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Chomsky, Noam.
Failed States [Electronic resource] : the Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy / N. Chomsky. - New York : Owl Book, 2007. - 313 p
Переклад назви: Держави-невдахи: зловживання владою і напад на демократію


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The United States has repeatedly asserted its right to intervene militarily against "failed states" around the globe. In this much-anticipated follow-up to his international bestseller Hegemony or Survival, Noam Chomsky turns the tables, showing how the United States itself shares features with other failed states--suffering from a severe "democratic deficit," eschewing domestic and international law, and adopting policies that increasingly endanger its own citizens and the world. Exploring the latest developments in U.S. foreign and domestic policy, Chomsky reveals Washington's plans to further militarize the planet, greatly increasing the risks of nuclear war. He also assesses the dangerous consequences of the occupation of Iraq; documents Washington's self-exemption from international norms, including the Geneva conventions and the Kyoto Protocol; and examines how the U.S. electoral system is designed to eliminate genuine political alternatives, impeding any meaningful democracy.

політика -- влада

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Civil Society in Central Asia [Electronic resource] / ed. by M. H. Ruffin, D. C. Waugh. - Seattle : Center for Civil Society International, 1999. - 344 p.
Переклад назви: Громадянське суспільство в Центральній Азії


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Central Asia, known as the home of Tamerlane and the Silk Road, is a crossroads of great cultures and civilizations. In 1991 five new nations at the heart of the region--Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan--suddenly became independent. Today they sit strategically between Russia, China and Iran and hold some of the world's largest deposits of oil and natural gas. Ethnic and national identities formerly suppressed now find expression in language, religion, the arts, new international alignments and, occasionally, severe civil conflicts. In the decades ahead what kind of societies will the 50+ million people living in this very-old-and-very-new part of the world create? Single party secular states, Islamic republics, market democracies--something else? Civil Society in Central Asia is a pathbreaking collection of essays by scholars and activists that looks at some of the social and institutional developments which are shaping this important region's future. Are institutions emerging which create the foundations of a democratic order? As the essays suggest, trends are contradictory and not the same for each country. This timely book matches contributions by leading specialists such as S. Frederick Starr, Olivier Roy, Aziz Niyazi, Scott Horton, Alla Kazakina, Abdumannob Polat, and Reuel Hanks with the insights of individuals who have been on the front lines of the struggle for civil society in Central Asia itself--representatives of organizations such as Counterpart, Internews, and the Kazakstan International Bureau for Human Rights. Topics addressed are as diverse as the legal framework for independent associational activity, grassroots movements for environmental protection, the resurgence of Islam and the viability of the Soviet-era collective farms. A 75-page appendix provides a guide to many of the most significant projects being carried out by local and international NGOs in the region.

свобода слова -- неурядові організації -- Центральна Азія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Darwish, Nonie.
The Devil We Don't Know [Electronic resource] : the Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East / N. Darwish. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012. - 246 p.
Переклад назви: Диявол котрого ми не знаємо: темний бік революцій на Близькому Сході


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The recent powerful wave of Middle East uprisings has fueled both hope and trepidation in the region and around the world as the ultimate fate—and fallout—of the Arab Spring continue to hang in the balance. Born and raised as a Muslim in Egypt and now living in the United States, Nonie Darwish brings an informed perspective to this carefully considered assessment of the potential outcome of the revolutions in the Middle East. This thought-provoking book will add to the ongoing debate on what the future holds for the people and the politics of the region and on the ultimate compatibility of freedom and democracy in the Muslim world.

конфлікт -- війна -- політика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

D’Anieri, Paul.
Understanding Ukrainian politics [Electronic resource] : power, politics, and institutional design / P. D’Anieri. - Armonk : M.E.Sharpe, 2007. - 299 p.
Переклад назви: Розуміння української політики: влада, політика і інституціональний устрій


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In the early post-Soviet period, Ukraine appeared to be firmly on the path to democracy. The peaceful transfer of power from Leonid Kravchuk to Leonid Kuchma in the election of 1994, followed by the adoption of a western-style democratic constitution in 1996, seemed to complete the picture. But the Kuchma presidency was soon clouded by dark rumors of corruption and even political murder, and by 2004 the country was in full-blown political crisis. A three-stage presidential contest was ultimately won by Viktor Yushchenko, who took office in 2005 and appointed Yulia Tymoshenko as premier, but the turmoil was far from over. The new government quickly faltered and splintered. This introduction to Ukrainian politics looks beyond these dramatic events and compelling personalities to identify the actual play of power in Ukraine and the operation of its political system. The author seeks to explain how it is that, after each new beginning, power politics has trumped democratic institution-building in Ukraine, as in so many other post-Soviet states. What is really at work here, and how can Ukraine break the cycle of hope and disillusionment?


