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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Plokhy, S.
The cossacks and religion in early modern Ukraine [Electronic resource] / S. Plokhy. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 401 p
Переклад назви: Козаки та релігія в ранній сучасній Україні


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The Ukrainian Cossacks, often compared in historical literature to the pirates of the Mediterranean and the frontiersmen of the American West, constituted one of the largest Cossack hosts in the European steppe borderland. They became famous as ferocious warriors, their fighting skills developed in their religious wars against the Tartars, Turks, Poles, and Russians. By and large the Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and quite early in their history they adopted a religious ideology in their struggle against those of other faiths. Their acceptance of the Muscovite protectorate in 1654 was also influenced by their religious ideas. This study examines the confessionalisation of religious life in early modern period Ukraine, and shows how Cossack involvement in the religious struggle between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism helped shape cultural identities not only in the Ukraine but also in Russia and Poland.

релігійна ідеологія -- римський католицизм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Westwood, D.
German infantryman [Electronic resource] / D. Westwood. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2002-2003. - (Warrior)
Переклад назви: Німецький піхотинець


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Vol. 1 : 1933-40. - 2002. - 64 p.

Vol. 2 : Східний фронт 1941-43. - 2003. - 66 p.

The common German infantryman played a crucial role in the events that led to the outbreak of war, and the burden of duty lay on his shoulders during the opening moves of the conflict, in the invasion of Poland, the conquest of Norway and Denmark, the Low Countries and France. The Wehrmacht was unstoppable in this period, as it defeated almost every country that took the field against it. This volume examines the recruitment, training, weapons and equipment of the German infantryman in the eventful years building up to and including Blitzkrieg. Weaponry, team roles, tactics, training and personal equipment are all covered.

війна -- піхота -- зброя

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Provan, J.
Berlin airlift [Electronic resource] : the effort and the aircraft / J. Provan, D. R.E.G.. - McLean : Paladwr Press, 1998. - 90 p.
Переклад назви: Берлінські повітряні перевезення: криза та авіація


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Many books, pamphlets & reports have been written about the Berlin Airlift of 1948-49. These have ranged from the almost encyclopaedic British Air Ministry publication to short leaflet summaries. They have been concerned primarily with the truly impressive statistics, & some have concentrated almost exclusively on the aircraft. But none has seemed to approach this historical event from the viewpoint of its historical perspective. John Provan & Ron Davies have now cooperated in this Paladwr Press book to try to compensate for this past shortcoming. The first part of the narrative explores the political & economic circumstances that led to the crisis of May 1948, & it also takes a look at the situation as it probably appeared to the Soviet Union. To have a capitalist enclave within its jealously (& military)-guarded sphere of influence must have seemed something of an imposition in Muscovite eyes. On the other hand, many readers may be surprised to realize that Berlin is only 30 miles from Poland. And--again to remember perspectives of time, as well as of place & motivation--how many recall that the Airlift was launched only three years after the end of the Second World War? In addition to picture-descriptions of all the transport aircraft, U.S. & British, military & civilian, involved in the Airlift, this book has delved into the problems of logistics, on the ground as well as in the air & has not forgotten the human aspects, for example, the famous exploits of the Candy Bomber & the Camel Caravan. Here is a book that, in addition to being a useful reference to one of the great events of transport aviation history, should delight the eye; & even, here & there, amuse. For without a sense of humor, the Berlin Airlift would have been a grim experience for all the participants.

авіація -- Берлінська криза -- транспортні перевезення

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Scientific achievements in agricultural engineering, agronomy and veterinary medicine : Polish-Ukrainian cooperation [Electronic resource] : scientific monograph / State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, Agricalture University in Kraków ; scientific editors: K. Mudryk, I. Bendera, M. Jewiarz [etc.]. - Vol. I. - Kraków : Traicon, 2017. - 170 S.
Переклад назви: Наукові здобутки в галузі сільськогосподарської техніки, агрономії та ветеринарної медицини: польсько-українське співробітництво


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The monograph entitled: Scientific achievements in agricultural engineering, agronomy and veterinary medicine contains peer reviewed chapters, which are authored by participants of the Polish Ukrainian Academic Exchange, which took place on State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya (Ukraine) and Agricalture University in Kraków (Poland). This monograph has been released in electronic form and is intended for the development of a scientific discipline such as Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine.

