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Belogolovskii M. A. Inelastic electron tunneling across magnetically active interfaces in cuprate and manganite heterostructures modified by electromigration processes. — 2002 // Физика низ. температур.

Melnik Yu.  Growth of Epitaxial CoSi2 Thin Layers on Si(100) Wafers. — 2004 // Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології.

Belyaev A. E. Novel technological possibilities for growth of GaAs autoepitaxial films, and properties of Gunn diodes made on their basis // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2005. - 8, № 4.

Rudenko E. M. Effect of spin-polarized electron injection from ferromagnetic into superconductor on the current-voltage characteristics of the tunnel F/I/S junctions. — 2009 // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии.

Gogunsky V. D. Markov model of risk in the life safety projects // Пр. Одес. політехн. ун-ту. - 2013. - Вип. 2.

Rudenko E. E. Genetic and epigenetic changes of GPX1 and GPX3 in human clear-cell renal cell carcinoma // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2013. - 29, № 5.

Rudenko E. E. PPM1M and PRICKLE2 are potential tumor suppressor genes in human clear-cell renal cell carcinoma // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2014. - 30, № 3.

Rudenko EAberrant expression of selenium-containing glutathione peroxidases in clear cell renal cell carcinomas // Эксперим. онкология. - 2015. - 37, № 2.

Shapovalov A. P. Structure and optical properties of AlN films obtained using the cathodic arc plasma deposition technique // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2015. - 18, № 2.

Rudenko E. M. Formation of nanostructured relief of TiN - Fe heterostructures in hybrid helicon-arc plasma reactor // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. - 2015. - 37, № 4.

Rudenko E. E. Heterozygous deletions are main cause of expression alterations of PPM1M and PRICKLE2 genes in human clear cell renal cell carcinomas // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2015. - 31, № 1.

Krivchenya D. Yu. Pulmonary artery sling: diagnosis and surgical treatment // Серце і судини. - 2018. - № 1.

Rudenko E. M. Nitriding in a helicon discharge as a promising technique for changing the surface properties of steel parts // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2019. - 20, № 3.

Zolotaryov A. Determination of productivity of milking cows and emissions of greenhouse gases from organic waste with different approaches to the organization of the technology of their feeding // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 5/10.

Pogorelov O. Ye. Characterization methods of heat flows in solids // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2023. - 24, № 2.
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