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50 самых значительных идей всемирной философии по 30 секунд на каждую [Електронний ресурс] / ред. Лёвер Барри. - М. : Рипол Классик, 2013. - 160 с.. - (Философские теории за 30 секунд)


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Мыслю — следовательно, существую; экзистенциализм; диалектический материализм? Метод Сократа и деконструкция? Конечно, вы знаете, что это означает. Разумеется, вы слышали обо всем этом. Однако знаете ли вы достаточно, чтобы блеснуть эрудицией за ужином в компании друзей или поразить весь бар своей искушенностью в философии? В книге «Философские теории за 30 секунд» используется революционный подход, позволяющий охватить информацию о 50 самых значимых направлениях философии. Каждая философская теория размещена на одном развороте и проиллюстрирована метафорическими рисунками. Вам предоставляется возможность обозреть представленные в сжатой форме умозаключения величайших философов и разобраться в таких сложных философских концепциях, как категорический императив Канта, — и все это без риска завершить чтение в темной комнате с компрессом на голове. Редактор Барри Лёвер — профессор философии в Университете Рутгерса, Нью Джерси. В круг его интересов входят метафизические основы науки, философия физики и сознания. Он является соавтором Джорджа Рея в книге «Значение разума» и Карла Джилетта в работе «Физикализм и его проблемы». Он опубликовал множество работ по философии квантовой теории, метафизике законов и случайностей и философии сознания.

світова філософія -- філософські ідеї -- течії філософії

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

60 правдивых историй [Електронний ресурс] / сост. И. Гансвинд. - М. : Секрет фирмы, 2006. - 464 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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Эта книга построена на основе 60 интервью с представителями российского бизнеса, которые рассказали свои правдивые истории о том, как начали собственное дело и преуспели. Эти истории были опубликованы на страницах ежедневной газеты «Бизнес». Уникальность данного издания в том, что первая часть книги представляет собой откровенный и практический анализ закономерностей становления отечественных «старта-пов». Это своего рода пошаговое руководство по открытию бизнеса, написанное «кровью» тех, кто уже прошел этот нелегкий путь. Вторая часть книги – 6о историй – читается как авантюрный роман нашего времени, как подробная картина шальных девяностых годов, когда закладывалась основа свободного предпринимательства. Издание рекомендуется в первую очередь для тех, кто собирается превзойти героев этой книги или как минимум повторить их успех.

економіка -- макроекономіка -- капіталізм -- ринок

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

60 років волинської трагедії [Електронний ресурс] : матеріали форуму українських і польських експертів та журналістів "Події на Волині: як жити з цим тягарем?" / ред. В. Барановський. - К. : Смолоскип, 2003. - 191 с.

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11-12 квітня 2003 року Посольство Республіки Польща в Україні та польсько-український клуб “Без упереджень” провели експертно-журналістський форум на тему: “Події на Волині: як жити з цим тягарем?” У форумі взяли участь близько 80 експертів і журналістів з України та Польщі. Форум проходив в Національному університеті “Острозька академія”. У першій частині книжки вміщено деякі виступи та тези учасників форуму. Друга частина книжки презентує передрук статей за період квітень-липень 2003 року, які були опубліковані в українських та польських друкованих ЗМІ. Відзначення 60-ї річниці трагічних подій на Волині було важливим випробуванням міцності і єдності польської політики по відношенню до України. Основи нашої політики переконують в тому, іцо Польща і Україна мають перед собою перспективу на сучасність та майбутнє. І успіх полягає в тому, що інтерпретація польсько-українських подій не стала головним критерієм польсько-українського сьогодення, особливо з огляду на суперечку щодо історії подій на Волині, якій ми надали шляхетну форму і спрямували зусилля до народного поєднання, так, як це було зроблено у спільній заяві Президентів Республіки Польща і України “До порозуміння і єднання” п’ять років тому.

