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   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

20th century photography [Electronic resource] / R. Mißelbeck, M. Bieger-Thielemann, G.A.Goodrow. - Köln : TASCHEN, 2001. - 380 p.
Переклад назви: Фотографія 20-го століття


Географічні рубрики:

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The history of photography began some 150 years ago, but only relatively recently has it been fully recognised as a medium in its own right. Cologne's Museum Ludwig was the first museum of contemporary art to devote a substantial section to international photography. The L. Fritz Gruber collection, from which this book is drawn, is one of the most important in Germany and one of the most representative anywhere in the world, constituting the core of the museum's holdings. This book provides a fascinating insight into the collection's rich diversity; from conceptual art to abstraction to reportage, all of the major movements and genres are represented via a vast selection of the century's most remarkable photographs. From Ansel Adams to Piet Zwart, over 850 works are presented in alphabetical order by photographer, with descriptive texts and photographers' biographical details, providing a comprehensive and indispensable overview of 20th century photography.

фотомистецтво -- світлина

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Aaland, M.
Photoshop CS2 RAW [Electronic resource] / M. Aaland. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2006. - 232 p.


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The RAW file format is the uncompressed data file captured by a digital camera's electronic sensor. When your camera saves an image in RAW format, settings like white balance, sharpening, contrast and saturation are not applied to the image but are saved instead in a separate header. Because RAW files remain virtually untouched by in-camera processing, they are essentially the digital equivalent to exposed but undeveloped film.

цифрова фотографія -- обробка фотографії

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Baron, C.
Adobe Photoshop Forensics [Electronic resource] : sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography / C. Baron. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2008. - 364 p.
Переклад назви: Adobe Photoshop Криміналістика: слідчі, істина, штучні фотографії


Географічні рубрики:

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Thanks to TV's crime scene investigation shows, forensic technology has entered popular culture. Combining puzzle solving and a dramatic storyline, these shows fascinate audiences as high-tech procedures uncover the truths hidden in seemingly insignificant clues. What many people may not realize is that forensic teams also use items they probably have in their own homes Â- digital cameras, computers, and Photoshop image editing software. "Adobe Photoshop Forensics: Sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography" shows you how Photoshop is used to create many types of fakery and fraud, including scientific, counterfeiting, art, journalism, and political propaganda. You'll discover that with some basic training in Photoshop's manipulation capabilities and a critical eye, you too can see through photographic hoaxes. Follow along as each chapter explores a different genre of real-life frauds, both historical and current, and explains how the fakery was or could be detected. A featured case file in each chapter carefully deconstructs a faked image so you can see the methods and processes followed by the image editing professionals who solve - and the perpetrators who commit - a variety of crimes. Even if you've never considered altering an image or becoming a crime scene investigator, you'll get a kick out of discovering the how and why behind both famous and common acts of image fraud with "Adobe Photoshop Forensics!"

фотографія -- шахрайство -- редагування

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Blair, J. G.
Alternative digital photography [Electronic resource] / J. G. Blair. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2008. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Альтернативна цифрова фотографія

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Alternative Digital Photography will lead you through a detailed exploration of alternative techniques in digital photography. Whether you are an amateur photographer, a beginning professional, or an advanced professional looking to add more creativity to your photography, this book will help you develop the skills you need to create unusual, creative, and artistic images using digital photography. It includes hands-on lessons designed to help you quickly develop new and creative ways of viewing the world around you. It is filled with example photographs, outlining the steps taken to achieve each image. It emphasizes simple, creative, and inexpensive suggestions that anyone can use--no need for a professional studio or a large financial investment. The book does also include coverage of advanced techniques as well as expensive tools that allow you to continue using the book as your experience grows.

фотомистецтво -- фотозйомка

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Booz, J.
Do it yourself wedding photography [Electronic resource] / J. Booz. - Palm Bay : ZATZ Publishing, 2004. - 33 p.
Переклад назви: Зроби сам весільне фото


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фотографія -- весілля

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bowker, Daniela.
Surreal Photography [Electronic resource] : creating the impossible / Daniela Bowker. - Oxford : Focal Press, 2013. - 192 p
Переклад назви: Сюрреалістичне фото: створення неможливого

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Surreal digital photography is not only an enjoyable extension of many enthusiast’s repertoire, but is has firmly established a foothold in the world of art. This book reveals the latest developments in the field and demystifies the techniques used by modern surreal photographers, whether they favor SOOC (straight out of the camera) or sophisticated digital manipulations. Breaking down the shooting and editing process for any reader to follow and emulate, this book provides step-by-step instructions for creating extraordinary scenes. With contributions from numerous artists—including Natalie Dybisz, Jon Jacobsen and Dariusz Klimczak— readers will be able to explore many different artistic styles from impossible landscapes to unsettling portraits.