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fossedal, Gregory A..
Direct Democracy in Switzerland [Electronic resource] / Gregory A. Fossedal. - New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, 2002. - 306 p
Переклад назви: Пряма демократія в Швейцарії


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Only one country in the world--Switzerland--is a direct democracy, in which, to an extent, the people pass their own laws, judge the constitutionality of statutes, and even have written, in effect, their own constitution. In this propitious volume, Gregory Fossedal reports on the politics and social fabric of what James Bryce has called "the nation that has taken the democratic idea to its furthest extent." The lessons Fossedal presents, at a time of dissatisfaction with the role of money and privileged elites in many Western democracies, are at once timely and urgent. In Direct Democracy in Switzerland, Fossedal has developed a shrewd, sensitive overview of Switzerland's high notion of statecraft. He details the reasons for studying Switzerland's distinctive institutions, and explores the origins and development of the ancient Swiss democracy, which reaches back a thousand years. He shows how Switzerland handles the political questions common to all modern societies, such as education, taxes, crime, welfare, the Holocaust. He concludes with the ongoing debate over two very different visions of democracy, direct versus representative. Paolo Dardenelli in Regional and Federal Studies described the book in its cloth edition as offering "many valuable insights into Swiss political life and written in a light, refreshing journalistic style." Amity Shlaes of the Financial Times commented that "Fossedal shines a brilliant spotlight on a form of governancewith lessons for the rest of us. His review of the referendum process there is required reading for lawmakers, political consultants and voters." Gregory A. Fossedal is chairman of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, a research foundation based near Washington, DC. He is also president and chief investment officer of the Democratic Century Fund and its management company, the Emerging Markets Group. He is author of The Democratic Imperative. Alfred R. Berkeley III is president of the Nasdaq stock market.

демократія -- культура -- нація

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Garton, J.
The regulation of organised civil society [Electronic resource] / J. Garton. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 286 p.
Переклад назви: Регулювання організованого громадянського суспільства


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Although much has been written on organised civil society - the loose collective of organisations that operate outside the public sector, the private market and the family unit - over the past 30 years, there has been little jurisprudential analysis. This is in spite of the fact that a number of jurisdictions, including England, New Zealand, Northern Ireland and Scotland, have recently implemented major reforms to the regulatory frameworks in which civil society organisations operate, with a particular emphasis on the charitable sectors. Redressing the balance, this monograph considers from first principles when it is appropriate to regulate organised civil society and how that regulation might best be accomplished. Four broad issues are addressed: (a) whether the activities undertaken by civil society organisations are distinct from the activities undertaken by the state or the market, either because they are pursued in unique ways, or because they produce unique outcomes; (b) if so, whether it is justifiable to regulate organised civil society activities in a sector-specific way; (c) if it is, whether the peculiar characteristics of these activities make one type of regulation more appropriate than another; and (d) whether it is appropriate to distinguish between charities and other civil society organisations for regulatory purposes. The monograph integrates the traditionally separate disciplines of civil society theory and regulation theory to provide answers to these questions and advance a rudimentary theory of regulation specific to organised civil society.

громада -- населення

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Governments of the world [Electronic resource] : a global guide to citizens’ rights and responsibilities : in 4 vol. / C.N. Tate. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Уряди світу


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Vol. 2 : Dominica to Italy. - 348 p.

Vol. 3 : Jamaica to Political Protest. - 330 p.

