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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Notable sports figures [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / D. Barnes. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Видатні діячі спорту


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Vol. 1 : A-E. - 504 p.

Vol. 2 : F-L. - 546 p.

Vol. 3 : M-S. - 638 p.

Vol. 4 : T-Z. Appendix. Indexes. - 361 p.

This work attempts to cover all international, seminal sports figures from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century in all disciplines. More than 600 biographies cover not only athletes but also coaches, team executives, media figures, writers, and sportscasters. The criteria for selection included "first" achievements, impact on sport and then society, records set or broken, and involvement in controversial or newsworthy activities on or off the field. Each entry is arranged alphabetically and contains a 1,000- to 2,500-word essay, contact information for the subject, and further readings, including Web sites. Sidebars provide chronologies of events in the lives of the subjects, lists of major awards and accomplishments, statistics, extracts from material such as magazine articles, and brief biographies of individuals who played significant roles in the sports figures' lives. Other valuable features are the three indexes: a geographic index, an occupational index, and cumulative subject index that provides access under team name, religion, awards, position played, and even diseases, such as HIV/AIDS. Notable Sports Figures does not necessarily fill a void in biographical coverage of athletes when one considers the recent publication of several other sources, such as Encyclopedia of North American Sports History (2d ed., Facts On File, 2002) or The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives: Sports Figures (2002). Admittedly these two volumes are restricted to American or North American sports coverage, but after scanning the geographic index in Notable Sports Figures, it is quite evident that the emphasis is on American athletes. However, having all of the notables in one reference set will save the reference librarian time in searching for authoritative sources. Notable Sports Figures is recommended for high-school, public, and academic libraries where budget dollars will allow purchase.

спортивне досягнення -- атлети -- боксери -- футболісти

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Computer Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol. / R.R. Flynn. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Інформатика


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Vol. 1 : Foundations : Ideas and People. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : Software and Hardware. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : Social Applications. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Electronic Universe. - 368 p.

Here is an attractive, readable set designed to present the history of computers and reflect on their purpose, use, and impact today. Nearly 300 entries are organized into four volumes, usually with black-and-white illustrations, photos, or charts. Signed entries are two to four pages long and often include sidebars, definitions for terms or concepts, see also references, and bibliographies with a handful of current sources, many of them online. University professors are among the contributors. Repeated at the beginning of each volume are the preface, tables of measurements, time lines, and table of contents. Each volume concludes with the same glossary and topic outline and a volume index, with a cumulative index at the end of volume 4. Volume 1 (Foundations: Ideas and People) covers history; volume 2 (Software and Hardware), the nuts and bolts of the technology; volume 3 (Social Applications), how computers affect our everyday lives; and volume 4 (Electronic Universe), the networked society. Organization within each volume is alphabetical. Some representative subjects covered in volume 1 include Babbage, Charles; IBM Corporation; and Transistors. In volume 2 we learn about Client/server technology, Game controllers, and Touch screens; in volume 3, about Airline reserva tions, Educational software, and Spreadsheets; and in volume 4, Cookies, Global positioning systems, and Political applications. Several articles are current enough to include the 9/11 attacks and October 2001 anthrax letters. There are so many interrelated topics that dividing them by volume is confusing to a user. Chemistry and Electronic campus are in volume 4, but Distance learning and Physics are in volume 3. Assistive computer technology for persons with disabilities is in volume 4, although it could be considered a social application. Art and Music composition are placed in different volumes. The topic outline lists entry headings under broad topics and might be helpful in providing an overview, but it gives no indication of the volumes in which the entries can be found. For academic libraries, the standard Encyclopedia of Computer Science (4th ed., Grove, 2000) will probably be adequate, even though this field changes so rapidly. High-school and public libraries where there is emphasis on technology may want to add this set for its detailed coverage of people, concepts, and applications.

компьютер -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Кузьминов, А. Ю.
Интерфейс RS232 [Електронний ресурс] : связь между компьютером и микроконтроллером: От DOS к Windows 98/XP / А. Ю. Кузьминов. - М. : ДМК Пресс, 2006. - 320 с.