фотографія -- мистецтво -- обробка світлин

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brown, G. D.
Professional English in Use Law [Electronic resource] / G. D. Brown, S. Rice. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 128 p.
Переклад назви: Професійна англійська мова у використанні закону


Географічні рубрики:

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Professional English in Use Law is suitable for upper-intermediate to advanced students and contains 45 units covering a wide variety of legal vocabulary. Topics include corporate and commercial law, liability, contract law and intellectual property. The book also introduces general legal vocabulary related to legal systems, the legal professions and the skills lawyers need in their daily working lives. Professional English in Use Law is also an ideal companion for learners preparing for the new Cambridge International Legal English Certificate (ILEC) and covers key topics and vocabulary from the exam.

законодавство -- мова

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bullen, S.
Professional Excel development: the definitive guide to developing applications using Microsoft® Excel and VBA® [Electronic resource] / S. Bullen, R. Bovey, J. Green. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2005. - 936 p.
Переклад назви: Професійна розробка Excel: Остаточний посібник з розробки додатків використовуючи Microsoft Excel та VBA


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Finally, there's a book that treats Excel as the powerful development platform it really is, and covers every facet of developing commercial-quality Excel applications. This is not a book for beginners. Writing for professional developers and true Excel experts, the authors share insider's knowledge they've acquired building Excel applications for many of the world's largest companiesincluding Microsoft. Professional Excel Development demonstrates how to get the utmost from Excel, addressing everything from application architectures through worksheet and userform design, charting, debugging, error handling and optimizing performance. Along the way, the authors offer best practices for every type of Excel development, from building add-ins through interacting with XML Web services.

Visual Basic for Applications -- Microsoft Office

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Busch, D. D.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 photographers guide [Electronic resource] / D. D. Busch. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2008. - 371 p.
Переклад назви: Adobe Photoshop CS3 посібник фотографа


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Photography and Photoshop go hand in hand. Whether you're using a digital pixel-grabber or hanging onto a film camera, Adobe's revamped flagship image editor, Photoshop CS3, has the tools you need to fine-tune your photos and correct errors in exposure, lighting, and color balance. This full-color book is packed with effective examples, simple-to follow techniques, and tricks that serve as a jumping-off point to spark your own creativity into action. You don't need to be an ace photographer or Photoshop expert to create eye-catching effects through both traditional and leading-edge photographic techniques. Use easy-to-master Photoshop tools to: * Match colors between shots taken under wildly different lighting conditions. * Duplicate colorful "cross processing" darkroom effects. * Morph images to blend or distort them. * Add zoom lens blur effects without using a zoom lens. * Preserve all the key tonal values and separation between subjects in your monochrome images with new black-and-white conversion techniques.

фотографія -- фотомистецтво

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Busch, D. D.
Mastering digital photography [Electronic resource] / D. D. Busch. - 2nd. ed.. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2006. - 432 p.
Переклад назви: Обробка цифрової фотографії


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David D. Busch has been demystifying arcane computer and imaging technology since the early 1980s. However, he had a successful career as a professional photographer for a decade before he sat down at the keyboard of his first personal computer. Busch has worked as a newspaper photographer, done commercial studio and portrait work, shot weddings, and roved the United States and Europe as a photojournalist. His articles on photography and image editing have appeared in magazines as diverse as Popular Photography and Imaging, Petersen's PhotoGraphic, Rangefinder, and The Professional Photographer, as well as computer magazines such as Macworld and Computer Shopper. He's currently reviewing digital cameras for CNet and Computer Shopper.

фотографія -- фотомистецтво

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Conflict in the Workplace [Electronic resource] / ed. H. Falconer, M. Bagshaw. - New York : Routledge, 2004. - 184 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти на робочому місці

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Conflict, bullying and harassment can destroy the foundations of the most enterprising organisations. Bullying is now a key complaint received by HR departments. Destructive conflict creates stress, which can lead to poor morale and performance, increased staff turnover and an overall decline in organisational effectiveness. The good news is destructive conflict can be reduced – but this is a sensitive issue, requiring managers to call on tried and tested techniques. Published for HR and line managers, IRS Managing Conflict in the Workplace will help employers to recognise and resolve destructive conflict issues more effectively, enabling them to become more positive, productive and efficient. It gives invaluable advice on conflict prevention, mediation and negotiation; it explains how to manage conflict in a wide variety of situations; and includes guidance on the new statutory requirements for disciplinary and grievance procedures.

