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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

"...Создавать невыносимые условия для врага и всех его пособников...". Красные партизаны Украины, 1941-1944: малоизученные страницы истории. Документы и материалы [Електронний ресурс]. - К. : Украинский издательский союз, 2006. - 430 с.


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В работе на основании документов из архивов Украины, России, Германии и Польши описывается ряд малоизученных сторон коммунистического партизанского движения в годы Второй мировой войны на территории бывшего СССР. Подавляющее большинство материалов публикуется впервые. Книга предназначена для всех, интересующихся историей сталинизма.

війна -- боротьба -- підпілля -- диверсійна діяльність

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

A guide to effective nonviolent struggle [Electronic resource] / Srdja Popovic [etc.]. - Belgrade : Canvas, 2007. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Керівництво з ефективної ненасильницької боротьби


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Before you is a wealth of knowledge about the planning, conduct, and evaluation of strategic nonviolent conflict. This curriculum guide will be a valuable companion to new and experienced activists, as well as to others who wish to learn about this subject. The authors combine classic insights about nonviolent conflict with new ideas based on recent experience. The result is a synthesis that pushes the limits of what we thought nonviolent strategies were capable of achieving.

протест -- громадська непокора -- страйк

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Adeyeye, Adefolake O..
Corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations in developing countries [Electronic resource] : perspectives on Anti-Corruption / Adefolake O. Adeyeye. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 245 p
Переклад назви: Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність транснаціональних корпорацій в країнах, що розвиваються: перспективи боротьби з корупцією


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The increasing importance of CSR means that companies must consider multi-stakeholder interests as well as the social, political, economic, environmental and developmental impact of their actions. However, the pursuit of profits by multinational corporations has led to a series of questionable corporate actions and the consequences of such practices are particularly evident in developing countries. Adefolake Adeyeye explores how CSR has evolved to aid the anti-corruption campaign. By examining voluntary rules applicable for curbing corruption, particularly bribery and analysing the domestic and extra-territorial laws of Nigeria, United Kingdom and the United States for holding corporations liable for bribery, she assesses the adequacy of international law's approach towards corporate liability for bribery and explores direct corporate responsibility for international corruption. The roles of corporate governance, global governance and civil liability in curbing corporate corrupt practices are given special focus.

корупція -- економіка -- боротьба

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Augusteijn, Joost.
The Irish Revolution 1913–1923 [Electronic resource] / J. Augusteijn. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. - 263 p
Переклад назви: Ірландські революції 1913-1923


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This collection of essays brings together the main historians of the Irish Revolution, 1913-1923. Through detailed research and wide-ranging analysis of key themes, they provide the most up-to-date answers to, and debate on, the fundamental questions concerning this period, including: what was the nature of the revolution; what were its causes; how was the war fought and ended; and what have been the repercussions? Essential reading for all those interested in Ireland and the study of revolution.

боротьба -- історія -- революція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bagnall, N.
The punic wars 264-146 BC [Electronic resource] / N. Bagnall. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2003. - 95 p.. - (Essential Histories)
Переклад назви: Пунічні війни 264-146 до н.е.


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The three Punic Wars lasted over 100 years, between 264 BC and 146 BC. They represented a struggle for supremacy in the Mediterranean between the bludgeoning land power of Rome, bent on imperial conquest, and the great maritime power of Carthage with its colonies and trading posts spread around the Mediterranean. This book reveals how the dramas and tragedies of the Punic Wars exemplify many political and military lessons which are as relevant today as when Hannibal and Scipio Africanus fought to determine the course of history in the Mediterranean.

