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1968 год. "Пражская весна" [Електронний ресурс] : историческая ретроспектива / ред. Т. Волокитина, Г. Мурашко, А. Стыкалин. - М. : Российская политическая энциклопедия, 2010. - 808 с.


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Сборник материалов конференции, состоявшейся осенью 2008 г. в Институте славяноведения РАН, посвящен сорокалетию чехословацких событий 1968 г. и отражает современное состояние изучения "Пражской весны" - переломного рубежа в развитии социализма в Европе. На основе ранее не известных или не доступных исследователям документов анализируется ряд слабо изученных проблем системного кризиса и движения за реформирование социализма. Основное внимание уделено влиянию чехословацких событий на общество и сознание европейцев. Для историков и всех интересующихся политической историей XX столетия.

соціалізм -- російська інвазія -- маріонетковий уряд -- окупація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Barker, Juliet.
Conquest [Electronic resource] : the English kingdom of France, 1417-1450 / Juliet Barker. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2012. - 500 p
Переклад назви: Завоювання: Англійське Королівство Франції, 1417-1450


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For thirty dramatic years, England ruled a great swath of France at the point of the sword—an all-but-forgotten episode in the Hundred Years’ War that Juliet Barker brings to vivid life in Conquest. Following Agincourt, Henry V’s second invasion of France in 1417 launched a campaign that would place the crown of France on an English head. Buoyed by conquest, the English army seemed invincible. By the time of Henry’s premature death in 1422, nearly all of northern France lay in his hands and the Valois heir to the throne had been disinherited. Only the appearance of a visionary peasant girl who claimed divine guidance, Joan of Arc, was able to halt the English advance, but not for long. Just six months after her death, Henry’s young son was crowned in Paris as the first—and last—English king of France. Henry VI’s kingdom endured for twenty years, but when he came of age he was not the leader his father had been. The dauphin whom Joan had crowned Charles VII would finally drive the English out of France. Barker recounts these stirring events—the epic battles and sieges, plots and betrayals—through a kaleidoscope of characters from John Talbot, the “English Achilles,” and John, duke of Bedford, regent of France, to brutal mercenaries, opportunistic freebooters, resourceful spies, and lovers torn apart by the conflict.

медієвістика -- історія Європи -- Столітня війна -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Bettschen, G.
Genealogical, biographical and pictorial history of the Bettschen family and its connections [Electronic resource] / G. Bettschen. - Ontario : New Dundee, 1910. - 274 p.
Переклад назви: Генеалогічні, біографічні та мальовничі історії сім'ї Bettschen та їх родинні зв'язки


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 Джерело інформації

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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Boardman, J.
The Oxford history of the classical world [Electronic resource] / J. Boardman, J. Griffin, O. Murray. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1986. - 882 p.
Переклад назви: Оксфордська історія класичного світу


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The history, achievements, and enduring legacies of Greek and Roman antiquity come to life in the pages of this comprehensive and beautifully illustrated volume. Following a format similar to that of The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, the book brings together the work of thirty outstanding authorities and organizes their contributions into three main sections. The first section covers Greece from the eighth to the fourth centuries B.C., a period unparalleled in history for its brilliance in literature, philosophy, and the visual arts. The second section deals with the Hellinization of the Middle East by the monarchies established in the areas conquered by Alexander the Great, the growth of Rome, and the impact of the two cultures on one another. The third section covers the foundation of the Roman Empire by Augustus and its consolidation in the first two centuries A.D. A short concluding essay discusses certain aspects of the later Empire and its influence on Western civilization, notably through the adoption of Christianity. Within each section, chapters dealing with political and social history alternate with chapters on literature, philosophy, and the arts. Maps and chronological charts--not to mention more than 250 illustrations, including sixteen in color--enrich the basic text, along with bibliographies and a full index.

античність -- філософія -- імперія -- мистецтво

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bruchfeld, Stephane.
Tell ye your children… A book about the Holocaust in Europe 1933–1945 [Electronic resource] / Stephane Bruchfeld, Paul A. Levine ; The swedish government offices living history project. - Stockholm : Regeringskansliet, 1998. - 83 p.
Переклад назви: Розкажіть вашим дітям... Книга про Холокост в Європі 1933-1945


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знищення євреїв -- геноцид

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Cole, Jeffrey E..
Ethnic Groups of Europe [Electronic resource] : an encyclopedia / Jeffrey E. Cole. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2011. - 442 p
Переклад назви: Етнічні групи Європи: енциклопедія


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Part of a five-volume series on ethnic groups around the world, "Ethnic Groups of Europe: An Encyclopedia" provides detailed descriptions of more than 100 European ethnic and national groups. Each entry provides an overview of the group as well as in-depth information on the group's origins and early history, cultural life, and recent developments. Among the information presented for each group are global and national population figures and accounts of geographical distribution, diaspora populations, the group's historic homeland, predominant religions and languages, and related groups. The entries also highlight places, people, and events of particular importance to each group, and sidebars introduce related topics of interest. Throughout the text, special attention is focused on the relationship between ethnicity and nationalism. An explanation of the methodology used for selecting the ethnic groups in the encyclopedia is also provided, as is an introductory essay on the topic of ethnicity in Europe.