рільництво -- тваринництво -- мікробіологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rajlich, J.
Slovakian and Bulgarian Aces of World War 2 [Electronic resource] / J. Rajlich, S. Boshniakov, P. Mandjukov. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2004. - 96 p.
Переклад назви: Словацькі та болгарські аси в Другій світовій війні


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In 1939, Slovakia signed a protection agreement with the German Reich and joined the attack on Poland, where its Avia B-534-equipped fighter squadrons claimed their first kills. In October 1942, having made do with obsolete aircraft, the Slovaks were equipped with Bf 109Es and eventually acquired 43 Messerschmitt fighters. The Slovaks would claim over 215 kills. Although it supported German efforts in Yugoslavia and Greece, Bulgaria did not declare war on Russia. First seeing action in August 1943, Bulgarian fighter pilots used their Bf 109Gs to good effect. From late 1943 through to mid-1944, the Bulgarian pilots attempted to defend the country from American bombers, and Stoyanov and Bochev made ace during this period.

військова авіація -- історія авіації

   Тип видання:   художня література   

The Third Shore: Women's fiction from East Central Europe [Electronic resource] / ed. Agata Schwartz, Luise von Flotow. - Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 2006. - 245 p.
Переклад назви: Третій берег: жіноча фантастика з Північно-Центральної Європи


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The events of 1989 that brought an end to the so-called East Bloc may have increased women's opportunities to write and publish, or at least changed the circumstances under which they do so. Still writing from a certain historical and cultural margin, these women from East Central Europe have begun to explore a new freedom whose fruits are displayed to exhilarating effect in this book-a freedom to experiment, to innovate, to create a literature uniquely expressive of their world. This volume for the first time allows English-speaking readers to discover the pleasures of these women's writing. A rich compendium of fiction by twenty-five women from eighteen different nations ranging from Lithuania to Ukraine to Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Albania, and Slovenia, The Third Shore brings to light a whole spectrum of women's literary accomplishment and experience virtually unknown in the West. Gracefully translated, and with an introduction that establishes their political, historical, and literary context, these stories written in the decade after the fall of the Iron Curtain are tales of the familiar-of illness and death, love and desire, motherhood and war, feminism, and patriarchy-reconceived and turned into something altogether new by the distinctive experience they reflect.

жіноча проза -- наукова фантастика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Turtledove, Harry.
The War That Came Early [Electronic resource] : hitler's War / Harry Turtledove. - [S. l.] : [б. в.], [19_ _?]. - 888 p.
Переклад назви: Війна, що прийшла передчасно: гітлерівська війна


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Hitler's War (Published as The War That Came Early: Hitler's War in paperback, Del Rey, 2009) is an alternate history novel by Harry Turtledove. It is the first volume in The War That Came Early, an alternate history of World War II. The Point of Divergence has José Sanjurjo surviving a plane crash in 1936. Subsequently, during the Munich Conference in 1938, Konrad Henlein, a political leader of Sudetenland Germans is assassinated. Hitler uses this act as a pretext for war with Czechoslovakia, knowing that the Spanish Nationalists will side with him. Britain, France, and the Soviet Union declare war on Germany. Poland, despite previous ties with France, sides with Germany against the USSR. Further, Japan, which has been expanding into the Asian mainland, begins skirmishes with the USSR in Mongolia. The United States is on the sidelines, although it has troops in China, and volunteers participate in the Spanish Civil War. The novel was (evidentally) originally announced in early 2008 as Appeasement at amazon.co.uk, but Turtledove denied writing or contracting such a project at the time.