In these volumes, 310 alphabetically arranged articles range in length from 500 to 3,500 words and cover 198 regions ("including every independent nation and several territories") as well as international courts, supranational institutions, concepts central to understanding political organization and human rights, and key individuals who have had positive and negative impacts on the evolution of citizens' rights and responsibilities. Country entries describe the system of government and the political evolution, with emphasis on the twentieth century and on issues related to the relationship between government and citizen. Each signed article concludes with a bibliography. The credentials of the authors (mostly academicians) are provided in the directory of contributors. Sidebars and black-and-white maps and illustrations break up the text. Same-page definitions in the margins of terms (such as ethnic cleansing, guerrilla, and republic make the information more comprehensible, as does the glossary, which is repeated at the end of each volume. In addition, each volume includes a cumulative index and a thematic outline of topics so that users can easily locate information on relevant persons, documents, legal issues, and concepts, as well as country-specific data and history, and teachers can plan correlated assignments. Another useful feature is the filmography, which is arranged by country. Entries are complemented by volume-specific selections of primary documents (for example, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and Convention of the Rights of the Child).

влада -- права людини -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Grossman, Mark.
Political corruption in America [Electronic resource] : an encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed / Mark Grossman. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2003. - 283 p
Переклад назви: Політична корупція в Америці: енциклопедія скандалів, влади та жадібності


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This book is dedicated to my good friends Paula Herbst and Carol Hoffman,whose friendship and inspiration continue to be my guiding light; to my parents, who have always been my personal heroes; and to my good friend Audrey Taylor in Great Britain, who loves her pursuit of everything Thomas Paine and is a someone I am glad to have befriended.

політика -- політологія -- корупція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Heidar, Knut.
Norway [Electronic resource] : elites on trial / K. Heidar. - Boulder : Westview Press, 2001. - 208 p.. - (Nations of the modern world: Europe)
Переклад назви: Норвегія: огляд еліт


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Norway is by history and culture very much a Scandinavian nation with its own unique profile. This book analyzes the factors that have shaped the sociocultural fabric of Norwegian politics. One of the most important themes Heidar analyzes is the power of the periphery, both in social as well as geographic terms. In the geographic sense, Norway is a small nation, and although it has been able to remain economically and politically stable, it is situated on the European flank. It is therefore dependent upon and vulnerable to external economic and political developments. In critical periods of its history, Norway’s size has made it an object rather than an initiator of change. In the social sense, Norway has existed as a “periphery nation”.

політологія -- соціологія -- демократія -- Скандинавія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ledeneva, Alena V..
Can Russia Modernise? [Electronic resource] : sistema, power networks and informal governance / Alena V. Ledeneva. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Чи може Росія модернізуватися? : Система, сила мережі та управління інформацією


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In this original, bottom-up account of the evolution of contemporary Russia, Alena Ledeneva seeks to reveal how informal power operates. Concentrating on Vladimir Putin's system of governance - referred to as sistema - she identifies four key types of networks: his inner circle, useful friends, core contacts and more diffuse ties and connections. These networks serve sistema but also serve themselves. Reliance on networks enables leaders to mobilise and to control, yet they also lock politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen into informal deals, mediated interests and personalised loyalty. This is the 'modernisation trap of informality': one cannot use the potential of informal networks without triggering their negative long-term consequences for institutional development. Ledeneva's perspective on informal power is based on in-depth interviews with sistema insiders and enhanced by evidence of its workings brought to light in court cases, enabling her to draw broad conclusions about the prospects for Russia's political institutions.

маніпулювання громадською думкою -- пропаганда -- авторитаризм -- цензура -- ортодоксія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Peerenboom, R.
China modernizes [Electronic resource] : threat to the West or model for the rest? / R. Peerenboom. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 406 p.
Переклад назви: Китай модернізує: загроза Заходу чи модель для відпочинку?


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Two sharply contrasting views of China exist today. On the one hand a rising superpower predicted to have the largest economy in the world by mid century, on the other hand a brutal, anachronistic and authoritarian regime, a threat to geo-stability and to the economies of the industrial world. So which China is the real China? Randall Peerenboom addresses this question by exploring China's economy, political and legal system, and most controversially, its record on civil, political and personal rights in the context of the developing world. Avoiding polemic and relying on empirical evidence, he compares China's performance not with first world countries such as the US and UK but with other middle income countries and highlights the often hypocritical stance of an international community which demands standards from others that it does not match at home. He also critically evaluates the benefits of globalisation and democratisation and the normative values of the West set against Beijing's determination to retain its cultural and political integrity. This book seeks to bridge the gap in understanding about China and to create a firmer foundation for mutual trust, while recognising that there are inevitable risks in a shift in global power of this magnitude that will require hard headed pragmatism at times where interests collide.