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В книге отражены вопросы по аппаратным средствам и программному обеспечению сопряжения компьютера с современными 51-совместимыми микроконтроллерами — системами на кристалле (MSC12XX, ADUC8XX, P89LPC9XX, AT89C51ED2/RD2 и C8051F067/330). Приведены примеры применения новейших разработок ведущих фирм производителей элементной базы, связанной с интерфейсом RS232 (новые преобразователи интерфейса, гальванические развязки и т. п.), в схемах связи компьютера с микроконтроллером. Рассмотрены схемные решения и программное обеспечение программирования в системе (In-System-Programming — ISP) современных микроконтроллеров по интерфейсу RS232. Предложен разработанный автором новый протокол обмена по интерфейсу RS232, использующий аппаратную синхронизацию с помощью линий данных и обладающий высокими надежностью и скоростью обмена (115 200 бод). Показано преимущество применения прямых команд ввода/вывода (in и out) в COM порт перед использованием API-функций при программировании интерфейса RS232 в ОС Windows98/XP. Даны рекомендации по последовательности действий, позволяющих применить прямые команды ввода/вывода в COM-порт в ОС Windows98/XP. Книга снабжена большим количеством примеров по схемным решениям (приведены принципиальные схемы и фотографии макетных плат) и программному обеспечению для ОС DOS и Windows98/XP (приведены тексты программ). Программы для микроконтроллеров написаны на ассемблере и C51(Keil, v.6.14), а для компьютера — на языке Кларион, являющемся одной из двух распространенных современных RAD-систем (вторая — Delphi), предназначенных для быстрой разработки приложений (Rapid Application Development — RAD). Программы для компьютера, работающие в DOS, написаны на языке Кларион для DOS (Clarion V.3.100), работающие в Windows98/XP — на языке Кларион для Windows (Clarion V.6.0) и встроенному в него C++. Описаны примеры использования RS232 в системах сбора и обработки информации с датчиков. Книга предназначена для опытных разработчиков компьютерных и автономных систем сбора и обработки информации, в составе которых используются микроконтроллеры, а также начинающих специалистов в этой области; может быть полезна студентам вузов соответствующих специальностей.

комп'ютер -- мікроконтролер

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Birnbaum, M. D.
Essential Electronic Design Automation (EDA) [Electronic resource] / M. D. Birnbaum. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 256 p.


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Essential Electronic Design Automation (EDA) demystifies this highly technical industry for anyone with a "need-to-know" about EDA. A friendly, informal introduction to EDA business and technology, clear enough for laypeople yet detailed enough for technical readers. The book also makes an excellent complementary text for cross-disciplinary engineering, business and marketing courses on VLSI Design.

автоматизація підприємства -- проектування електронних приладів

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Balter, D.
MCSA/MCSE managing and maintaining a Microsoft Windows® Server 2003 environment exam Cram 2 [Electronic resource] / D. Balter. - Indianapolis : Que, 2003. - 512 p. - (Exam 70-290)
Переклад назви: MCSA/MCSE управління та підтримка Microsoft Windows® Server 2003 іспит Cram 2


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This Exam Cram 2 helps you pass the 70-290 exam, which is one of the four core exams in Microsoft's MCSE 2003 certification program as well as a core exam in the MCSA 2003 program. This book assumes that you have a solid foundation of knowledge but could use a refresher on important concepts, as well as a guide to exam topics and objectives. The book features test-taking strategies, time saving study tips, and a special Cram Sheet that includes tips, acronyms, and memory joggers not available anywhere else! The Cram Sheet is especially useful for last-minute review before the test begins. The best selling Exam Cram 2 series is supported online at examcram.com. Each book is published under the direction of Series Editor Ed Tittel, the leading authority on IT certification. This book has been subjected to rigorous technical review by a team of industry experts, ensuring content is superior in both coverage and technical accuracy, and has earned the distinction of Cramsession(TM) Approved Study Material.

