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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of surgery. A guide for patients and caregivers [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed. A. J. Senagore. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія хірургії


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Vol. 1 : A - F. - 569 p.

Written especially for patients and allied health care students by experts in the field, The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests provides in-depth coverage of approximately 450 surgical procedures, medical tests and related topics, such as anesthetics, common lab test and procedures, medications and postoperative care. Entries for medical test and surgical procedures follow a consistent format, covering definition; purpose; demographic information; diagnosis/preparation; aftercare; risks; morbidity and mortality rates; alternatives; and more. Additional features include 175 full-color illustrations and photographs; bibliographies of further reading sources; a glossary of medical terminology; appendices listing top centers for specific surgical procedures and national organizations and support groups for patients; and a comprehensive index.

оперативне лікування -- хірургічне лікування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Алямовский, А. А.
SolidWorks 2007/2008. Компьютерное моделирование в инженерной практике [Електронний ресурс] / А. А. Алямовский, А. А. Собачкин, Е. В. Одинцов. - СПб. : БХВ-Петербург, 2008. - 1040 с.


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Рассматриваются программы для инженерного анализа в совокупности с системой проектирования SolidWorks. Описываются методики расчетов на прочность, устойчивость, колебания и динамику твердых тел в COSMOSWorks; газогидродинамики и теплопередачи в COSMOSFIoWorks и EFD.Lab, кинематики и динамики механических систем посредством COSMOSMotion. Приведены примеры разработки изделий из листового металла с помощью SolidWorks и BlankWorks. Уделено внимание проектированию типовых элементов механических систем посредством модуля SolidWorks Toolbox и приложения GearTrax. Приводится базовая информация о приложении GearTeq для проектирования механических передач. Большинство примеров проиллюстрированы реальными инженерными расчетами.

інженерія -- розрахунок -- розробка -- моделювання

   Тип видання:   підручник   

SolidWorks. Компьютерное моделирование в инженерной практике [Електронний ресурс] / А. А. Алямовский [и др.]. - СПб. : БХВ-Петербург, 2005. - 800 с.


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Рассматриваются программы для инженерного анализа в совокупности с системой графического моделирования пакета SolidWorks. Описываются методики расчетов на прочность, устойчивость и колебания в приложениях COSMOSWorks, COSMOSDesignSTAR, аэродинамики, гидродинамики и теплопередачи на основе программ COSMOSFloWorks, EFD.Lab, кинематики и динамики механических систем посредством COSMOSMotion. Показана оптимизация конструкций с помощью COSMOSWorks Optimization. Дана методика разработки изделий из листового металла с использованием приложений SolidWorks, BlankWorks. Уделено внимание проектированию типовых элементов механических систем в программах SolidWorks Toolbox, GearTrax, светотехническому анализу и проектированию в приложениях TracePro, ReflectorCAD. Все методики проиллюстрированы реальными инженерными расчетами.

САПР -- автоматизоване моделюваня -- автоматизоване проектування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Jang, M.
RHCE Red Hat certified engineer Linux study guide (exam RH302) [Electronic resource] / M. Jang. - 4th. ed.. - New York : McGraw-Hill : Osborne, 2004. - 755 p.


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This comprehensive, hands-on study guide gives you complete coverage of all objectives for the Red Hat Certified Linux Engineer exam (RH302), hundreds of review questions, and hands-on lab exercises.

іспит RHCE

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Wallace, K.
Authorized self-study guide cisco voice over IP (CVoice) [Electronic resource] / K. Wallace. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2006. - 504 p.


