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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Blamires, Cyprian P..
World fascism [Electronic resource] : a historical encyclopedia / Cyprian P. Blamires, Paul Jackson. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2006. - 944 p
Переклад назви: Всесвітній фашизм: історична енциклопедія


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Т 1. : A–K. - 2006. - 944 p.

Asia and the Middle East examines crisis areas in the nations of the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. This set applies a broad definition to "Middle East" to encompass the predominantly Muslim nations of both the eastern Mediterranean region and North Africa. This definition corresponds closely with the U.S. State Department's definition of "Near East." The thirty-four articles in World Conflicts: Asia and the Middle East are updated versions of articles that appeared in Salem Press's World Conflicts and Confrontations. Two of the articles cover broad regions (Middle East and Asia); the rest cover individual nations. Designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, and others seeking clear explanations of and background to what has been going on in the region's many troubled countries, the set identifies the "hot spots" and offers in-depth analyses of the countries facing difficult and dangerous problems that are of vital concern to the entire world.

фашизм -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jackson, Jerma A..
Singing in My Soul [Electronic resource] : black Gospel Music in a Secular Age / J. A. Jackson. - Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2004. - 208 p.
Переклад назви: Співаючи душею: "чорний" госпел у добу секуляризації

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Black gospel music grew from obscure nineteenth-century beginnings to become the leading style of sacred music in black American communities after World War II. Jerma A. Jackson traces the music's unique history, profiling the careers of several singers--particularly Sister Rosetta Tharpe--and demonstrating the important role women played in popularizing gospel. Female gospel singers initially developed their musical abilities in churches where gospel prevailed as a mode of worship. Few, however, stayed exclusively in the religious realm. As recordings and sheet music pushed gospel into the commercial arena, gospel began to develop a life beyond the church, spreading first among a broad spectrum of African Americans and then to white middle-class audiences. Retail outlets, recording companies, and booking agencies turned gospel into big business, and local church singers emerged as national and international celebrities. Amid these changes, the music acquired increasing significance as a source of black identity. These successes, however, generated fierce controversy. As gospel gained public visibility and broad commercial appeal, debates broke out over the meaning of the music and its message, raising questions about the virtues of commercialism and material values, the contours of racial identity, and the nature of the sacred. Jackson engages these debates to explore how race, faith, and identity became central questions in twentieth-century African American life.

релігійний спів -- музикознавство -- афроамериканська культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jackson, Michael.
Life Within Limits [Electronic resource] : well-being in a World of Want / M. Jackson. - Durham : Duke University Press, 2011. - 248 p.
Переклад назви: Життя на межі можливого: добробут у світі нестатку


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The sense that well-being remains elusive, transitory, and unevenly distributed is felt by the rich as well as the poor, and in all societies. To explore this condition of existential dissatisfaction, the anthropologist Michael Jackson traveled to Sierra Leone, described in a recent UN report as the "least livable" country in the world. There he revisited the village where he did his first ethnographic fieldwork in 1969-70 and lived in 1979. Jackson writes that Africans have always faced forces from without that imperil their lives and livelihoods. Though these forces have assumed different forms at different time-slave raiding, warfare, epidemic illness, colonial domination, state interference, economic exploitation, and corrupt government-they are subject to the same mix of magical and practical reactions that affluent Westerners deploy against terrorist threats, illegal immigration, market collapse, and economic recession. Both the problem of well-being and the question of what makes life worthwhile are grounded in the mystery of existential discontent-the question as to why human beings, regardless of their external circumstances, are haunted by a sense of insufficiency and loss. While philosophers have often asked the most searching questions regarding the human condition, Jackson suggests that ethnographic method offers one of the most edifying ways of actually exploring those questions.

бідність -- експлуатація -- корупція -- виживання

   Тип видання:   словник   

Jackson, Keith.
Historical Dictionary of New Zealand [Electronic resource] / K. Jackson, A. McRobie. - 2nd ed.. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2005. - 536 p.. - (Historical Dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Нової Зеландії


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The second edition of the Historical Dictionary of New Zealand describes the many changes that have taken place during the past decade while building on the solid foundation of the first edition, which already traced New Zealand's long and lively history. The book's introduction gives an overall view of the country, while the chronology plots the path from the earliest settlers to the present. The dictionary includes hundreds of cross-referenced entries on important persons, places, events, and institutions as well as significant political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. Everything from the examination of the relations between the Pakeha and the Maori to the country's environmental policy is covered in this reference. Further research is enabled by the extensive bibliography.

Океанія -- етнологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence [Electronic resource] / ed. N. A. Jackson. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2007. - 789 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія домашнього насильства


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The Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence is a modern reference from the leading international scholars in domestic violence research. This ground-breaking project has created the first ever publication of an encyclopedia of domestic violence. The primary goal of the Encyclopedia is to provide information on a variety of traditional, as well as breakthrough, issues in this complex phenomenon. The coverage of the Encyclopedia is broad and diverse, encompassing the entire life span from infancy to old age. The entries include the traditional research areas, such as battered women, child abuse and dating violence. However, this Encyclopedia is unique in that it includes many under-studied areas of domestic violence, such as ritual abuse-torture within families, domestic violence against women with disabilities, pseudo-family violence and domestic violence within military families. It is also unique in that it examines cross-cultural perspectives of domestic violence. One of the key special features in this Encyclopedia is the cross-reference section at the end of each entry. This allows the reader the ability to continue their research of a particular topic. This book will be an easy-to-read reference guide on a host of topics, which are alphabetically arranged. Precautions have been taken to ensure that the Encyclopedia is not politically slanted; rather, it is hoped that it will serve as a basic guide to better understanding the myriad issues surrounding this labyrinthine topic. Topics covered include: Victims of Domestic Violence; Theoretical Perspectives and Correlates to Domestic Violence; Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Religious Perspectives; Understudied Areas within Domestic Violence Research; Domestic Violence and the Law; and Child Abuse and Elder Abuse.

відносини в сім'ї -- насильство -- злочин

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Michaelis, R. C.
A Litigator’s guide to DNA. From the laboratory to the courtroom [Electronic resource] / R. C. Michaelis, R. G. Flanders, P. H. Wulff. - Burlington : Elsevier academic press, 2008. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Адвокатський посібник з ДНК: від лабораторії до суду


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A Litigator's Guide to DNA educates litigators, judges, criminalists, students, and others about all aspects of the use of DNA evidence in criminal and civil trials. It includes discussions of the molecular biological basis for the tests, essential laboratory practices, probability theory and mathematical calculations. It presents issues relevant to all parties involved in trying a case, from the prosecution and the defense, and to the judge and jury. The book is also extremely useful as a text for students aspiring to careers in forensic science and criminal law. The authors provide a full background on both the molecular biology and the mathematical theory behind forensic tests written specifically for people with little or no science background. No other book relates the foundational information on molecular biology and statistics to legal practice issues as extensively as this book does.

криміналістика -- судова справа

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