друга світова війна -- аншлюс -- бліцкриг

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Balinska, Maria.
The Bagel [Electronic resource] : the surprising history of a modest bread / M. Balinska. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2008. - 220 p
Переклад назви: Бублик: дивовижна історія скромного хліба


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If smoked salmon and cream cheese bring only one thing to mind, you can count yourself among the world’s millions of bagel mavens. But few people are aware of the bagel’s provenance, let alone its adventuresome history. This charming book tells the remarkable story of the bagel’s journey from the tables of seventeenth-century Poland to the freezers of middle America today, a story of often surprising connections between a cheap market-day snack and centuries of Polish, Jewish, and American history. Research in international archives and numerous personal interviews uncover the bagel’s links with the defeat of the Turks by Polish King Jan Sobieski in 1683, the Yiddish cultural revival of the late nineteenth century, and Jewish migration across the Atlantic to America. There the story moves from the bakeries of New York’s Lower East Side to the Bagel Bakers’ Local 388 Union of the 1960s, and the attentions of the mob. For all its modest size, the bagel has managed to bridge cultural gaps, rescue kings from obscurity, charge the emotions, and challenge received wisdom. Maria Balinska weaves together a rich, quirky, and evocative history of East European Jewry and the unassuming ring-shaped roll the world has taken to its heart.

історія -- їжа -- культура -- споживання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Prazmowska, Anita J..
Britain and Poland, 1939-1943 [Electronic resource] : the Betrayed Ally / Anita J. Prazmowska. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2003. - 252 p. - (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies)
Переклад назви: Великобританія і Польща, 1939-1943: зраджена союзником


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British-Polish relations during the Second World War were dogged by the fact that Polish demands on the Soviet Union threatened Soviet relations with Britain and the United States, and Soviet participation in the war. In this book Anita Prazmowska relates British policies and war-time strategy to Polish expectations and policies. She describes a tragic situation where Polish soldiers were trapped between the unrealistic plans of their government and the harsh realities of a war that they fought for Britain with no prospect of a satisfactory outcome for them or their country.

друга світова війна -- поділ Польщі -- уряд в екзилі -- Західний фронт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Williamson, David G..
Poland Betrayed [Electronic resource] : the Nazi-Soviet Invasions of 1939 / David G. Williamson. - Barnsley : Pen & Sword Books, 2009. - 257 p. - (Stackpole Military History Series)
Переклад назви: Польща обманута: нацистсько-радянська навала 1939 року


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Sincerest thanks are due to Teresa Glazer, Irena Haniewicz, Jan K. Siedlecki, Walery Choroszewski, Adam Lasocki, Wadzia Ta÷ski, Louise McCall, Christopher Muszkowski and Mr Naharnowicz – all of whom found time to talk to me about their experiences of the September Campaign. Dr Andrzej Suchcitz, at the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, Chris Summerville, my editor, Pamela Covey, my proofreader, as well as the staff at the National Archives and in the Reading Room of the Imperial War Museum, were unfailingly helpful whenever I approached them. The author would also like to thank Ewa Haren, Taisa Kiczkajo and Jerzy Chodyrew for help with sources and Polish spellings, and the following for granting him permission to use copyright material: Teresa Glazer, Irena Haniewicz, Jan K. Siedlecki, Walery Choroszewski and Louise McCall, all of whom lent him copies of unpublished manuscripts. He would also like to thank the owners of the following papers in the Imperial War Museum, London: B.M. Poloniecki, R. Zolski, Wiktor Jackiewicz, Peter Fleming (P.Z. Tarczynski), B.J. Solak, F. Kornicki, M.A. Rymaszewski, R. Smorczewski, S. Kurylak, W. Krey, A. Golebiowski and S. Goldberg. Special thanks are also due to the Taylor Library for the use of images. Finally, the author would like to acknowledge his debt to S.J. Zaloga’s and V. Madej’s book, The Polish Campaign 1939, which greatly assisted in technical matters associated with the September Campaign. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and the author and the Imperial War Museum would be grateful for any information which might help to trace those whose identities or addresses are not currently known.

друга світова війна -- німецько-совєтське співробітництво -- розділ Польщі

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kamenetsky, Ihor.
Hitler's occupation of the Ukraine, 1941 1944 [Electronic resource] : a study of totalitarian imperialism / Ihor Kamenetsky. - Milwaukee : The Marquette University Press, 1956. - 110 p
Переклад назви: Гітлерівська окупація України, 1941-1944: дослідження тоталітарного імперіалізму


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Hitler's Occupation of the Ukraine (1941-1944) by Ihor Kamenetsky. Out of print for over 50 years, this is still the standard work on the occupation of the Ukraine by the Germans and how their policies turned success into failure. Give it 5 stars for the subject and content. Its not a novel however, its a serious study and my 5 stars is based on that and the content, not the rather dated writing style. The greatest reservoirs of anti-Bolshevik manpower - those in eastern Poland, the Baltics and in the Ukraine - were left untouched, as the population of these territories was to be reduced to colonial status within the German eastern empire; on the other hand, loud huzzahs and spectacular celebrations greeted the appearance of the Spanish Blue Division, and the "Wallon" and "French" SS-Legions... Originally welcomed as liberators, the Germans quickly squandered that good will, as they pressed ahead with their archaic racial policies, and proceed to turn the Ukraine into a "German India". The lessons to be learned are that almost any population, which is the key to an insurgency, can be won over by even the most odious occupier, if they so choose. The seeds of Germany's failure in the Ukraine (and the Soviet Union) were sown, and what rose was a guerrilla force that not only fought the Germans, but continued to fight the Soviets until 1950. A concise history of the occupation, this work is also one of the few studies available that addresses the various Ukrainian resistance groups. A must have for any World War II collection. Seems to now becoming available from Print on Demand Publishers. There is also a version available from Hailer Publishing. Again, worth reading for anyone interested in the subject. The book is not large (116 pages) and was first published in 1956 by The Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

війна -- історія -- імперіалізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

First the transition, then the crash [Electronic resource] : eastern Europe in the 2000s / ed. G. Dale. - London : Pluto Press, 2011. - 280 p
Переклад назви: Перехідний період, відтак крах: Східна Європа в 2000-ні


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The 1989-91 upheavals in Eastern Europe sparked a turbulent process of social and economic transition. Two decades on, with the global economic crisis of 2008-10, a new phase has begun. This book explores the scale and trajectory of the crisis through case studies of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the former Yugoslavia. The contributors focus upon the relationships between geopolitics, the world economy and class restructuring. The book covers the changing relationship between business and states; foreign capital flows; financialisation and asset price bubbles; austerity and privatisation; and societal responses, in the form of reactionary populism and progressive social movements. Challenging neoliberal interpretations that envisage the transition as a process of unfolding liberty, the dialectic charted in these pages reveals uneven development, attenuated freedoms and social polarisation.

соціальні трансформації -- ринкова економіка -- зайнятість -- економічна криза

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kubicek, Paul.
The history of Ukraine [Electronic resource] / P. Kubicek. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2008. - 221 p.. - (The Greenwood histories of the modern nations)
Переклад назви: Історія України


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Ukraine ( Ukraïna in Ukrainian) means “on the edge” or “borderland,” and for most of its history Ukraine has served as a sort of middle ground, divided between Russia and Poland (later Austria-Hungary) and occupying the far western edge of the vast Eurasian steppe, centered between Europe and Asia, West and East. During most of twentieth century, it was part of the Soviet Union, but it gained independence in 1991 when the Soviet Union disintegrated into 15 different countries. In terms of population, it is the second largest (after Russia) of the post-Soviet states, and, among all European countries, it is the second largest (again, after Russia) in territorial size. Although a new country, it has a long and complicated history, and the importance of this history is manifested today in various ways: the regional divisions between western and eastern parts of the country; its inexperience with both capitalism and democracy that has arguably made the post-Soviet transition more difficult; its lack of previous statehood that has complicated notions of Ukrainian identity; and, perhaps above all else, its relations with neighboring states, especially Russia, which ruled, either as the Russian Empire under the tsars or as the Soviet Union under the Communist Party, over most of Ukraine for centuries. Coming to grips with aspects of its history and charting its own course have been challenges for the new Ukrainian state.

історія України -- постсовєтські трансформації -- державотворення

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Surviving Hitler and Mussolini [Electronic resource] : daily Life in Occupied Europe / ed. by R. Gildea, O. Wieviorka, A. Warring. - Oxford : Berg, 2006. - 256 p.. - (Occupation in Europe)
Переклад назви: Переживаючи Гітлера та Муссоліні: щоденне життя в окупованій Європі


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Is everyday life possible in a situation of total war, foreign occupation and subjection to a Nazi or Fascist political order? Europe, between 1939 and 1945, was in the grip of a war of ideology, extermination and genocide which resulted in as many casualties among civilians as among combatants. While combatants engaged in battles with immense fire-power from Stalingrad to Normandy, and over 3 million out of 5 million captured Russian soldiers died in German prisoner of war camps, civilians bore the brunt of bombing by Axis and Allied planes alike and the scorched-earth policy of both Soviets and Germans. Civilian populations were displaced in their millions, whether fleeing before invading armies, fearful of atrocities, evacuated from bombed cities, or moved by the Soviet authorities as unreliable ethnic minorities away from the front line. The economies and labour forces of occupied Europe were riveted to the needs of the German war machine, with over eight million people brought to work in Germany. In the absence of their menfolk, whether as soldiers or as deported workers, women were frequently the main breadwinners as well as heads of the family, and were liable to seduction or rape by invading or occupying forces. Occupying forces purged or exterminated target groups that were seen as a menace to their war effort, the Germans in occupied Poland getting rid first of intellectuals, then of Jews. In the heart of occupied Europe Nazi and fascist ideology was imposed by propaganda, schooling, youth movements and the persecution of churches. Food was generally in short supply, and famine stalked the land from Greece to Russia. Where civilians took up arms against the occupying forces as partisans or maquisards, regular armies having dwindled away, they found themselves fighting an unequal battle, sustaining heavy losses and subjected to torture to betray their comrades. Where resistance fighters struck, then the occupying forces resorted to collective reprisals against civilians suspected of harbouring them, from the execution of hostages to the torching of villages.

друга світова війна -- тоталітаризм -- окупація -- колаборація -- маріонеткові уряди

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Snyder, Tymothy.
The reconstruction of nations : Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 [Electronic resource] / T. Snyder. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2003. - 384 p.
Переклад назви: Перетворення націй: Польща, Україна, Литва, Білорусь


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The subjects of this book are the transformation of national ideas, the causes of ethnic cleansing, and the conditions for national reconciliation. One theme is the contestation of territory, and contested places are known by different names to different people at different times. Another theme is the difference between history and memory, a difference revealed when care is taken with names. The body of this book will name cities between Warsaw and Moscow according to the usage of the people in question at the relevant moment. This minimizes anachronism, recalls the importance of language to nationalism, and emphasizes that the disposition of cities is never final. The gazetteer provides toponyms in eight languages in use as of this writing. The names of countries also require some attention. In this work, attributes of the medieval principality of Kyivan Rus’ are denoted by the term “Rusian.” The culture of East Slavs within the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is called “Ruthenian.” The adjective “Russian” is reserved for the Russian empire, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, and the Russian Federation. “Ukrainian” is a geographical term in the medieval and early modern periods, and a political term in modern contexts. The use of “Belarus” signals an orientation toward local traditions; “Belorussia” suggests a belief in an integral connection with Russia. “Lithuanian” and “Polish” refer to the appropriate polities and cultures in the period in question. The historical lands of “Galicia” and “Volhynia” will be named by these Latinate English terms throughout. This book draws on archival materials; document collections; parliamentary records; ministerial memoranda; local, national, and national-minority newspapers of various countries and periods; diaries, memoirs, and correspondence; scholarly publications; other printed and unprinted sources; and interviews with civil servants, parliamentary deputies, ministers, and heads of state. Archives are cited by four-letter abbreviations, and document collections by short titles: a key is found at the back of the book. Books and articles are cited in full at first, and then by author surname and short title. Other sources are cited in full. Authors’ names are spelled as they appear in the cited work, even when this gives rise to inconsistencies of transliteration. Transliteration is the unavoidable practice of rendering words spelled in one alphabet legible in another. The Polish, Lithuanian, and Czech languages, like English, French, and German, use various orthographies within Roman script. Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian use various orthographies within Cyrillic script. Like translation, transliteration abounds in intractable problems: so critical readers will know that all solutions are imperfect. With certain exceptions for well-known surnames, Cyrillic script is here rendered by a simplified version of the Library of Congress system. Translations, except from Lithuanian, are my own.

Річ Посполита -- національне самоусвідомлення -- політична нація

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