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   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Bockris, Victor.
Warhol [Electronic resource] : the biography / Victor Bockris. - Cambridge : Da Capo Press, 2003. - 519 p
Переклад назви: Ворхол: біографія

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Artist, filmmaker, magazine publisher, instigator of Pop Art, Andy Warhol (19281987) used his canvasses of dollar bills, soup cans, and celebrities to subvert distinctions between high and popular culture. His spectacular career encompassed the underground scene as well as the equally deviant worlds of politics, show business, and high society. Warhol is the definitive chronicle of Warhol's storied life.

сучасне мистецтво -- поп-арт -- концептуалізм

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Caвченкo, B. A.
Maхнo [Електронний ресурс] / B. A. Caвченкo. - Х. : Фоліо, 2005. - 415 с.. - (Історичне досьє)


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Махно - один із найяскравіших лідерів українського народу, якого радянська пропаганда називала бандитом, а справу його замовчувала. Зараз Нестора Махна порівнюють з Робін Гудом, Спартаком, товаришем Че. Виходець з найбіднішого селянства, він у 29 років зумів зібрати під прапором анархії 100-тисячну армію і почав створювати на південному сході України анархістське суспільство - трудову федерацію, яка проіснувала 100 днів під постійними ударами білих і червоних. Через 70 років після смерті цей степовий вовк став культовою фігурою серед сучасної молоді Європи, а ідеї анархізму, які сповідував Махно, у наш час перекочували з робітничих бараків до арт-богемних тусовок. Ким же був Махно у реальному житті? На це питання і дає відповідь нова книга Віктора Савченка, що присвячена одному з найвідоміших українців ХХ ст.

повстанський рух -- анархізм

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Craft, Catherine.
Jasper Johns [Electronic resource] / Catherine Craft. - New York : Parkstone international, 2009. - 255 p
Переклад назви: Джаспер Джонс

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Writing this book has been both a challenge and a pleasure, and a number of individuals provided information, support and encouragement to me along the way. In particular, I must thank Richard Shiff, who initially contacted me about this monograph and whose example as a scholar of Jasper Johns’s work has been invaluable. I would also like to thank Nan Rosenthal, who kindly invited me to speak on Johns’s work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Richard Shone, who as editor for The Burlington Magazine has also given me the opportunity to write about Johns’s work on several occasions. Richard Field, Harry Cooper, Joachim Pissarro, Paul Cornwall-Jones and Tamie Swett have also generously shared their thoughts on Johns’s work with me over the years, and Johns’s curator, Sarah Taggart, has been unfailingly helpful and very attentive to my questions. Nancy Carr was the ideal reader, taking the time not only to read my manuscript but to offer many constructive comments, and Alfred Kren and the rest of my family have shown great love and patience during this project. Lastly and most importantly, I wish to thank Jasper Johns for his support of this onograph and for making a body of work with an undeniable sense of life.

сучасне малярство -- неодадаїзм -- поп-арт -- скульптура -- енкаустика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dolin, Stacie.
Book Art Studio Handbook [Electronic resource] : techniques and methods for binding books, creating albums, making boxes and enclosures, and more / Stacie Dolin, Amy Lapidow. - Beverly : Quarry Books, 2013. - 160 p
Переклад назви: Довідник книжкової студії мистецтв : прийоми і методи для зв'язування книг, створення альбомів, коробок і шаф, і багато іншого.


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How to Make Books, Albums, Slipcases, and More. There’s nothing like making your own sketchbook, or wrapping a favorite book in the perfect homemade slipcase. And you can create it all yourself! Select the tools and materials you’ll need, master basic book-binding techniques, and practice your new skills on 12 eye-catching projects. Then explore the gallery of variations for more inspiration to make each book form your own. Whether you’re an experienced book binder or new to the art, Book Art Studio Handbook will help you take your books to the next level.

