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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Anderson, H. G.
The Lockheed Constellation [Electronic resource] / H. G. Anderson. - London : Profile Publications, 1966. - 16 p.

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Constellation - поршневый авиалайнер, выпускавшийся фирмой Локхид в 40-50-х гг. Книга посвящена этому самолету, с акцентом на его военное применение.

лайнер -- літак

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Baker, D.
Messerschmitt Me 262 [Electronic resource] / D. Baker. - Ramsbury : Crowood Press, 1997. - 161 p.


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Too late to change the course of the war, the Me262 was nevertheless a remarkable and very successful aircraft. Here Baker tells the full story, from its tortuous development through to its operational days, including details of its specs, and insight into the men who designed and flew the Me262. An exhaustive study.

авіація -- літак -- військова техніка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Baum, B.
Boeing 747SP [Electronic resource] / B. Baum. - Minneapolis : Motorbooks International, 1997. - 128 p.


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This book provides an excellent overview of the Boeing 747SP, a somewhat overlooked aircraft which paved the way for today's 747-400s. The photography in this book is excellent, and the reproduction of proposed interiors for the Iranian VIP ship are worth the price.

авіація -- літак

   Тип видання:   монографія   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Blakelock, John H..
Automatic control of aircraft and missiles [Electronic resource] / John H. Blakelock. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1991. - 646 p.
Переклад назви: Автоматичне керування літаків та ракет


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This Second Edition continues the fine tradition of its predecessor by exploring the various automatic control systems in aircraft and on board missiles. Considerably expanded and updated, it now includes new or additional material on: the effectiveness of beta-beta feedback as a method of obtaining coordination during turns using the F-15 as the aircraft model; the root locus analysis of a generic acceleration autopilot used in many air-to-air and surface-to-air guided missiles; the guidance systems of the AIM-9L Sidewinder as well as bank-to-turn missiles; various types of guidance, including proportional navigation and line-of-sight and lead-angle command guidance; the coupling of the output of a director fire control system into the autopilot; the analysis of multivariable control systems; and methods for modeling the human pilot, plus the integration of the human pilot into an aircraft flight control system. Also features many new additions to the appendices.

автопілот -- система навігації

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Bowers, P.
The Gee Bee Racers [Electronic resource] / P. Bowers. - London : Publishing Profile Publications, 1965. - 12 p.

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Американские гоночные довоенные самолеты Gee Bee - их конструкция, история, характеристики и описания. Приведены цветные профили различных моделей самолетов.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bowman, M. W.
Consolidated B-24 Liberator [Electronic resource] / M. W. Bowman. - Ramsbury : Crowood Press, 1998. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Консолідований B-24 Liberator

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Consolidated's B-24 Liberator was one of the most costly and complicated aircraft produced by the US during WWII. It was produced in greater numbers than any other US bomber. 19,000 were built and served all over the globe as a bomber, transport, and long-range anti-submarine aircraft. This is a detailed examination of the design, development and use of the B-24 - the backbone of the USAAF bombing offensive during WWII. Extensively illustrated with over 200 archive photographs. Exceptional!

авіація -- літак

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Buttler, T.
British Secret Projects [Electronic resource] : jet fighters since 1950 / T. Buttler. - Leicester : Midland, 2000. - 177 p.
Переклад назви: Британські секретні проекти: реактивні винищувачі з 1950 року


Географічні рубрики:

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A large number of fighter projects have been drawn by British companies over the last fifty years, but very few have turned into hardware, and very little has been published about these fascinating "might-have-beens". This book makes extensive use of previously unpublished, primary-source material-much recently declassified. It gives an insight into a secret world where the public has had little idea of what was going on, while at the same time presenting a coherent nationwide picture of fighter development and evolution. Particular emphasis is placed on tender design competitions and some of the events that led to certain aircraft either being canceled or produced. Some of the many and varied types included are the Hawker P.1103/P.1136/P.1121 series, and the Fairey "Delta III". The book includes many illustrations, plus specially commissioned renditions of "might-have-been" types in contemporary markings.

літак -- британська авіація -- історія авіації

   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

Caliaro, L.
Italian Special Colours [Electronic resource] / L. Caliaro. - [S. l.] : Egida Edizioni, 1994. - 63 p.


Географічні рубрики:

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Красочный фотоальбом посвященный необычным, юбилейным и т.д. окраскам самолетов и вертолетов ВВС Италии за последние 30 лет. Авторы собрали несколько сотен фотографий самых ярких, красивых и необычных схем окраски. Некоторые машины сфотографированы с разных ракурсов. Каждая фотография имеет пояснения на английском и итальянском языках о том, где и когда были сделаны фотографии, в честь какого события была нанесена такая окраска, информация по самолету.

ВПС Італії -- розфарбування літаків

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Gilchrist, P.
Boeing 747 Classic [Electronic resource] / P. Gilchrist. - Osceola : Motorbooks International, 2001. - 128 p.


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This illustrated history examines the remarkable sequence of events that led to the jetliners development and the longevity of classic pre747-400 versions. Full technical specifications of the early variants are accompanied by a production listing and 150 photos and line drawings.

авіація -- літак

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Gordon, Y.
Polikarpov's I-16 fighter [Electronic resource] : its forerunners and progeny / Y. Gordon, K. Dexter. - Hinckley : Midland, 2001. - 127 p.
Переклад назви: Винищувач Полікарпова І-16: його попередники і нащадки


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Aviation historians often dismiss the Polyikarpov I-16 because it did not fare well against its more modern adversaries in WWII. It was often referred to in the West by the disparaging nickname of Rata, the Russian word for rat! Nikolay Polyikarpov's I-16 was nevertheless an outstanding fighter in its day--among other things, because it was the world's first monoplane fighter with a retractable undercarriage. Its capabilities were demonstrated effectively during the Spanish Civil War and it was still in front line service when the German armed forces fell on the Soviet Union in 1941. This book details every variant of this diminutive fighter, including development aircraft and unbuilt projects. An account is also given of Polyikarpov's early monoplane fighters that presaged the I-16 and of the later designs that evolved from it. Details are given of all surviving examples including the six aircraft that were restored to airworthy condition in Russia in the 1990s.

