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Бегунов, Ю. К.
13 теорий демократии [Електронний ресурс] / Ю. К. Бегунов, А. В. Лукашев, А. В. Пониделко. - СПб. : Бизнес-пресса, 2002. - 240 с.


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Настоящая работа посвящена анализу существующих теорий демократии. Сделан научный анализ многочисленных источников, начиная с античных философов и заканчивая современными учеными политологами. Оказалось, что разные виды демократий могут отличаться друг от друга в большей степени, чем одна форма государственного правления от другой. Демократии в разных странах носят ярко выраженный национальный характер и не могут рассматриваться в отрыве от традиционной культуры народа, который выбрал демократическую форму правления в своем государстве. В книге приведена и критика демократии. В качестве критических источников также выбраны наиболее авторитетные авторы, никак не ангажированные какими бы то ни было политическими силами. В заключительной части книги приведены возможные варианты развития событий в России, дана характеристика существующего социально экономического положения и предложены пути реализации Национальной идеи Русского государства. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей и может быть использована как в виде учебного пособия, так и для научного обоснования выбора Россией дальнейшего пути развития.

публіцистика -- демократія -- політика -- державне управління

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jayal, Niraja Gopal.
Citizenship and its discontents [Electronic resource] : an indian history / Niraja Gopal Jayal. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2013. - 377 p
Переклад назви: Громадянство і невдоволення: Індійська історія


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Breaking new ground in scholarship, Niraja Jayal writes the first history of citizenship in the largest democracy in the world—India. Unlike the mature democracies of the west, India began as a true republic of equals with a complex architecture of citizenship rights that was sensitive to the many hierarchies of Indian society. In this provocative biography of the defining aspiration of modern India, Jayal shows how the progressive civic ideals embodied in the constitution have been challenged by exclusions based on social and economic inequality, and sometimes also, paradoxically, undermined by its own policies of inclusion. Citizenship and Its Discontents explores a century of contestations over citizenship from the colonial period to the present, analyzing evolving conceptions of citizenship as legal status, as rights, and as identity. The early optimism that a new India could be fashioned out of an unequal and diverse society led to a formally inclusive legal membership, an impulse to social and economic rights, and group-differentiated citizenship. Today, these policies to create a civic community of equals are losing support in a climate of social intolerance and weak solidarity. Once seen by Western political scientists as an anomaly, India today is a site where every major theoretical debate about citizenship is being enacted in practice, and one that no global discussion of the subject can afford to ignore.

демократія -- постколоніалізм -- історія Індії -- громадянство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Wydra, Harald.
Communism and the Emergence of Democracy [Electronic resource] / H. Wydra. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2006. - 325 p
Переклад назви: Комунізм і становлення демократії


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Before democracy becomes an institutionalised form of political authority, the rupture with authoritarian forms of power causes deep uncertainty about power and outcomes. This book connects the study of democratisation in eastern Europe and Russia to the emergence and crisis of communism. Wydra argues that the communist past is not simply a legacy but needs to be seen as a social organism in gestation, where critical events produce new expectations, memories, and symbols that influence meanings of democracy. By examining a series of pivotal historical events, he shows that democratisation is not just a matter of institutional design, but rather a matter of consciousness and leadership under conditions of extreme and traumatic incivility. Rather than adopting the opposition between non-democratic and democratic, Wydra argues that the communist experience must be central to the study of the emergence and nature of democracy in (post-) communist countries.

демократія -- комунізм -- історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fleiner, T.
Constitutional democracy in a multicultural and globalized world [Electronic resource] / T. Fleiner, L. R. Basta Fleiner. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. - 670 p.
Переклад назви: Конституційна демократія в мультикультурному та глобальному світі


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The book is "full of profound insights, stimulating reflections and ideas, and creative provocations, such as the authors' continuous scepticism towards the liberal political and state theory". Defining the multicultural state as the essential political community of the 21st century and redefining the basic concepts of the theory of state to that effect, the book may become a milestone in the history of political and state theory (Ulrich K. Preuss in the "International Journal of Constitutional Law") 2006, p. 576-581."It is a great merit of Thomas Fleiner and Lidija R. Basta Fleiner that they identify both internal changes of a personal substrate of contemporary states and the challenges of globalization not only with an astonishing seismological sensitiveness; moreover, they do it in a manner, which distinguishes their book with regard to other works on the theory of the State."