   Тип видання:   монографія   

PR в органах державної влади та місцевого самоврядування [Електронний ресурс] : монографія / за заг. ред. В. М. Бебика та С. В. Куніцина. - К. ; Сімф. : МАУП, 2003. - 240 с.


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У монографії подано наукові повідомлення, матеріали науково-практичних семінарів, проведених РМ АРК і МАУП впродовж 2002-2003 років, у яких аналізується взаємодія органів влади та засобів масової комунікації. Паблік рилейшнз розглядається як складова державного управління та міжнародного і міждержавного спілкування. Для студентів, фахівців і науковців у сфері сучасної комунікації, працівників органів державної виконавчої влади та місцевого самоврядування.

масової комунікації

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Sharp, Gene.
From Dictatorship to Democracy [Electronic resource] / G. Sharp. - Boston : Albert Einstein Institution, 2010. - 101 p
Переклад назви: Від диктатури до демократії


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Gene Sharp, an emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and founder of the Albert Einstein Institution, is widely credited as one of the principal initiators of the Arab Spring. His 1993 book, “From Dictatorship to Democracy,” which promotes the principle of nonviolent struggle, is created with inspiring the revolution in Egypt, as well as in other countries all over the world.

диктатура -- демократія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Smith, G.
Democratic Innovations [Electronic resource] / G. Smith. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 232 p.
Переклад назви: Демократичні інновації


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Since 1989, ever-increasing numbers of citizens have taken part in budgetary decision-making in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. By 2001 an impressive 16,600 citizens were participating in the annual popular assemblies held across the city. Their initial participation eventually culminated in decisions about the distribution of a significant element of the municipal budget, with a substantial proportion destined for investments in poor neighbourhoods. The following year, the process began again. At the other end of the Americas, in December 2004 after 11 months of deliberation, an assembly of 160 randomly selected citizens delivered a report recommending changes to British Columbia’s electoral system. The following year, their recommendation was put to a binding popular vote. And, again in 2004, citizens in 37 states across the United States voted on 162 propositions, almost a half of which were proposals that originated from within civil society rather than the legislature or executive. Some 68 per cent of these propositions were approved by citizens and have or will become law.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Weiwei, Zhang.
The China wave [Electronic resource] : rise of a civilizational state / Zhang Weiwei. - New Jersey : World Century Publishing Corporation, 2012. - 200 p
Переклад назви: Китайська хвиля: зростання цивілізаційного стану


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This book is dedicated to all those who have contributed to China’s dramaticrise, which haschanged the lot of one-fifth of mankind forever, and to the visionary architect of this rise, China’s late leader Deng Xiaoping, whom I had the privilege to serve as an English interpreter in the mid- 1980s and whose many ideas have inspired me to write this book. I owe an intellectual debt to many individuals and it is impossible to mention all of them, but I should thank those individuals, some of whom are also personal friends, who shared their perspectives with me on various issues discussed in the book. These individuals include Li Junru of the Central Party School; Eric Li, Jin Zhongwei and Sha Ye of the Chunqiu Institute; Shi Zhengfu, Chen Ping, Jiang Yihua and Xiao Sijian of Fudan University; Pan Wei of Beijing University; Zhang Wenmu of Beihang University; Wang Shaoguang of the University of Hong Kong; Wang Wen of the Global Times; Ji Guibao of the Wenhui Daily; Francis Fukuyama of Standard University; and Robert Kuhn, the author of How China’s Leaders Think. I would like to express my special gratitude to K. K. Phua, Ho Yi Kai, Dong Lixi and their colleagues at World Scientific and World Century for their invaluable professional support in editing and publishingthis book in English. My heartfelt thanks also go to Chen Xin, Hu Dawei, Shi Hongjun a nd Cai Xin of Shanghai Century Publishing for their dedicated professional assistance in editing and publishing the Chinese edition of the book. I should also thank Pan Xiaoli and H. B. Teng for their linguistic counsel, especially for Xiaoli’s original proposal on the book’s English title. I am most grateful to my wife Hui-Hui and my son Marco Yi-Zhou for their kind understanding and unfailing support. I am alone, however, responsible for any errors that may appear in this book.

синологія -- Китай -- трансформації суспільства -- економіка -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Worth, Owen.
Resistance in the age of austerity [Electronic resource] : nationalism, the failure of the left and the return of God / Owen Worth. - London : Zed Books, 2013. - 178 p
Переклад назви: Опір в епоху жорсткої економії: націоналізм, провал лівиці та повернення Бога.


