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Иванов, С. А.
1000 лет озарений [Електронний ресурс] : удивительные истории простых вещей / С. А. Иванов. - М. : Вокруг света, 2010. - 234 с.


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Эта книга — уникальная авторская энциклопедия открытий и изобретений, изменивших жизнь человечества на протяжении последних десяти веков, с тысячного по двухтысячный год. Автор — известный российский историк-византинист, человек поистине энциклопедических знаний, профессор Сергей Иванов — исследует происхождение предметов и феноменов самых привычных — но в то же время удивительных, если приглядеться к ним внимательнее. Истории о происхождении нотного стана, шприца, пуговицы, презерватива, телефона повествуют о внезапных гениальных догадках, о драматических поворотах судьбы изобретений, о трагедии напрасных усилий и о поразительных озарениях. В основе книги — цикл из 100 авторских колонок, которые Сергей Иванов на протяжении многих лет писал для нескольких российских журналов, а затем дополнил, переработал и обновил специально для книжного издания. Написанные на огромном научно-историческом материале, эти эссе отличаются, с одной стороны, полной научной достоверностью, а с другой — блестящим литературным мастерством.

винахідництво -- розвиток науки -- історія техніки

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Donck, Adriaen van der.
A Description of New Netherland [Electronic resource] / Adriaen van der Donck. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2010. - 204 p.. - (The Iroquoians and Their World)
Переклад назви: Опис Нових Нідерландів


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This edition of A Description of New Netherland provides the first complete and accurate English-language translation of an essential first-hand account of the lives and world of Dutch colonists and northeastern Native communities in the seventeenth century. Adriaen van der Donck, a graduate of Leiden University in the 1640s, became the law enforcement officer for the Dutch patroonship of Rensselaerswijck, located along the upper Hudson River. His position enabled him to interact extensively with Dutch colonists and the local Algonquians and Iroquoians. An astute observer, detailed recorder, and accessible writer, Van der Donck was ideally situated to write about his experiences and the natural and cultural worlds around him.

колонізація Америки -- американські тубільці -- ірокези

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin.
A Metahistory of the Clash of Civilisations: Us and Them Beyond Orientalism [Electronic resource] / Arshin Adib-Moghaddam. - London : C. Hurst & Co, 2011. - 358 p.. - (Columbia/Hurst)
Переклад назви: Метаісторія зіткнення цивілізацій: ми і вони поза орієнталізмом


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Beginning with the wars of ancient Persia and Greece, Arshin Adib-Moghaddam searches for the theoretical underpinnings of the "clash of civilizations" that has determined so much of our political and cultural discourse. He revisits the Crusades, colonialism, the Enlightenment, and our contemporary war on terror, and he engages with both eastern and western thinkers, such as Adorno, Derrida, Farabi, Foucault, Hegel, Khayyam, Marcuse, Marx, Said, Ibn Sina, and Weber. Adib-Moghaddam's investigation explains the conceptual genesis of the clash of civilizations and the influence of western and Islamic representations of the other. He highlights the discontinuities between Islamism and the canon of Islamic philosophy, which distinguishes between Avicennian and Qutbian discourses of Islam, and he reveals how violence became inscribed in western ideas, especially during the Enlightenment. Expanding critical theory to include Islamic philosophy and poetry, this metahistory refuses to treat Muslims and Europeans, Americans and Arabs, and the Orient and the Occident as separate entities.

джихад -- хрестові походи -- колоніалізм -- Просвітництво -- орієнталізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gott, Richard.
Britain's Empire [Electronic resource] : resistance, repression and revolt / R. Gott. - London ; New York : Verso, 2011. - 576 p.
Переклад назви: Британська імперія крізь призму опору, репресій та повстань


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Magisterial history of the foundation of the British empire, and the forgotten story of resistance to its formation. Contrary to nationalist legend and schoolboy history lessons, the British Empire was not a great civilizing power bringing light to the darker corners of the earth. Richard Gott's magisterial work recounts the empire's misdeeds from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the Indian Mutiny, spanning the red-patched imperial globe from Ireland to Australia, telling a story of almost continuous colonialist violence. Recounting events from the perspective of the colonized, Gott unearths the all-but-forgotten stories excluded from mainstream British histories.