політична теорія -- державна теорія -- глобалізація

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Tocqueville, A. De
Democracy in America [Electronic resource] / A. De Tocqueville. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - 1319 p.
Переклад назви: Демократія в Америці


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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Brownlee, Jason.
Democracy prevention [Electronic resource] : the politics of the U.S.-Egyptian Alliance / Jason Brownlee. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 296 p
Переклад назви: Демократична профілактика: політика американо-єгипетського альянсу


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When a popular revolt forced long-ruling Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign on February 11, 2011, U.S. President Barack Obama hailed the victory of peaceful demonstrators in the heart of the Arab World. But Washington was late to endorse democracy - for decades the United States favored Egypt's rulers over its people. Since 1979, the United States had provided the Egyptian regime more than $60 billion in aid and immeasurable political support to secure its main interests in the region: Israeli security and strong relations with Persian Gulf oil producers. During the Egyptian uprising, the White House did not promote popular sovereignty but instead backed an "orderly transition" to one of Mubarak's cronies. Even after protesters derailed that plan, the anti-democratic U.S.-Egyptian alliance continued. Using untapped primary materials, this book helps explain why authoritarianism has persisted in Egypt with American support, even as policy makers claim to encourage democratic change.

демократія -- геополітика -- міжнародні відносини

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Smith, G.
Democratic Innovations [Electronic resource] / G. Smith. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 232 p.
Переклад назви: Демократичні інновації


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Since 1989, ever-increasing numbers of citizens have taken part in budgetary decision-making in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. By 2001 an impressive 16,600 citizens were participating in the annual popular assemblies held across the city. Their initial participation eventually culminated in decisions about the distribution of a significant element of the municipal budget, with a substantial proportion destined for investments in poor neighbourhoods. The following year, the process began again. At the other end of the Americas, in December 2004 after 11 months of deliberation, an assembly of 160 randomly selected citizens delivered a report recommending changes to British Columbia’s electoral system. The following year, their recommendation was put to a binding popular vote. And, again in 2004, citizens in 37 states across the United States voted on 162 propositions, almost a half of which were proposals that originated from within civil society rather than the legislature or executive. Some 68 per cent of these propositions were approved by citizens and have or will become law.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Miller, K. P.
Direct democracy and the courts [Electronic resource] / K. P. Miller. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 286 p.
Переклад назви: Пряма демократія та суди


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Who should have the last word on fundamental policy issues? This book analyzes the rise of two contenders - the people, through direct democracy, and the courts. Introduced in the U.S. during the Progressive Era and now available in nearly half the states, direct democracy has surged in recent decades. Through ballot measures, voters have slashed taxes, mandated government spending, imposed term limits on elected officials, enacted campaign finance reform, barred affirmative action, banned same-sex marriage, and adopted many other controversial laws. In several states, citizens now bypass legislatures to make the most important policy decisions. However, the "people's rule" is not absolute. This book demonstrates that courts have used an expanding power of judicial review to invalidate citizen-enacted laws at remarkably high rates. The resulting conflict between the people and the courts threatens to produce a popular backlash against judges and raises profound questions about the proper scope of popular sovereignty and judicial power in a constitutional system.

безпосередня демократія -- форма правління -- уряд

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fossedal, Gregory A..
Direct Democracy in Switzerland [Electronic resource] / Gregory A. Fossedal. - New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, 2002. - 306 p
Переклад назви: Пряма демократія в Швейцарії


