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Васильева, Елена К..
50 знаменитых бизнесменов XIX - начала XX в. [Електронний ресурс] / Елена К. Васильева, Юрий С. Пернатьев. - Х. : Фолио, 2004. - 512 с.. - (100 знаменитых)


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В XIX веке героев этой книги называли деловыми людьми. И они действительно делали много полезного не только для себя, но и для общества. Благодаря организаторскому таланту, энергии, смелости и предприимчивости Форда и Карнеги, Кузнецова и Фаберже, Ротшильдов, Дюпонов, Морозовых, Круппов, Морганов и других предпринимателей, в мире были созданы огромные промышленные, торговые и финансовые империи. Их имена, как и результаты труда, давно уже стали нарицательными. Мы говорим о преуспевающем человеке, что он "богат, как Рокфеллер", предпочитаем одноразовые бритвы "Жиллет" и водку "Smirnoff", привычно пользуемся бытовой техникой "Simens" и фотокамерой "Кодак", каждый крупный гастроном сравниваем с "Елисеевским", а швейные машинки - с "Зингером" и до сих пор считаем престижным старый, но надежный "Форд". Эта книга рассказывает о профессиональной и личной судьбе "королей бизнеса", о том, как поднимались они к вершинам деловой карьеры, какими жизненными ценностями дорожили.

фінанси -- бізнес -- приватні підприємства

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Gupta, M.
Building a virtual private network [Electronic resource] / M. Gupta. - Cincinnati : Premier Press, 2003. - 448 p
Переклад назви: Будівництво віртуальної приватної мережі


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Your business must be connected in order to compete in the global marketplace. Employees need to know that their company's network is accessible at any time, from any place. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) accomplishes this by utilizing remote connectivity technologies that combine existing internal networks with the Internet to securely communicate information. Building a Virtual Private Network is your key to designing, implementing, and securing a fully connected network that meets your business needs.

інтернет -- мережа -- бізнес

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Netanel, Neil.
Copyright’s paradox [Electronic resource] / N. Netanel. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2008. - 288 p.
Переклад назви: Парадокси авторського права


Географічні рубрики:

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In this book I trace the growing tension between freedom of expression and copyright law’s grant of property rights in expression. That tension cannot be eradicated: by giving authors exclusive rights, copyright both encourages the creation of new works and necessarily prevents some speakers from copying from existing expression to convey their message effectively. But while that tension is inevitable, it is not wholly irremediable. As I argue, copyright can and should be redrawn to better serve free speech goals in both traditional and digital media. I have two caveats about my project. First, due to space limitations, I focus almost entirely on the law and system of free expression in the United States. Copyright and free speech simultaneously face and embrace each other in other countries as well, and while copyright’s paradox has received first, most intensive attention in the United States, non-American scholars, lawmakers, and judges have also joined the fray, yielding much insight. I hope that my foreign colleagues will draw parallels to my exploration of the U.S. experience. Second, especially as applied to digital networks, copyright is a highly fluid area of law and policy with new, noteworthy developments taking place almost every day. Unfortunately for readers, but perhaps thankfully for tired authors, there comes a time when texts published in hard copy are put to bed and can no longer reflect ongoing developments. With isolated exceptions, this book reflects developments only through April 1, 2007. I trust that its thesis and argument will remain relevant for a good time after that, even as some of its detail is overtaken by subsequent events.

інтелектуальна власність -- авторське право -- цифровий контент

   Тип видання:   автореферат   

Матиящук, Светлана Владимировна.
Cистема договорных отношений по электро и теплоснабжению в условиях развития когенерации: автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора юридических наук: 12. 00. 03 [Електронний ресурс] / С. В. Матиящук ; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет. - Санкт-Петербург : [б. в.], 2012. - 54 с.
На правах рукописи


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Энергетические рынки нашей страны постоянно растут и совершенствуются, усложняются и развиваются договорные отношения их участников, изменяются форматы самих рынков, корректируются их функции. В то же время отчетливо прослеживается тенденция к интеграции рынка электрической и рынка тепловой энергии, которые вследствие своей общей технологической направленности нуждаются в специфическом регулировании. Отношения, складывающиеся на этих рынках, отличаются рядом экономических особенностей, обусловленных спецификой технологического функционирования производственных объектов электро- и теплоэнергетики, что предопределяет общую правовую модель регулирования этих отношений. Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей, научных работников.

