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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Carey, Neil G..
Fighting the Bolsheviks [Electronic resource] : the Russian War Memoir of Private First Class Donald E. Carey, U.S. Army, 1918-1919 / N. G. Carey. - Novato : Presidio Press, 1997. - 240 p
Переклад назви: Б'ючи більшовиків: російські військові мемуари рядового першого класу Дональда Кері, армія США, 1918-1919


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історія -- війна

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Colgan, Jeff D..
Petro-Aggression [Electronic resource] : when oil causes war / Jeff D. Colgan. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 328 p
Переклад назви: Нафтова агресія: коли паливо призводить до війни


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Oil is the world's single most important commodity and its political effects are pervasive. Jeff Colgan extends the idea of the resource curse into the realm of international relations, exploring how countries form their foreign policy preferences and intentions. Why are some but not all oil-exporting 'petrostates' aggressive? To answer this question, a theory of aggressive foreign policy preferences is developed and then tested, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Petro-Aggression shows that oil creates incentives that increase a petrostate's aggression, but also incentives for the opposite. The net effect depends critically on its domestic politics, especially the preferences of its leader. Revolutionary leaders are especially significant. Using case studies including Iraq, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, this book offers new insight into why oil politics has a central role in global peace and conflict.

енергетичні ресурси -- військові конфлікти -- зовнішня агресія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Coller, Ian.
Arab France [Electronic resource] : islam and the making of modern Europe, 1798-1831 / Ian Coller. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2011. - 301 p
Переклад назви: Арабська Франція: Іслам і формування сучасної Європи, 1798-1831


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Many think of Muslims in Europe as a twentieth century phenomenon, but this book brings to life a lost community of Arabs who lived through war, revolution, and empire in early nineteenth century France. Ian Coller uncovers the surprising story of the several hundred men, women, and children—Egyptians, Syrians, Greeks, and others—who followed the French army back home after Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt. Based on research in neglected archives, on the rediscovery of forgotten Franco-Arab authors, and on a diverse collection of visual materials, the book builds a rich picture of the first Arab France—its birth, rise, and sudden decline in the age of colonial expansion. As he excavates a community that was nearly erased from the historical record, Coller offers a new account of France itself in this pivotal period, one that transcends the binary framework through which we too often view history by revealing the deep roots of exchange between Europe and the Muslim world, and showing how Arab France was in fact integral to the dawn of modernity.

іслам -- релігійна експансія -- мультикультуралізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Conlict in the Former USSR [Electronic resource] / ed. by M. Sussex. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 264 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти у колишньому СССР


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Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, conl ict in the former USSR has been a key concern in international security. This book i lls a gap in the literature on violent conl ict, evaluating a region that contains all the modern ingredients for instability and aggression. Bringing together leading experts on war and security, the book addresses current debates in international relations about power, interests, globalisation and the politics of identity as major drivers of contemporary war. Incidents such as the 2008 Russo-Georgian conl ict, the wars in Chechnya, and Russia’s struggles over national identity and resources with former communist states are all thoroughly examined. With new issues like energy security, terrorism and transnational crime, and older tensions between East and West threatening to deepen once more, this is an important contribution to the international security literature.

військові конфлікти -- російська інвазія -- Придністров'я -- Чечня -- Грузія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cooperating for Peace and Security [Electronic resource] : evolving Institutions and Arrangements in a Context of Changing U.S. Security Policy / ed. R. Gowan, B. D. Jones, F. Forman. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 332 p.
Переклад назви: Співпраця заради миру та безпеки: Розвиток інститутів та механізмів у контексті зміни політики безпеки США


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Cooperating for Peace and Security is a comprehensive survey of multilateral security cooperation since 1989. With essays by leading experts on topics from peacekeeping to nuclear security, it goes beyond theoretical discussions of the value of cooperation to show how the operational activities of international organizations meet the security needs of states. In particular, it explores the complex relationship between multilateralism and American security concerns. Covering the UN, NATO, and regional organizations, the authors show that U.S. interests have often shaped institutions. But, more strikingly, other states have also driven institutional change without U.S. support or even in the face of American opposition. This raises important questions about how the balance of power shapes international institutions. In a period of shifting power dynamics, the empirical evidence on security cooperation gathered in this volume is a unique resource for scholars and policy-makers concerned with the future of international institutions.

військове формування -- силова структура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cмолій, Валерій.
Правобережна Україна у другій половині XVII - XVIII ст.: проблема державотворення [Електронний ресурс] / Валерій Cмолій, Валерій Степанков ; Академія наук України, Інститут історії України, Інститут української археографії. - К. : [б. в.], 1993. - 73 с.