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Only one country in the world--Switzerland--is a direct democracy, in which, to an extent, the people pass their own laws, judge the constitutionality of statutes, and even have written, in effect, their own constitution. In this propitious volume, Gregory Fossedal reports on the politics and social fabric of what James Bryce has called "the nation that has taken the democratic idea to its furthest extent." The lessons Fossedal presents, at a time of dissatisfaction with the role of money and privileged elites in many Western democracies, are at once timely and urgent. In Direct Democracy in Switzerland, Fossedal has developed a shrewd, sensitive overview of Switzerland's high notion of statecraft. He details the reasons for studying Switzerland's distinctive institutions, and explores the origins and development of the ancient Swiss democracy, which reaches back a thousand years. He shows how Switzerland handles the political questions common to all modern societies, such as education, taxes, crime, welfare, the Holocaust. He concludes with the ongoing debate over two very different visions of democracy, direct versus representative. Paolo Dardenelli in Regional and Federal Studies described the book in its cloth edition as offering "many valuable insights into Swiss political life and written in a light, refreshing journalistic style." Amity Shlaes of the Financial Times commented that "Fossedal shines a brilliant spotlight on a form of governancewith lessons for the rest of us. His review of the referendum process there is required reading for lawmakers, political consultants and voters." Gregory A. Fossedal is chairman of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, a research foundation based near Washington, DC. He is also president and chief investment officer of the Democratic Century Fund and its management company, the Emerging Markets Group. He is author of The Democratic Imperative. Alfred R. Berkeley III is president of the Nasdaq stock market.

демократія -- культура -- нація

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Honig, B.
Emergency politics [Electronic resource] : paradox, law, democracy / B. Honig. - Princeton : Publishing Princeton University Press, 2009. - 197 p.
Переклад назви: Надзвичайна політика: Парадокс, закон, демократія


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This book intervenes in contemporary debates about the threat posed to democratic life by political emergencies. Must emergency necessarily enhance and centralize top-down forms of sovereignty? Those who oppose executive branch enhancement often turn instead to law, insisting on the sovereignty of the rule of law or demanding that law rather than force be used to resolve conflicts with enemies. But are these the only options? Or are there more democratic ways to respond to invocations of emergency politics? Looking at how emergencies in the past and present have shaped the development of democracy, Bonnie Honig argues that democracies must resist emergency's pull to focus on life's necessities (food, security, and bare essentials) because these tend to privatize and isolate citizens rather than bring us together on behalf of hopeful futures. Emphasizing the connections between mere life and more life, emergence and emergency, Honig argues that emergencies call us to attend anew to a neglected paradox of democratic politics: that we need good citizens with aspirational ideals to make good politics while we need good politics to infuse citizens with idealism. Honig takes a broad approach to emergency, considering immigration politics, new rights claims, contemporary food politics and the infrastructure of consumption, and the limits of law during the Red Scare of the early twentieth century. Taking its bearings from Moses Mendelssohn, Franz Rosenzweig, and other Jewish thinkers, this is a major contribution to modern thought about the challenges and risks of democratic orientation and action in response to emergency.

політика -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Однорог, П. М.
Ethernet [Електронний ресурс] / П. М. Однорог, Є. В. Михайленко, М. О. Котенко, О. Б. Омецінська. - К. : [б. в.], 2006. - 55 с.


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Технологія Ethernet останнім часом перестала бути лише технологією, що застосовується при побудові локальних (внутрішньооб’єктових) мереж. Сучасний рівень технології охоплює мережі LAN, WAN та MAN. Сучасне застосування технології Ethernet передбачає роботу на високих швидкостях 1 Гбіт/с, 10 Гбіт/с, використання оптичного волокна, безпосередній вихід на первинну мережу зв’язку, взаємодію технології Ethernet з іншими технологіями мережі доступу (наприклад DSL) та первинної мережі (наприклад SDH, WDM). Автори намагались в цьому посібнику дати опис використання технології Ethernet як в локальних мережах так і на первинній мережі, викласти принципи функціонування технології Ethernet, параметри складових, що входять до мережі, котра використовує технологію Ethernet.

інтернет -- технологія -- мережа

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Howlett, Charles.
For the People [Electronic resource] : a documentary history of the struggle for peace and justice in the United States / Charles Howlett, Robbie Lieberman. - Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2009. - 376 p
Переклад назви: В ім'я народу: документальний історія боротьби за мир і справедливість у Сполучених Штатах

