.

ЗМІ -- телебачення -- шоу-бізнес -- США -- інформаційна політика

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Mena, J.
Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection [Electronic resource] / J. Mena. - Boston : Elsevier, 2003. - 452 p.
Переклад назви: Слідчий інтелектуального аналізу даних з безпеки і виявлення злочину


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Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection is the first book to outline how data mining technologies can be used to combat crime in the 21st century. It introduces security managers, law enforcement investigators, counter-intelligence agents, fraud specialists, and information security analysts to data mining techniques and shows how they can be used as investigative tools. Readers will learn how to search public and private databases and networks to flag potential security threats and root out criminal activities even before they occur. This groundbreaking book reviews the latest data mining technologies including intelligent agents, link analysis, text mining, decision trees, self-organizing maps, machine learning, and neural networks. Using clear, understandable language, it explains the application of these technologies in such areas as computer and network security, fraud prevention, crime prevention, and national defense. International case studies throughout the book further illustrate how these technologies can be used to aid in crime prevention. The book will also serve as an indispensable resource for software developers and vendors as they design new products for the law enforcement and intelligence communities.

безпека -- інформаційні технології

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