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35 Міжнародна баладна конференція SIEF (6-11 липня 2005 р., Київ) [Електронний ресурс] : доповіді та матеріали / голов. ред. Г. Скрипник ; Національна академія наук України, Інститут мистецтвознавства, фольклористики та етнології ім. М. Т. Рильського, Міжнародна баладна комісія SIEF. - К. : [б. в.], 2009. - 312 с.


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Україна вперше стала місцем проведення саме у Східній Європі 35-ї Міжнародної баладної конференції SIEF, яка відбулася в Києві 6–11 липня 2005 року в Інституті мистецтвознавства, фольклористики та етнології ім. М. Т. Рильського НАН України.

фольклористика -- літературознавство -- ліро-епічна поезія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

A Companion to Eastern European Cinemas [Electronic resource] / ed. Anikó Imre. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - 536 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник із східноєвропейського кінематографа

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A Companion to Eastern European Cinemas showcases twenty-five essays written by established and emerging film scholars that trace the history of Eastern European cinemas and offer an up-to-date assessment of post-socialist film cultures.

кіно -- посткомуністична Європа -- сучасне мистецтво

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Azevedo, Mario Joaquim.
Historical dictionary of Mozambique [Electronic resource] / M. J. Azevedo, E. Nnadozie, T. M. João. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2003. - 331 p.. - (African historical dictionaries ; no. 88)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Мозамбіку


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Mozambique is one of Africa’s larger countries and also has the potential to become one of its more important countries. It possesses many natural resources and has an active population that could again develop agriculture and commerce and then create an industrial base. It is located along the coast and provides a natural outlet for several landlocked neighbors. It is also strategically placed next to South Africa, the regional powerhouse. Regrettably, over the first decade of independence, it did not take advantage of those assets, partly because of a destructive civil war and partly because of its ideological orientation. Now that the war is over and it has reverted to a market economy, Mozambique should be able to make better progress. When the first edition of the Historical Dictionary of Mozambique appeared, I pointed out that Mozambique was one of the least-known African states. Little has happened to change that situation. Thus, there are few enough sources of information even today, which is particularly deplorable now that a fresh start is being made. Fortunately, this second edition can fill more of the gaps and bring the story up-to-date. This is done through an extension of the chronology, which recounts the more significant events, and an expanded dictionary section, which contains new and updated entries on persons, places, events, and institutions of note as well as crucial aspects of the economy, society, and culture. The bibliography has also been revised, with more new titles, many of them in English, but also in Portuguese. This second edition builds on the first, and the lead author is still Mario Azevedo, who wrote the first edition. Dr. Azevedo, who was born in Mozambique, is presently chair of the African-American and African Studies Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has written extensively on Africa, much of this on Mozambique, including a book on Mozambique refugees. This time he is joined by Tomé Mbuia João, also a Mozambican by origin, who works as a broadcaster in Portuguese at the Voice of America, and Emmanuel Nnadozie, who is professor of economics at Truman State University. Together they have produced a very helpful and insightful work on a country that deserves to be better known.

Східна Африка -- постколоніальна економіка -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bankston III, Carl L..
World conflicts: Asia and the Middle East [Electronic resource] / Carl L. Bankston III. - Pasadena : Salem Press, 2003. - 672 p
Переклад назви: Світові конфлікти: Азія і Близький Схід


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Asia and the Middle East examines crisis areas in the nations of the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. This set applies a broad definition to "Middle East" to encompass the predominantly Muslim nations of both the eastern Mediterranean region and North Africa. This definition corresponds closely with the U.S. State Department's definition of "Near East." The thirty-four articles in World Conflicts: Asia and the Middle East are updated versions of articles that appeared in Salem Press's World Conflicts and Confrontations. Two of the articles cover broad regions (Middle East and Asia); the rest cover individual nations. Designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, and others seeking clear explanations of and background to what has been going on in the region's many troubled countries, the set identifies the "hot spots" and offers in-depth analyses of the countries facing difficult and dangerous problems that are of vital concern to the entire world.

конфлікт -- боротьба -- політика

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Biographical Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / M.R. Fischbach. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2008
Переклад назви: Біографічна енциклопедія сучасного Близького Сходу та Північної Африки


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Vol. 1 : A-K. - 480 p.

Vol. 2 : L-Z. - 468 p.

A window on the people and culture of the Middle East, the Biographical Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa illuminates the lives of the most influential and controversial figures in the region who came to prominence during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It includes more than 300 alphabetically arranged profiles of contemporary leaders who belong to various political, ethnic, and religious groups, as well as notable individuals associated with business, law, science, social issues, sports, entertainment, literature, and the fine and performing arts not well covered in other encyclopedias. Features include sidebars, a timeline, maps and portraits, along with subject, nationality and ethnicity indexes.