колоніалізм -- визвольні рухи -- розпад імперії

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Knight, Roger G..
Commodities and colonialism [Electronic resource] : the story of big sugar in Indonesia, 1880-1942 / Roger G. Knight. - Leiden : Brill, 2013. - 304 p. - (Verhandelingen Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde)
Переклад назви: Товари та колоніалізм: історія цукрового видобутку в Індонезії, 1880-1942


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The book is a good read, and will be the text of reference for many years to come. It is impossible to think of a better guide through the intricacies of Java sugar than Knight.' Peter Boomgaard, KITLV, Leiden; University of Amsterdam; European University Institute, Florence

колоніальний визиск -- сировинна база -- харчова промисловість

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism since 1450 [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / T. Benjamin.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2007. - 1225 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Західного Колоніалізму починаючи з 1450


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These 400 alphabetically arranged articles provide detailed accounts of how Western maritime empires and their customs and values spread to all corners of the globe, ultimately shaping the development of non-European societies. Each one presents not only facts, but also interpretations of the impact of European colonialism and is well supported by charts, tables, maps, and black-and-white illustrations. The entries make extensive use of primary-source material and contain both see-also references and bibliographies. A glossary of key terms is appended, as is a collection of historical documents that are directly linked to Western colonial expansion and policies. The text flows easily and information retrieval is facilitated by the effective use of subtitles in many of the entries and the variety of access points in the index. A wide range of topics, such as the Boxer Uprising, censorship, diamonds, and Vasco da Gama, provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject. Falling neatly between general and scholarly reference, this set would be a fine addition.

колоніалізм -- середньовіччя -- міжнародна політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Constantino, Renato.
History of the Philippines [Electronic resource] : from the Spanish colonization to the Second World War / Renato Constantino. - New York : Monthly Review Press, 1975. - 500 p
Переклад назви: Історія Філіппін: від іспанської колонізації до Другої світової війни


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Unlike other conventional histories, the unifying thread of A History of the Philippines is the struggle of the peoples themselves against various forms of oppression, from Spanish conquest and colonization to U.S. imperialism. Constantino provides a penetrating analysis of the productive relations and class structure in the Philippines, and how these have shaped—and been shaped by—the role of the Filipino people in the making of their own history. Additionally, he challenges the dominant views of Spanish and U.S. historians by exposing the myths and prejudices propagated in their work, and, in doing so, makes a major breakthrough toward intellectual decolonization. This book is an indispensible key to the history of conquest and resistance in the Philippines.

колонізація -- Південно-Східна Азія -- Філіппіни

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Magdoff, Harry.
Imperialism [Electronic resource] : from the colonial age to the present / Harry Magdoff. - New York : Monthly Review Press, 1978. - 283 p
Переклад назви: Імперіалізм: від колоніальної доби до сучасності


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This volume contains a series of essays aimed at illuminating the theory, history, and roots of imperialism, which extend the analysis developed in Magdoff's The Age of Imperialism.

колоніалізм -- політика метрополії -- економічний визиск

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Beasley, W. G.
Japanese Imperialism, 1894-1945 [Electronic resource] / W. G. Beasley. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1993. - 296 p
Переклад назви: Японський імперіалізм, 1894-1945


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Studying the development, expansion, and eventual collapse of Japanese imperialism from the Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895 through 1945, Beasley here discusses the dynamic relationship between a successful industrial economy and the building of an empire.

Японська імперія -- монархія -- мілітаризація -- колоніалізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Letters to the Governor's wife [Electronic resource] : a view of russian Alaska, 1859-1862 / ed. Paul Christesen. - Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2005. - 277 p.. - (Berengiana)
Переклад назви: Листи дружини губернатора: огляд російської Аляски 1859-1862


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In 1859 the Finnish-Swedish aristocrat and naval officer, Hampus Furuhjelm arrived in Alaska as one of the Russian colony's last ambassadors. He brought with him his young wife Anna Furuhjelm, who wrote many long letters in English to her mother. These letters, for the first time, give us a vivid picture of everyday life in the colonial capital, Sitka, in the period shortly before the USA. took over Alaska. The letters have been edited and commented by Anna Furuhjelm's great-granddaughter, Anni Christensen.