психологія конфлікту -- корпоративна етика -- професійна взаємодія -- колектив

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Evening, Martin.
Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Photographers [Electronic resource] : a professional image editor's guide to the creative use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC / Martin Evening. - Oxford : Focal Press, 2012. - 769 p
Переклад назви: Adobe Photoshop CS6 для фотографів: керівництво професійного редактора зображень для творчого використання Photoshop для Macintosh і ПК


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Renowned Photographer and Photoshop hall-of-famer, Martin Evening returns with his comprehensive guide to Photoshop. This acclaimed work covers everything from the core aspects of working in Photoshop to advanced techniques for refined workflows and professional results. Using concise advice, clear instruction and real world examples, this essential guide will give you the skills, regardless of your experience, to create professional quality results. A robust accompanying website features sample images, tutorial videos, bonus chapters and a plethora of extra resources. Quite simply, this is the essential reference for photographers of all levels using Photoshop.

обробка світлин -- графічний редактор -- професійна фотографія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Gerlach, J.
Digital nature photography [Electronic resource] : the art and the science / J. Gerlach, B. Gerlach. - Burlington : Focal Press, 2007. - 208 p.
Переклад назви: Цифрова фотографія природи: мистецтво і наука

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Over 50,000 photographers can't be wrong! John and Barbara Gerlach finally write the book their workshop attendees have been asking for! Digital Nature Photography is a how-to guide for photographers who want to take their work to the next level. Written by professionals with over 20 years experience, the Gerlachs reveal enlightening techniques for shooting nature images in the field. The combination of artistic approach and impeccable technique will help you capture your next great image.


   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Grey, T.
Lightroom workflow [Electronic resource] : the digital photographer’s guide / T. Grey. - Indianapolis : Wiley Publishing, 2007. - 207 p.
Переклад назви: Робота з lightroom: посібник цифрового фотографа


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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a brand new product that fits into a new category of software offering an end-to-end workflow for digital photographers. It is my belief that this category of software will “close the loop” for them.

фотомистецтво -- фотографія

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Hicks, Roger.
The photographer's guide to the studio [Electronic resource] / Roger Hicks, Frances Schultz. - Devon : David & Charles, 2002. - 160 p
Переклад назви: Керівництво фотографа щодо студії


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This authoritative and easy-to-follow guide provides a thorough grounding in producing studio shots that are both technically competent and aesthetically pleasing. After a comprehensive survey of studio equipment and lighting techniques, the authors examine the full range of studio subjects, from portraits and nudes to still lifes and macro work.

фотографія -- фотостудія -- фотообладнання

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Holmes, R.
World War II in photographs [Electronic resource] / R. Holmes. - London : Carlton Books, 2000. - 400 p.
Переклад назви: Друга світова війна в фотографіях


Географічні рубрики:

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Holmes' poignant book contains 500 photographs, almost all of them black-and-white and most drawn from Britain's Imperial War Museum. A few were taken by prominent photographers, such as Cecil Beaton and Robert Capa, but many of the photographers--some destined to remain unknown, others ordinary officers and men--served with army film and photographic units. There are also captured German and Japanese official photographs. Presentation is by year, from 1939 to 1945. Holmes prefaces each year with an account of its major events and briefly introduces each block of photos within a year. Although most of the pictures are war photos, some reflect the fact that millions of civilians were affected - young children being evacuated from London, a British air raid warden comforting a child rescued from a bombed-out home, German citizens made to view the horrors of the Buchenwald concentration camp, shaven-headed French women accused of sexually consorting with the Germans. World War II enthusiasts will want both books.

друга світова війна -- портретна зйомка -- історична світлина

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Hurter, B.
The best of wedding photography [Electronic resource] / B. Hurter. - Buffalo : Amherst media, 2005. - 128 p
Переклад назви: Найкраща весільна фотографія


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We live in the midst' of a great renaissance of wedding photography. It is a time when divergent styles collide with changing attitudes to produce the finest imagery this genre has ever known. At this crossroads, it is indeed a pleasure to be writing a book with the title The Best of Wedding Photography. At no other time since photographers began recording the wedding ceremony to preserve its history has the style and artistic merit of wedding photography been so remarkable.