друга світова війна -- міжетнічні конфлікти -- порозуміння

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Adeyeye, Adefolake O..
Corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations in developing countries [Electronic resource] : perspectives on Anti-Corruption / Adefolake O. Adeyeye. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 245 p
Переклад назви: Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність транснаціональних корпорацій в країнах, що розвиваються: перспективи боротьби з корупцією


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The increasing importance of CSR means that companies must consider multi-stakeholder interests as well as the social, political, economic, environmental and developmental impact of their actions. However, the pursuit of profits by multinational corporations has led to a series of questionable corporate actions and the consequences of such practices are particularly evident in developing countries. Adefolake Adeyeye explores how CSR has evolved to aid the anti-corruption campaign. By examining voluntary rules applicable for curbing corruption, particularly bribery and analysing the domestic and extra-territorial laws of Nigeria, United Kingdom and the United States for holding corporations liable for bribery, she assesses the adequacy of international law's approach towards corporate liability for bribery and explores direct corporate responsibility for international corruption. The roles of corporate governance, global governance and civil liability in curbing corporate corrupt practices are given special focus.

корупція -- економіка -- боротьба

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Africa [Electronic resource] : an Encyclopedia for Students : in 4 vol. / J. Middleton. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002
Переклад назви: Африка : енциклопедія для студентів


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Vol. 1 : Abidjan - Economic. - 282 p.

Vol. 2 : Ecosystem - Laws. - 264 p.

Vol. 3 : Leakey - Rwanda. - 272 p.

Vol. 4 : Sadat - Zulu. - 234 p.

The highly regarded Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara was published by Scribner in 1997. The editor, John Middleton, has now produced an abbreviated version, appropriate for high-school and undergraduate students and adults. The original included 896 articles. This new version has about 450 entries in just under 1,000 pages. Topics include countries, regions, geographic features, cultural groups, personalities, and general subjects, such as Body adornment and clothing, Oral tradition, and Writing systems. The preface indicates that many of the original articles have been adapted and updated and that a substantial amount of new information has been added on North Africa. In an effort to make the resource user-friendly, time lines, sidebars, and definitions now appear in margins next to related text; and individual country entries include quick reference fact boxes. Each volume has an eight-page color photo-essay: "People and Culture" in the first volume, followed by "The Land and Its History," "Art and Architecture," and "Daily Life" in subsequent volumes. Additional black-and-white photographs and more than 50 maps are also offered.

африка -- культура -- економіка -- побут

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Antill, Peter.
Berlin 1945 [Electronic resource] : end of the thousand year Reich / Peter Antill. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2005. - 97 p
Переклад назви: Берлін 1945: кінець тисячолітнього рейху


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Hitler's Third Reich was on the brink of total ruin in mid-April 1945, and the Red Army was poised less than 60 miles to the east and ready to seize the German capital. Peter Antill describes the events in this engaging history, examining the Soviets' march towards Berlin and the Germans' final resistance. This book, supplemented with a host of maps and illustrations, provides a vivid portrayal of the death throes of the Third Reich and the end of World War II (1939-1945) in Europe, exploring the strategy of both sides and the tactics of impromptu urban warfare.

друга світова війна -- мілітарна історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Armstrong, J.
Ukrainian nationalism (1939-1945) [Electronic resource] / J. Armstrong. - New York : Publishing Columbia University Press, 1955. - 322 p.
Переклад назви: Український націоналізм


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Джон Армстронг досліджує розвиток українського націоналізму в роки Другої Світової війни та післявоєнні роки.

Україна -- друга світова війна

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Armstrong, J.
Ukrainian nationalism [Electronic resource] / J. Armstrong. - Littleton : Ukrainian Academic Press, 1980. - 361 p.


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Джон Армстронг досліджує розвиток українського націоналізму в роки Другої Світової війни та післявоєнні роки.

націоналізм -- друга світова війна

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Assadourian, Erik.
State of the world 2013 [Electronic resource] : is sustainability still possible? / Erik Assadourian. - Washington : Island Press, 2013. - 462 p
Переклад назви: Держави світу 2013: стійкість ще можлива?