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The second edition of Cisco Voice Over IP (CVOICE) provides readers with all the critical information needed to implement and support data and voice integration solutions at the network-access level. In addition, this book prepares the reader for the CVOICE certification exam 642-432, which applies to multiple Cisco IP Telephony Specialist certifications and the Cisco Certified Voice Professional (CCVP) certification. The book is based on the 5.0 curriculum, and has extra coverage on particularly tough areas of that course, such as H.323 gateway/gatekeeper and QoS configuration. This book will serve readers as a valuable study aid and an invaluable theory, configuration, and troubleshooting reference. Coverage starts with a review for readers new to voice technologies and continues with in-depth information on implementation, concepts and protocols, call control models available, roadblock and troubleshooting strategies, and QoS issues. The book also expands beyond the curriculum to cover topics such as WRR, AutoQoS on a Catalyst switch, LFI, using MQC to configure classification, marking, LLQ, WRED, policing, and shaping. How does the book differ from the previous edition? It includes updated coverage of voice technologies, IOS version 12.3 updates including AutoQoS, H.323 enhancements, MGCP enhancements, and SIP enhancements, and practical editorial elements like hands-on lab exercises and configuration examples are given greater emphasis.

комп'ютерна мережа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Manassah, J. T.
Elementary mathematical and computational tools for electrical and computer engineers using MATLAB [Electronic resource] / J. T. Manassah. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2001. - 345 p.
Переклад назви: Елементарні математичні та обчислювальні засоби для електро- та комп'ютерних інженерів з використанням MATLAB


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Engineers around the world depend on MATLAB for its power, usability, and outstanding graphics capabilities. Yet too often, engineering students are either left on their own to acquire the background they need to use MATLAB, or they must learn the program concurrently within an advanced course. Both of these options delay students from solving realistic design problems, especially when they do not have a text focused on applications relevant to their field and written at the appropriate level of mathematics.Ideal for use as a short-course textbook and for self-study Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB fills that gap. Accessible after just one semester of calculus, it introduces the many practical analytical and numerical tools that are essential to success both in future studies and in professional life. Sharply focused on the needs of the electrical and computer engineering communities, the text provides a wealth of relevant exercises and design problems. Changes in MATLAB's version 6.0 are included in a special addendum.The lack of skills in fundamental quantitative tools can seriously impede progress in one's engineering studies or career. By working through this text, either in a lecture/lab environment or by themselves, readers will not only begin mastering MATLAB, but they will also hone their analytical and computational skills to a level that will help them to enjoy and succeed in subsequent electrical and computer engineering pursuits.

мова програмування -- комп'ютерна інженерія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bass, B.
Death's Acre. Inside the legendary forensic lab. The body farm. Where the dead do tell yales [Electronic resource] / B. Bass, J. Jefferson. - New York : G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2003. - 319 p.
Переклад назви: Акр смерті: Всередині легендарної судової лабораторії. Тілесна ферма. Там, де мертві розповідають казки


Географічні рубрики:

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Nowhere is there another lab like Dr. Bill Bass's: On a hillside in Tennessee, human bodies decompose in the open air, aided by insects, bacteria, and birds, unhindered by coffins or mausoleums. At the "Body Farm," nature takes its course, with corpses buried in shallow graves, submerged in water, concealed beneath slabs of concrete, locked in trunks of cars. As stand-ins for murder victims, they serve the needs of science - and the cause of justice. For thirty years, Dr. Bass's research has revolutionized the field of forensic science, particularly by pinpointing "time since death" in murder cases. In this riveting book, he investigates real cases and leads readers on an unprecedented journey behind the locked gates of the Body Farm. A master scientist and an engaging storyteller, Bass shares his most intriguing work: his revisit of the Lindbergh kidnapping and murder, fifty years after the fact; the mystery of a headless corpse whose identity astonished the police; the telltale bugs that finally sent a murderous grandfather to death row; and many more.

