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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Мусский, И. А.
100 великих мыслителей [Електронний ресурс] / И. А. Мусский. - М. : Вече, 2009. - 497 с.. - (100 великих)

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"100 великих мыслителей" - очередная книга серии "100 великих", освещающая жизнь и творческие поиски самых известных титанов человеческой мысли. В их ряду читатели встретят Конфуция и Пифагора, Платона и Аристотеля, Маркса и Канта, Розанова и Вернадского, Фрейда и Жан-Поля Сартра.

філософія -- інтелектуали -- історія думки

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Белшоу, К.
12 ведущих философов современности [Електронний ресурс] / К. Белшоу, Г. Кэмп. - М. : АСТ, 2014. - 414 с.. - (Новая философия)


Географічні рубрики:

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Двенадцать влиятельных философов современности, каждый из которых считается ключевой фигурой в одном из направлений различных наук: логике, этике, политической философии и других областях, — знакомят читателя со своими теориями, от самых академичных до самых дерзких. Что же такое современная философия? В каких направлениях она развивается? Как воспринимают важнейшие темы философии ее корифеи наших дней? Какие ответы находят на вечные вопросы сейчас, в начале третьего тысячелетия? Перед вами — замечательная книга, которая открывает двери в мир основных направлений "царицы наук"…

сучасна філософія -- логіка -- етика -- постмодернізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Мартынов, В. И.
3она opus posth, или Рождение новой реальности [Електронний ресурс] / В. И. Мартынов. - М. : Классика-ХХІ, 2005. - 288 с.

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Какое место занимают композиторы в мире современной музыкальной культуры и каковы их перспективы в будущем? В своей предыдущей книге Владимир Мартынов — исследователь и композитор — вынес окончательный приговор: время композиторов ушло в прошлое. Закончилась ли вместе с ними музыка? Ответ на этот вопрос содержит новая книга Мартынова — «Зона opus posth». Какая музыка зазвучит в новой, «посткомпозиторской» реальности, каковы законы, по которым она создается и функционирует, какой она станет — музыкальная культура будущего, — обо всем этом Мартынов рассуждает не только как «футуролог» и музыковед, но и как философ и социолог.

музична культура -- філософія музики -- футурологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

50 самых значительных идей всемирной философии по 30 секунд на каждую [Електронний ресурс] / ред. Лёвер Барри. - М. : Рипол Классик, 2013. - 160 с.. - (Философские теории за 30 секунд)


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Мыслю — следовательно, существую; экзистенциализм; диалектический материализм? Метод Сократа и деконструкция? Конечно, вы знаете, что это означает. Разумеется, вы слышали обо всем этом. Однако знаете ли вы достаточно, чтобы блеснуть эрудицией за ужином в компании друзей или поразить весь бар своей искушенностью в философии? В книге «Философские теории за 30 секунд» используется революционный подход, позволяющий охватить информацию о 50 самых значимых направлениях философии. Каждая философская теория размещена на одном развороте и проиллюстрирована метафорическими рисунками. Вам предоставляется возможность обозреть представленные в сжатой форме умозаключения величайших философов и разобраться в таких сложных философских концепциях, как категорический императив Канта, — и все это без риска завершить чтение в темной комнате с компрессом на голове. Редактор Барри Лёвер — профессор философии в Университете Рутгерса, Нью Джерси. В круг его интересов входят метафизические основы науки, философия физики и сознания. Он является соавтором Джорджа Рея в книге «Значение разума» и Карла Джилетта в работе «Физикализм и его проблемы». Он опубликовал множество работ по философии квантовой теории, метафизике законов и случайностей и философии сознания.

світова філософія -- філософські ідеї -- течії філософії

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Туровская, М.
7 с 1/2, или Фильмы Андрея Тарковского [Електронний ресурс] / М. Туровская. - Москва : Искусство, 1991. - 255 с.

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"Мир, расколотый надвое" -- так метафорически автор назвала первую главу предлагаемой читателям книги, определив трагическую духовную суть жизни и творчества Андрея Арсеньевича Тарковского, мистическое предназначение неповторимого художника, выразителя правды современного жестокого мира. Продолжатель лучших традиций отечественного и мирового кино, истинно русский советский художник, ученик М. И. Ромма, Тарковский последние годы вынужден был создавать свои шедевры за пределами Родины, сжигая свою жизнь во имя спасения жизни человечества, сохраняя высокую гражданственность и патриотизм. Именно поэтому его искусство стало интернациональным, не знающим пределов и границ.