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Every day, we are presented with a range of “sustainable” products and activities—from “green” cleaning supplies to carbon offsets—but with so much labeled as “sustainable,” the term has become essentially sustainababble, at best indicating a practice or product slightly less damaging than the conventional alternative. Is it time to abandon the concept altogether, or can we find an accurate way to measure sustainability? If so, how can we achieve it? And if not, how can we best prepare for the coming ecological decline? In the latest edition of Worldwatch Institute’s State of the World series, scientists, policy experts, and thought leaders tackle these questions, attempting to restore meaning to sustainability as more than just a marketing tool. In State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible?, experts define clear sustainability metrics and examine various policies and perspectives, including geoengineering, corporate transformation, and changes in agricultural policy, that could put us on the path to prosperity without diminishing the well-being of future generations. If these approaches fall short, the final chapters explore ways to prepare for drastic environmental change and resource depletion, such as strengthening democracy and societal resilience, protecting cultural heritage, and dealing with increased conflict and migration flows. State of the World 2013 cuts through the rhetoric surrounding sustainability, offering a broad and realistic look at how close we are to fulfilling it today and which practices and policies will steer us in the right direction. This book will be especially useful for policymakers, environmental nonprofits, and students of environmental studies, sustainability, or economics.

світова економіка -- глобалізація -- кризові явища -- футурологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Axelrod, Alan.
Encyclopedia of World War II [Electronic resource] / Alan Axelrod, Jack A. Kingston. - New York : Facts On File, 2007. - 911 p. - (Facts on File Library of World History)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Другої світової війни

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The Second World War is considered the pivotal event of the twentieth century, and the Encyclopedia of World War II, by prolific military historian Axelrod, is a well-written and complete reference to the war for students and general readers. Not exhaustive, the reference covers the typical ideological, military, political, and social topics “most commonly sought by students and instructors”; and its entries are, as the introduction claims, “useful, relevant, and interesting.” Some 737 concise, descriptive, noninterpretive entries are arranged alphabetically, covering topics such as Aachen, Battle of; Bazooka; Chiang Kai-shek; Dachau concentration camp; Fascism; Lebensraum; Phony War; Waffen SS; and Yalta Agreement. Approximately 40 percent of the entries are biographical. Length ranges from 200 to 3,000 words, and larger entries, such as Aircraft carriers, include subheadings (in this case, describing the fleets of the chief combatants). Aircraft, British exemplifies the many technical summaries of the equipment of the war’s chief combatants. Entries for major battles and campaigns (El Alamein, Kursk, Stalingrad) range from 700 to 1,200 words, contain easy-to-read maps, and provide the tactical overview and strategic significance of the battle. Articles are cross-referenced and include short bibliographies. Although this may not be a necessary purchase for libraries that have the exhaustive five-volume Encyclopedia of World WarII: A Political, Social, and Military History (ABC-CLIO, 2005), its size and more-selective coverage make it a good choice for public, high-school, and undergraduate libraries.

друга світова війна -- всесвітня історія -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Azevedo, Mario Joaquim.
Historical dictionary of Mozambique [Electronic resource] / M. J. Azevedo, E. Nnadozie, T. M. João. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2003. - 331 p.. - (African historical dictionaries ; no. 88)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Мозамбіку

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Mozambique is one of Africa’s larger countries and also has the potential to become one of its more important countries. It possesses many natural resources and has an active population that could again develop agriculture and commerce and then create an industrial base. It is located along the coast and provides a natural outlet for several landlocked neighbors. It is also strategically placed next to South Africa, the regional powerhouse. Regrettably, over the first decade of independence, it did not take advantage of those assets, partly because of a destructive civil war and partly because of its ideological orientation. Now that the war is over and it has reverted to a market economy, Mozambique should be able to make better progress. When the first edition of the Historical Dictionary of Mozambique appeared, I pointed out that Mozambique was one of the least-known African states. Little has happened to change that situation. Thus, there are few enough sources of information even today, which is particularly deplorable now that a fresh start is being made. Fortunately, this second edition can fill more of the gaps and bring the story up-to-date. This is done through an extension of the chronology, which recounts the more significant events, and an expanded dictionary section, which contains new and updated entries on persons, places, events, and institutions of note as well as crucial aspects of the economy, society, and culture. The bibliography has also been revised, with more new titles, many of them in English, but also in Portuguese. This second edition builds on the first, and the lead author is still Mario Azevedo, who wrote the first edition. Dr. Azevedo, who was born in Mozambique, is presently chair of the African-American and African Studies Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has written extensively on Africa, much of this on Mozambique, including a book on Mozambique refugees. This time he is joined by Tomé Mbuia João, also a Mozambican by origin, who works as a broadcaster in Portuguese at the Voice of America, and Emmanuel Nnadozie, who is professor of economics at Truman State University. Together they have produced a very helpful and insightful work on a country that deserves to be better known.