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На основі широкої джерельної бази розкриваються шляхи еволюції та форми прояву державотворчих процесів у Правобережній Україні в другі половині ХVІІ-ХVІІІ ст. Значні хронологічні рамки праці дали можливість показати динаміку розвитку та виявити якісні грані змін, які відбувалися у політичному житті Укранської держави. Переосмислюється й дається нова оцінка багатьом фактам, явищам та людям тогочасної доби. Звернута увага на політичні уроки подій, які відбувалися в Україні у період формування, розвитку та втрати нею власної державності.

державотворення -- Українська Держава

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Darby, John.
Contemporary peacemaking [Electronic resource] / J. Darby, R. M. Ginty. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - 418 p
Переклад назви: Сучасна миротворчість


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Contemporary Peace Making draws on recent experience to identify and explore the essential components of peace processes. Each chapter examines a different element in recent peace processes. The collection is organized around five main themes: planning for peace during periods of violence, the process of negotiations (including pre-negotiation), the effects of violence on peace processes, peace accords—constitutional and political options—and securing the settlement and building the peace

мирні процеси -- військові конфлікти -- насильство -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dikotter, Frank.
The Construction of Racial Identities in China and Japan [Electronic resource] / Frank Dikotter. - Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 1997. - 228 p
Переклад назви: Формування расової ідентичності в Китаї та Японії


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Four of the chapters in this book were first presented at the 'International Conference on Racial Identities in East Asia' held in Hong Kong on 25-26 November 1994. The conference was organised by Frank Dikotter and Barry Sautman and sponsored by the School of Oriental and Mrican Studies, University of London, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The editor of this book would like to thank all the participants of the conference, in particular Michael Banton (University of Bristol), Grant Evans (University of Hong Kong), Andrew Gerstle (SOAS), Richard Tanter and Wang Gungwu (University of Hong Kong). Special thanks are extended to Barry Sautman (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), who served as a consulting editor, and to Geremie Barnle (Australian National University, Canberra) for invaluable advice and help.

Східна Азія -- самоусвідомлення -- менталітет

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Edwards, Edward.
Free Town Libraries, their Formation, Management, and History [Electronic resource] : in Britain, France, Germany, and America / E. Edwards. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. - 670 p.
Переклад назви: Бібліотеки вільних міст, їхнє створення, управління та історія: у Британії, Франції, Німеччині та Америці


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бібліотекознавство -- формування фондів -- каталогізація

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Forbath, W. E.
Law and the shaping of the American Labor Movement [Electronic resource] / W. E. Forbath. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1991. - 231 p.
Переклад назви: Закон і формування американського робітничого руху


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страйк -- трудове законодавство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hodgins, J. G.
Historical and other papers and documents illustrative of the educational system of Ontario [Electronic resource] : forming an appendix to the annual report of the Minister of Education / J. G. Hodgins. - Toronto : L.K. Cameron, 1911
Переклад назви: Історичні та інші папери та документи, що ілюструють систему освіти Онтаріо, 1791-1853: формування додатка до щорічної доповіді міністра освіти


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Vol. 1 : 1791-1853. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : 1856-1872. - 347 p.

Vol. 3 : 1853-1868. - 327 p.

Vol. 4 : 1858-1876. - 343 p.

Vol. 5 : 1842-1861. - 321 p.

Vol. 6 : 1862-1871. - 307 p.

From an intimate personal knowledge of the state and progress of Education in Upper Canada from the earliest times, I am satisfied that the contents of these volumes will prove both valuable and interesting. The papers selected for publication are the most noted of those which are contained in the Documentary History, so that they can be easily found in a condensed form, when required, instead of haying to search for them in the successive volumes of that History. Among the most interesting of these documents are the originals of the Grammar and Common School Acts of 1807-1816 and 1820, as well as those of 1841 and 1843, passed after the Union of the Provinces of 1840. There are also several special papers relating to the disposition of the Imperial Land Grant of 1797, out of Which grew a prolonged discussion on the University question, as a proportion of that grant was designed for a University.