книгознавство -- артбуки -- книжкова майстерня -- збереження книг

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Gray, Michael.
The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia [Electronic resource] / M. Gray. - New York : The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2006. - 736 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Боба Ділана

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The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia is one of the most wide-ranging, informed, entertaining, provocative, and compulsively readable books ever written about popular music. It's the culmination of over thirty years of dedicated research and scholarship by Michael Gray. Inside these pages, you'll find a world of ideas, facts, and opinions. It's a world in which Baudelaire flows on from the Basement Tapes and A.S. Byatt looks out at the Byrds; in which Far from the Madding Crowd follows Ezekiel and Bob Geldof introduces Jean Genet; and in which Hank and William Carlos Williams stand side by side while J.R.R. Tolkien trails the Titanic. Most of all, of course, it's a world in which everyone and everything interconnects, in endlessly fascinating ways, with one of our greatest living artists: Bob Dylan.

музика -- блюз -- політично ангажоване мистецтво -- артист

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Harris, Jonathan.
The utopian globalists [Electronic resource] : artists of worldwide revolution, 1919-2009 / Jonathan Harris. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 357 p
Переклад назви: Утопічні глобалісти: артисти світової революції, 1919-2009.


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This book represents (to me at least) a significant culmination in my work as an art historian over a thirty-year period and some of the people who have in various ways supported me – knowingly or not – might be surprised to see their names mentioned here. An ever-increasing number of them, depressingly, are also deceased and their mention is partly offered here as a sign that the books and essays they produced were important to me and might be consulted by anyone who values my contribution and wants to investigate its relationship to work by the writers and scholars who have influenced me. I should like to thank, then: Rasheed Araeen, Paula Barreiro-López, Vivienne Barsky, Kathy Battista, Al and Myra Boime, Tim Clark, August Davis, Angela Dimitrakaki, Ed D ’ Souza, Lindsey Fryer, Barry Gibbs, Christoph Grunenberg, Charles Harrison, Helen Hills, Peter and Linda Huby, Richard Koerck, Anne MacPhee, Annie Makhoul, David Oldham, Julie Sheldon, Brandon Taylor, Colin Trodd, Alan Wallach, Judith Walsh, Ren Wendong and Nigel Whiteley. Jayne Fargnoli, commissioning editor at Wiley-Blackwell, has been warmly supportive in both critical and practical terms on this and related projects – I look forward to extending this exciting and enjoyable relationship in the years to come! Bashir Makhoul – artist, historian of Palestinian art and Head of Winchester School of Art – has been a great friend and supporter, in practical and intellectual terms. If pedagogy, research and progressive politics can ever fit together comfortably in an institutional context, then WSA International offers a compelling model for it! Fred Orton read the manuscript and offered astute commentary on both its merits and lapses. He also corrected its English in many places and for that service I am extremely grateful. Fred ’ s work and deep friendship (and that of Miranda ’ s!) has really kept me going since my days as a doctoral student. Thank you! Gudrun, William, Oliver, Claire, Jim and Jules provide an indispensable part of the nest of family relationships within which this and all my other projects have been nurtured for many years now. Tom and Kate remain enthusiastic if sometimes justifiably mystified by the world of academe! Pie was a keen supporter too: thank you all. Jane Linden ’ s intellectual pugilism has always been matched by her affection and love for me. Many of the ideas and arguments that both unite and sometimes divide us have developed in and outside this book. May this conversation long continue! Thank you, sweetheart, for listening and responding. David Craven, for many years my friend and partner in lots of ventures, died suddenly as this book was nearing completion. His wide-ranging scholarship, moral and political commitment, idealism and good humour were an inspiration to me. This book is dedicated to his memory.

політика -- альтерглобалізм -- рухи спротиву

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

James, D.
Draw your own Celtic designs [Electronic resource] / D. James, V. Gonzalez. - Devon : David & Charles, 2003. - 127 p.
Переклад назви: Як самому створювати кельтські орнаменти

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The following chapters examine each of the main Celtic patterns in turn: knots, spirals, key patterns, animals and beasts, and Celtic lettering. Each chapter opens with a large colour illustration to inspire readers in ways of incorporating the design into their own work. This is followed by a short introduction to the range of patterns that fall into this design category, along with photos of Celtic artefacts. The rest of the chapter consists of 16 design pages, each containing a specially commissioned step-by-step artwork for readers to follow. Beautiful to look at, and exquisitely executed in themselves, each artwork has been carefully constructed so that readers can follow its build up from start to finish with no possibility of error. The chapter on Celtic lettering contains a specially commissioned double-page artwork of the Celtic alphabet for readers to copy, and is followed by instructions on how to embellish each of the letter forms in Celtic styles.