боротьба -- імперія -- держава

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bankston III, Carl L..
World conflicts: Asia and the Middle East [Electronic resource] / Carl L. Bankston III. - Pasadena : Salem Press, 2003. - 672 p
Переклад назви: Світові конфлікти: Азія і Близький Схід


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Asia and the Middle East examines crisis areas in the nations of the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. This set applies a broad definition to "Middle East" to encompass the predominantly Muslim nations of both the eastern Mediterranean region and North Africa. This definition corresponds closely with the U.S. State Department's definition of "Near East." The thirty-four articles in World Conflicts: Asia and the Middle East are updated versions of articles that appeared in Salem Press's World Conflicts and Confrontations. Two of the articles cover broad regions (Middle East and Asia); the rest cover individual nations. Designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, and others seeking clear explanations of and background to what has been going on in the region's many troubled countries, the set identifies the "hot spots" and offers in-depth analyses of the countries facing difficult and dangerous problems that are of vital concern to the entire world.

конфлікт -- боротьба -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Barlow, Maude.
Blue Gold [Electronic resource] : the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's wate / Maude Barlow, Tony Clarke. - New York : The New Press, 2005. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Синє золото: боротьба за припинення корпоративної крадіжки світових водних ресурсів


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In this “chilling, in-depth examination of a rapidly emerging global crisis” (In These Times), Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, two of the most active opponents to the privatization of water show how, contrary to received wisdom, water mainly flows uphill to the wealthy. Our most basic resource may one day be limited: our consumption doubles every twenty years—twice the rate of population increase. At the same time, increasingly transnational corporations are plotting to control the world’s dwindling water supply. In England and France, where water has already been privatized, rates have soared, and water shortages have been severe. The major bottled-water producers—Perrier, Evian, Naya, and now Coca-Cola and PepsiCo—are part of one of the fastest-growing and least-regulated industries, buying up freshwater rights and drying up crucial supplies. A truly shocking exposé that is a call to arms to people around the world, Blue Gold shows in frightening detail why, as the vice president of the World Bank has pronounced, “The wars of the next century will be about water.”

водні ресурси -- екологія -- світова економіка

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Collier, P.
The Second world war [Electronic resource] : the Mediterranean 1940-1945 / P. Collier. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2003. - 97 p.. - (Essential Histories)
Переклад назви: Друга світова війна: Середземномор'я 1940-1945


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Vol. 4

This book explores the idea that the Mediterranean theater of the Second World War was the first truly modern war. It was a highly mobile conflict, in which logistics were a critical and often deciding factor, and from the very beginning a close relationship between the land, sea, and air elements was vital. Victory could not be achieved by either side unless the three services worked in intimate cooperation. Each side advanced and withdrew across 1,000 miles of desert until the Axis forces were decisively defeated at El Alamein in 1942.

боротьба -- битва -- історія

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Costales, B.
Sendmail Milters A Guide for Fighting Spam [Electronic resource] / B. Costales, M. Flynt. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2005. - 352 p.
Переклад назви: Sendmail Milters керівництво по боротьбі зі спамом


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Bryan and Marcia have not only provided tips and tricks for detecting and blocking spam and email fraud but have also written the first of its kind Milter reference guide. This book will help you start writing your own special-purpose mail filters quickly and easily

інтернет -- пошта

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Evans, E.
Domain-Driven Design [Electronic resource] : tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software / E. Evans. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2003. - 560 p.
Переклад назви: Проектування залученого домену: боротьба складності в серці програмного забезпечення


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The software development community widely acknowledges that domain modeling is central to software design. Through domain modeling, software developers are able to express rich functionality and translate that functionality into software implementation that truly serves the needs of its users. Despite its obvious importance, however, there are few practical resources that show how to incorporate effective domain modeling into the software development process.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fawthrop, Tom.
Getting away with genocide [Electronic resource] : cambodia's long struggle against the Khmer Rouge / Tom Fawthrop, Helen Jarvis. - London : Pluto Press, 2004. - 343 p
Переклад назви: Вирватися з геноциду: довга боротьба Камбоджі проти червоних Кхмерів