Східна Африка -- постколоніальна економіка -- культура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bales, Kevin.
Disposable People [Electronic resource] : new Slavery in the Global Economy / K. Bales. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2012. - 298 p
Переклад назви: Одноразові люди: нове рабство в глобальній економіці


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Slavery is illegal throughout the world, yet more than twenty-seven million people are still trapped in one of history's oldest social institutions. Kevin Bales's disturbing story of slavery today reaches from brick kilns in Pakistan and brothels in Thailand to the offices of multinational corporations. His investigation of conditions in Mauritania, Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan, and India reveals the tragic emergence of a "new slavery," one intricately linked to the global economy. The new slaves are not a long-term investment as was true with older forms of slavery, explains Bales. Instead, they are cheap, require little care, and are disposable. Three interrelated factors have helped create the new slavery. The enormous population explosion over the past three decades has flooded the world's labor markets with millions of impoverished, desperate people. The revolution of economic globalization and modernized agriculture has dispossessed poor farmers, making them and their families ready targets for enslavement. And rapid economic change in developing countries has bred corruption and violence, destroying social rules that might once have protected the most vulnerable individuals. Bales's vivid case studies present actual slaves, slaveholders, and public officials in well-drawn historical, geographical, and cultural contexts. He observes the complex economic relationships of modern slavery and is aware that liberation is a bitter victory for a child prostitute or a bondaged miner if the result is starvation. Bales offers suggestions for combating the new slavery and provides examples of very positive results from organizations such as Anti-Slavery International, the Pastoral Land Commission in Brazil, and the Human Rights Commission in Pakistan. He also calls for researchers to follow the flow of raw materials and products from slave to marketplace in order to effectively target campaigns of "naming and shaming" corporations linked to slavery. Disposable People is the first book to point the way to abolishing slavery in today's global economy.

політика -- економіка -- демографія

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Banks, Arthur.
A Military Atlas of the First World War [Electronic resource] / Arthur Banks. - Barnsley : Pen & Sword Books, 2001. - 340 p
Переклад назви: Військовий атлас Першої світової війни

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This is a unique study of the conflict of 1914-18 on land, sea and in the air, through maps, diagrams and illustrations. Within the scope of some 250 maps, Arthur Banks has presented both broad general surveys of political and military strategy, and the most closely researched details of major individual campaigns and engagements. These are supplemented by comprehensive analysis of military strengths and command structures and illustrations.

перша світова війна -- військова стратегія -- маневри військ -- дислокація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Barlow, Maude.
Blue Gold [Electronic resource] : the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's wate / Maude Barlow, Tony Clarke. - New York : The New Press, 2005. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Синє золото: боротьба за припинення корпоративної крадіжки світових водних ресурсів


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In this “chilling, in-depth examination of a rapidly emerging global crisis” (In These Times), Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, two of the most active opponents to the privatization of water show how, contrary to received wisdom, water mainly flows uphill to the wealthy. Our most basic resource may one day be limited: our consumption doubles every twenty years—twice the rate of population increase. At the same time, increasingly transnational corporations are plotting to control the world’s dwindling water supply. In England and France, where water has already been privatized, rates have soared, and water shortages have been severe. The major bottled-water producers—Perrier, Evian, Naya, and now Coca-Cola and PepsiCo—are part of one of the fastest-growing and least-regulated industries, buying up freshwater rights and drying up crucial supplies. A truly shocking exposé that is a call to arms to people around the world, Blue Gold shows in frightening detail why, as the vice president of the World Bank has pronounced, “The wars of the next century will be about water.”

водні ресурси -- екологія -- світова економіка

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barton, Peter.
Beneath Flanders fields [Electronic resource] : the tunnellers' war 1914-1918 / P. Barton, P. Doyle, J. Vandevvalle. - Stroud : Spellmount Limited, 2007. - 304 p
Переклад назви: Під полями Фландрії: шанцева війна 1914-1918


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перша світова війна -- військова тактика

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Bishop, Chris.
The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II [Electronic resource] / Chris Bishop. - New York : Barnes & Noble Books, 1998. - 543 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія зброї Другої світової війни