цивільне право -- підприємницьке право -- сімейне право -- міжнародне приватне право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Goldschmidt, W.
Derecho internacional privado [Electronic resource] / W. Goldschmidt. - 7ma. ed.. - Buenos Aires : Depalma, 1990. - 849 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародне приватне право


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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bannon, C. J.
Gardens and Neighbors [Electronic resource] : private Water Rights in Roman Italy / C. J. Bannon. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, 2009. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Сади і сусіди: Приватні Права на води в Римській Італії


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As is increasingly true today, fresh water in ancient Italy was a limited resource, made all the more precious by the Roman world's reliance on agriculture as its primary source of wealth. From estate to estate, the availability of water varied, in many cases forcing farmers in need of access to resort to the law. In Gardens and Neighbors: Private Water Rights in Roman Italy, Cynthia Bannon explores the uses of the law in controlling local water supplies. She investigates numerous issues critical to rural communities and the Roman economy. Her examination of the relationship between farmers and the land helps draw out an understanding of Roman attitudes toward the exploitation and conservation of natural resources and builds an understanding of law in daily Roman life


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jordan, Tim.
Hacktivism and Cyberwars [Electronic resource] : rebels with a cause? / Tim Jordan, Paul Taylor. - London : Routledge, 2004. - 193 p
Переклад назви: Хактивізм і кібервійни: повстанці з причини?


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As global society becomes more and more dependent, politically and economically, on the flow of information, the power of those who can disrupt and manipulate that flow also increases. In Hacktivism and Cyberwars Tim Jordan and Paul Taylor provide a detailed history of hacktivism's evolution from early hacking culture to its present day status as the radical face of online politics. They describe the ways in which hacktivism has re-appropriated hacking techniques to create an innovative new form of political protest. A full explanation is given of the different strands of hacktivism and the 'cyberwars' it has created, ranging from such avant garde groups as the Electronic Disturbance Theatre to more virtually focused groups labelled 'The Digitally Correct'. The full social and historical context of hacktivism is portrayed to take into account its position in terms of new social movements, direct action and its contribution to the globalization debate. This book provides an important corrective flip-side to mainstream accounts of E-commerce and broadens the conceptualization of the internet to take into full account the other side of the digital divide.

інтелектуальна власність -- інтернет -- безпека даних

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lindberg, Van.
Intellectual property and open source [Electronic resource] / Van Lindberg. - Beijing : O’Reilly, 2008. - 371 p.
Переклад назви: Інтелектуальна власність та відкритий код


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"Clear, correct, and deep, this is a welcome addition to discussions of law and computing for anyone -- even lawyers!" -- Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society If you work in information technology, intellectual property is central to your job -- but dealing with the complexities of the legal system can be mind-boggling. This book is for anyone who wants to understand how the legal system deals with intellectual property rights for code and other content. You'll get a clear look at intellectual property issues from a developer's point of view, including practical advice about situations you're likely to encounter. Written by an intellectual property attorney who is also a programmer, Intellectual Property and Open Source helps you understand patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and licenses, with special focus on the issues surrounding open source development and the GPL.

вільне ПЗ -- відкрите ПЗ -- програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Czapracka, K.
Intellectual property and the limits of antitrust: a comparative study of US and EU approaches [Electronic resource] / K. Czapracka. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. - 162 p.. - (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics)
Переклад назви: Інтелектуальна власність та обмеження антимонополії: порівляльне вивчення підходів США та ЄС


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The scope of US antitrust law as defined in the Supreme Court's decisions in Trinko and Credit Suisse Securities is much narrower than the scope of EU competition law. US antitrust enforcers have become increasingly reluctant to apply antitrust rules to regulated markets, whereas the European Commission has consistently used EU competition rules to correct the externalities resulting from government action. The contrasting approaches adopted by US and EU antitrust enforcers to these issues, as with the differences in addressing market dominance, have had a profound impact on the scope of antitrust intervention in the IP field. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the relevant recent developments on both sides of the Atlantic and identifies the pitfalls of regulating IP through competition rules. With a unique comparative perspective, this book will be an invaluable resource for postgraduate students, academics and practitioners in IP and competition law.