документ -- освіта -- знання -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kellogg, Michael.
The russian roots of nazism [Electronic resource] : white Emigres and the Making of National Socialism, 1917–1945 / M. Kellogg. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Російські корені нацизму: білоемігранти і формування націонал-соціалізму, 1917-1945


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This book examines the overlooked topic of the influence of anti-Bolshevik, anti-Semitic Russian exiles on Nazism. White émigrés contributed politically, financially, militarily, and ideologically to National Socialism. This work refutes the notion that Nazism developed as a peculiarly German phenomenon: it arose primarily from the cooperation between völkisch (nationalist/racist) Germans and vengeful White émigrés. From 1920-1923, Adolf Hitler collaborated with a conspiratorial far right German-White émigré organization, Aufbau (Reconstruction). Aufbau allied with Nazis to overthrow the German government and Bolshevik rule through terrorism and military-paramilitary schemes. This organization's warnings of the monstrous 'Jewish Bolshevik' peril helped to inspire Hitler to launch an invasion of the Soviet Union and to initiate the mass murder of European Jews. This book uses extensive archival materials from Germany and Russia, including recently declassified documents, and will prove invaluable reading for anyone interested in the international roots of National Socialism.

історія -- нацизм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Khoury, Philip Shukry .
Tribes and state formation in the middle east [Electronic resource] / P. S. Khoury, J. Kostiner. - Bercli : University of California Press, 1990. - 351 p
Переклад назви: Кланова структура суспільства та формування держави на Близькому Сході


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Tribes and State Formation is the first effort to bring together the disciplines of history, anthropology, and political science around a major topic that none of these alone is adequately equipped to address. How and why did certain tribal societies metamorphose over time into states? Scholars concerned with general questions of theory and methodology and the interaction of anthropology and history, as well as political scientists and sociologists concerned with concepts of the state in the Middle East and other developing regions, will be well served by this innovative work.

сходознавство -- політологія -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Koplow, D. A.
Death by Moderation [Electronic resource] : the U.S. military’s quest for useable weapons / D. A. Koplow. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 263 p.
Переклад назви: Поміркована Смерть: військові США в пошуках корисної зброї


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This book addresses an important but little-noticed phenomenon in the revolutionary world of military technology. Across a wide range of otherwise-unrelated weapons programs, the Pentagon is now pursuing arms that are deliberately crafted to be less powerful, less deadly, and less destructive than the systems they are designed to supplement or replace. This direction is historically anomalous; military forces generally pursue ever-bigger bangs, but the modern conditions of counter-insurgency warfare and military operations "other than war" (such as peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance) demand a military capable of modulated force. By providing a capacity to intervene deftly yet effectively, the new generations of "useable" weaponry should enable the U.S. military to accomplish its demanding missions in a manner consistent with legal obligations, public relations realities, and political constraints. Five case studies are provided, regarding precision-guided "smart bombs," low-yield nuclear weapons, self-neutralizing anti-personnel land mines, directed-energy anti-satellite weapons, and non-lethal weapons.

зброя -- армія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lebow, Richard Ned.
Why Nations Fight [Electronic resource] : past and Future Motives for War / R. N. Lebow. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. - 309 p.
Переклад назви: Чому народи воюють: минулі та майбутні підстави для воєн


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War was a defining feature of the twentieth century. A vast percentage of the people of the last century were participants or victims in one way or another of the endless stream of civil and interstate wars that characterized this era. These wars and their consequences were accompanied by unprecedented levels of ethnic cleansing and genocide. I am just old enough to remember WorldWar II, which had a profound impact onmy choice of career, discipline and research agenda. I have authored numerous books and articles on various aspects of conflict management and resolution. I have written about intelligence failures and bad crisis management responsible for wars. More recently, in A Cultural Theory of International Relations, I use the origins and dynamics of ancient and modern wars to elaborate and evaluate a broader set of arguments about systematic variation in the propensity and character of cooperation, conflict and risk-taking. In this book, I turn to war itself, with the goal of analyzing its causes in the past and the likelihood that they will diminish as motives for war in the future.

військові конфлікти -- психологія війни -- пропаганда -- міжнаціональна ворожнеча

   Тип видання:   альбом   

Madeej, K.
Polskie symbole wojskowe 1943-1978 [Electronic resource] / K. Madeej. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1980. - 178 с.
Переклад назви: Польські військові символи 1943-1978


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Эмблемы, знамена, ордена, медали, значки и знаки Народного Войска Польского в период с 1943 по 1978 г. с цветными и черно-белыми фотографиями.