знання -- операційна система -- підготовка -- тестування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Pooley, R.
An Introduction to Programming in Simula [Electronic resource] / R. Pooley. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Введення в програмування на Simula


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This document, including all parts below hyperlinked directly to it, is copyright Rob Pooley (rjp@dcs.ed.ac.uk). You are free to use it for your own non-commercial purposes, but may not copy it or reproduce all or part of it without including this paragraph. If you wish to use it for gain in any manner, you should contact Rob Pooley for terms appropriate to that use. Teachers in publicly funded schools, universities and colleges are free to use it in their normal teaching. Anyone, including vendors of commercial products, may include links to it in any documentation they distribute, so long as the link is to this page, not any sub-part. This is an HTML version of the book originally published by Blackwell Scientific Publications. The copyright of that book also belongs to Rob Pooley.

мова програмування

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   
Категорія: Механіка   

Кравчук, А. С.
Электронная библиотека механики и физики. Лекции по ANSYS c примерами решения задач [Електронний ресурс] : в 5 т. / А. С. Кравчук, А. Ф. Смалюк, А. И. Кравчук ; Белорусский государственный университет. - Минск : БГУ, 2013


Ч. 1 : Графический интерфейс и командная строка. Средства создания геометрической модели. - 130 с.  Текст у форматі PDF 1.75 Мб

Ч. 2 : Средства отображения и редактирования геометрических компонентов твердотельной модели. Примеры создания твердотельных моделей средствами ANSYS для решения физических задач. - 145 с.  Текст у форматі PDF 1.88 Мб

Ч. 3 : Определение физических констант материалов и конечноэлементное разбиение твердотельной модели. Примеры выполнения этих действий с построенными ранее моделями. - 193 с.  Текст у форматі PDF 2.42 Мб

Ч. 4 : Ограничения и нагрузки. Разделы Solution и General Postproc главного меню. Примеры постановки краевых задач, их решения и просмотра результатов. - 118 с.  Текст у форматі PDF 1.62 Мб

Ч. 5 : Примеры решения связных задач механики твёрдого тела. - 105 с.  Текст у форматі PDF 2.04 Мб

pЧ. 1. Данный раздел курса лекций посвящен графическому интерфейсу и командной строке ANSYS 10 ED, а также средствам создания геометрической модели. В лекциях в первой части рассматриваются примеры построения твердотельных моделей некоторых простейших областей./p pЧ. 2. Данный раздел курса лекций посвящен средствам отображения и редактирования геометрических компонентов твердотельных моделей. В лекциях по второй части рассматриваются примеры построения твердотельных моделей средствами ANSYS для решения в последующем физических задач на ANSYS 10 ED . /p pЧ. 3. Данный раздел курса лекций посвящен определению физических констант материалов и построению конечноэлементного разбиения твердотельной модели. В лекциях в третьей части рассматриваются примеры задания констант материалов и построения конечноэлементного разбиения, построенных в предыдущих лекциях моделей. /p pЧ. 4. Данный раздел курса лекций посвящен заданию ограничений и нагрузок, а также разделам Solution и General Postproc главного меню. Рассмотрены примеры постановки конкретных краевых задач для конечно-элементных моделей, созданных ранее, их решения и просмотра результатов. /p pЧ. 5. Данный раздел курса лекций посвящен решению связных термомеханических задач, имеющих прикладное значение. /p

тривимірна графіка -- геометрична модель -- термомеханіка

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Swiss, Deborah J..
The male mind at work [Electronic resource] : a womans guide to working with men / Deborah J. Swiss. - New York : Basic Books, 2001. - 251 p
Переклад назви: Чоловічий розум на роботі: жіночий посібник з роботи з чоловіками