антимонопольний закон

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Robert, F. B.
Intellectual Property Protection of Factbased Works [Electronic resource] : сopyright and Its Alternatives / F. B. Robert. - Northampton : Edward Elgar, 2009. - 361 p.
Переклад назви: Інтелектуальна власність. Захист Factbased працює. Авторське право та його альтернативи


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The chapters in this book are based on papers presented at a symposium entitled ‘Feist, Facts, and Functions: IP Protection for Works Beyond Entertainment’, which was held in Washington, DC on 28 September 2007. The symposium was co-sponsored by The George Washington University Law School and the Software and Information Industry Association. For their support of the project, I would like to thank Frederick M. Lawrence, the Dean of the Law School; Michael Ryan, Director of the Law School’s Creative and Innovative Economy Center; Ken Wasch, President of the Software and Information Industry Association; and Keith Kupferschmid, Senior Vice President of the Association. For their aid in organizing and staffing the event, I would like to thank Sarah Huisentruit Orye, Shauna Eisenberg, and Thomas Lee of the Creative and Innovative Economy Center. For his superlative assistance in compiling the indices, I would like to thank David Yung Ho Kim, whose work was generously supported by the Cardozo Law School during my visit there in the Spring of 2009; for his timely support in finalizing the indices, I would like to thank Thomas Mittenzwei. Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank the participants in the Symposium for their presentations and for their subsequent contributions to this volume, from which I have learned a great deal.

юриспруденція -- право власності

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Methodologies, including evidence-based approaches, for assessing areas of special vulnerability to corruption in the public and private sectors [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : CAC, 2010. - 11 p.
Переклад назви: Методології, в тому числі науково-обгрунтованих підходів для оцінки областей особливої уразливості до корупції в державному і приватному секторах


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   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Rosen, L.
Open Source Licensing [Electronic resource] : software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law / L. Rosen. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. - 432 p.
Переклад назви: Open Source ліцензування: свобода програмного забезпечення та права інтелектуальної власності


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Now that open source software is blossoming around the world, it is crucial to understand how open source licenses work—and their solid legal foundations. Open Source Initiative general counsel Lawrence Rosen presents a plain-English guide to open source law for developers, managers, users, and lawyers. Rosen clearly explains the intellectual property laws that support open source licensing, carefully reviews today's leading licenses, and helps you make the best choices for your project or organization

законодавство -- інтелектуальна власність -- ліцензування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Patent law and theory [Electronic resource] : a handbook of contemporary research / ed. T. Takenaka. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2008. - 803 p.
Переклад назви: Закон про патент та теорія: Підручник з сучасних досліджень


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This book grew out of discussions with Dr. Rainer Moufang, my long-time friend from the Max Planck Institute for German and International Intellectual Property (The institute has been renamed as the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law). On a cold, quiet afternoon in Munich in 2006, we sat in his office discussing the need for a comprehensive review of fundamental and contemporary patent issues as they relate to the protection of both traditional and new technologies. We envisioned a book that would appeal to both academics and practitioners, and we selected experts from three major patent jurisdictions – the United States, Europe and Japan – who could write on each topic. Although we granted these authors complete freedom with regard to writing style, we strongly encouraged them to analyze their topics from the comparative law perspective.

патентування -- інтелектуальна власність

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Elias, S.
Patent, copyright & trademark [Electronic resource] / S. Elias, R. Stim. - 6th. ed.. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2003. - 534 p.
Переклад назви: Патент, авторське право та торгова марка


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In simple terms, intellectual property is a product of the human intellect that has commercial value. Intellectual property encompasses a wide range of creations—from fiction, poetry, songs, designs and artwork to ads, product names, mechanical inventions, processes, chemical formulas, machines and software. The commercial value of intellectual property comes from the ability of its owner to control its use. If the owner could not legally require payment in exchange for use, ownership of the intellectual property would have intellectual worth but no commercial value.

копірайт -- інтелектуальна власність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Johns, Adrian.
Piracy [Electronic resource] : the intellectual property wars from Gutenberg to Gates / Adrian Johns. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2010. - 640 p
Переклад назви: Піратство: війни за інтелектуальну власність від Гутенберга до Гейтса


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Since the rise of Napster and other file-sharing services in its wake, most of us have assumed that intellectual piracy is a product of the digital age and that it threatens creative expression as never before. The Motion Picture Association of America, for instance, claimed that in 2005 the film industry lost $2.3 billion in revenue to piracy online. But here Adrian Johns shows that piracy has a much longer and more vital history than we have realized—one that has been largely forgotten and is little understood. Piracy explores the intellectual property wars from the advent of print culture in the fifteenth century to the reign of the Internet in the twenty-first. Brimming with broader implications for today’s debates over open access, fair use, free culture, and the like, Johns’s book ultimately argues that piracy has always stood at the center of our attempts to reconcile creativity and commerce—and that piracy has been an engine of social, technological, and intellectual innovations as often as it has been their adversary. From Cervantes to Sonny Bono, from Maria Callas to Microsoft, from Grub Street to Google, no chapter in the story of piracy evades Johns’s graceful analysis in what will be the definitive history of the subject for years to come.