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For the People is a historical docutext that examines the evolution of the struggle for peace and justice in America's past, from pre-colonial times to the present. Each chapter begins with a brief historical introduction followed by a series of primary source documents and questions to encourage student comprehension. Sample photographs illustrate the range of peace activists' concerns, while the list of references, focused on the most important works in the field of U.S. peace history, points students toward opportunities for further research. This is the only historical docutext specifically devoted to peace issues. The interpretive analysis of American peace history provided by the editors makes this more than just an anthology of collected documents. As such, the docutext is an extension and a complement to the editors' recently published popular scholarly survey, A History of the American Peace Movement from Colonial Times to the Present. A central idea in this work is that peace is more than just the absence of war. The documents, and the analysis that accompanies them, offer fresh perspectives on the ways in which the peace movement became transformed from one simply opposing war to one proclaiming the importance of social, political, and economic equality. The editors' premise is that the peace movement historically has been a collective attempt by numerous well-intentioned people to improve American society. The book illuminates the ways in which peace activists were often connected to larger reform movements in American history, including those that fought for the rights of working people, for women's equality, and for the abolition of slavery, to name just a few. With a focus on those who spoke out for peace, this docutext is designed to call to students' attention one of the least discussed classroom subjects in American education today. Students in secondary school Social Studies and American history classes as well as those taking college level courses in U.S. history, American Studies, or Peace Studies will find this work an excellent supplementary reader.

історія США -- демократія -- громадянське суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Geoff Eley
Forging democracy [Electronic resource] : the history of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000 / Geoff Eley. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. - 721 p
Переклад назви: Ковка демократії: історія лівої Європи, 1850-2000


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Democracy in Europe has been a recent phenomenon. Only in the wake of World War II were democratic frameworks secured, and, even then, it was decades before democracy truly blanketed the continent. Neither given nor granted, democracy requires conflict, often violent confrontations, and challenges to the established political order. In Europe, Geoff Eley convincingly shows, democracy did not evolve organically out of a natural consensus, the achievement of prosperity, or the negative cement of the Cold War. Rather, it was painstakingly crafted, continually expanded, and doggedly defended by varying constellations of socialist, feminist, Communist, and other radical movements that originally blossomed in the later nineteenth century. Parties of the Left championed democracy in the revolutionary crisis after World War I, salvaged it against the threat of fascism, and renewed its growth after 1945. They organized civil societies rooted in egalitarian ideals which came to form the very fiber of Europe's current democratic traditions. The trajectories of European democracy and the history of the European Left are thus inextricably bound together. Geoff Eley has given us the first truly comprehensive history of the European Left--its successes and failures; its high watermarks and its low tides; its accomplishments, insufficiencies, and excesses; and, most importantly, its formative, lasting influence on the European political landscape. At a time when the Left's influence and legitimacy are frequently called into question, Forging Democracy passionately upholds its vital contribution.

демократія -- політика -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Sharp, Gene.
From Dictatorship to Democracy [Electronic resource] / G. Sharp. - Boston : Albert Einstein Institution, 2010. - 101 p
Переклад назви: Від диктатури до демократії


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Gene Sharp, an emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and founder of the Albert Einstein Institution, is widely credited as one of the principal initiators of the Arab Spring. His 1993 book, “From Dictatorship to Democracy,” which promotes the principle of nonviolent struggle, is created with inspiring the revolution in Egypt, as well as in other countries all over the world.

диктатура -- демократія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Human rights [Electronic resource] : the hard questions. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 490 p
Переклад назви: Права люди: важкі питання


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The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. A burgeoning human rights movement followed, yielding many treaties and new international institutions and shaping the constitutions and laws of many states. Yet human rights continue to be contested politically and legally and there is substantial philosophical and theoretical debate over their foundations and implications. In this volume, distinguished philosophers, political scientists, international lawyers, environmentalists and anthropologists discuss some of the most difficult questions of human rights theory and practice: What do human rights require of the global economy? Does it make sense to secure them by force? What do they require in jus post bellum contexts of transitional justice? Is global climate change a human rights issue? Is there a human right to democracy? Does the human rights movement constitute moral progress? For students of political philosophy, human rights, peace studies, and international relations.

правознавство -- суспільство -- демократія -- свобода слова

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Getzler, Israel.
Kronstadt 1917-1921 [Electronic resource] : the fate of a soviet democracy / Israel Getzler. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2002. - 308 p
Переклад назви: Кронштадт 1917-1921: доля радянської демократії.