дизайн -- артефакт -- стиль

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Katcher, P.
American Civil War artillery 1861-65 [Electronic resource] / P. Katcher. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2001. - (New Vanguard)
Переклад назви: Американська артилерія громадянської війни 1861-65


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Vol. 2 : Heavy Artillery. - 48 p.

Because of the length of the coastline of the United States, from the beginning American ordnance and engineers placed an emphasis on heavy artillery mounted in coastal defences. The Union army organised its 'Heavy Artillery' into separate regiments, uniformed and equipped differently. While the Field Artillery was assigned across the fighting fronts Heavy Artillery units served the big guns in the forts and the defences of Washington. The Confederates did not differentiate types of artillery and those that became known as Heavy Artillery did so through informal association rather than formal designation. This book details the development and usage of the big guns.

важка артилерія -- легка артилерія -- гармата -- оборона

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lewisohn, Cedar.
Street Art [Electronic resource] : the graffiti revolution / Cedar Lewisohn. - London : Tate, 2010. - 162 p
Переклад назви: Вуличне мистецтво: революція графіті


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Over the last decade, street art—art made in public spaces including graffiti, stickers, stencil art, and wheat-pasting— has become one of the most popular and hotly discussed areas of art practice on the contemporary scene. Developing out of the graffiti-writing tradition of the 1980s through the work of artists such as Banksy and Futura 2000, it has long since reached the mainstream. Street Art is the first measured, critical account of the development of this global phenomenon. Tracing street art’s origins in cave painting through the Paris walls photographed by Brassai in the ’20s through the witty, sophisticated imagery found on city streets today, the book also features new and exclusive interviews with key figures associated with street art of the last 35 years, including Lady Pink, Barry McGee, Shepard Fairy, Futura 2000, Malcolm McLaren, Miss Van, and Os Gemeos. Street Art reveals the extent to which the walls and streets of cities around the world have become the birthplace of some of the most dynamic and inspirational art being made today.

сучасне мистецтво -- графіті -- вулична субкультура -- стріт-арт

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

McCaffrey, D. P.
Wall Street Polices Itself [Electronic resource] : how Securities Firms Manage the Legal Hazards of Competitive Pressures / D. P. McCaffrey, D. W. McCaffrey. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1998. - 211 p.
Переклад назви: Самостійна політика Уолл-стріт


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Wall Street Polices Itself: How Securities Firms Manage the Legal Hazards of Competitive Pressures explains how the self-regulatory system for U.S. securities firms works within three tiers of supervision. Overseeing the whole system is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which directly supervises such self-regulatory organizations as the New York Stock Exchange and the National Association of Securities Dealers. In turn, these organizations oversee the broker-dealer firms that conduct the daily business of buying and selling securities. The system relies heavily on the firms' internal supervisory systems to prevent violations of securities laws, since they are in the best position to track their own internal activities. Firms may be fined, or subjected to much more stringent penalties, if their supervisory systems fail. A widely shared perception is that this sort of securities self-regulation does fail--often and repeatedly. Public investigations, press reports, books like Liar's Poker and Den of Thieves, and such films as Wall Street have hammered broker-dealer firms relentlessly since the early 1980s. However, the surprising truth is that we do not really know what transpires in the regulatory operations of firms like Merrill Lynch or Salomon Smith Barney because the well-publicized failures tell only part of the story. David P. McCaffrey and David W. Hart provide readers with a fuller picture by offering an in-depth examination of how this regulatory system works, the types of regulatory problems that broker-dealer firms encounter, why some firms have more problems than others, and what experiences with the system can suggest about how to improve self-regulatory systems in general. Drawing extensively upon prior work on securities regulation in the areas of economics, law, and management, this book will greatly interest professionals in the securities industry and those in business regulation generally, and will also appeal to students of corporate strategy and culture, of legal and social issues in management, and of regulation.

цінні папери

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Miller, R.
C++ for artists: the art, philosophy, and science of object-oriented programming [Electronic resource] / R. Miller. - Falls Church : Biblio Distribution, 2003. - 590 p.
Переклад назви: C++ для артистів: Мистецтво, філософія і наука об'єктно-орієнтованого програмування


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Intended as both a classroom and reference text, this book breaks all molds by being the first book of its kind specifically designed to help readers tap their creative energy to understand and apply difficult programming concepts.