режисура -- візуальність -- кінематограф -- філософія мистецтва

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Релігія   

Dawkins, R.
A devil's chaplain [Electronic resource] / R. Dawkins. - New York : Mariner books, 2003. - 189 p.


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Richard Dawkins has an opinion on everything biological, it seems, and in A Devil's Chaplain, everything is biological. Dawkins weighs in on topics as diverse as ape rights, jury trials, religion, and education, all examined through the lens of natural selection and evolution. Although many of these essays have been published elsewhere, this book is something of a greatest-hits compilation, reprinting many of Dawkins' most famous recent compositions. They are well worth re-reading. His 1998 review of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont's Fashionable Nonsense is as bracing an indictment of academic obscurantism as the book it covered, although the review reveals some of Dawkins' personal biases as well. Several essays are devoted to skillfully debunking religion and mysticism, and these are likely to raise the hackles of even casual believers. Science, and more specifically evolutionary science, underlies each essay, giving readers a glimpse into the last several years' debates about the minutiae of natural selection. In one moving piece, Dawkins reflects on his late rival Stephen Jay Gould's magnum opus, The Structure of Evolutionary Theory, and clarifies what it was the two Darwinist heavyweights actually disagreed about. While the collection showcases Dawkins' brilliance and intellectual sparkle, it brings up as many questions as it answers. As an ever-ardent champion of science, honest discourse, and rational debate, Dawkins will obviously relish the challenge of answering them.

релігія -- філософія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Svendsen, Lars.
A Philosophy of Fear [Electronic resource] / L. Svendsen. - London : Reaktion Books, 2008. - 156 p.
Переклад назви: Філософія страху


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This book is a result of my increasing irritation at the colonization of our life-world by fear. Books motivated by irritation have a tendency to be polemical, and this book is no exception. It is an attack on the tendency to consider practically all phenomena from a perspective of fear. A paradoxical trait of the culture of fear is that it emerges at a time when, by all accounts, we are living more securely than ever before in human history. One of my most important arguments against the culture of fear is that it undermines our freedom. It might seem strange to be writing a book about our living in a culture of fear after having previously written a book about our living in a culture of boredom. The two diagnoses of our present culture as being one of fear and one of boredom respectively would seem on the face of it to be contradictory. If one is consumed by fear, one is not bored. But every life will contain both elements. In the poem ‘Dockery and Son’ (1963), Philip Larkin seems to imply that these two emotions, broadly speaking, sum up human existence: ‘Life is first boredom, then fear.’ Every society – and not least postmodern ones – is characterized by many contrasting movements and phenomena. Two phenomena such as boredom and fear, however, do not simply oppose each other but can also build up under each other. Fear is not simply something we are exposed to against our will; it is often also something we voluntarily expose ourselves to in an attempt to transcend a banal, boring everyday existence. I attempt in this book to unravel what kind of an emotion fear is, what role it plays in present-day culture and, not least, what political use is made of it. The book consists of seven chapters. In chapter One I give a brief account of ‘the culture of fear’, that is, how fear has become a kind of culturally determined magnifying glass through which we consider the world. Chapter Two is an attempt to describe what kind of a phenomenon fear is, and adopts a number of different approaches, ranging from neurobiology to phenomenology. In chapter Three I examine the role of fear in ‘the risk society’ and demonstrate how our attempts to minimize risk contain many irrational aspects. Chapter Four deals with the fact that we often voluntarily seek what is frightening – in extreme sports and entertainment, for example – something that is paradoxical, taking into consideration that we normally try to avoid sources of fear. In chapter Five I take a look at the concept of trust and point out that the culture of fear has an undermining effect on trust – something that in turn increases the scope of fear. When general trust decreases, this has a disintegrating effect on social relations, although fear for its part can also have an integrating effect. This integrating role of fear is central in a number of political philosophies, not least those of Machiavelli and Hobbes, and in chapter Six I look at the role of fear as a basis for political philosophy as well as the political use that has been made of fear in the ‘war against terror’ of recent years. Finally, the concluding chapter asks if there is any way out of fear, if we can break down the climate of fear that surrounds us today. A theme that will only be dealt with to a slight extent is the fear of death in general, as this is such a wide-ranging theme – because it calls for a thorough thematization of our conceptions of death – and must therefore be dealt with elsewhere. Anxiety – or Angst – will also be dealt with just as briefly. An obvious question is: Why write a ‘philosophy of fear’ when it is not so much fear as anxiety that has been traditionally dealt with in philosophy? Since anxiety is in addition ascribed major metaphysical implications, fear would seem to be trivial by comparison. Anxiety is ‘deep’, whereas fear is ‘shallow’. In Roland Barthes’ words we can say that fear would appear to be a ‘mediocre and unworthy emotion’.1 Nevertheless, fear would seem today to have greater cultural and political consequences than anxiety. Furthermore, it is basically rather pleasant to do away with all the ‘metaphysical hand-luggage’ that accompanies the concept of anxiety.