персоналія -- біографія -- Близький Схід -- Африка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bryce, Trevor.
Life and society in the Hittite world [Electronic resource] / Trevor Bryce. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Життя і суспільство в Хетському світі


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In dealing with a wide range of aspects of the life, activities, and customs of the Late Bronze Age Hittite world, this book complements the treatment of Hittite military and political history presented by the author in The Kingdom of the Hittites (O.U.P., 1998). Through quotations from the original sources and through the word pictures to which these give rise, the book aims at recreating, as far as is possible, the daily lives and experiences of a people who for a time became the supreme political and military power in the ancient Near East.

бронзова доба -- первісне суспільство -- Близький Схід

   Тип видання:   альбом   

Chinese Flower&Bird Paintings [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2005. - 244 p.
Переклад назви: Китайський живопис квітів і птахів

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Замечательный альбом, содержащий рисунки цветов, птиц и животных, выполненные в традиционной китайской технике художниками 17-18 вв. Китайская национальная живопись появилась в глубокой древности. Она отличается большим своеобразием и отлична по материалу, технике и художественным средствам от европейской живописи. Китайские картины пишутся тушью, минеральными и растительными красками. Одной из отличительных черт китайской живописи является то, что образы в ней создаются посредством линейного рисунка, в то время как в европейской живописи образы выражаются с помощью объёмов и форм, цветом и светотенью.

мистецтво -- історія мистецтва -- східне мистецтво -- живопис

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Constantino, Renato.
History of the Philippines [Electronic resource] : from the Spanish colonization to the Second World War / Renato Constantino. - New York : Monthly Review Press, 1975. - 500 p
Переклад назви: Історія Філіппін: від іспанської колонізації до Другої світової війни


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Unlike other conventional histories, the unifying thread of A History of the Philippines is the struggle of the peoples themselves against various forms of oppression, from Spanish conquest and colonization to U.S. imperialism. Constantino provides a penetrating analysis of the productive relations and class structure in the Philippines, and how these have shaped—and been shaped by—the role of the Filipino people in the making of their own history. Additionally, he challenges the dominant views of Spanish and U.S. historians by exposing the myths and prejudices propagated in their work, and, in doing so, makes a major breakthrough toward intellectual decolonization. This book is an indispensible key to the history of conquest and resistance in the Philippines.

колонізація -- Південно-Східна Азія -- Філіппіни

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dikotter, Frank.
The Construction of Racial Identities in China and Japan [Electronic resource] / Frank Dikotter. - Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 1997. - 228 p
Переклад назви: Формування расової ідентичності в Китаї та Японії


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Four of the chapters in this book were first presented at the 'International Conference on Racial Identities in East Asia' held in Hong Kong on 25-26 November 1994. The conference was organised by Frank Dikotter and Barry Sautman and sponsored by the School of Oriental and Mrican Studies, University of London, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The editor of this book would like to thank all the participants of the conference, in particular Michael Banton (University of Bristol), Grant Evans (University of Hong Kong), Andrew Gerstle (SOAS), Richard Tanter and Wang Gungwu (University of Hong Kong). Special thanks are extended to Barry Sautman (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), who served as a consulting editor, and to Geremie Barnle (Australian National University, Canberra) for invaluable advice and help.

Східна Азія -- самоусвідомлення -- менталітет

   Тип видання:   нормативно-правовий акт   

Eastern Cherokee applications of the U.S. Court of Claims, 1906-1909 [Electronic resource]. - Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service, 1980
Переклад назви: Застосування США судових претензій до Східних Черокі, 1906-1909


Географічні рубрики:

 Джерело інформації

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Vol. 344. - 1338 p.

Vol. 345. - 1311 p.

Vol. 346. - 967 p.

Vol. 347. - 633 p.

Voi. 348. - 672 p.

історія -- суд -- індіанець

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol.. - 2nd. ed.. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2004. - 2936 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Сучасного Близького Сходу та Північної Африки


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Since 1996, readers relied on the Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East for clear, authoritative background on one of the most complex and important regions of the world. With nearly 600 new entries and 1,000 updates, this second edition reflects the far-reaching changes the Middle East has undergone in recent years, making it more relevant and more necessary than ever before. Much has changed in the past eight years, and the need for information generated by the events of September 11, 2001 and the military action in Afghanistan and Iraq makes this unbiased revision essential. The set covers the modern history of the Middle East and North Africa, with major sections on Colonialism and Imperialism, the World Wars, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the United Nations involvement in the region. Each country in the region is reviewed, detailing its population, economy and government. With 3,000 nonpartisan articles written by specialists in anthropology, history, political science, religion and social sciences, this four-volume set is an indispensable tool in understanding the region's people, places, events and ideas.