історія Америки -- колоніалізм

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Newell, Philip.
Loudspeakers For Music Recording and Reproduction [Electronic resource] / P. Newell, K. Holland. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2007. - 416 p
Переклад назви: Колонки для запису та відтворення музики


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Need advice on which type of speaker to use and where? Very often the choice and positioning of loudspeakers is down to intuition, hearsay and chance. This practical guide explores the link between experience and the technology, giving you a better understanding of the tools you are using and why, leading to greatly improved results. Newell and Holland share years of experience in the design, application and use of loudspeakers for recording and reproducing music. Get practical advice on the applications of different loudspeakers to the different phases of the music recording and reproduction chain. If you are using loudspeakers in a recording studio, mastering facility, broadcasting studio, film post production facility, home or musician's studio, or you inspire to improve your music reproduction system this book will help you make the right decisions.

акустика -- техніка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Vinkovetsky, Ilya.
Russian America [Electronic resource] : an overseas colony of a continental empire, 1804-1867 / Ilya Vinkovetsky. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 273 p
Переклад назви: Російська Америка: заморська колонія континентальної імперії, 1804-1867.


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From 1741 until Alaska was sold to the United States in 1867, the Russian empire claimed territory and peoples in North America. In this book, Ilya Vinkovetsky examines how Russia governed its only overseas colony, illustrating how the colony fit into and diverged from the structures developed in the otherwise contiguous Russian empire. Russian America was effectively transformed from a remote extension of Russia's Siberian frontier penetrated mainly by Siberianized Russians into an ostensibly modern overseas colony operated by Europeanized Russians. Under the rule of the Russian-American Company, the colony was governed on different terms than the rest of the empire, a hybrid of elements carried over from Siberia and imported from rival colonial systems. Its economic, labor, and social organization reflected Russian hopes for Alaska, as well as the numerous limitations, such as its vast territory and pressures from its multiethnic residents, it imposed. This approach was particularly evident in Russian strategies to convert the indigenous peoples of Russian America into loyal subjects of the Russian Empire. Vinkovetsky looks closely at Russian efforts to acculturate the native peoples, including attempts to predispose them to be more open to the Russian political and cultural influence through trade and Russian Orthodox Christianity. Bringing together the history of Russia, the history of colonialism, and the history of contact between native peoples and Europeans on the American frontier, this work highlights how the overseas colony revealed the Russian Empire's adaptability to models of colonialism.

колоніалізм -- імперіалізм -- історія США

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Sahadeo, Jeff.
Russian Colonial Society in Tashkent, 1865-1923 [Electronic resource] / Jeff Sahadeo. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2007. - 337 p
Переклад назви: Російська колоніальна спільнота в Ташкенті, 1865-1923


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This intensively researched urban study dissects Russian Imperial and early Soviet rule in Islamic Central Asia from the diverse viewpoints of tsarist functionaries, Soviet bureaucrats, Russian workers, and lower-class women as well as Muslim notables and Central Asian traders. Jeff Sahadeo's stimulating analysis reveals how political, social, cultural, and demographic shifts altered the nature of this colonial community from the tsarist conquest of 1865 to 1923, when Bolshevik authorities subjected the region to strict Soviet rule. In addition to placing the building of empire in Tashkent within a broader European context, Sahadeo's account makes an important contribution to understanding the cultural impact of empire on Russia's periphery.

колонія -- імперіалізм -- історія повсякденності -- Узбекистан

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Whitt, L.
Science, colonialism, and indigenous peoples: the cultural politics of law and knowledge [Electronic resource] / L. Whitt. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Наука, колоніалізм та корінні жителі: культурна політика закону та знання


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At the intersection of indigenous studies, science studies, and legal studies lies a tense web of political issues of vital concern for the survival of indigenous nations. Numerous historians of science have documented the vital role of late-eighteenth- and nineteenth-century science as a part of statecraft, a means of extending empire. This book follows imperialism into the present, demonstrating how pursuit of knowledge of the natural world impacts, and is impacted by, indigenous peoples rather than nation-states. In extractive biocolonialism, the valued genetic resources, and associated agricultural and medicinal knowledge, of indigenous peoples are sought, legally converted into private intellectual property, transformed into commodities, and then placed for sale in genetic marketplaces. Science, Colonialism, and Indigenous Peoples critically examines these developments, demonstrating how contemporary relations between indigenous and Western knowledge systems continue to be shaped by the dynamics of power, the politics of property, and the apologetics of law.