психологія особистості -- емоції -- стрес -- інформаційна політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Guénoun, Denis.
About Europe [Electronic resource] : philosophical hypotheses / Denis Guénoun. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2013. - 350 p
Переклад назви: Про Європу: філософські гіпотези


Географічні рубрики:

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The concept of the universal was born in the lands we now call Europe, yet it is precisely the universal that is Europe's undoing. All European politics is caught in a tension: to assert a European identity is to be open to multiplicity, but this very openness could dissolve Europe as such. This book reflects on Europe and its changing boundaries over the span of twenty centuries. A work of philosophy, it consistently draws on concrete events. From ancient Greece and Rome, to Christianity, to the Reformation, to the national revolutions of the twentieth century, what we today call "Europe" has been a succession of projects in the name of ecclesia or community. Empire, Church, and EU: all have been constructed in contrast to an Oriental "other." The stakes of Europe, then, are as much metaphysical as political. Redefining a series of key concepts such as world, place, transportation, and the common, this book sheds light on Europe as process by engaging with the most significant philosophical debates on the subject, including the work of Marx, Husserl, Heidegger, Patocka, and Nancy

філософія -- Європа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Derrida, Jacques.
Acts of religion [Electronic resource] / Jacques Derrida ; ed. Gil Anidjar. - New York : Routledge, 2002. - 436 p.
Переклад назви: Закони релігії


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Acts of Religion, compiled in close association with Jacques Derrida, brings together for the first time a number of Derrida's writings on religion and questions of faith and their relation to philosophy and political culture. The essays discuss religious texts from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions, as well as religious thinkers such as Kant, Levinas, and Gershom Scholem, and comprise pieces spanning Derrida's career. The collection includes two new essays by Derrida that appear here for the first time in any language, as well as a substantial introduction by Gil Anidjar that explores Derrida's return to his own "religious" origins and his attempts to bring to light hidden religious dimensions of the social, cultural, historical, and political.

філософія релігії -- релігієзнавство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Stanlick, Nancy.
American philosophy [Electronic resource] : the basics / N. Stanlick. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2013. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Американська філософія: основи


Географічні рубрики:

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American Philosophy: The Basics introduces the history of American thought from early Calvinists to the New England Transcendentalists and from contract theory to contemporary African American philosophy. The key question it asks is: what it is that makes American Philosophy unique? This lively and compelling book moves through key periods in the development of American thought from the founding fathers to the transcendentalists and pragmatists to contemporary social commentators.

історія -- культура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Priest, G.
An introduction to non-classical logic [Electronic resource] : from if to is / G. Priest. - 2nd ed.. - New York : Cambridge University, 2008. - 648 p
Переклад назви: Вступ до некласичної логіки: від "якщо" до "є"


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This revised and considerably expanded 2nd edition brings together a wide range of topics, including modal, tense, conditional, intuitionist, many-valued, paraconsistent, relevant, and fuzzy logics. Part 1, on propositional logic, is the old Introduction, but contains much new material. Part 2 is entirely new, and covers quantification and identity for all the logics in Part 1. The material is unified by the underlying theme of world semantics. All of the topics are explained clearly using devices such as tableau proofs, and their relation to current philosophical issues and debates are discussed. Students with a basic understanding of classical logic will find this book an invaluable introduction to an area that has become of central importance in both logic and philosophy. It will also interest people working in mathematics and computer science who wish to know about the area.