Європа -- етнічні групи

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Cunliffe, Barry.
The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe [Electronic resource] / Barry Cunliffe. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. - 568 p
Переклад назви: Оксфордська ілюстрована протоісторія Європи


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When a melting Swiss glacier recently revealed the body of a hunter millennia old, the world sat up and took notice. Here, in his well-preserved arrows, tools, and leather garments (not to mention his own remains) was a rare glimpse of life in prehistoric Europe, and it captured the public imagination. Elsewhere more obvious remnants of the pre-classical past have long been objects of fascination: the megaliths of northwestern Europe, the palaces of Crete, the mysterious cave paintings of France. Now archeologist Barry Cunliffe and a team of distinguished experts shed light on this astonishing, long-silent world in a comprehensive and lavishly illustrated account.

первісне суспільство -- антропогенез -- соціогенез

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Curta, F.
The making of the Slavs [Electronic resource] : history and archaeology of the lower Danube region, c. 500-700 / F. Curta. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2001. - 496 p.
Переклад назви: Утворення слов'ян: історія та археологія низької області Дунаю, 500-700 рр.


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This book offers a new approach to the problem of Slavic ethnicity in southeastern Europe between c. 500 and c. 700, from the perspective of current anthropological theories. The conceptual emphasis here is on the relation between material culture and ethnicity. The author demonstrates that the history of the Sclavenes and the Antes begins only at around AD 500. He also points to the significance of the archaeological evidence, which suggests that specific artifacts may have been used as identity markers. This evidence also indicates the role of local leaders in building group boundaries and in leading successful raids across the Danube. The names of many powerful leaders appear in written sources, some being styled “kings.” Because of these military and political developments, Byzantine authors began employing names such as Sclavenes and Antes in order to make sense of the process of group identification that was taking place north of the Danube frontier. Slavic ethnicity is therefore shown to be a Byzantine invention.

слов'янська національність -- антропологічна теорія -- археологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Embleton, G. A.
The Crimean War, 1853-56 [Electronic resource] / G. A. Embleton. - London : Almark Pub. Co, 1975. - 80 p.
Переклад назви: Кримська війна 1853-56 рр..


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The war began in October, 1853 between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, and by March, 1854 had involved France and England. When the Russian Black Sea Fleet completely devastated the Turkish navy at the Battle of Sinope in November, 1853, England felt threatened. The threat came in a large part from the fact that for the first time, exploding shells were used in a naval engagement. To add to this, in France, Napoleon III desired to revive the military might of the French which had been destroyed 39 years earlier at Waterloo.

війна -- імперіалізм -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gajecky, George.
The Cossacks in the Thirthy Years War [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / George Gajecky, Alexsandr Baran. - Rome : PP Basiliani, 1969-1983
Переклад назви: Козаки в тридцятилітній війні


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Т. 1 : 1619-1624. - 1969. - 144 p.

Т. 2 : 1625-1648. - 1983. - 127 р.

козацтво -- Тридцятилітня війна -- мілітарна історія -- історія Європи

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Grafton, Anthony.
What was history? [Electronic resource] : the art of history in early modern Europe / A. Grafton. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 319 p
Переклад назви: Яка була історія? : історичне мистецтво на світанку сучасної Європи

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From the late-fifteenth century onwards, scholars across Europe began to write books about how to read and evaluate histories. These pioneering works - which often take surprisingly modern-sounding positions - grew from complex early modern debates about law, religion, and classical scholarship. In this book, based on the Trevelyan Lectures of 2005, Anthony Grafton explains why so many of these works were written, why they attained so much insight - and why, in the centuries that followed, most scholars gradually forgot that they had existed. Elegant and accessible, What Was History? is a deliberate evocation of E. H. Carr's celebrated and icononclastic Trevelyan Lectures on What Is History?, and will appeal to a broad readership of students, scholars and historical enthusiasts. Anthony Grafton is one of the most celebrated historians writing in English today, and What Was History? is a powerful and imaginative exploration of some central themes in the history of European ideas.

мистецтво -- Європа -- розвиток -- історія

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Haywood, John.
The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings [Electronic resource] / John Haywood. - London : Penguin Books, 1995. - 135 p
Переклад назви: Історичний Атлас вікінгів


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Viking marauders struck fear into the hearts of ninth-century European peasants, monks and nobles alike for two centuries, but the Vikings were more than seaborne terrorists. This atlas illustrates their influence extending from the Holy Land to Newfoundland, as explorers, settlers, craftsmen and hired mercenaries.

історія Європи -- медієвістика -- скандинавська культура -- географічні відкриття

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kamen, Henry.
Who's Who In Europe, 1450-1750 [Електронний ресурс] / H. Kamen. - London : Routledge, 2004
Переклад назви: Хто є хто в Європі 1450-1750 рр.