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This is the first major study of revolutionary Kronstadt to span the period from February 1917 to the uprising of March 1921. It focuses attention on Kronstadt's forgotten golden age, between March 1917 and July 1918, when Soviet power and democracy flourished there. Professor Getzler argues that the Kronstadters' 'Third Revolution' of March 1921 was a desperate attempt at a restoration of that Soviet democracy which they believed had been taken from them by Bolshevik 'commissarocracy'. Pointing to continuity in personnel, ideology and institutions linking the 1917-18 Kronstadt experiment in Soviet democracy with the March 1921 uprising, the author sees that continuity reflected in the Kronstadt tragedy's central figure, the long-haired, dreamy-eyed student Anatolii Lamanov. Chairman of the Kronstadt Soviet in 1917 and chief editor of its Izvestiia, Lamanov became the ideologist of the 1921 uprising and was soon after executed as a 'counter-revolutionary'.

демократія -- збройне повстання -- рядянський союз -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blackburn, Robin.
Marx and Lincoln [Electronic resource] : an Unfinished Revolution / R. Blackburn. - London ; New York : Verso, 2011. - 268 p.
Переклад назви: Маркс і Лінкольн: нескінченна революція


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In photographs Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln both look the part of the respectable Victorian gentleman. But they were almost diametrically opposed in their attitude toward what was called at the time the social question. Lincoln happily represented railroad corporations as a lawyer. As a politician he was a champion of free wage labor. Karl Marx, on the other hand, was a declared foe of capitalism who insisted that wage labor was in fact wage slavery, since the worker was compelled by economic necessity to sell his defi ning human attribute—his labor power—because if he did not, his family would soon face hunger and homelessness.

капіталізм -- демократія -- політологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Heidar, Knut.
Norway [Electronic resource] : elites on trial / K. Heidar. - Boulder : Westview Press, 2001. - 208 p.. - (Nations of the modern world: Europe)
Переклад назви: Норвегія: огляд еліт


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Norway is by history and culture very much a Scandinavian nation with its own unique profile. This book analyzes the factors that have shaped the sociocultural fabric of Norwegian politics. One of the most important themes Heidar analyzes is the power of the periphery, both in social as well as geographic terms. In the geographic sense, Norway is a small nation, and although it has been able to remain economically and politically stable, it is situated on the European flank. It is therefore dependent upon and vulnerable to external economic and political developments. In critical periods of its history, Norway’s size has made it an object rather than an initiator of change. In the social sense, Norway has existed as a “periphery nation”.

політологія -- соціологія -- демократія -- Скандинавія

   Тип видання:   монографія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Religion, class coalitions, and welfare states [Electronic resource] / ed.: K. V. Kersbergen, P. Manow. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 320 p.
Переклад назви: Релігія, класові коаліції та соціальні держави


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This book is the result of a joint project that began in 2001. After having collaborated on a paper on the problem of welfare without work in continental Europe (see Hemerijck, Van Kersbergen, and Manow 2000), we began discussing some intriguing and unresolved big issues in welfare state research, particularly the incomplete – and therefore unsatisfactory – manner in which the role of religion in welfare state development had been studied. Although early work on the history of the welfare state had included illuminating analyses of the pro-welfare role (e.g., via democratization) of Protestantism, later work had primarily focused on the positive impact of social Catholicism as politically represented by Christian democracy on the European continent. We started to consider the possibility that it had been an unfortunate omission not to consider the impact of (social) Protestantism on the development of the European and the American welfare state more generally.

демократія -- церква

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Хакамада, И.
Sex в большой политике [Електронний ресурс] / И. Хакамада. - М. : Астрель, 2007. - 290 с.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Публичные политики издают сочинения о себе любимых двух видов: автобиографические, написанные в жанре жития святых, и производственные, написанные в жанре доноса на конкурентов и противников, в которых рассказывается о скрытых механизмах борьбы за власть. "Sex в большой политике" - ни первое, ни второе. Но достоинство книги Ирины Хакамады не в этом. А в том, что ее интересно читать. И тем, кто не равнодушен к политике, и тем, кому до нее нет никакого дела.

політика -- суспільство -- демократія -- політик -- міжнародні відносини

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