біоколонізація -- імперіалізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Chipman, Donald E..
Spanish Texas, 1519–1821 [Electronic resource] / Donald E. Chipman, Denise Joseph Harriett. - Austin : University of Texas press, 2010. - 389 p
Переклад назви: Іспанський Техас, 1519-1821


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In fall 1984, Randolph B. “Mike” Campbell urged Donald E. Chipman, his colleague at the University of North Texas, to take an active role in writing entries on colonial Texas for Th e New Handbook of Texas, then targeted for publication in the mid-1990s. It was a fortuitous suggestion. Initially, hipman approached the early history of the Lone Star State as a part of colonial Mexico, or New Spain. In riting entries for the New Handbook of Texas, he soon saw the need for a one-volume synthesis of the Spanish experience in Texas and its continuing legacies in the Lone Star State. The result was Spanish Texas, 1519–1821 (1992), an award-winning publication. Initially, we wish to express appreciation to Mike for opening the vistas of Texas’s colonial history, and for his assistance in improving the fi rst and second editions of this book. Since 1984 we have received aid and encouragement from many individuals and institutions. Remembering them and expressing our gratitude is one of the more pleasant aspects of writing a book. In spring 1990, Chipman received a Faculty Development Leave from the University of North Texas (unt) that permitted him to conduct research in Spanish archives. He also received grants from unt’s Faculty Research Committee to cover airfare expenses, map preparation, and photo duplication. Off campus, Chipman was assisted by a grant from the Ottis Lock Foundation that helped underwrite research expenses at the Barker Texas History Center (now the Center for American History) and the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection in Austin. In Spain, doña Rosario Parra Cala of the Archivo General de Indias and doña Esperanza Salán Paniagua of the Archivo Central y Biblioteca del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda and their staff s provided courteous and vital assistance. Professor Joseph W. McKnight of the Southern Methodist University School of Law and Professor Emeritus Thе omas N. Campbell of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin read parts of the fi rst edition manuscript that related to Spanish law and Texas Indians. As manuscript referees for the University of Texas Press and the fi rst edition, Donald C. Cutter, Professor яmeritus of the University of New Mexico and St. Mary’s University, and David J. Weber, Robert and Nancy Dedman Professor of History at Southern Methodist University, provided excellent suggestions for improving the work. At Texas Southmost College/the University of Texas at Brownsville, the Department of History and College of Liberal Arts gave assistance and encouragement to Harriett Denise Joseph, as did the staff of the Hunter Room of the Arnulfo L. Oliviera Memorial Library. Both authors wish to thank Romeo Revuelta for his assistance in compiling bibliographic citations to articles on colonial Texas that appeared in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly from 1990 to 2007. The impetus to revise and expand the fi rst edition of Spanish Texas must be credited to anthropologist Maria F. Wade at the University of Texas. Wade, who uses the book in her classes, twice implored Chipman to undertake the project, and it took two entreaties before he listened. Th en it was Th eresa J. May, assistant director and editor-in-chief of the University of Texas Press, who in spring 2007 gave the green light to a second edition and agreed to the addition of a co-author. We extend our greatest appreciation to her. Th eresa May’s approval, however, was only the start of resolving issues relating to publication. Th e fi rst edition was written on an ancient Kaypro personal computer, and lacking were both the computer and the 5¼–inch fl oppy disks. At considerable expense, the University of Texas Press underwrote the cost of scanning hard copy from the book itself, which made revision doable within a reasonable time frame. F. Todd Smith in the Department of History at unt read the second edition manuscript of Spanish Texas and made valuable suggestions for its improvement. Todd also pointed us to recent research and publication on Texas Indians. Robert S. Weddle of Bonham, Texas, the reigning “dean” of colonial Texas historians, reread early chapters of the fi rst edition and emphasized the importance of keeping the focus more on colonial Texas and less on developments in Mexico. Jim Bruseth of the Texas Historical Commission pointed us to the latest publications on the archeology of Texas missions and presidios. Harry F. Williams of the Department of Geography at unt helped by scanning maps and placing them in tiff format. Adrian R. Lewis, chair of the Department of History at unt, provided us with a small research grant to under write the cost of new illustrations. Finally, we especially want to acknowledge Victoria Davis, who ushered the work through production at the University of Texas Press. We off er thanks to all these good people.