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Between 1450 and 1750 Europe underwent tremendous political, religious and cultural change - change which laid the foundations for the Europe we know today. Henry Kamen has compiled an accessible biographical guide to Europe in this most exciting of periods - the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation, the time of da Vinci and Erasmus, Elizabeth I and Oliver Cromwell.

ренесанс -- реформація -- європейська історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lindstrom, Fredrik.
Empire and Identity [Electronic resource] : biographies of the Austrian State problem in the late Habsburg Empire / Fredrik Lindstrom. - West Lafayette : Purdue University Press, 2008. - 325 p
Переклад назви: Імперія та ідентичність: біографія проблем Австрійської держави наприкінці імперії Габсбургів


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Empire and Identity is a novel approach to the critical last decades of the Habsburg Empire. The book is organized as three dual political biographies, each focusing a certain problem in the development of the Imperial Austrian state in the early twentieth century. The biographical approach also throws new light on the six examined individuals, whose scholarly, artistic, and bureaucratic careers are placed in a political context.

Австро-Угорщина -- Габсбурги -- національні держави

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Makhno, Nestor.
The struggle against the state and other essays [Electronic resource] / Nestor Makhno, Alexandre Skirda. - Edinburgh : AK Press, 1996. - 119 p
Переклад назви: Боротьба з державою та інші есе


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A collection of essays and articles from the Ukranian revolutionary, Nestor Makhno, who fought against encroaching Bolshevik terror during the Russian Revolution. The Struggle Against the State and other Essays sheds valuable insight onto the man and the movement that bore his name.

збройні конфлікти -- політика -- анархізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Murphy, David.
Condottiere 1300-1500 [Electronic resource] : infamous medieval mercenaries / David Murphy. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2007. - 68 p
Переклад назви: Кондотьєри 1300-1500 рр.: сумнозвісні найманці середньовіччя


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Originally hired by wealthy Italian city states to protect their assets during a time of ceaseless warring, the Condottiere of the Italian peninsula became famous for his wealth, venality and amorality during the 14th century. The Condottieri's pursuit of profit meant they were prepared to change sides for the right price, even during battle, and they prospered, becoming both powerful and rich in the process. Leaders such as John Hawkwood, with his famous 'White Company', became major political figures.

злодії -- найманці -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Nelson, Max.
The barbarian's beverage [Electronic resource] : a history of beer in ancient Europe / Max Nelson. - New York : Routledge, 2008. - 224 p
Переклад назви: Трунок варварів: історія пива в стародавній Європі


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Comprehensive and detailed, this is the first ever study of ancient beer and its distilling, consumption and characteristics Examining evidence from Greek and Latin authors from 700 BC to AD 900, the book demonstrates the important technological as well as ideological contributions the Europeans made to beer throughout the ages. The study is supported by textual and archaeological evidence and gives a fresh and fascinating insight into an aspect of ancient life that has fed through to modern society and which stands today as one of the world’s most popular beverages. Students of ancient history, classical studies and the history of food and drink will find this an useful and enjoyable read.

броварство -- пиво -- алкогольне виробництво -- Античність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Okey, Robin.
The demise of communist East Europe [Electronic resource] : 1989 in context / Robin Okey. - New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2004. - 240 p
Переклад назви: Розпад комуністичної Східної Європи: 1989 рік у контексті


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This book charts the demise of east European communism and analyses the failure of the communist experiment, the revolutionary events of 1989 and the post-communist aftermath as the legacy of both these processes. The author explains communism's initial ability to survive crises but then its cumulative decline in the face of dissidence, economic weakness and reform movements. By analyzing these issues in the context of the regions drive since the nineteenth-century to catch up with western Europe, this book concludes that the events of 1989 can cast light more widely still, on the fortunes of the three great ideas that the continent as a whole derived from revolutionary France: liberalism, socialism and nationalism.

декомунізація -- геополітика -- історія Європи

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Parthasarathi, Prasannan.
Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not [Electronic resource] : global Economic Divergence, 1600–1850 / P. Parthasarathi. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2011. - 365 p.
Переклад назви: Чому Європа збагачувалася, а Азія - ні: глобальна економічна розбіжність. 1600-1850


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економіка -- історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Pollard, J.
The fascist experience in Italy [Electronic resource] / J. Pollard. - London : Routledge, 1998. - 163 p.
Переклад назви: Фашистський досвід в Італії


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The Fascist Experience of Italyexamines the development of Italian fascism from the emergence of the united Italian state and the political, social and economic status of Italy in the nineteenth century to the post-war aftermath of fascism. John Pollard provides an analysis of printed and broadcast propaganda, new documentary material and thematic coverage of major topics such as the transformation of Italian agrarian and urban society and the actions of the Papacy. He compares the rise of the Fascist movement against the background of the First World and the ensuing crisis of the Italian democratic system, reassessing the status of the fascist movement as a coalition rather than a monolith and detailing the images of energy and violence which were crucial to the success of fascism, both within Italy and internationally.


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