кримінал -- вбивство

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Mozayani, A.
The forensic laboratory handbook [Electronic resource] : procedures and practice / A. Mozayani, C. Noziglia. - Totowa : Humana Press, 2006. - 300 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник судово-медичної лабораторії: процедури і практика


Географічні рубрики:

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Forensic science has come a long way in the past ten years. It is much more in-depth and much broader in scope, and the information gleaned from any evidence yields so much more information than it had in the past because of incredible advances in analytic instruments and crucial procedures at both the crime scene and in the lab. Many practices have gone digital, a concept not even fathomed ten years ago. And from the first collection of evidence to its lab analysis and interpretation to its final presentation in court, ethics has become an overriding guiding principle. That’s why this new edition of this classic handbook is indispensable. The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice includes thirteen new chapters written by real-life practitioners who are experts in the field. It covers the tried and true topics of fingerprints, trace evidence, chemistry, biology, explosives and arson, forensic anthropology, forensic pathology, forensic documents, firearms and toolmarks. This text also addresses an array of new topics including accreditation, certification, ethics, and how insects and bugs can assist in determining many facts including a margin of time of death. In the attempt to offer a complete and comprehensive analysis The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice also includes a chapter discussing the design of a laboratory. In addition, each chapter contains educational requirements needed for the discipline it covers. Complete with questions at the end of each chapter, brief author bios and real crime scene photos, this text has risen to greet the many new challenges and issues that face today’s forensic crime practitioners.

судова медицина

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Wiles, J.
The Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period [Electronic resource] / J. Wiles, A. Reyes, J. Varsalone. - Burlington : Syngress Publishing, 2007. - 699 p.
Переклад назви: Найзухваліші кіберзлочини та цифрова криміналістика книжкового періоду


Географічні рубрики:

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Electronic discovery refers to a process in which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a legal case. Computer forensics is the application of computer investigation and analysis techniques to perform an investigation to find out exactly what happened on a computer and who was responsible. IDC estimates that the U.S. market for computer forensics will be grow from $252 million in 2004 to $630 million by 2009. Business is strong outside the United States, as well. By 2011, the estimated international market will be $1.8 billion dollars. The Techno Forensics Conference has increased in size by almost 50% in its second year; another example of the rapid growth in the market. This book is the first to combine cybercrime and digital forensic topics to provides law enforcement and IT security professionals with the information needed to manage a digital investigation. Everything needed for analyzing forensic data and recovering digital evidence can be found in one place, including instructions for building a digital forensics lab.


   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Автоматизация физических исследований и эксперимента [Електронний ресурс] : компьютерные измерения и виртуальные приборы на основе Lab VIEW 7 / П. А. Бутырин [и др.]. - М. : ДМК Пресс, 2005. - 264 с.


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Книга состоит из 30 глав, названных лекциями. Эти главы содержат как информацию о тех или иных возможностях Lab VIEW, так и практические задания, выполнение которых необходимо для овладения этим прикладным инструментом исследования физических процессов и управления ими. Ма- териал каждой главы рассчитан на одно занятие за компьютером и может быть использован как при обучении группы студентов преподавателем, так и при самообучении студента. Для большей доступности курса большинство практических заданий ограничивается исследованием чисто виртуальных объектов, что не требует приобретения специальной материальной части (аналогово-цифровых преобразователей и т. д.). Издание предназначено для инженеров и студентов технических вузов.

комп’ютерні технології -- комп’ютер -- комп’ютерна програма

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Астрономія   

Alexander, John B..
UFOs [Electronic resource] : myths, conspiracies, and realities / J. B. Alexander. - New York : St. Martin’s Press, 2011. - 492 p.
Переклад назви: НЛО: міфи, конспірологічні теорії та реальність


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This book is dedicated to all scientists who have been willing to follow the data and acknowledge that phenomena do exist—even at the risk of their careers. On July 20, 2010, Dr. Dean Judd died unexpectedly, and thus I can now publicly acknowledge his involvement. For many years he was one of my closest confidants and his support is evident in many places in this book. Dean served the nation as the Chief Scientist of SDI (Star Wars), the National Intelligence Officer for Science and Technology, a member of the U.S. Air Force Science Advisory Board, and Senior Fellow at Los Alamos National Lab. He was a true skeptic. We served together on several advisory boards, and often discussed matters on national security at great length. On UFOs he asked tough questions while providing key insights into the U.S. space architecture. He was one of many people who noted there was absolutely no connection between SDI and preparing to fight ET.

уфологія -- езотерика -- містика

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