логіка -- семантика -- філософія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Graham, Robert.
Anarchism [Electronic resource] : a documentary history of libertarian ideas / Robert Graham. - Montreal : Black Rose Books, 2005
Переклад назви: Анархізм: документальна історія лібертарних ідей


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Т. 1 : From anarchy to anarchism (300 CE To 1939). - 2005. - 538 p.

Т. 2 : The emergence of the new anarchism (1939-1977). - 2009. - 551 p.

Volume One of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, is a comprehensive and far ranging collection of anarchist writings from the feudal era (300) to 1939. Edited and introduced by noted anarchist scholar Robert Graham, the collection will include the definitive texts from the anarchist tradition of political thought, beginning with some of the earliest writings from China and Europe against feudal servitude and authority. The collection will then go on to document the best of the anti-authoritarian writings from the English and French Revolutions and the early development of libertarian socialist ideas, including such writers as Gerrard Winstanley, William Godwin, Charles Fourier, Max Stirner, as well as the early anarchist writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Michael Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, Errico Malatesta, Elisee Reclus, Leo Tolstoy, and Emma Goldman. This incomparable volume deals both with the positive ideas and proposals the anarchists tried to put into practice, and with the anarchist critiques of the authoritarian theories and practices confronting them during these years with their revolutionary upheavals. Robert Graham has written extensively on the history of anarchist ideas. He is the author of “The Role of Contract in Anarchist Ideology,” in the Routledge publication, For Anarchism, edited by David Goodway, and he wrote the introduction to the 1989 Pluto Press edition of Proudhon’s General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century, originally published in 1851. He has been doing research and writing on the historical development of anarchist ideas for over 20 years and is a well respected commentator in the field. Includes original portraits of the anarchists drawn by Maurice Spira specifically for this book Spira’s imagery is rooted to the political, his subject matter global. Works such as “Battle of Seattle,” “Gulf,” and “Refugees” are the visual equivalent of newspaper headlines.

ідеологія -- політика -- філософія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McLaughlin, P.
Anarchism and authority. A philosophical introduction to classical anarchism [Electronic resource] / P. McLaughlin. - Burlington : Ashgate, 2007. - 211 p.
Переклад назви: Анархізм та влада. Філософський вступ до класичного анархізму


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This book aims to define – or to re-define – anarchism in relation to the fundamental ethico-political problem of authority. Authority is defined in terms of the right to exercise social control (as explored in the ‘sociology of power’) and the correlative duty to obey (as explored in the ‘philosophy of practical reason’). Anarchism is distinguished, philosophically, by its scepticism towards such moral relations – by its questioning of the claims made for such normative power – and, practically, by its challenge to those ‘authoritative’ powers which cannot justify their claims and which are therefore deemed illegitimate or without moral foundation.

політична течія -- політична філософія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Franklin, Julian H..
Animal rights and moral philosophy [Electronic resource] / Julian H. Franklin. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2007. - 117 p
Переклад назви: Права тварин і моральна філософія


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Animals obviously cannot have a right of free speech or a right to vote because they lack the relevant capacities. But their right to life and to be free of exploitation is no less fundamental than the corresponding right of humans, writes Julian H. Franklin. This theoretically rigorous book will reassure the committed, help the uncertain to decide, and arm the polemicist. Franklin examines all the major arguments for animal rights proposed to date and extends the philosophy in new directions. Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy begins by considering the utilitarian argument of equal respect for animals advocated by Peter Singer and, even more favorably, the rights approach that has been advanced by Tom Regan. Despite their merits, both are found wanting as theoretical foundations for animal rights. Franklin also examines the ecofeminist argument for an ethics of care and several rationalist arguments before concluding that Kant's categorical imperative can be expanded to form a basis for an ethical system that includes all sentient beings. Franklin also discusses compassion as applied to animals, encompassing Albert Schweitzer's ethics of reverence for life. He concludes his analysis by considering conflicts of rights between animals and humans.