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'This book is an insider's account of the twenty-five year struggle to bring the Khmer Rouge to justice. Until 1991, the morally bankrupt real-politik of the West not only supported seating the Khmer Rouge in the United Nations, but opposed trying them for their crimes. Over a decade later, a Cambodian - United Nations tribunal is about to convene. . . . This book could not be more timely.' Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, Founder of The Cambodian Genocide Project and President of Genocide Watch 'This book will be essential reading for academics, diplomats, journalists, Cambodia specialists and others who follow the Khmer Rouge trial closely. . . . The diplomatic, legal and technical twists and turns detailed here are fascinating, instructive and, at times, alarming. For years to come - as the Khmer Rouge trial unfolds or collapses - scholars and commentators are going to find much in this book to inform their analysis of what happened and why.' Bill Herod, head of a social service agency in Phnom Penh and a development worker in Cambodia for over thirty years Twenty-five years after the overthrow of the Pol Pot regime, not one Khmer Rouge leader has stood in court to answer for their terrible crimes. Tom Fawthrop and Helen Jarvis show how governments that often speak the language of human rights shielded Pol Pot and his lieutenants from prosecution during the 1980s. After Vietnam ousted the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979, the US and UK governments backed the Khmer Rouge at the UN, and approved the re-supply of Pol Pot's army in Thailand. The authors explain how, in the late 1990s, the forgotten genocide became the subject of serious UN inquiry for the first time. Finally, in 2003, the UN and the Cambodian government agreed to hold a trial in Phnom Penh conducted jointly by international jurists and Cambodian lawyers and judges. Tom Fawthrop and Helen Jarvis reveal why it took 18 years for the UN to recognise the ma

злочини проти людства -- комуністичний терор -- геноцид

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Haskins, R.
Slamming spam: a guide for system administrators [Electronic resource] / R. Haskins, D. Nielsen. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2004. - 432 p.
Переклад назви: Боротьба зі спамом: Посібник для системних адміністраторів


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In Slamming Spam, two spam fighters show you how to fight backand win. Unlike most spam books, this one is written specifically for in-the-trenches system administrators: professionals who need hands-on solutions for detecting, managing, and deterring spam in Unix/Linux and/or Microsoft Windows environments. The authors offer deep, administrator-focused coverage of the most valuable open-source tools for reducing spam's impact in the enterpriseespecially SpamAssassin. Drawing on their extensive experience in developing and implementing anti-spam tools, the authors present expert insights into every leading approach to fighting spam, including Bayesian filtering, distributed checksum filtering, and email client filtering.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Herman, Bill D..
The fight over digital rights [Electronic resource] : the politics of copyright and technology / Bill D. Herman. - London : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 266 p
Переклад назви: Боротьба за цифрові права: політика авторського права і технології


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In the political fight over copyright, Internet advocacy has reshaped the playing field. This was shown most dramatically in the 2012 "SOPA blackout," when the largest online protest in history stopped two copyright bills in their tracks. For those not already familiar with the debate, this protest seemingly came out of nowhere yet was the culmination of an intellectual and political evolution more than a decade in the making. This book examines the debate over digital copyright, from the late 1980s through early 2012, and the new tools of political communication involved in the advocacy around the issue. Drawing on methods from legal studies, political science, and communications, it explores the rise of a coalition seeking more limited copyright, as well as how these early-adopting, technology-savvy policy advocates used online communication to shock the world. It compares key bills, congressional debates, and offline and online media coverage using quantitative and qualitative methods to create a rigorous study for researchers that is also accessible to a general audience.

новітні технології -- авторське право -- протестний рух

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Herzog, Jonathan P..
The spiritual-industrial complex [Electronic resource] : america's religious battle against communism in the early cold war / Jonathan P. Herzog. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 286 p
Переклад назви: Духовний-промисловий комплекс: релігійна боротьба Америки проти комунізму на початку холодної війни.