ооп -- сі

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   
Категорія: Будівництво   

Nail tech lesson [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - 38 с.
Переклад назви: Урок манікюру


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Уроки нейл-арта с инструкциями и картинками. Знание японского языка не требуется, все понятно по подробным иллюстрациям.

розпис нігтів -- нейл-арт

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Perlin, Oscar.
Учебник испанского языка [Електронний ресурс] / Oscar Perlin. - Варшава : Wiedza Powszrechna, 1975. - 546 с.


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Настоящий учебник предназначен для учащихся, начинающих самостоятельно изучать испанский язык. Главная цель учебника — помочь учащимся овладеть основными правилами произношения и грамматики, а также дать возможность приобрести словарный запас, достаточный для самостоятельного чтения литературы на испанском языке. Учебник состоит из раздела „Фонетика", 60 уроков, ключа к текстам и упражнениям, а также словарей: испанско-русского и русско-испанского.

іспанська мова -- фонетика -- артикль

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Taylor, Guy.
The Encyclopedia of Arthritis [Electronic resource] / Guy Taylor, C. Michael Stein. - New York : Facts On File, 2010. - 401 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія артриту


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Arthritis is the number-one cause of disability in the U.S., and this encyclopedia, written for the lay reader as well as the professional, covers all aspects of the subject. Included are definitions of specific types of arthritis along with their symptoms, causes, diagnoses, and treatments, whether nonpharmacological, proven pharmacological, or surgical. Written by two experienced medical doctors, this addition to the Facts On File Library of Health and Living provides reliable, comprehensive coverage of the topic in an accessible A-Z format. Most articles give the history of the term, symptom, or disease, some of which have been identified from ancient times, while others have been diagnosed only within the last 10 years. Clear explanations of the various clinical types of arthritis, among them osteoarthritis, crystal-induced arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and connective tissue disorders, aid the reader. An appendix gives information on drugs that are used in the treatment of arthritis and includes trade name, side effects, and excellent see references. Lists of laboratory and diagnostic tests, general and specific Web sites, a glossary of abbreviations and medical terms, and a bibliography are also provided. The index cites information in the appendixes as well as the encyclopedia portion of the book. This volume is a one-stop source for a broad subject and is highly recommended for libraries with medical and consumer health collections.

хвороба -- медицина -- ортопедія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Thatcher, Margaret.
Downing Street Years [Electronic resource] / M. Thatcher. - New York : HarperCollins e-books, 2011. - 826 p.
Переклад назви: Роки на Даунінг-стріт


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This first volume of Margaret Thatcher's memoirs, which encompasses the entirety of her career as Prime Minister. Margaret Thatcher was the towering figure of late-twentieth-century British politics. This is the story of her remarkable life in her own words. This first volume of her memoirs is a riveting first-hand portrait of the events and personalities of her eleven years in power. She recalls the triumphs and the critical moments of her premiership – the Falklands War, the miners' strike, the Brighton bomb, the Westland Affair and her unprecedented three election victories. Her judgements of the men and women she encountered, whether world statesmen or Cabinet colleagues, are astonishingly frank. She is lavish with her praise; devastating with her criticism. The book reaches a gripping climax with an hour-by-hour description from inside 10 Downing Street of her dramatic final days in office. Margaret Thatcher's compelling account stands as a powerful testament to her influential legacy.

Велика Британія -- влада -- Консервативна партія -- спогади

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Twain, Mark.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court [Electronic resource] / Mark Twain. - New York : Dover Publications, 2001. - 272 p
Переклад назви: Янкі з Коннектикуту при дворі короля Артура


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This book--at times disjointed, rambling, self-referential, and irreverent--is decades ahead of its time. It's an interdisciplinarian's dream as Twain takes on economics, geography, politics, ancient and contemporary history, and folklore with equal ease. Mostly though, one appreciates his knack for exaggeration, the tall tale, and the outright lie. It's a triumph of tone, as he lets you in on his wild wit, his keen observation, and his penchant for bending the truth without losing his credibility as a guide. The book's structure is also modern: He recounts his days as a paddlewheel steam boat "cub," piloting the hundreds of miles of the Mississippi before the Civil War, then, in Part 2, returns to retrace his paddleboat route. Although a few of his many digressions don't work (they sometimes sound formulaic or too detailed) most of the narrative is extremely entertaining. Twain seems caught between admiration and disdain for the "modern" age-but he also rejects over-sentimentality over the past. He writes with beauty and cynicism, verve and humor. Very highly recommended!

