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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Raymond, E. S.
The Art of Unix Programming [Electronic resource] / E. S. Raymond. - New York : Pearson Education Inc., 2003. - 525 p.
Переклад назви: Мистецтво програмування на Unix


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'The Art of UNIX Programming' poses the belief that understanding the unwritten UNIX engineering tradition and mastering its design patterns will help programmers of all stripes to become better programmers. This book attempts to capture the engineering wisdom and design philosophy of the UNIX, Linux, and Open Source software development community as it has evolved over the past three decades, and as it is applied today by the most experienced programmers. Eric Raymond offers the next generation of 'hackers' the unique opportunity to learn the connection between UNIX philosophy and practice through careful case studies of the very best UNIX/Linux programs. In addition, commentary is provided by Brian Kernighan, UNIX pioneer and best-selling author - Doug McIlroy, the inventor of the UNIX pipg - David Korn, the inventor of the korn shell - Jim Gettys and Keith Packard, inventors of X windows - Henry Spencer, an original UNIX hacker - and Ken Arnold, an original BSD developer and JINI creator - Mike Lesk, author of the legendary uucp, lex, and tbl programs - and Sturat Feldman, author of UNIX's famous make utility. The book is divided into 4 parts. Part I explores the philosophy behind the development of UNIX. Part II explores design principles and patterns that are at the core of the UNIX tradition. Part III covers the rich UNIX tradition of reuse and the amazing variety of programming tools available to the UNIX developer. Part IV explores the UNIX open standards process, and the advantage in portability that UNIX enjoys.

розробка ПЗ

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Ray, E. T.
Learning XML [Electronic resource] / E. T. Ray. - 2nd. ed.. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2003. - 416 p
Переклад назви: Вивчення XML


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In this new edition of the best selling title, the author explains the important and relevant XML technologies and their capabilities clearly and succinctly with plenty of real-life projects and useful examples. He outlines the elements of markup--demystifying concepts such as attributes, entities, and namespaces--and provides enough depth and examples to get started. Learning XML is a reliable source for anyone who needs to know XML, but doesn't want to waste time wading through hundreds of web sites or 800 pages of bloated text.

технологія -- бізнес-процес -- атрибут -- сутність

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Max, H.
Skype: the definitive guide [Electronic resource] / H. Max, T. Ray. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2006. - 224 p.


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Learn how to make free phone calls to more than 75 million people, and dirt-cheap phone calls to practically everyone else, anywhere on Earth! You can do it with Skype. This book will help you get started fast, with any computer: Windows, Mac, Linux, even Pocket PC. Then, take Skype to the limit, with SkypeIn, SkypeOut, instant messaging, secure file transfer, even video calling.

мережі -- телекомунікаційна система -- програма для спілкування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Borden, I.
The dissertation. An architecture student’s handbook [Electronic resource] / I. Borden, K. R. Ray. - 2nd. ed.. - Burlington : Elsevier, 2006. - 341 p.
Переклад назви: Дисертація. Підручник студента архітектури


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As a student of architecture, the major part of your education is always going to be the design of buildings as executed through drawings, models and other kinds of visual representation. Together with the work space of the architectural studio, the presentation of designs followed by a challenging crit or jury, and the submission of a carefully wrought portfolio – these are undoubtedly the main elements of an architectural education.

наукова робота -- архітектурний проект

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Ray, J. C.
Most Valuable Corporate Forms You'll Ever Need [Електронний ресурс] / J. C. Ray. - 3rd. ed.. - Napervill : Sphinx Publishing, 2001. - 218 p.
Переклад назви: Найцінніші корпоративні форми що коли-небудь Вам знадобляться


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This book provides useful documentation relating to the specific structure, management, and day-to-day operation of the a business. More than fifty valuable documents form the basis for this title. This new edition includes blank, tear-out forms making this title even more user friendly than in prior editions.

бізнес -- документ

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Ray, Erik T..
Learning XML [Electronic resource] / Erik T. Ray. - [S. l.] : [б. в.], 2001. - 368 p.


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XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a flexible way to create "self-describing data" - and to share both the format and the data on the World Wide Web, intranets, and elsewhere. In Learning XML, the author explains XML and its capabilities succinctly and professionally, with references to real-life projects and other cogent examples. Learning XML shows the purpose of XML markup itself, the CSS and XSL styling languages, and the XLink and XPointer specifications for creating rich link structures.

мова розмітки -- веб-розробка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Raymer, James.
International Migration in Europe [Electronic resource] : data, models and estimates / J. Raymer, F. Willekens. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. - 405 p
Переклад назви: Міжнародна міграція в Європі: дані, моделі та оцінки


Географічні рубрики:

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At present there is no unified treatment, drawing together models to allow a consistent and reliable set of migration flows, across countries. This text seeks to do exactly that, potentially improving policies, planning and understanding about migration processes worldwide, via the presentation of migration estimation and modeling techniques. These modeling techniques are explored from both frequentist and Bayesian perspectives. The vital concepts such as missing data and collection methods (and their possible harmonization) are discussed in depth, and there are whole chapters dedicated to both modeling asylum flows and forecasts about the future of international migration.

міграція -- підсумок -- Європа

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Ray, Darrel W..
The god virus [Electronic resource] : how religion infects our lives and culture / Darrel W. Ray. - Bonner Springs : IPC Press, 2009. - 456 p
Переклад назви: Вірус Бога: як релігія заражає наше життя і культуру


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In The God Virus, the author uses the metaphor of religion as a virus to explain how religious ideas pass from individual to individual and infiltrate society. The idea of ideas or systems of ideas as "viruses" was first described by Richard Dawkins, who coined the term "meme" to mean a "postulated unit or element of cultural ideas, symbols or practices, gets transmitted from one mind to another through speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena". They are analogous to genes (hence the similarity in spelling and pronunciation), in that they are said to self-replicate and respond to selective pressures. In this book, the author explains religion through this viral/meme metaphor.

віра -- навіювання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Jouzel, Jean.
The white planet [Electronic resource] : the evolution and future of our frozen world / Jean Jouzel, Claude Lorius, Dominique Raynaud. - Oxford : Princeton university press, 2008. - 256 p
Переклад назви: Біла планета: еволюція і майбутнє нашого замороженого світу


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From the Arctic Ocean and ice sheets of Greenland, to the glaciers of the Andes and Himalayas, to the great frozen desert of Antarctica, The White Planet takes readers on a spellbinding scientific journey through the shrinking world of ice and snow to tell the story of the expeditions and discoveries that have transformed our understanding of global climate. Written by three internationally renowned scientists at the center of many breakthroughs in ice core and climate science, this book provides an unparalleled firsthand account of how the "white planet" affects global climate--and how, in turn, global warming is changing the frozen world. Jean Jouzel, Claude Lorius, and Dominique Raynaud chronicle the daunting scientific, technical, and human hurdles that they and other scientists have had to overcome in order to unravel the mysteries of past and present climate change, as revealed by the cryosphere--the dynamic frozen regions of our planet. Scientifically impeccable, up-to-date, and accessible, The White Planet brings cutting-edge climate research to general readers through a vivid narrative. This is an essential book for anyone who wants to understand the inextricable link between climate and our planet's icy regions.

кліматологія -- льодовики -- погодні умови

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