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In his farewell address, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the nation of the perils of the military-industrial complex. But as Jonathan Herzog shows in this insightful history, Eisenhower had spent his presidency contributing to another, lesser known, Cold War collaboration: the spiritual-industrial complex. This fascinating volume shows that American leaders in the early Cold War years considered the conflict to be profoundly religious; they saw Communism not only as godless but also as a sinister form of religion. Fighting faith with faith, they deliberately used religious beliefs and institutions as part of the plan to defeat the Soviet enemy. Herzog offers an illuminating account of the resultant spiritual-industrial complex, chronicling the rhetoric, the programs, and the policies that became its hallmarks. He shows that well-known actions like the addition of the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance were a small part of a much larger and relatively unexplored program that promoted religion nationwide. Herzog shows how these efforts played out in areas of American life both predictable and unexpected--from pulpits and presidential appeals to national faith drives, military training barracks, public school classrooms, and Hollywood epics. Millions of Americans were bombarded with the message that the religious could not be Communists, just a short step from the all-too-common conclusion that the irreligious could not be true Americans. Though the spiritual-industrial complex declined in the 1960s, its statutes, monuments, and sentiments live on as bulwarks against secularism and as reminders that the nation rests upon the groundwork of religious faith. They continue to serve as valuable allies for those defending the place of religion in American life.

холодна війна -- антикомунізм -- маккартизм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Howlett, Charles.
For the People [Electronic resource] : a documentary history of the struggle for peace and justice in the United States / Charles Howlett, Robbie Lieberman. - Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2009. - 376 p
Переклад назви: В ім'я народу: документальний історія боротьби за мир і справедливість у Сполучених Штатах


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For the People is a historical docutext that examines the evolution of the struggle for peace and justice in America's past, from pre-colonial times to the present. Each chapter begins with a brief historical introduction followed by a series of primary source documents and questions to encourage student comprehension. Sample photographs illustrate the range of peace activists' concerns, while the list of references, focused on the most important works in the field of U.S. peace history, points students toward opportunities for further research. This is the only historical docutext specifically devoted to peace issues. The interpretive analysis of American peace history provided by the editors makes this more than just an anthology of collected documents. As such, the docutext is an extension and a complement to the editors' recently published popular scholarly survey, A History of the American Peace Movement from Colonial Times to the Present. A central idea in this work is that peace is more than just the absence of war. The documents, and the analysis that accompanies them, offer fresh perspectives on the ways in which the peace movement became transformed from one simply opposing war to one proclaiming the importance of social, political, and economic equality. The editors' premise is that the peace movement historically has been a collective attempt by numerous well-intentioned people to improve American society. The book illuminates the ways in which peace activists were often connected to larger reform movements in American history, including those that fought for the rights of working people, for women's equality, and for the abolition of slavery, to name just a few. With a focus on those who spoke out for peace, this docutext is designed to call to students' attention one of the least discussed classroom subjects in American education today. Students in secondary school Social Studies and American history classes as well as those taking college level courses in U.S. history, American Studies, or Peace Studies will find this work an excellent supplementary reader.

історія США -- демократія -- громадянське суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hugh, Thomas M..
The English and the Normans [Electronic resource] : ethnic hostility, assimilation, and identity 1066-c.1220 / T. M. Hugh. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. - 462 p
Переклад назви: Англія та Нормандія : міжетнічна ворожнеча, асиміляція та ідентичність 1066-1220


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Since the Anglo-Norman period itself, the relations beween the English and the Normans have formed a subject of lively debate. For most of that time, however, complacency about the inevitability of assimilation and of the Anglicization of Normans after 1066 has ruled. This book first challenges that complacency, then goes on to provide the fullest explanation yet for why the two peoples merged and the Normans became English. Drawing on anthropological theory, the latest scholarship on Anglo-Norman England, and sources ranging from charters and legal documents to saints' lives and romances, it provides a complex exploration of ethnic relations on the levels of personal interaction, cultural assimilation, and the construction of identity. As a result, the work provides an important case study in pre-modern ethnic relations that combines both old and new approaches, and sheds new light on some of the most important developments in English history.