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My friends and family provided inspiration throughout every phase of this project. My children, Alex and Alison Rice-Swiss, hold the most special place in my heart and make me very proud. As parents and grandparents, Ed and Peg Swiss have always offered extraordinary support that I truly treasure. Patti Hunt Dirlam, Tern Goldberg, Cynthia Johnson, and Judy and Harry Warren are friends I cherish. Kay Coughlin, my dear friend and neighbor, always extends kind words and good cheer along with her superb proofreading skills. Leslie Brody offered valuable comments that were particularly helpful to the early phases of manuscript development. I also thank the superb staff at Cary Memorial Library for their assistance. My literary agent Mike Snell, with whom 1 celebrate ten years of work and friendship, deserves special praise for his brilliant editing, excellent advice, and good humor from book development to final draft. Jacqueline Murphy, my editor at Perseus ublishing, is, without question, the best editor on the planet. Marco Pavia gracefully moved the book through its final production phases. Cherie Potts and Pat Steffens once again provided first-rate transcription skills. And I thank the men I interviewed for giving so generously of their time. This book is dedicated to three extraordinary women and exceptional friends who cheer me on in everything I do: Audrey Block, Kathy Puccia, and Judy Walker.

ґендерний підхід -- менталітет -- робочі стосунки

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Campo, Juan Eduardo.
Encyclopedia of Islam [Electronic resource] / Juan Eduardo Campo. - New York : Facts On File, 2009. - 801 p. - (Encyclopedia of World Religions)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Ісламу


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In publishing the Encyclopedia of Islam I am indebted to a great many people. Creating an encyclopedia on any topic is necessarily a group project, requiring the shared knowledge, insights,perspectives, skills, and experiences of many. The task is made even more challenging when it i nvolves religion, which encompasses so many different subjects—ranging from the historical, social, political, and cultural to the spiritual, philosophical, and doctrinal. Moreover, the global nature of Islam and the sometimes intense differences that have arisen among Muslims and between Muslims and non-Muslims during the nearly 1400 years of its history pose additional challenges when seeking to realize the ideals of comprehensiveness, factual accuracy, and fairness. In order to meet the challenges facing this undertaking, I have made a particular effort to draw upon the wide-ranging and deep scholarly talents of the faculty, postgraduate, and graduate students of the University of California, Santa Barbara, especially those specializing in Islamic and Middle East studies. My editorial assistants, John Iskander (now at the U.S. Department of State) and Michelle Zimney, helped me launch the project and assisted with editing early drafts of many of the contributed articles. Among the more than 40 contributors, I am especially grateful to Garay Menicucci (University of California, Santa Barbara), Nuha N. N. Khoury (University of California, Santa Barbara), Kathleen M. O’Connor(University of South Florida), Amir Hussain (Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles), Jon Armajani (College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University in Minnesota), Firoozeh Papan-Matin (University of Washington), Mark Soileau (Albion College), Anna Bigelow (North Carolina State University, Megan Adamson Sijapati (Gettysburg College), Aysha Hidayatullah (Emory University), Caleb Elfenbein (University of California, Santa Barbara), Linda G. Jones (Spanish National Research Council in Barcelona), Patrick O’Donnell (Santa Barbara City College), Nancy L. Stockdale (University of North Texas), Stephen Cory (ClevelandState University), Shauna Huffaker (University of Windsor), Heather N. Keaney (American University in Cairo), and Reza Aslan (University of California, Riverside). These individuals wrote a number of articles for the volume, offering fresh perspectives obtained from their recent research in their respective fields of expertise. Among other colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who have provided support and inspiration are R. Stephen Humphreys, the holder of the King Abd Al-Aziz ibn Saud Chair of Islamic Studies; Mark Juergensmeyer, director acknowledgments K K xx Encyclopedia of Islam of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies; Scott Marcus, associate professor of ethnomusicology; Kathleen Moore, associate professor of law and society; Nancy Gallagher, professor of history; and Professors Dwight Reynolds, W. Clark Roof, Catherine Albanese, and Richard Hecht in religious studies. My approach to this project was also guided by the humanism and spirit of public service exemplified by our late colleague Walter Capps and his wife, Lois. Over the years, Richard C. Martin, Fredrick M. Denny, Richard Eaton, Azim Nanji, Barbara Metcalf, William Shepherd, Steve Wasserstrom, Bruce B. Lawrence, Gordon Newby, Jane D. McAuliffe, Zayn Kassam, Tazim Kassam, and scholars and teachers at other colleges and universities, too many to mention by name, have also provided invaluable inspiration, directly orindirectly. My deep gratitude also goes to Kendall Busse, Ph .D. student in religious studies, who provided skilled editorial support and helpful feedback along the way, and to several undergraduate research assistants: Maria Reifel Saltzberg, Hassan R. Elhaj, and Hassan Naveed. Their work was funded by the Freshman Seminar Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Through the years, my undergraduate students haveconsistently affirmed my belief that education is an ongo ing process with mutual benefits that extend well beyond the classroom. Funding provided by Fulbright-Hayes Group Projects grants presented me with opportunities to accompany two groups of California K-12 teachers and administrators to Egypt in 2003 and 2004. I benefited greatly fromour workshop sessions, travel experiences, and the conversations we shar ed in Egypt, which enriched my understanding of the K-12 curriculum and the challenges our teachers face in instructing young people about unfamiliar religions, civilizations, and languages. I am especially obliged to Karen Arter, Frank Stewart, and Paul and Ruth Ficken for their encouragement and interest in this publication. I am also grateful for the hospitality and warmth extended to me by several cultural, interfaith, and religious organizations, including the Turkish-American Pacifica Institute of Los Angeles and Orange Counties, the Interfaith Initiative of Santa Barbara County, the University Religious Center in Isla Vista, and the community of St. Mark’s Parish Catholic Church in Isla Vista. At Facts On File, I owe a great debt to Claudia Schaab and J. Gordon Melton for valuable advice and infinite patience in bringing the publicaion to completion. Gordon graciously shared photographs of mosques taken during his travels around the world. Publishing this book would not have been possible without the support of a wide circle of family and friends extending from the United States to Colombia (the land of my birth), Egypt, and India. These include Shafik and Gilane, Galal and Negwa, Amr and Janet, Mahmoud and Suhair,Saidand Soraya, Mehran and Nahid, Zaveeni, and Viji and Sujata. Above all, I am indebted to my wif e, Magda, to whom this book is dedicated, for her unwavering love and encouragementin good times and bad, and to our sons Andrés and Federico as they begin to follow their own pa ths in the world.

