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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Молодий вчений
: наук. журн..- Херсон
Бібліографія (ДСТУ):  |  Зміст

  1. Andreichenko S. S. International responsibility of states for the conduct of private actors / S. S. Andreichenko // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 7-10
  2. Anischuk N. V. The formation and development of the national assessors in Soviet Ukraine: historical and legal analysis / N. V. Anischuk, T. V. Ugnenko // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 11-13
  3. Anischuk N. V. Historical-legal characteristics of the evolution of the legislative function of the European Parliament / N. V. Anischuk, M. Y. Katsyn // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 14-17
  4. Afanasyeva M. V. Electoral engineering: essence and technology / M. V. Afanasyeva // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 18-21
  5. Bakayanova N. M. L’avenir du barreau Ukrainien: problemes et perspectives / N. M. Bakayanova // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 21-24
  6. Vladyshevska V. V. Personal and moral-ethical qualities as one of the main requirements for the candidate advocates / V. V. Vladyshevska // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 24-27
  7. Voitovych P. P. Foreign policy as a state’s choice and modern international law / P. P. Voitovych // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 27-32
  8. Voloshyna V. K. Definition of respect for human dignity as a principle of criminal proceedings / V. K. Voloshyna // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 32-35
  9. Gloviuk I. V. Le principe de la separation des fonctions de la justice penale Francaise et Ukrainienne / I. V. Gloviuk // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 35-38
  10. Horbova H. O. Concerning the improvement of the system of administrative penalties for the commission of the offence provided by article 173-2 CUoAO / H. O. Horbova // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 39-43
  11. Demenchuk M. O. Recommendations of the European commission for democracy through law on the status of the Supreme Court of Ukraine / M. O. Demenchuk // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 44-48
  12. Dzevelyuk M. V. The information function of the modern state / M. V. Dzevelyuk // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 48-52
  13. Dodina Ie. Ie. Travel of religious organizations members outside Ukraine: problems and prospects of introducing visa-free regime for Ukraine / Ie. Ie. Dodina // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 52-56
  14. Drobozhur R. R. Shortcomings and suggestions on improving the legal component of crime combating mechanism in the field of ICT / R. R. Drobozhur, M. A. Malyshev // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 57-61
  15. Ennan R. E. Les droits sur de score de l’activite intellectuelle (les droits exclusifs): la caracteristique generale et la "nature juridique" / R. E. Ennan, A. A. Bakala // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 62-65
  16. Zadereyko О. V. Questions of providing information sovereignty of the states in the virtual environment the Internet and tendencies of their development in Ukraine / О. V. Zadereyko, O. V. Vlasenko // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 65-69
  17. Izovita A. M. Criminological aspects of the research of the state of crime in the land sphere / A. M. Izovita // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 70-73
  18. Кibik O. М. Financial preconditions for export potential development of the maritime complex of Ukraine / O. М. Кibik, J. V. Khaiminova, K. S. Nesterova // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 74-77
  19. Kozin O. B. Coque cylindrique surbaissee avec un support rigide intermediaire sous pression externe / O. B. Kozin, O. B. Papkovskaya, M. O. Kozina // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 77-80
  20. Kotlubay V. A. Formation program for the development of export potential of Ukraine / V. A. Kotlubay, I. V. Redina // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 81-84
  21. Krusyan A. R. Basic principles of Ukrainian constitutionalism in the European dimension / A. R. Krusyan // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 84-88
  22. Lagutina I. V. Mechanism for ensuring of the right of employee to dignity at work / I. V. Lagutina // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 88-92
  23. Melnychuk T. V. Regional development and spatial distribution of crime in Ukraine / T. V. Melnychuk // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 92-97
  24. Mishyna N. V. Doctrine of separation of powers at the local government level: the Ukrainian experience / N. V. Mishyna // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 97-100
  25. Murzanovska A. V. Criminal procedural responsibility in accordance with new Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine / A. V. Murzanovska // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 101-104
  26. Nekit K. G. Adaptation of the trust to civil law system / K. G. Nekit // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 104-108
  27. Oborotov I. G. The concept and features of legal system of canon law / I. G. Oborotov // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 108-114
  28. Polishchuk O. M. Ukrainian criminal codeas a legal necessity and possible ways to improve its efficiency / O. M. Polishchuk // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 114-116
  29. Romanadze L. D. Challenges of innovation commercialization in the activities of higher education institutes and scientific establishments in Ukraine / L. D. Romanadze // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 117-121
  30. Sevostianova N. I. Application to the European Counrt of Human Rights as international legal instrument for protection of Ukrainian state interest / N. I. Sevostianova // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 122-126
  31. Sydor V. D. Major tasks and principles of land legislation and law / V. D. Sydor // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 127-130
  32. Slobodianyk N. S. Current issues on the formation of the judiciary in Ukraine / N. S. Slobodianyk // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 131-135
  33. Soldatskyi V. V. Regulative and legal influence of terms in the stage of preparative and assignment of court hearing / V. V. Soldatskyi // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 135-139
  34. Sorochyshyn M. V. Legal regulation of conciliation procedures: current state and prospects for development / M. V. Sorochyshyn // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 140-143
  35. Stepanenko A. S. Some issues concerning the concept of a "reasonable doubt” in criminal process / A. S. Stepanenko // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 144-147
  36. Torbas O. O. Analysis of the powers of the prosecutor in article 291 of the CCP / O. O. Torbas // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 147-150
  37. Kharytonov E. O. Reception of law and law adaptation as forms of interaction of legal systems / E. O. Kharytonov, O. I. Kharytonova // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 151-154
  38. Chekmarova L. Yu. The insurance of professional activity of advocate: experience Federal Republic of Germany / L. Yu. Chekmarova // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 154-158
  39. Yakovlev D. V. Choice of Ukraine: reforms vs. Perestroyka / D. V. Yakovlev // Молодий вчений. - 2015. - № 12.1. - С. 159-167
№ 12.1 (27.1)

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