Близький Схід -- Африка -- арабо-ізраїльський конфлікт -- постколоніалізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

First the transition, then the crash [Electronic resource] : eastern Europe in the 2000s / ed. G. Dale. - London : Pluto Press, 2011. - 280 p
Переклад назви: Перехідний період, відтак крах: Східна Європа в 2000-ні


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The 1989-91 upheavals in Eastern Europe sparked a turbulent process of social and economic transition. Two decades on, with the global economic crisis of 2008-10, a new phase has begun. This book explores the scale and trajectory of the crisis through case studies of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the former Yugoslavia. The contributors focus upon the relationships between geopolitics, the world economy and class restructuring. The book covers the changing relationship between business and states; foreign capital flows; financialisation and asset price bubbles; austerity and privatisation; and societal responses, in the form of reactionary populism and progressive social movements. Challenging neoliberal interpretations that envisage the transition as a process of unfolding liberty, the dialectic charted in these pages reveals uneven development, attenuated freedoms and social polarisation.

соціальні трансформації -- ринкова економіка -- зайнятість -- економічна криза

   Тип видання:   словник   

Gunter, Michael M..
Historical dictionary of the kurds [Electronic resource] / Michael M. Gunter. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2011. - 457 p
Переклад назви: Історичний словник курдів


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Straddling the mountainous borders where Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria converge in the Middle East, the 25-30 million Kurds living there constitute the largest nation in the world without its own independent state. In recent years the Kurdish problem has become increasingly important in Middle Eastern and even international politics for two fundamental reasons. First, the wars against Saddam Hussein in 1991 and 2003 resulted in the creation of a virtually independent Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in a federal Iraq. This KRG has inspired the Kurds elsewhere to seek cultural, social, and even political autonomy, if not independence. Second, Turkey's application for admission into the European Union (EU) also has brought the Kurdish issue to the attention of Europe. The second edition of Historical Dictionary of the Kurds greatly expands on the first edition through an updated chronology, an introductory essay, an expanded bibliography, maps, photos, and over 400 cross-referenced dictionary entries on significant persons, places, events, institutions, and aspects of culture, society, economy, and politics. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about the history of the Kurds.

курди -- невизнана автономія -- Близький Схід

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hobson, John M..
The eastern origins of western civilisation [Electronic resource] / John M. Hobson. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2004. - 394 p
Переклад назви: Східні витоки західної цивілізації


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John Hobson challenges the ethnocentric bias of mainstream accounts of the "Rise of the West" that assume that Europeans have pioneered their own development, and that the East has been a passive by-stander. Describing the rise of what he calls the "Oriental West", Hobson argues that Europe first assimilated many Eastern inventions, and then appropriated Eastern resources through imperialism. Hobson's book thus propels the hitherto marginalized Eastern peoples to the forefront of the story of progressive world history.

цивілізація -- культура -- генезис ідей -- орієнталізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kimmerling, Baruch.
The Palestinian people [Electronic resource] : a history / Baruch Kimmerling, Joel S. Migdal. - London : Harvard University Press, 2003. - 601 p
Переклад назви: Палестинський народ: історія


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In a timely reminder of how the past informs the present, Baruch Kimmerling and Joel Migdal offer an authoritative account of the history of the Palestinian people from their modern origins to the Oslo peace process and beyond. Palestinians struggled to create themselves as a people from the first revolt of the Arabs in Palestine in 1834 through the British Mandate to the impact of Zionism and the founding of Israel. Their relationship with the Jewish people and the State of Israel has been fundamental in shaping that identity, and today Palestinians find themselves again at a critical juncture. In the 1990s cornerstones for peace were laid for eventual Palestinian-Israeli coexistence, including mutual acceptance, the renunciation of violence as a permanent strategy, and the establishment for the first time of Palestinian self-government. But the dawn of the twenty-first century saw a reversion to unmitigated hatred and mutual demonization. By mid-2002 the brutal violence of the Intifada had crippled Palestine's fledgling political institutions and threatened the fragile social cohesion painstakingly constructed after 1967. Kimmerling and Migdal unravel what went right--and what went wrong--in the Oslo peace process, and what lessons we can draw about the forces that help to shape a people. The authors present a balanced, insightful, and sobering look at the realities of creating peace in the Middle East.