пригодницький роман -- дитяча література

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Wait, A. E.
The book of ceremonial magic [Electronic resource] / A. E. Wait. - 2-е вид.. - London : [s. n.], 1913. - 265 p.
Переклад назви: Книга церемоніальної магії


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Книга церемоніальної магії, Артура Едварда Уейта спочатку називалася книга Чорної магії і пактів. Це спроба описати різні відомі гримуари, пояснити їх історію (спростовує багато з легенд, що їх оточують), обговорити теології що містяться в них (наприклад, відповідь на питання, чому добрі ангели будуть викликаній, щоб вбити ворога), і синтезувати багато відомих гримуарів в одну систему.

магія -- езотерика

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

«Звезды» о России. Знаменитые люди о Родине [Електронний ресурс]. - М. : Европа, 2006. - 128 с.


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Возвращение моды на Россию в самой России – главная примета 2000-х. Разительный контраст с эпохой перестройки, когда российское считалось плохим или вторичным просто по определению. Сегодня мы возвращаем себе способность говорить «русское» или «Россия» без презрительного оттенка – но и без лишнего барабанного пафоса, просто и с любовью, как о своем доме. Известные артисты, деятели культуры, лидеры шоу-бизнеса, спортсмены – это по определению те, кто наиболее тонко чувствует такого рода исторические изменения. Общаясь в силу особенностей статуса с невероятным количеством самых разных людей, «звезды» приобретают способность выражать не только свое, но и их мнение. В этом сборнике о своем ощущении России говорят Алексей Немов и Ксения Собчак, Борис Гребенщиков и Елена Проклова, Диана Арбенина и Лена Перова…


   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Єлісовенко, Ю. П.
Ораторське мистецтво. Постановка голосу й мовлення [Електронний ресурс] / Ю. П. Єлісовенко. - Київ : Атіка, 2008. - 204 с.

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Містить теоретичний і практичний навчальний матеріал необхідний для постановки дихання, голосу, артикуляції, дикції, орфоепії та інших чинників усного мовлення. Приділяється увага інтонаційній складовій мовлення оратора. Представлено авторську методику постановки голосу й мовлення, а також цілу низку вправ, в яких широко використовуються пісенні, поетичні, інформаційні, аналітичні, художньо-публіцистичні та сатиричні тексти. Для студентів факультетів журналістики, правознавства, міжнародних відносин, для всіх тих, хто цікавиться ораторським мистецтвом. Може бути рекомендований логопедам, педагогам, вихователям і батькам, які прагнуть розв'язати для себе, своїх дітей чи учнів проблеми, пов'язані з усуненням неорганічних вад мовлення.

артикуляція -- дикція -- орфоепія -- вокальні тренінги

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ємець, А. А.
Як навчити вашу дитину виразно читати і заучувати вірші [Електронний ресурс] / А. А. Ємець. - Х. : Ранок, 2009. - 96 с.. - (Сімейна педагогіка)


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

У переважної більшості дітей від народження добре розвинуті пам’ять і артистизм, проте деяким з них усе одно важко запам’ятати й вивчити напам’ять вірш або хоча б виразно його прочитати. Якщо ви прагнете допомогти в цьому своїй дитині, ця книга для вас! У ній подано відповіді на основні питання, які виникають у дорослих при ознайомленні дітей із віршованими творами. У книзі ви знайдете пояснення прийомів і методів, літературні вправи та ігри, що допомагають формувати позитивне ставлення дитини до поезії, розвивати вміння виразно читати та заучувати вірші. Книга призначена турботливим батькам, учителям початкових класів, вихователям груп подовженого дня, гувернерам, репетиторам, а також студентам педагогічних ВНЗ.

виховання -- розвиток дитини

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