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The book is organized into the following catergories(summarized for this review): Tanks, Vehicles, Artillery, Rockets, Infantry Weapons and Airplanes. Each category is then seperated Axis and Allies. Almost all of the 1,500+ weapons covered in this book have an image most of them featuring a photograph. The book is a great cross reference guide for anyone who enjoys reading historical material. Only a few weapon systems are not covered, most of these were prototypes. The German, American, British and Japanese turbine aircraft are covered. The accounts of these aircraft a very accurate with attention paid to how these weapons were or were not used. The photographs are of good quality considering the paper they were printed on. One great example of the depth of this book is it's coverage of Little David'. "The largest-calibre artillery piece of modern times" Sporting a calibre of 914mm, The US military originally designed the gun to test bombs. With the invasion of Japan approaching in 1944, the US wanted to use it to destroy Japanese fortifications. However before the project was completed, the war was over. The book features two images of this artillery piece, including a color image. The best part of the book is the unbiased accounts of how the weapon was used and it's success. For this reason, the book has numerous book marks for quick reference. I see no reason why you shouldn't buy this book, if you enjoy military history. Additionally since the book has no distasteful images of war, I feel it is suitable for any youth at least 10 years of age.

друга світова війна -- зброя -- військова техніка

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Blackhouse, Rodger E..
Capitalist Revolutionary [Electronic resource] : john Meynard Keynes / R. E. Blackhouse, B. W. Bateman. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2011. - 208 p.
Переклад назви: Революційний капіталіст: Джон Мейнард Кейнс


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економіка -- кейнсіанство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bond, Patrick.
Looting Africa [Electronic resource] : the Economics of Exploitation / P. Bond. - Scottsville : University of KwaZulu-Natal Press ; London : Zed Books, 2006. - 224 p
Переклад назви: Пограбування Африки: економіка експлуатації


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Despite the rhetoric, the people of Sub-Saharan Africa are become poorer. From Tony Blair's Africa Commission, the G7 finance ministers' debt relief, the Live 8 concerts, the Make Poverty History campaign and the G8 Gleneagles promises, to the United Nations 2005 summit and the Hong Kong WTO meeting, Africa's gains have been mainly limited to public relations. The central problems remain exploitative debt and financial relationships with the North, phantom aid, unfair trade, distorted investment and the continent's brain/skills drain. Moreover, capitalism in most African countries has witnessed the emergence of excessively powerful ruling elites with incomes derived from financial-parasitical accumulation. Without overstressing the "mistakes" of such elites, this book contextualises Africa's wealth outflow within a stagnant but volatile world economy.

економіка -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bousquet, Marc.
How the university works [Electronic resource] : higher education and the low-wage nation / Marc Bousquet, Cary Nelson. - New York : NYU Press, 2008. - 291 p
Переклад назви: Як працюють університети: вища освіта і нації з низьким рівнем заробітної плати


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As much as we think we know about the modern university, very little has been said about what it's like to work there. Instead of the high-wage, high-profit world of knowledge work, most campus employees—including the vast majority of faculty—really work in the low-wage, low-profit sphere of the service economy. Tenure-track positions are at an all-time low, with adjuncts and graduate students teaching the majority of courses. This super-exploited corps of disposable workers commonly earn fewer than $16,000 annually, without benefits, teaching as many as eight classes per year. Even undergraduates are being exploited as a low-cost, disposable workforce. Marc Bousquet, a major figure in the academic labor movement, exposes the seamy underbelly of higher education—a world where faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates work long hours for fast-food wages. Assessing the costs of higher education's corporatization on faculty and students at every level, How the University Works is urgent reading for anyone interested in the fate of the university.

вища освіта -- університет -- доступність освіти -- економіка освіти

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Chamberlain, Peter.
Encyclopedia of German tanks of World War Two [Electronic resource] : a complete illustrated directory of German battle tanks, armoured cars, self-propelled guns and semi-tracked vehicles, 1933-1945 / Peter Chamberlain. - [S. l.] : Arco Pub. Co, 1978. - 210 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія німецьких танків Другої світової війни: повний ілюстрований каталог німецьких бойових танків, бронеавтомобілів, самохідних знарядь і напів-гусеничних машин, 1933-1945


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1,037 illustrations. This book lays claim to be the ultimate encyclopedia of German armoured fighting vehicles inthe Second World War. A basic reference work that supersedes all others and sets new standards in accuracy and completeness.

панцерна техніка -- танкові війська -- друга світова війна

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