боротьба -- Англія -- історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Katcher, P.
The army of Northern Virginia [Electronic resource] : lee’s army in the american civil war 1861–1865 / P. Katcher. - New York : Fitzroy Dearborn, 2003. - 362 p.. - (The Great Armies)
Переклад назви: Армія Північної Вірджинії: Армія Лі під час американської громадянської війни 1861-1865


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The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia was one of the greatest fighting formations in history: a combination of an outstanding commander and an excellent fighting force. This book offers an in-depth study of why this formation was so successful against Northern armies, which often had a greater wealth of resources and manpower and some very able leaders. Almost always outnumbered, Lee's forces were able to record a number of notable victories by giving free rein to subordinates and utilizing the fighting qualities of the army's units to the full. But more than anything else, The Army of Northern Virginia looks closely at the human dimension of Lee's army: the quality and individuality of its generals and their ability to interpret their superior's orders; the fighting spirit of the average "Johnny Reb"; and, above all, the leadership of Robert E. Lee himself, who became one of the 19th century's greatest generals. Also includes color and black and white maps.

боротьба -- конфедерат -- полководець

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Lelyveld, Joseph.
Great soul [Electronic resource] : mahatma Gandhi and his struggle with India / Joseph Lelyveld. - New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. - 549 p
Переклад назви: Велика душа: Махатма Ганді і його боротьба за Індію


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A highly original, stirring book on Mahatma Gandhi that deepens our sense of his achievements and disappointments—his success in seizing India’s imagination and shaping its independence struggle as a mass movement, his recognition late in life that few of his followers paid more than lip service to his ambitious goals of social justice for the country’s minorities, outcasts, and rural poor. Pulitzer Prize–winner Joseph Lelyveld shows in vivid, unmatched detail how Gandhi’s sense of mission, social values, and philosophy of nonviolent resistance were shaped on another subcontinent—during two decades in South Africa—and then tested by an India that quickly learned to revere him as a Mahatma, or “Great Soul,” while following him only a small part of the way to the social transformation he envisioned. The man himself emerges as one of history’s most remarkable self-creations, a prosperous lawyer who became an ascetic in a loincloth wholly dedicated to political and social action. Lelyveld leads us step-by-step through the heroic—and tragic—last months of this selfless leader’s long campaign when his nonviolent efforts culminated in the partition of India, the creation of Pakistan, and a bloodbath of ethnic cleansing that ended only with his own assassination. India and its politicians were ready to place Gandhi on a pedestal as “Father of the Nation” but were less inclined to embrace his teachings. Muslim support, crucial in his rise to leadership, soon waned, and the oppressed untouchables—for whom Gandhi spoke to Hindus as a whole—produced their own leaders. Here is a vital, brilliant reconsideration of Gandhi’s extraordinary struggles on two continents, of his fierce but, finally, unfulfilled hopes, and of his ever-evolving legacy, which more than six decades after his death still ensures his place as India’s social conscience—and not just India’s.

біографія -- антиколоніальний рух -- ненасильницький спротив -- філософія непокори

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Levine, J. R.
Fighting spam for dummies [Electronic resource] / J. R. Levine, M. L. Young, R. Everett-Church. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 236 p.
Переклад назви: Боротьба зі спамом для чайників


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This book presents some techniques for keeping your email address off spammers' mailing lists and, when that fails, keeping junk mail out of your primary inbox with filters and other utilities.

електронна пошта -- небажана пошта -- антиспам

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Libraries and the Fight against HIV/AIDS, Poverty, and Corruption [Electronic resource] / еd. S. Seidelin, T. S. Jensen. - Hague : IFLA/FAIFE, 2006. - 159 p.
Переклад назви: Бібліотеки та боротьба проти ВІЛ/СНІД, бідності та корупції


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“Libraries and the fi ght against HIV/AIDS, poverty and corruption” takes up some of the big issues and major challenges facing the world: the HIV/AIDS pandemic, poverty and the reduction of it, and corruption and its counterpart transparency. The articles explore the role and responsibilities of libraries and information services, and how they can contribute to this fi ght. In regard to all three themes, authors call our attention to the need to identify new responsibilities and values for the library profession.


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