військова нагорода -- орден -- знамення

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Mercenaries and paid men [Electronic resource] : the mercenary identity in the middle ages / ed. John France. - Leiden : Brill Academic Pub, 2008. - 428 p
Переклад назви: Найманці та платне військо: ідентичність найманця у Середньовіччі


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Mercenaries have always had a poor press. Theirs is one of the world's oldest professions, but the very word has profoundly negative connotations of infidelity and ruthlessness. But if they were like this, were they so different from soldiers?

військові -- історія -- середньовіччя

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Murphey, Rhoads.
Ottoman warfare 1500–1700 [Electronic resource] / Rhoads Murphey. - London : UCL Press, 1999. - 278 p.. - (Warfare and history)
Переклад назви: Військові кампанії Османської імперії 1500–1700 рр.


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Ottoman Warfare is an impressive and original examination of the Ottoman military machine, detailing its success in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Focusing primarily on the evolution of the Ottoman military organization and its subsequent impact on Ottoman society in a period of change, the book redresses the historiographical imbalance in the existing literature, analyzing why the Ottomans were the focus of such intense military concern.Several books have been written on the fiscal, technological, tactical, and political dimensions of Ottoman military history; little has been attempted, however, to recreate or evoke the physical and psychological realities of war as experienced by Ottoman soldiers. Rhoads Murphey seeks to rectify this imbalance, favoring operational matters and providing a detailed study of a number of campaigns: we are offered, for example, vivid descriptions of life in the trenches with the diggers at Baghdad in 1638, who dug a total of five miles at 50 yards a day. Murphey's analysis does not focus on the Ottoman's success or failure in particular campaigns per se; he focuses on understanding the actual process of how the Ottoman military machine worked.This long-awaited work will become the definitive study of Ottoman warfare in the early modern period, and will be invaluable to those studying the Ottoman Empire and early modern European history in general.

Османська імперія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Neer, Robert M..
Napalm [Electronic resource] : an american biography / Robert M. Neer. - Cambridge : Belknap Press, 2013. - 352 p
Переклад назви: Напалм: американська біографія


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Napalm, incendiary gel that sticks to skin and burns to the bone, came into the world on Valentine s Day 1942 at a secret Harvard war research laboratory. On March 9, 1945, it created an inferno that killed over 87,500 people in Tokyo more than died in the atomic explosions at Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It went on to incinerate sixty-four of Japan s largest cities. The Bomb got the press, but napalm did the work. After World War II, the incendiary held the line against communism in Greece and Korea Napalm Day led the 1950 counter-attack from Inchon and fought elsewhere under many flags. Americans generally applauded, until the Vietnam War. Today, napalm lives on as a pariah: a symbol of American cruelty and the misguided use of power, according to anti-war protesters in the 1960s and popular culture from "Apocalypse Now" to the punk band Napalm Death and British street artist Banksy. Its use by Serbia in 1994 and by the United States in Iraq in 2003 drew condemnation. United Nations delegates judged deployment against concentrations of civilians a war crime in 1980. After thirty-one years, America joined the global consensus, in 2011. Robert Neer has written the first history of napalm, from its inaugural test on the Harvard College soccer field, to a Marine Corps plan to attack Japan with millions of bats armed with tiny napalm time bombs, to the reflections of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, a girl who knew firsthand about its power and its morality

зброя масового знищення -- горюча речовина -- військові дії

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rice, Douglas.
Voices from the Korean war [Electronic resource] : personal accounts of those who served / Douglas Rice. - Bloomington : iUniverse.com, 2011. - 355 p
Переклад назви: Голоси з Корейської війни: особисті спогади тих, хто служив


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Voices from the Korean War presents a collection of first-person accounts of those who served in the Korean War. The Korean War is often dubbed the "Forgotten War," although more than 36,000 soldiers died in this three-year conflict. In Voices from the Korean War, author Douglas Rice makes certain the men who served are not forgotten as he shares first-person accounts from seventy-nine soldiers who fought in the war from June of 1950 through July of 1953. Voices from the Korean War follows the soldiers as they trek and fly over the mountainous terrain of the Korean peninsula. Through these eyewitness accounts, hear a soldier describe what happened to a small group of North Korean villagers who refused to divulge their location. Listen in as a wounded soldier tells a flight nurse the story of how he was rescued by American soldiers as he lay wounded in a North Korean home. Learn how some prisoners of war walked their imaginary dogs to irritate their captors. This compilation of different soldiers' perspectives conveys what it must have been like to be directly involved in the conflict. It serves as a reminder of the challenges and the sacrifices the soldiers made in the name of war.

Корейська війна -- військові мемуари -- цивілізаційний розрив -- біполярний світ

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