право -- філософія -- тварини

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Rogers, Eugene F..
Aquinas and the Supreme Court [Electronic resource] : race, Gender, and the Failure of Natural Law in Thomas’s Biblical Commentaries / E. F. Rogers. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 338 p.
Переклад назви: Тома Аквінський та Верховний Суд США: раса, ґендер і колапс природного права у томістському тлумаченні біблійних текстів


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Contemporary accounts of what’s “natural” for human society still cite the thirteenth-century system of Thomas Aquinas – even on the Supreme Court. But those accounts ignore his biblical commentaries, which reveal something much stranger. Against the reigning impression, the commentaries embed all law, even the law of nature, in a sexually charged story of decline by specific ethnic groups – Jews and Gentiles – gendered in changing ways and redeemed by the reinsemination of divine grace. This book uses accounts of ethnicity and gender, nature and grace in Aquinas’s biblical commentaries to reframe the systematic works (especially his Summa theologiae) still quoted in court. The whole advantage of natural law is supposed to lie in its independence from any particular group, history, or religion. That is why rival views of gender and sexuality both appeal to “nature” and cite Aquinas. But Aquinas’s Summa ties natural law to specific biblical passages, where his commentary describes a nature that differs by ethnicity, varies over time, and changes sexuality by God’s decree. This destabilizes turn-of-the-twenty-first-century uses, liberal or conservative.

середньовічна філософія -- релігієзнавство -- екзегетика -- моральні категорії

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Scholten, H.
Better modelling practices [Electronic resource] : an ontological perspective on multidisciplinary, modelbased problem solving / H. Scholten. - Wageningen : Wageningen University, 2008. - 314 p.
Переклад назви: Кращі практики моделювання: онтологічний погляд на міждисциплінарне, модельосноване вирішення проблем


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база знань -- математична модель -- моделювння -- систематизація -- онтологія -- філософія

   Тип видання:   нормативно-правовий акт   

Martinengo, Alberto.
Beyond deconstruction [Electronic resource] : from hermeneutics to reconstruction / Alberto Martinengo. - Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co, 2012. - 308 p
Переклад назви: Крім деконструкції: від герменевтики до реконструкції.


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By now Jacques Derrida′s legacy has taken the form of a veritable (post-)deconstructive Babel. Its lasting presence is marked by a crucial oscillation between the echoes of its earlier success and the claims of a radically different sensibility. This volume takes stock of the controversy in three main fields: philosophy, literary studies, and law. For all those who are confronted with the variety of Derrida′s legacy this book serves as an invaluable map and takes a reconstructive approach to move beyond deconstruction.

філософія -- літературознавство -- право

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Bioethics [Electronic resource] / editor: E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller, J. Paul. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - 395 p.
Переклад назви: Біоетика

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Fifteen philosophers, social scientists, and academic lawyers assess various aspects of bioethics. Some detail its development and challenge the field's basic assumptions. Others consider bioethics's role in contemporary society and examine it in policy administration as well as in its interaction with other branches of philosophical inquiry. Chapters also focus on specific issues, including the responsibilities of researchers to subjects in clinical trials; the proper criteria for determining when a living organism has died; the allocation of scarce, life-saving medical resources; and the subsidization of pharmaceutical products for those who may be deprived of the benefits of modern medicine.

філософія -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blues - philosophy for everyone [Electronic resource] : thinking deep about feeling low / ред.: Jesse R. Steinberg , Abrol Fairweather. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - 235 p
Переклад назви: Блюз - філософія для всіх: думати глибоко про низькі відчуття

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From B.B. King to Billie Holiday, Blues music not only sounds good, but has an almost universal appeal in its reflection of the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Its ability to powerfully touch on a range of social and emotional issues is philosophically inspiring, and here, a diverse range of thinkers and musicians offer illuminating essays that make important connections between the human condition and the Blues that will appeal to music lovers and philosophers alike.

музика -- філософія -- почуття

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

British philosophy and the age of enlightenment [Electronic resource] / ed. by Stuart Brown. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2004. - 336 p.. - (Routledge History of Philosophy ; vol. V)
Переклад назви: Британська філософія та доба просвітництва


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This fifth volume covers many of the most important philosophers and movements of the nineteenth century, including utilitarianism, positivism and pragmatism.

просвітництво у Франції -- політична філософія

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