авіація -- літак -- повітряний транспорт

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Grosz, P.
Albatros D. III [Electronic resource] / P. Grosz. - Berkhamsted : Albatros, 2003. - 58 p.

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Peter M Grosz profiles the famous German 'V'-strutter as never before. Over 130 rare photos, six pages of all-new highly detailed 1:48/1:72 scale GAs, 18 brand new colour profiles plus superb art on the covers, the book also provides a detailed section on colours and markings.

авіація -- літак -- історія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Gunston, B.
The illustrated encyclopedia of propeller airliners [Electronic resource] / B. Gunston. - New York : Exeter Books, 1987. - 272 p.
Переклад назви: Ілюстрована енциклопедія пропелерних літаків


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For the first 30 years of commercial aviation, from 1920 to 1950, all airliners had propellers. Over the next ten years, to 1960,jet airliners slowly and hesitantly penetrated the extremely conservative and ultra-cautious airline industry. But by 1960 the airlines had become so polarized around the jet that efficient and successful turboprop airliners, such as the Electra and Vanguard, lost their builders a lot of money because the customers thought them obsolete. Then, again very gradually, airline managements began to realize that those who said turboprops were efficient and burned less fuel were telling the truth. As oil prices soared, so the propeller began to make a come-back. Therefore, though mainly an account of past history, this volume ends with a buoyant industry that cannot build turboprop airliners fast enough.

авіація -- літак -- історія авіації

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kinzey, B.
AD Skyraider [Electronic resource] : in detail & scale / B. Kinzey. - Carrollton : Squadron/Signal Publications, 2003. - 80 p.


Географічні рубрики:

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AD (позднее A-1) Skyraider представлял собой палубный ударный самолет и находился на вооружении с 50-х до начала 70-х годов. В период господства реактивных самолетов он казался анахронизмом, однако карьера его была вполне успешна, а эффективность и боевые возможности послужили отправной точкой при создании реактивного штурмовика А-10. В книге подробно описана история Скайрайдера.

авіація -- літак

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Komissarov, S.
Russia's ekranoplans [Electronic resource] : the Caspian sea monster and other WIG craft / S. Komissarov. - Hinckley : Midland, 2002. - 127 p.
Переклад назви: Російські екраноплани: Каспійське морське чудовисько і інші WIG судна


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For decades the Soviet Union and now Russia have held leading positions in the development of a special class of vehicles that are neither aircraft nor ships or both at once. Known as wing-in-ground effect (WIGE) craft or by their Russian name of ekranoplan, these vehicles combined the best of both worlds, operating on the borderline between the sky and the sea, offering the speed of an aircraft coupled with better operating economics and the ability to operate pretty much anywhere on the world's waterways. As such they promptly attracted the attention of the military and thus have been veiled in secrecy until recently. The book describes in detail the many series of WIGE vehicles developed by various design bureaus, including the Orlyonok, the only ekranoplan to see squadron service, the missile-armed Loon and the famous and awesome KM, or Caspian Sea Monster, which first attracted the attention of the West to these developments.

транспортний засіб -- авіація -- літак

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Luranc, Z.
Jak-9P [Electronic resource] / Z. Luranc. - Gdansk : Avia-Press, 1999. - 52 с.


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Возможно лучшая монография, посвященная последней, послевоенной модификации Як-9. Книга содержит подробные чертежи и фотографии самолета в деталях, а также схемы окраски Як-9П ВВС разных стран.

авіація -- літак -- історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Mikesh, R. C.
B-57 Canberra at war, 1964-1972 [Electronic resource] / R. C. Mikesh. - Shepperton : Ian Allan Ltd., 1980. - 160 p.


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військовий літак

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Munson, K. G.
The Sud Caravelle 3 & 6 [Electronic resource] / K. G. Munson. - London : Profile Publications, 1967. - 17 p.


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Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft

авіація -- літак

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Murphy, J. D.
Military Aircraft, Origins to 1918 [Electronic resource] : an illustrated history of their impact / J. D. Murphy. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2005. - 319 p.. - (Weapons and Warfare)
Переклад назви: Військова авіація, від витоків до 1918 року: ілюстрована історія її розвитку


Географічні рубрики:

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An expert examination of the evolution of military aviation and its profound impact on warfare-from the employment of balloons during the French Revolutionary wars to the use of aircraft in World War I.

революція -- літак -- війна -- військова авіація

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Pocock, N.
Grumman/Schweizer AG-CAT [Electronic resource] / N. Pocock. - Arlington : Aerofax : SpecialAviation Publications, 1994. - 52 p.. - (Aerofax Minigraph 11)


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Story of the agricultural biplane produced by Grumman and Schweizer for over 40 years. Still in service throughout the world. Includes the production "workhorse" models, plus the unusual "Twin-Cat", "Showcat", skywriters, and floatplane versions. Technical data, 161 b&w, 11 color photos, 42 drawings


   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

Shaw, R.
F5. Warplane for the world [Electronic resource] / R. Shaw. - Shrewsbury : Airlife, 1990. - 121 p.
Переклад назви: F5. Військовий літак для всього світу


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

військова авіація -- винищувач

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