Близький Схід -- арабо-ізраїльський конфлікт -- інтіфада

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Marriott, John.
Beyond the Tower [Electronic resource] : a history of east London / John Marriott. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2011. - 443 p
Переклад назви: Удалині від Тауера: історія східного Лондона


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From Jewish clothing merchants to Bangladeshi curry houses, ancient docks to the 2012 Olympics, the area east of the City has always played a crucial role in London's history. The East End, as it has been known, was the home to Shakespeare's first theatre and to the early stirrings of a mass labour movement; it has also traditionally been seen as a place of darkness and despair, where Jack the Ripper committed his gruesome murders, and cholera and poverty stalked the Victorian streets. In this beautifully illustrated history of this iconic district, John Marriott draws on 25 years of research into the subject to present an authoritative and endlessly fascinating account. With the aid of copious maps, archive prints and photographs, and the words of East Londoners from 17th-century silk-weavers to Cockneys during the Blitz, he explores the relationship between the East End and the rest of London, and challenges many of the myths which surround the area.

історія -- місто -- архітектура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Mediaevalia Ucrainica [Електронний ресурс] : ментальність та історія ідей / Товариство дослідників Центрально-Східної Європи ; ред. О. Толочко, Н. Яковенко, Л. Довга. - К. : Критика, 1998


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Т. 1 : ред. О. Толочко, Н. Яковенко, Г. В. Боряк, Я. Д. Ісаєвич, Я. Пеленський, С. М. Плохій. - 1992. - 123 с.

Т. 5. - 113 с.

медієвістика -- психотип

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Miller, Terry E..
The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music [Electronic resource] / Terry E. Miller, Sean Williams. - New York : Routledge Curzon, 2008. - 517 p
Переклад назви: Довідник з музики Південно-Східної Азії

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The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music is a smaller textbook edition of the comprehensive Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 4, Southeast Asia (1998). It is intended for undergraduate and graduate area studies courses in music, ethnomusicology, and anthropology. Like the original volume, its division into three sections (Introduction to Southeast Asia as a Musical Area, Issues and Processes in Southeast Asian Musics, and Music Cultures and Regions) enables students and their professors to cover a thorough range of material about both mainland and island Southeast Asia within one text.

музика -- культура

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

MSTIoE 2017 : East European Conference on Mathematical Foundations and SoftwareTechnology of Internet of Everything [Електронний ресурс] = MSTIoE 2017 : Східно-Европейська конференція Математичні та програмні технології Internet of Everything (21-22.12.2017, Kyiv - Київ) : proceedings - Збірник матеріалів. Volume 1 / голов. ред. О. С. Бичков ; ред. В. Л. Шевченко [и др.] ; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Software Systems and Technologies Department, University LeMann (France, LeMann), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria, Sofia), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria, Sofia). - [Б. м. : б. в.], 2017. - 94 с.


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У збірнику узагальнені матеріали конференції, яка проходила на базі кафедри програмних систем і технологій (ПСТ) Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка 21-22.12.2017 року. В матеріалах висвітлюються актуальні питання розвитку теорії та практики програмування Internet of Everything (Всеохоплюючий інтернет, IoE) та розвітку суміжних технологій.

Збірник розрахований на представників бізнесу та державних органів, викладачів та наукових працівників, аспірантів, студентів які займаються питаннями програмування Інтернет-додатків та розвитку інформаційних технологій в цілому.

Інтернет -- інформація -- автоматизація технологічних процесів

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

MSTIoE 2018-3 : 3-rd East European Conference on Mathematical Foundations and Software Technology of Internet of Everything [Електронний ресурс] = MSTIoE 2018-3 : 3-тя Східно-Европейська конференція Математичні та програмні технології Internet of Everything (16-18.04.2018, Kyiv - Київ) : proceedings - Збірник матеріалів / , голов. ред.О. С. Бичков ; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Software Systems and Technologies Department, University LeMann (France, LeMann), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria, Sofia), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria, Sofia). - [Б. м. : б. в.], 2018. - 75 с.


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У збірнику узагальнені матеріали конференції, яка проходила на базі кафедри програмних систем і технологій (ПСТ) Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка 16-18.04.2018 року. В матеріалах висвітлюються актуальні питання розвитку теорії та практики програмування Internet of Everything (Всеохоплюючий інтернет, IoE) та розвітку суміжних технологій.

Збірник розрахований на представників бізнесу та державних органів, викладачів та наукових працівників, аспірантів, студентів які займаються питаннями програмування Інтернет-додатків та розвитку інформаційних технологій в цілому.

інноваційні технології -- інформаційна технологія -- автоматизовані системи -- програмне забезпечення

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