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In November 1999 the first protest movements that became associated with the anti-globalisation movement took place in Seattle, and came to be seen as the starting point for globalised resistance to neoliberal capitalism. Despite initial optimism, the following years have seen little substantial progress in formulating a coherent alternative to neoliberalism. This lack of an alternative has become particularly poignant in the aftermath of the recent credit crisis, where the neoliberal mandate that appeared to be in crisis in just 2008 has reinvented itself through the guise of a new era of austerity. In this timely book, Worth assesses the growing diversity of resistance to neoliberalism - progressive, nationalist and religious - and argues that, troublingly, the more reactionary alternatives to globalisation currently provide just as coherent a base for building opposition as those associated with the traditional left-wing anti-globalisation movements. Taking in a contrasting array of case studies from around the world - from the failures of the World Social Forum to the rise of Radical Islam, the re-emergence of the far-right in Western Europe to the startling impact of the Tea Party in the US - Worth shows that while a progressive alternative is possible, it cannot be taken for granted.

протестні рухи -- націоналізм -- неолібералізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Wydra, Harald.
Communism and the Emergence of Democracy [Electronic resource] / H. Wydra. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2006. - 325 p
Переклад назви: Комунізм і становлення демократії


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Before democracy becomes an institutionalised form of political authority, the rupture with authoritarian forms of power causes deep uncertainty about power and outcomes. This book connects the study of democratisation in eastern Europe and Russia to the emergence and crisis of communism. Wydra argues that the communist past is not simply a legacy but needs to be seen as a social organism in gestation, where critical events produce new expectations, memories, and symbols that influence meanings of democracy. By examining a series of pivotal historical events, he shows that democratisation is not just a matter of institutional design, but rather a matter of consciousness and leadership under conditions of extreme and traumatic incivility. Rather than adopting the opposition between non-democratic and democratic, Wydra argues that the communist experience must be central to the study of the emergence and nature of democracy in (post-) communist countries.

демократія -- комунізм -- історія

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Європейська і світова практика досягнення консенсусу та національної єдності: алгоритм для України. [Електронний ресурс] : аналітична доповідь / А. І. Кудряченко [и др.] ; Національна академія наук України, Інститут всесвітньої історії НАН України. - Київ : «Видавництво «Фенікс», 2017. - 82 с.


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Досягнення національної злагоди -- Культурна політика -- формування національної єдності

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Інформаційне Суспільство. Шлях України [Електронний ресурс]. - К. : Бібліотека інформаційного суспільства, 2004. - 179 с.


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Після прийняття на Всесвітньому Самміті з питань Інформаційного Суспільства у грудні 2003 року у Женеві (Швейцарія) Конституції Інформаційного Суспільства („Декларація принципів" та „План Дій"), світ визначив основні пріоритети та шлях розвитку інформаційного суспільства. Передові країні світу спробували відповісти на виклики інформаційного суспільства, та вже змогли скористатися його перевагами. Постіндустріальне, інформаційне суспільство - суспільство нашого часу. Автори популярно виклали основні теоретичні та практичні питання інформаційного суспільства, етапи його розвитку у світі та в України, стратегію соціально- економічного розвитку. У цій книзі представлено досвід країн світу, що вже реалізували стратегії розвитку інформаційного суспільства, проаналізовано переваги та недоліки у впровадженні такого процесу. У ній автори спробували дати відповідь на питання яким шляхом може йти Україна та визначити цей шлях.

інформація -- суспільство -- держава

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Історія місцевого самоврядування України [Електронний ресурс] : підручник / Ю. М. Мальчин, В. А. Чумак ; Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська Академія". - Київ : 7БЦ, 2023. - 512 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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Підручник «Історія місцевого самоврядування» видається вперше і дає можливість прослідкувати трансформацію місцевого самоврядування від часів Київської Русі до сьогодення. Джерельною основою підручника є опубліковані матеріали та архівні документи. При підготовці підручника також використані монографічні дослідження, в яких висвітлюються різні аспекти історії місцевого самоврядування. В підручнику є документальні додатки.

Підручник розрахований на студентів гуманітарних факультетів університетів, депутатів місцевих рад та працівників органів місцевого самоврядування.

самоврядування -- місцеве управління -- суспільство

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