творчість -- фотосесія -- наречена

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kelby, S.
The Photoshop CS2® Book for Digital Photographers [Electronic resource] / S. Kelby. - Berkeley : Peachpit Press, 2005. - 480 p.
Переклад назви: Photoshop CS2 для цифрових фотографів


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Scott Kelby, the best-selling Photoshop author in the world today, once again takes this book to a whole new level as he uncovers the latest, most important and most exciting new Adobe Photoshop CS2 techniques for digital photographers.This major update to this award-winning, record-breaking book does something for digital photographers that's never been done beforeit cuts through the bull and shows you exactly "how to do it." It's not a bunch of theory; it doesn't challenge you to come up with your own settings or figure it out on your own. Instead, Scott shows you step-by-step the exact techniques used by today's cutting-edge digital photographers and, best of all, he shows you, flat-out, exactly which settings to use, when to use them, and why. That's why the previous version of this book took the digital photography world by storm.But now, his new CS2, version is even bigger, even better, and exposes even more of the pros most closely guarded secrets, including a special chapter which shows, for the first time ever, step-by-step how to how to set-up Photoshop's color management. He does it by throwing out all the theory, all the techno-babble, and all the confusing charts and graphs and instead just shows you exactly what you need to do (and nothing more).LEARN HOW THE PROS DO ITEach year Scott trains thousands of professional photographers how to use Photoshop, and almost without exception they have the same questions, the same problems, and the same challengesand that's exactly what he covers in this book. You'll learn: The sharpening techniques the pros really use (there's an entire chapter on just this!) The pros tricks for fixing the most common digital photo problems fast! The step-by-step set-up for getting what comes out of your printer to match exactly what you saw on screen The retouching secrets of how the pros retouch portraits How to process raw digital camera images (plus how to take advantage of all the new Camera Raw features of CS2!) How to color correct any photo without breaking a sweat (you'll be amazed at how easy it isonce you know the secret) A whole chapter on the latest, most requested Photoshop special effects How to reduce noise, deal with lens problems, avoid halos, and more How to show your work like a pro! Plus a host of shortcuts, workarounds, and slick "insider" tricks to send your productivity through the roof!If you're a digital photographer and you're ready to learn the "tricks of the trade"the same ones that today's leading pros use to correct, edit, sharpen, retouch, and present their work, then this is the book for you.

дизайн -- фотографія

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Long, B.
Complete digital photography [Electronic resource] / B. Long. - 4th. ed.. - Boston : Charles River Media, 2007. - 566 p.
Переклад назви: Досконала цифрова фотографія

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Complete Digital Photography has become a classic book for helping traditional photographers move to digital! It's also the book of choice for many new digital photographers who want to learn how to take great digital photos. Now in its 4th edition, this bestseller has been fine-tuned and updated to provide the most current information available. Covering everything from the inner workings of the camera to the subtle intricacies of image editing software, the book is divided into four sections. The first section provides the basic technical foundation needed throughout the rest of the book. It details the basics of how digital cameras work and provides a quick photography primer. The second part explores everything needed to make an informed decision about which camera, computer, and software to choose. Section three has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover the nitty gritty of shooting, including metering, choosing the right exposure, using histograms, flash photography, and much more. And the final section, teaches the latest digital editing and correction techniques, including new coverage of workflow and raw conversion.

фотомистецтво -- обробка фотографії

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання      фотоальбом   

Magilow, Daniel H..
The photography of crisis [Electronic resource] : the photo essays of Weimar Germany / Daniel H. Magilow. - [S. l.] : Penn State University Press, 2012. - 199 p
Переклад назви: Фотографія кризи: фотонариси Веймарської Німеччини

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The fifteen years in Germany between the end of World War I and the National Socialists’ rise to power in 1933 stand out as one of the twentieth century’s most tumultuous periods. These years of political and economic upheaval famously spawned significant and lasting changes in the arts. However, one noteworthy product of Weimar Germany’s booming cultural life has escaped significant critical attention: the photo essay. The Photography of Crisis examines narrative photography and creates a snapshot of where Germany was after World War I and what it would become with the rise of National Socialism. By reading Weimar photo essays within their historical and literary context, Daniel Magilow shows how German photographers intervened in modernity’s key political and philosophical debates regarding the changing notions of nature, culture, personal identity, and national identity.

фотографія -- міжвоєнна доба -- криза

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