віра -- іслам -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Harris, Jonathan.
The utopian globalists [Electronic resource] : artists of worldwide revolution, 1919-2009 / Jonathan Harris. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 357 p
Переклад назви: Утопічні глобалісти: артисти світової революції, 1919-2009.


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This book represents (to me at least) a significant culmination in my work as an art historian over a thirty-year period and some of the people who have in various ways supported me – knowingly or not – might be surprised to see their names mentioned here. An ever-increasing number of them, depressingly, are also deceased and their mention is partly offered here as a sign that the books and essays they produced were important to me and might be consulted by anyone who values my contribution and wants to investigate its relationship to work by the writers and scholars who have influenced me. I should like to thank, then: Rasheed Araeen, Paula Barreiro-López, Vivienne Barsky, Kathy Battista, Al and Myra Boime, Tim Clark, August Davis, Angela Dimitrakaki, Ed D ’ Souza, Lindsey Fryer, Barry Gibbs, Christoph Grunenberg, Charles Harrison, Helen Hills, Peter and Linda Huby, Richard Koerck, Anne MacPhee, Annie Makhoul, David Oldham, Julie Sheldon, Brandon Taylor, Colin Trodd, Alan Wallach, Judith Walsh, Ren Wendong and Nigel Whiteley. Jayne Fargnoli, commissioning editor at Wiley-Blackwell, has been warmly supportive in both critical and practical terms on this and related projects – I look forward to extending this exciting and enjoyable relationship in the years to come! Bashir Makhoul – artist, historian of Palestinian art and Head of Winchester School of Art – has been a great friend and supporter, in practical and intellectual terms. If pedagogy, research and progressive politics can ever fit together comfortably in an institutional context, then WSA International offers a compelling model for it! Fred Orton read the manuscript and offered astute commentary on both its merits and lapses. He also corrected its English in many places and for that service I am extremely grateful. Fred ’ s work and deep friendship (and that of Miranda ’ s!) has really kept me going since my days as a doctoral student. Thank you! Gudrun, William, Oliver, Claire, Jim and Jules provide an indispensable part of the nest of family relationships within which this and all my other projects have been nurtured for many years now. Tom and Kate remain enthusiastic if sometimes justifiably mystified by the world of academe! Pie was a keen supporter too: thank you all. Jane Linden ’ s intellectual pugilism has always been matched by her affection and love for me. Many of the ideas and arguments that both unite and sometimes divide us have developed in and outside this book. May this conversation long continue! Thank you, sweetheart, for listening and responding. David Craven, for many years my friend and partner in lots of ventures, died suddenly as this book was nearing completion. His wide-ranging scholarship, moral and political commitment, idealism and good humour were an inspiration to me. This book is dedicated to his memory.