копірайт -- інтелектуальна власність -- неліцензійна продукція -- вільний доступ

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Johns, Adrian.
Piracy [Electronic resource] : the intellectual property wars from Gutenberg to Gates / Adrian Johns. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2009. - 636 p
Переклад назви: Піратство: війни за інтелектуальну власність від Гутенберга до Гейтса


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Since the rise of Napster and other file-sharing services in its wake, most of us have assumed that intellectual piracy is a product of the digital age and that it threatens creative expression as never before. The Motion Picture Association of America, for instance, claimed that in 2005 the film industry lost $2.3 billion in revenue to piracy online. But here Adrian Johns shows that piracy has a much longer and more vital history than we have realized—one that has been largely forgotten and is little understood. Piracy explores the intellectual property wars from the advent of print culture in the fifteenth century to the reign of the Internet in the twenty-first. Brimming with broader implications for today’s debates over open access, fair use, free culture, and the like, Johns’s book ultimately argues that piracy has always stood at the center of our attempts to reconcile creativity and commerce—and that piracy has been an engine of social, technological, and intellectual innovations as often as it has been their adversary. From Cervantes to Sonny Bono, from Maria Callas to Microsoft, from Grub Street to Google, no chapter in the story of piracy evades Johns’s graceful analysis in what will be the definitive history of the subject for years to come.

авторське право -- кіберзлочинність -- копірайт

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Nissenbaum, H.
Privacy in context: technology, policy, and the integrity of social life [Electronic resource] / H. Nissenbaum. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2010. - 305 p.
Переклад назви: Недоторканість приватого життя в контексті технологій, політики та цілісності соціального життя


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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IS CONSIDERED A MAJOR THREAT TO privacy because it enables pervasive surveillance, massive databases, and lightning- speed distribution of information across the globe. In fact, privacy has been one of the most enduring social issues associated with digital electronic information technologies. A fi xture in public discourse at least since the 1960s, when the dominant concern was massive databases of government and other large institutions housed in large stand- alone computers, concerns have multiplied in type and extent as radical transformations of the technology have yielded the remarkable range of present- day systems, including distributed networking; the World Wide Web; mobile devices; video, audio, and biometric surveillance; global positioning; ubiquitous computing; social networks; sensor networks; databases of compiled information; data mining; and more. Associated with each of these developments is a set of worries about privacy.


   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Private and civil law in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] / ed. W. Simons. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009. - 400 p.. - (Law in Eastern Europe)
Переклад назви: Приватне та громадське право в Російській Федерації


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The chapters in this volume are from two Leiden conferences. There, distinguished scholars and practitioners from Russia and the Far Abroad measured the winds of change in the field of private law in post-Soviet Russia: enormous differences from the Soviet period, crucial in supporting post-Soviet changes toward freedom of choice in the marketplaces of goods, services, ideas and political institutions. This volume will enable the reader to further chart the progress made in Russia (and the region) in the revitalization of private and civil law—and its impact upon practice and comparative legal studies—and to appreciate the role which the distinction between the public and private sectors is seen as playing in the process

російське право -- право РФ

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hemenway, D.
Private Guns, Public Health [Electronic resource] / D. Hemenway. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2007. - 360 p.
Переклад назви: Приватна зброя, охорона здоров'я

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In this small book David Hemenway has produced a masterwork. He has dissected the various aspects of the gun violence epidemic in the United States into its component parts and considered them separately. He has produced a scientifically based analysis of the data and indeed the microdata of the over 30,000 deaths and 75,000 injuries which occur each year. Consideration and adoption of the policy lessons he recommends would strengthen the Constitutional protections that all of our citizens have to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

зброя -- самозахист -- закон

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Sell, S. K.
Private power, public law [Electronic resource] : the globalization of intellectual property rights / S. K. Sell. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - 218 p.
Переклад назви: Приватна Енергетична Компанія, публічне право: глобалізація прав інтелектуальної власності


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Susan K. Sell s book shows how power in international politics is increasingly exercised by private interests rather than governments. In 1994 the WTO adopted the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which dictated to states how they should regulate the protection of intellectual property. This book argues that TRIPS resulted from lobbying by twelve powerful CEOs of multinational corporations who wished to mould international law to protect their markets. This book examines the politics leading up to TRIPS, the first seven years of its implementation, and the political backlash against TRIPS in the face of the HIV/AIDS crisis. Focusing on global capitalism, ideas, and economic coercion, this work explains the politics behind TRIPS and the controversies created in its wake. It is a fascinating study of the influence of private interests in government decision-making, and in the shaping of the global economy.

глобальний капіталізм -- глобальна економіка -- захист прав інтелектуальної власності

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського