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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Огарев, Георгий.
22 закона управления людьми [Електронний ресурс] / Г. Огарев. - [Б. м.] : [б. в.], [20_ _?]. - 192 с.


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Книга "22 закона управления людьми" необходима каждому руководителю. Ведь в этой книге можно найти много полезных советов относительно того, как лучше держать себя с подчиненными, установить дружеские отношения в коллективе и сделать свое предприятие преуспевающим. Книга поможет найти ответы на многие вопросы, связанные с управлением людьми. В каждом коллективе возникают самые различные проблемы, и руководитель должен уметь их решать.

суспільство -- поведінка -- комунікація -- західна психологія

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Стецько, Я. С.
30 червня 1941 [Електронний ресурс] : проголошення відновлення державності України / Я. С. Стецько. - [Б. м. : б. в.], 1967. - 463 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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правовий акт -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Анурин, В. Ф.
300 тестов по социологии [Електронний ресурс] / В. Ф. Анурин. - СПб. : Питер, 2008. - 144 с.. - (Учебное пособие)


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Предлагаемое учебное пособие содержит контрольные тесты, предназначенные для проверки уровня знаний студентов Они определяют степень усвоения и понимания учащимися материала таких учебных дисциплин, как общая и прикладная социология. Структурно пособие включает в себя три основных раздела контрольные вопросы, ключи (указание номеров правильных вариантов ответов на каждый вопрос) и комментарии к ключам.

суспільство -- людина

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Вайль, Петр.
60-е. Мир советского человека [Електронний ресурс] / Петр Вайль, Александр Генис. - М. : Corpus, 2013. - 432 с.


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Эта книга посвящена эпохе 60-х, которая, по мнению авторов, Петра Вайля и Александра Гениса, началась в 1961 году XXII съездом Коммунистической партии, принявшим программу построения коммунизма, а закончилась в 68-м оккупацией Чехословакии, воспринятой в СССР как окончательный крах всех надежд. Такие хронологические рамки позволяют выделить особый период в советской истории, период эклектичный, противоречивый, парадоксальный, но объединенный многими общими тенденциями. В эти годы советская цивилизация развилась в наиболее характерную для себя модель, а специфика советского человека выразилась самым полным, самым ярким образом. В эти же переломные годы произошли и коренные изменения в идеологии советского общества. Книга “60-е. Мир советского человека” вошла в список “лучших книг нон-фикшн всех времен”, составленный экспертами журнала “Афиша”.

культурологія -- культура повсякденності -- історична епоха -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Katcher, P.
American Civil War artillery 1861-65 [Electronic resource] / P. Katcher. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2001. - (New Vanguard)
Переклад назви: Американська артилерія громадянської війни 1861-65


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Vol. 2 : Heavy Artillery. - 48 p.

Because of the length of the coastline of the United States, from the beginning American ordnance and engineers placed an emphasis on heavy artillery mounted in coastal defences. The Union army organised its 'Heavy Artillery' into separate regiments, uniformed and equipped differently. While the Field Artillery was assigned across the fighting fronts Heavy Artillery units served the big guns in the forts and the defences of Washington. The Confederates did not differentiate types of artillery and those that became known as Heavy Artillery did so through informal association rather than formal designation. This book details the development and usage of the big guns.

важка артилерія -- легка артилерія -- гармата -- оборона

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Putnam, Robert D..
American grace [Electronic resource] : how religion divides and unites us / Robert D. Putnam, David E. Campbell. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 2012. - 743 p
Переклад назви: Американський благодать: як релігія розділяє і об'єднує нас


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Unique among nations, America is deeply religious, religiously diverse, and remarkably tolerant. In recent decades, however, the nation’s religious landscape has undergone several seismic shocks. American Grace is an authoritative, fascinating examination of what precipitated these changes and the role that religion plays in contemporary American society. Although there is growing polarization between religious conservatives and secular liberals today, at the same time personal interfaith ties are strengthening. Interfaith marriage has increased, and religious identities have become more fluid. More people than ever are friendly with someone of a different faith or no faith at all. Putnam and Campbell show how this denser web of personal ties brings greater interfaith tolerance, despite the so-called culture wars. Based on two of the most comprehensive surveys ever conducted on religion and public life in America (and with a new epilogue based on a third survey), American Grace is an indispensable book about American religious life, essential for understanding our nation today.

релігія -- культура -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Shorto, Russell.
Amsterdam [Electronic resource] : a History of the World's Most Liberal City / Russell Shorto. - New York : Doubleday, 2013. - 368 p.
Переклад назви: Амстердам: історія найліберальнішого міста світу

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Tourists know Amsterdam as a picturesque city of low-slung brick houses lining tidy canals; student travelers know it for its legal brothels and hash bars; art lovers know it for Rembrandt's glorious portraits. But the deeper history of Amsterdam, what makes it one of the most fascinating places on earth, is bound up in its unique geography-the constant battle of its citizens to keep the sea at bay and the democratic philosophy that this enduring struggle fostered. Amsterdam is the font of liberalism, in both its senses. Tolerance for free thinking and free love make it a place where, in the words of one of its mayors, "craziness is a value." But the city also fostered the deeper meaning of liberalism, one that profoundly influenced America: political and economic freedom. Amsterdam was home not only to religious dissidents and radical thinkers but to the world's first great global corporation. In this effortlessly erudite account, Russell Shorto traces the idiosyncratic evolution of Amsterdam, showing how such disparate elements as herring anatomy, naked Anabaptists parading through the streets, and an intimate gathering in a sixteenth-century wine-tasting room had a profound effect on Dutch-and world-history. Weaving in his own experiences of his adopted home, Shorto provides an ever-surprising, intellectually engaging story of Amsterdam from the building of its first canals in the 1300s, through its brutal struggle for independence, its golden age as a vast empire, to its complex present in which its cherished ideals of liberalism are under siege.

урбаністика -- суспільство -- міське населення -- толерантність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Postman, Neil.
Amusing ourselves to death [Electronic resource] : public discourse in the age of show business / Neil Postman. - London : Penguin Books, 1986. - 129 p
Переклад назви: Розсмішіть нас до смерті: суспільний дискурс в епоху шоу-бізнесу


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A brilliant powerful and important book....This is a brutal indictment Postman has laid down and, so far as I can see, an irrefutable one. --Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post Book World.

індустрія розваг -- медіа -- шоу-бізнес -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Silverman, Helaine.
Ancient Nasca settlement and society [Electronic resource] / Helaine Silverman. - Iowa : Univ. of Iowa Press, 2002. - 225 p
Переклад назви: Прадавнє поселення у пустелі Наска і його суспільство

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Nasca is one of the most famous societies of ancient Peru. Its exquisite polychrome slip-painted pottery, enigmatic ground markings, ingenious irrigation system, and human trophy heads have long fascinated archaeologists and the public. For years scholars have tried to explain the conditions that produced the wide areal distribution of an essentially homogeneous Nasca pottery style, but only recently have there been sufficient field data with which to meaningfully address the issue.

археологія -- іригація -- антропологія -- примітивні суспільства

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Chanda, Nayan.
Bound together [Electronic resource] : how traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors shaped globalization / Nayan Chanda. - New York : Yale University Press, 2008. - 413 p
Переклад назви: Пов'язані разом: як трейдери, проповідники, авантюристи і воїни сформували глобалізацію

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Since humans migrated from Africa and dispersed throughout the world, they have found countless ways and reasons to reconnect with each other. In this entertaining book, Nayan Chanda follows the exploits of traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors throughout history as they have shaped and reshaped the world. For Chanda, globalization is a process of ever-growing interconnectedness and interdependence that began thousands of years ago and continues to this day with increasing speed and ease. In the end, globalization—from the lone adventurer carving out a new trade route to the expanding ambitions of great empires—is the product of myriad aspirations and apprehensions that define just about every aspect of our lives: what we eat, wear, ride, or possess is the product of thousands of years of human endeavor and suffering across the globe. Chanda reviews and illustrates the economic and technological forces at play in globalization today and concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of how we can and should embrace an inevitably global world.

сучасне суспільство -- глобалізація -- всесвітня історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Apple, Michael W..
Can education change society? [Electronic resource] / M. W. Apple. - New York : Routledge, 2013. - 200 p.
Переклад назви: Чи змінює освіта суспільство?


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Despite the vast differences between the Right and the Left over the role of education in the production of inequality one common element both sides share is a sense that education can and should do something about society, to either restore what is being lost or radically alter what is there now. The question was perhaps put most succinctly by the radical educator George Counts in 1932 when he asked "Dare the School Build a New Social Order?", challenging entire generations of educators to participate in, actually to lead, the reconstruction of society. Over 70 years later, celebrated educator, author and activist Michael Apple revisits Counts’ now iconic works, compares them to the equally powerful voices of minoritized people, and again asks the seemingly simply question of whether education truly has the power to change society. In this groundbreaking work, Apple pushes educators toward a more substantial understanding of what schools do and what we can do to challenge the relations of dominance and subordination in the larger society. This touchstone volume is both provocative and honest about the ideological and economic conditions that groups in society are facing and is certain to become another classic in the canon of Apple’s work and the literature on education more generally.

освіта -- IQ -- профілізація -- суспільство знань -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Civil Society in Central Asia [Electronic resource] / ed. by M. H. Ruffin, D. C. Waugh. - Seattle : Center for Civil Society International, 1999. - 344 p.
Переклад назви: Громадянське суспільство в Центральній Азії


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Central Asia, known as the home of Tamerlane and the Silk Road, is a crossroads of great cultures and civilizations. In 1991 five new nations at the heart of the region--Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan--suddenly became independent. Today they sit strategically between Russia, China and Iran and hold some of the world's largest deposits of oil and natural gas. Ethnic and national identities formerly suppressed now find expression in language, religion, the arts, new international alignments and, occasionally, severe civil conflicts. In the decades ahead what kind of societies will the 50+ million people living in this very-old-and-very-new part of the world create? Single party secular states, Islamic republics, market democracies--something else? Civil Society in Central Asia is a pathbreaking collection of essays by scholars and activists that looks at some of the social and institutional developments which are shaping this important region's future. Are institutions emerging which create the foundations of a democratic order? As the essays suggest, trends are contradictory and not the same for each country. This timely book matches contributions by leading specialists such as S. Frederick Starr, Olivier Roy, Aziz Niyazi, Scott Horton, Alla Kazakina, Abdumannob Polat, and Reuel Hanks with the insights of individuals who have been on the front lines of the struggle for civil society in Central Asia itself--representatives of organizations such as Counterpart, Internews, and the Kazakstan International Bureau for Human Rights. Topics addressed are as diverse as the legal framework for independent associational activity, grassroots movements for environmental protection, the resurgence of Islam and the viability of the Soviet-era collective farms. A 75-page appendix provides a guide to many of the most significant projects being carried out by local and international NGOs in the region.

свобода слова -- неурядові організації -- Центральна Азія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Civil wars in Africa [Electronic resource] : roots and resolution / ed. Taisier M. Ali. - Monreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999. - 322 p
Переклад назви: Громадянські війни в Африці: коріння і поширення

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A collection of case studies of nine African countries, "Civil Wars in Africa" provides a comparative perspective on the causes of civil war and the processes by which internal conflict may be resolved or averted. The book focuses on the wars in Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda as well as the experiences of Tanzania and Zimbabwe, where civil war was averted, to underline conditions under which conflict can most successfully be managed. John Kiyaga-Nsubuga focuses on Yoweri Museveni and his National Resistance Movement regime's attempt to bring peace to Uganda. John Prendergast and Mark Duffield look at Ethiopia's long civil war and the role of liberation politics and external engagement. Bruce Jones studies the ethnic roots of the civil war in Rwanda. Elwood Dunn explores political manipulation and ethnic differences as causes of civil strife in Liberia. John Saul examines the role of Western powers in establishing peace in Mozambique. Hussein Adam describes the collapse of the authoritarian regime in Somalia and the subsequent rise of inter-clan and sub-clan rivalry. Taisier Ali and Robert Matthews argue that the forty-year conflict in Sudan is much more complex than the usual view that it results from the pitting of the Arab, Islamic North against the African, Christian South. Shifting the focus to how internal unrest may be managed, Hevina Dashwood examines government initiatives undertaken to maintain stability in Zimbabwe and Cranford Pratt describes the policies and institutions developed by Nyerere that enabled Tanzania to avoid ethnic, regional, and religious factionalism and intra-elite rivalries. James Busumtwi-Sam explores multilateral third-party intervention, highlighting the changing role of the OAU and the United Nations and their effectiveness in averting war. The concluding chapter draws together findings from the individual case studies and incorporates them into the larger corpus of the literature. Taisier M. Ali, formerly professor of political economy at the University of Khartoum, is presently a visiting scholar in the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto. Robert O. Matthews is professor of political science, University of Toronto.

Африка -- міжетнічні конфлікти -- релігійні війни

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Sweeney, Naoise Mac.
Community identity and archaeology [Electronic resource] : dynamic communities at Aphrodisias and Beycesultan / Naoise Mac Sweeney. - Michigan : University of Michigan Press, 2011. - 276 p
Переклад назви: Групова ідентичність та археологія: динамічні громади в Афродісіасі та Бейджесултані

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Community Identity and Archaeology explores the concept of community identity and its application in archaeology, using the modern Turkish sites of Aphrodisias and Beycesultan as case studies to illustrate the formation and dissolution of communities over time. The concept of the community is vital to the way we understand human societies both past and present, and the last decade has seen widespread interest in communities from both the popular and academic spheres. The concept is also central to archaeology, where the relationship between sites and communities remains controversial. Naoíse Mac Sweeney aims to take the debate one step further, setting out a comprehensive framework for the archaeological investigation of community identity, encompassing theoretical approaches for its conceptualization, practical methodologies for its investigation, and detailed case studies in Anatolia to test and illustrate its arguments. This book contributes to discussions in archaeological theory and material culture studies and is particularly relevant to archaeologists working on different types of cultural identity. Community Identity and Archaeology’s readership will include undergraduate and graduate students as well as academic specialists. In addition, the book contains material of direct historical interest for Classics and Near Eastern departments. It includes valuable new research relevant for those working on Aegean, Mycenaean, or Early Greek antiquity, as well as specialists in Anatolia including scholars working on the Hittite, Phrygian, and Lydian empires.

археологія -- анатолійська культура -- стародавні міста -- античне суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Eaton, K. B.
Daily life in the Soviet Union [Electronic resource] / K. B. Eaton. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2004. - 320 p.. - (Daily Life Throught History)
Переклад назви: Повсякденне життя в Радянському Союзі


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Details what ordinary life was like during the extraordinary years of the reign of Soviet Union. Thirty-six illustrations, thematic chapters, a glossary, timeline, annotated multimedia bibliography, and detailed index make it a sound starting point for looking at this powerful nation's immediate past. What was ordinary life like in the Soviet police state? The phrase daily life implies an orderly routine in a stable environment. However, many millions of Soviet citizens experienced repeated upheavals in their everyday lives. Soviet citizens were forced to endure revolution, civil war, two World Wars, forced collectivization, famine, massive deportations, mass terror campaigns perpetrated against them by their own leaders, and chronic material deprivations. Even the perpetrators often became victims. Many millions, of all ages, nationalities, and walks of life, did not survive these experiences. At the same time, millions managed to live tranquilly, work in factories, farm the fields, serve in the military, and even find joy in their existence. Structured topically, this volume begins with an historical introduction to the Soviet period (1917-1991) and a timeline. Chapters that follow are devoted to such core topics as: government and law, the economy, the military, rural life, education, health care, housing, ethnic groups, religion, the media, leisure, popular culture, and the arts. The volume also has two maps, including a map of ethnic groups and languages, and over thirty photographs of people going about their lives in good times and bad. A glossary, a list of student-friendly books and multimedia sources for classroom and/or individual use, and an index round out the work, making it a valuable resource for high school as well as undergraduate courses on modern Russian and Soviet history. Copious chapter endnotes provide numerous starting points for students and teachers who want to delve more deeply.

громадянська війна -- революція

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Bucherer, J.
Die Vereinbarkeit von Militärgerichten mit dem Recht auf ein faires Verfahren gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 EMRK, Art. 8 Abs. 1 AMRK und Art. 14 Abs. 1 des UN-Paktes über bürgerliche und politische Rechte [Electronic resource] / J. Bucherer. - Berlin : Springer, 2005. - 307 S.
Переклад назви: Сумісності військових трибуналів, а також право на справедливий судовий розгляд відповідно до ст. 6 Abs. 1 EMRK, ст. 8 Abs. 1 AMRK та ст. 14 Abs. 1 Пакту ООН про громадянські і політичні права


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Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen militärgerichtliche Strafverfahren gegen Zivilpersonen. Die Frage, inwiefern solche Verfahren mit dem Recht auf ein faires Verfahren vereinbar sind, beschäftigt internationale Spruchkörper und Gremien seit längerem.PrüfungsmaÃstab sind drei Konventionen: die EMRK, die AMRK und der Internationale Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte. Die Arbeit systematisiert zunächst die vorhandene Spruchpraxis. Sie geht sodann der Frage nach, ob es ein Recht auf ein zuständiges Gericht gibt bzw. wie sich ein solches Recht konstruieren lässt. Ausführungen zu besonderen Problemen im Kontext von Ausnahmezuständen und eine Betrachtung der U.S.-amerikanischen Militärkommissionen im Nachtrag runden die Analyse ab.

право -- судочинство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Шевчук, О. Б.
E-Ukraine. Інформаційне суспільство [Електронний ресурс] : бути чи не бути / О. Б. Шевчук, О. П. Голобуцький. - К. : ЗАТ "Атлант UMS", 2001. - 102 с.


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Книга є одним з перших вітчизняних досліджень, присвячених проблемам формування в Україні Інформаційного суспільства та включення нашої держави до загадьноевітопих процесів побудови Глобального інформаційного простору. Автори популярно виклали основні теоретичні та прикладні питання теми: загальні і конкретні визначення, історію виникнення й розвитку ідей, поточні й стратегічні завдання, досягнення й перепони на шляху інформатизації та входження до нової — Цифрової - доби людської цивілізації. Адресована широкому колу читачів.

суспільство -- інформація

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Encyclopedia of social theory [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed. G. Ritzer. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Соціальної Теорії


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Vol. 1 : A - M. - 1- 518 pp.

Vol. 2 : N - Z. - 519 - 982 pp.

The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be a snapshot of social theory at the beginning of a new century. While the Encyclopedia of Social Theory will slant toward sociological social theory, transdisciplinary currents from psychoanalysis, anthropology, government and politics, cultural studies and literary studies will all have their place. The history of social thought from German Idealism to postmodernism will be treated in essay length entries. Special emphasis will be given to American, British, French, and German national traditions as well as Marxist social theory. The micro-sociological traditions of exchange and symbolic interactionism will also be covered in detail. Key new developments in social thought including the ascendance of cultural theory and feminism will be described. Entries will cover the gamut from major approaches to key figures to central concepts. The work of major figures from the history of social thought including Weber, Durkheim, Mead, Spencer, and Marx as well as leading contemporary thinkers including Bourdieu, Habermas, Giddens, and Alexander will be summarized and put into context. Key concepts such as identity, trust, and the body will be defined and explored. Schools of thought ranging from the Birmingham School and the Annales School, ideas as diverse as rational choice and postcolonial studies, and timeless topics like citizenship and ethnicity will all be surveyed. Entries will vary in length from about 500 words to about 5000 words. Entries are to be neutral and comprehensive. Foremost, they will be a factual guide to who said what (when, where, and why). They will lay out key issues, recapitulate arguments, provide context for understanding, and judiciously assess the importance of a topic. All entries will include a few “further readings” that point the reader to key texts for understanding the topic. Entries will also be cross-referenced with other entries in the encyclopedia to help improve understanding. The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be the first resort for students, scholars, and educated readers looking for a comprehensive guide to the landscape of social theory. It will find a place in many libraries across the English-speaking world.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of sociology [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / E.F. Borgatta. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : Macmillan, 2000
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Соціології