політика -- альтерглобалізм -- рухи спротиву

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Burns, Eric.
Invasion of the mind snatchers: [Electronic resource] : television's conquest of America in the fifties / Eric Burns. - Philadelphia : Temple university press, 2010. - 352 p
Переклад назви: Вторгнення викрадачів інтелекту: підкорення Америки телебаченням у п'ятдесяті


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When the first television was demonstrated in 1927, a headline in The New York Times read, "Like a Photo Come to Life." It was a momentous occasion. But the power of television wasn't fully harnessed until the 1950s, when the medium was, as Eric Burns says, "At its most preoccupying, its most life-altering." And Burns, a former NBC News correspondent who is an Emmy-winner for his broadcast writing, knows about the impact of television. Invasion of the Mind Snatchers chronicles the influence of television that was watched daily by the baby boomer generation. As kids became spellbound by Howdy Doody and The Ed Sullivan Show, Burns reveals, they often acted out their favorite programs. Likewise, they purchased the merchandise being promoted by performers, and became fascinated by the personalities they saw on screen, often emulating their behavior. It was the first generation raised by TV and Burns looks at both the promise of broadcasting as espoused by the inventors, and how that promise was both redefined and lost by the corporations who helped to spread the technology. Yet Burns also contextualizes the social, cultural, and political events that helped shape the Fifties--from Sputnik and the Rosenberg trial to Senator Joseph McCarthy's Red Scare. In doing so, he charts the effect of television on politics, religion, race, and sex, and how the medium provided a persuasive message to the young, impressionable viewers.

ЗМІ -- телебачення -- шоу-бізнес -- США -- інформаційна політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Punk Rock [Electronic resource] : so what? : the cultural legacy of punk / ed. Roger Sabin. - New York : Routledge, 1999. - 272 p
Переклад назви: Панк-рок: ну і що? : культурна спадщина панку


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It's now over twenty years since punk pogo-ed its way into our consciousness. Punk Rock So What?brings together a new generation of academics, writers and journalists to provide the first comprehensive assessment of punk and its place in popular music history, culture and myth. The contributors, who include Suzanne Moore, Lucy OBrien, Andy Medhurst, Mark Sinker and Paul Cobley, challenge standard views of punk prevalent since the 1970s. They: re-situate punk in its historical context, analysing the possible origins of punk in the New York art scene and Manchester clubs as well as in Malcolm McClarens brain, question whether punk deserves its reputation as an anti-fascist, anti-sexist movement which opened up opportunities for women musicians and fans alike. Trace punks long-lasting influence on comics, literature, art and cinema as well as music and fashion, from films such as Sid and Nancy and The Great Rock n Roll Swindle to work by contemporary artists such as Gavin Turk and Sarah Lucas. Discuss the role played by such key figures as Johnny Rotten, Richard Hell, Malcolm McClaren, Mark E. Smith and Viv Albertine. Punk Rock Revisited kicks over the statues of many established beliefs about the meaning of punk, concluding that, if anything, punk was more culturally significant than anybody has yet suggested, but perhaps for different reasons.

субкультура -- протестний рух -- панк-музика

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