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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Steiger, Brad E..
Encyclopedia of the unusual and unexplained [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2003
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія незвичайного і незрозумілого


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Vol. 1. - 377 p.

Vol 2. - 335 p.

Vol 3. - 357 p.

The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained (GEUU) presents comprehensive and objective information on unexplained mysteries, paranormal abilities, supernatural events, religious phenomena, magic, UFOs, and myths that have evolved into cultural realities. This extensive three-volume work is a valuable tool providing users the opportunity to evaluate the many claims and counterclaims regarding the mysterious and unknown. Many of these claims have been brought to the forefront from television, motion pictures, radio talk shows, best-selling books, and the Internet.

секрет -- аномалія -- містика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Wynn, Charles M..
Quantum leaps in the wrong direction [Electronic resource] : where real science ends and pseudoscience begins / Charles M. Wynn, Arthur W. Wiggins. - Washington : Joseph Henry Press, 2001. - 421 p
Переклад назви: Квант стрибає в неправильному напрямку: де закінчується справжня наука і починається лженаука


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Astrology...poltergeists and ghosts...firewalking...spontaneous human combustion...psychic surgery...ESP. This is the stuff of tabloid headlines. Sure, many people find them laughable, but consider that these papers are all staying in business because people are buying them-and often believing in their outrageous stories, even labeling it all science. The fact is that not all "science" is created equally. Indeed, some "science" isn't science at all but is really downright bogus-in other words, pseudoscience. However, separating the wheat from the chaff might not be as easy as you think when you consider how many people are seduced by the headlines that surround them in the supermarket line. UFOs and creationism certainly have their advocates among intelligent and educated people. Sometimes, though, wrongly held beliefs can get you into real trouble. Consider the proclamation by Marshall Applewhite: "Planet Earth about to be recycled. Your chance to survive-leave with us."In April 1997, 39 people-believing just that-committed suicide in their communal home in Rancho Sante Fe, California. They hoped to shed their earthly "containers" and be whisked away by extraterrestrials to a spaceship and, ultimately, a higher level of existence. Unfortunately, their tragically misguided belief in the pseudoscientific claim of Marshall Applewhite cost them their lives. "Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction" takes us on a tour of the most notorious instances of pseudoscience and sets the record straight. To clearly demonstrate what is wrong with this brand of ersatz science, the authors look closely at what's right about real science, and then compare the true scientific approach with that of pseudoscience. Readers learn that science's most basic value is that all ideas about reality are subject to testing by experiment and challenge by critical, rational thought.Scientifically literate thinkers accept ideas tentatively. They base their acceptance on evidence rather than on authority. People who are not scientifically literate are more likely to accept ideas absolutely. They are more vulnerable to deficient or phony ideas. "Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction" draws the line between what is good science and what isn't even really science at all. The basis for the book begins with the examination of the five most widely believed pseudoscientific ideas: UFOs, out-of-body experiences, astrology, creationism, and ESP These ideas are reviewed in detail to see just how well they stand up to scientific scrutiny. Cleverly illustrated with cartoons by the renowned Sidney Harris, "Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction" is both wonderful fun as well as illuminating science.Although many science topics can seem mysterious, especially when you really get into the details, in the long run its methods and ideas are remarkably straightforward. "Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction" takes this methodical approach to dissect the worst in the field. Tremendously witty, disarmingly fun, this is a book for anyone-especially for those folks who check their horoscope everyday.

квазінаука -- езотерика -- паранормальні явища

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Roberts, Adam.
The History of Science Fiction [Electronic resource] / Adam Roberts. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - 368 p. - (Palgrave Histories of Literature)
Переклад назви: Історія наукової фантастики


Географічні рубрики:

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The first comprehensive critical history of SF for thirty years, this book traces the origin and development of science fiction from Ancient Greece, via its rebirth in the seventeenth century, up to the present day. Concentrating on literary SF and (in the later chapters) cinema and TV, it also discusses the myriad forms this genre takes in the contemporary world, including a chapter on graphic novels, SF pop music, visual art and ufology. The author is ideally placed to write it: both an academic literary critic and also an acclaimed creative writer of science fiction, with five novels and many short stories to his credit. Written in lively, accessible prose, this study is specifically designed to bridge the worlds of academic criticism and the SF fandom.

фантастика -- містика -- футурологія -- стімпанк

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Астрономія   

Alexander, John B..
UFOs [Electronic resource] : myths, conspiracies, and realities / J. B. Alexander. - New York : St. Martin’s Press, 2011. - 492 p.
Переклад назви: НЛО: міфи, конспірологічні теорії та реальність


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This book is dedicated to all scientists who have been willing to follow the data and acknowledge that phenomena do exist—even at the risk of their careers. On July 20, 2010, Dr. Dean Judd died unexpectedly, and thus I can now publicly acknowledge his involvement. For many years he was one of my closest confidants and his support is evident in many places in this book. Dean served the nation as the Chief Scientist of SDI (Star Wars), the National Intelligence Officer for Science and Technology, a member of the U.S. Air Force Science Advisory Board, and Senior Fellow at Los Alamos National Lab. He was a true skeptic. We served together on several advisory boards, and often discussed matters on national security at great length. On UFOs he asked tough questions while providing key insights into the U.S. space architecture. He was one of many people who noted there was absolutely no connection between SDI and preparing to fight ET.

уфологія -- езотерика -- містика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Астрономія   

Дмитриев, А. Н.
Космоземные связи и НЛО [Електронний ресурс] / А. Н. Дмитриев. - Новосибирск : Трина, 1996. - 78 с.


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Автор книги рассказывает о своем «посвящении в чудесное», встречах с НЕВЕДОМЫМ, о драматической судьбе уфологических исследований и перспективах землян на их космическом пути.

політика -- містика -- паранормальні здібності -- UFO -- уфологія -- інопланетяни -- екологія

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