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Vol. 1. - 1 - 719 pp.

Vol. 2. - 720 - 1475 pp.

Vol. 3 . - 1476 - 2285 pp.

Vol. 4 . - 2286 - 2912 pp.

Vol. 5 . - 2913 - 3481 pp.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Zuczek, Richard.
Encyclopedia of the reconstruction era [Electronic resource] / Richard Zuczek. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2006. - 933 p. - (Greenwood milestones in african american history)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія доби реконструкції в США

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Reconstruction sought to bring order from the tremendous social, political, economic, physical, and constitutional changes wrought by secession and the Civil War, changes that included the abolition of slavery, the expansion of governmental power and constitutional jurisdiction, the rise of the Republican Party, the explosion of northern industry and the national market, and the appearance of a social dynamism that supported struggles by new social groups for political and civil equality. In American history, Reconstruction is the term applied to the period 1862-1877, when the United States sought to bring order from the tremendous social, political, economic, physical, and constitutional changes wrought by secession and the Civil War.The decision by eleven southern states to attempt secession and reject the national government, and the decision by the federal government under President Abraham Lincoln to deny that attempt and enforce federal law, unleashed forces that forever changed the American Republic. These changes included the abolition of slavery, the expansion of governmental power and constitutional jurisdiction, the rise of the Republican Party, the explosion of northern industry and the national market, and the appearance of a social dynamism that supported struggles by new social groups for political and civil equality. No one anticipated the totality, the viciousness, and the intensity of the civil war, and as a result no one was prepared to deal with its consequences. Topics covered include who should direct Reconstruction; how the federal government treated conquered states, their governments, and their soldiers; the role of the freed people in the new republic; and how the war altered the Constitution, the party system, and the American economy, among many others. Many entries describe and analyze the lives, careers, and impacts of the individuals, North and South, black and white, who shaped the course of Reconstruction, including the following: Ames, Adelbert Bruce, Blanche K. Douglass, Frederick Gordon, John B. Hancock, Winfield S. Howard, Oliver O. Pinchback, Pinckney B.S. Revels, Hiram R. Sheridan, Philip H. Wade, Benjamin F. Other entries deal with broad topics and themes related to Reconstruction and its consequences, including the following: Abolition of Slavery, Black Politicians, Black Suffrage, Bloody Shirt, Economic Policies, Race Riots, Reconstruction, Theories of Scandals During Reconstruction, State Constitutional Conventions, Violence During Reconstruction. Still other entries cover a wide variety of events, groups, acts, agencies, and amendments that were part of the story of Reconstruction, including the following: American Indians, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Compromise of 1877, Democratic Party, Fourteenth Amendment, Joint Committee on Reconstruction, Loyalty Oaths, Military Reconstruction Acts, Stalwarts, Tenure of Office Act. Among the more than 270 entries are 11 that discuss the course and consequences of Reconstruction in each of the former Confederate states, and 6 that discuss the outcome and significance of the presidential and key congressional elections held between 1864 and 1876. The encyclopedia also offers a timeline of Reconstruction, a bibliography of print and electronic information resources, a selection of primary documents, a table of important dates, numerous illustrations, and a detailed subject index.

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