автохтонна культура -- колонізація -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Brannen, Daniel E..
Spanish-American War [Electronic resource] / E. Daniel, Jr. Brannen. - Detroit : UXL, Gale Group, 2003. - 235 p
Переклад назви: Іспано-американська війна


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The Spanish-American War, fought from April to August 1898, was a short but brutal war between Spain and its colony of Cuba, which was supported by the United States. It was a continuation of Cuba’s Second War for Independence, which had begun in 1895. Cubans sought freedom from Spain and the right to govern themselves to improve their lives economically and socially. Initially the United States stayed out of the conflict in Cuba, but upon hearing of Spain’s harsh treatment of Cuban civilians, a majority of the American public came to favor war with Spain. The explosion of an American battleship, the U.S.S. Maine, in a Cuban harbor on February 15, 1898, killing more than 250 of the soldiers aboard, also fueled the call to war. After entering the conflict on Cuba’s side onApril 21, 1898, the United States fought against Spain in land and sea battles in the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines until the two countries called a truce in August 1898. Having defeated Spain at almost every turn, the United States dominated the peace negotiations that resulted in the Treaty of Paris in December 1898. Under the terms of the Reader’s Guide treaty, the United States assumed control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines and established influence over newly independent Cuba.

колоніалізм -- історія Америки -- Карибський регіон

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Morgan, Tabitha.
Sweet and bitter island [Electronic resource] : a history of the British in Cyprus / Tabitha Morgan. - London : I. B. Tauris, 2010. - 320 p
Переклад назви: Солодкий і гіркий острів: історії Британії на Кіпрі


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On a sweltering day in July, 1878 the men of the 42nd Royal Highlanders -- the Black Watch -- waded ashore at Larnaca Bay to begin the British occupation of Cyprus. Today, Britons on sunbeds colonize the same stretch of sand, the latest visitors to an island which has long held a special place in the English imagination -- and a controversial role in British imperial ambitions. Drawing on largely unpublished material, Tabitha Morgan reflects on why successive administrations failed, so catastrophically, to engage with their Cypriot subjects, and how social segregation, confusion about Cypriot identity and the poor caliber of so many administrators all contributed to the bloody conflict that led, finally, to Cypriot independence in 1960. Sweet and Bitter Island explores for the first time the unique bond between Britain and Cyprus and the complex, sometimes tense, relationship between the two nations which endures to the present day. Extensively researched and lyrically written, this is the definitive portrait of British colonial life on the Mediterranean island.

колоніалізм -- Кіпр -- Британська імперія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

York, Neil L..
The Boston massacre [Electronic resource] : a history with documents / Neil L. York. - New York : Routledge, 2010. - 275 p
Переклад назви: Бостонська різанина: історія з документами


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On March 5, 1770, after being harassed for two years during their occupation of Boston, British soldiers finally lost control, firing into a mob of rioting Americans, killing several of them, including Crispus Attucks, a runaway slave and sailor, the first African American patriot killed. The aftermath of this ‘massacre’ led to what was eventually the American Revolution. The importance of the event grew, as it was used for political purposes, to stoke the fires of rebellion in the colonists and to show the British in the most unflattering light. The Boston Massacre gathers together the most important primary documents pertaining to the incident, along with images, anchored together with a succinct yet thorough introduction, to give students of the Revolutionary period access to the events of the massacre as they unfolded. Included are newspaper stories, the official transcript of the trial, letters, and maps of the area, as well as consideration of how the massacre is remembered today.

колоніалізм -- американська історія -- збройний конфлікт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Leavelle, Tracy Neal.
The catholic calumet [Electronic resource] : colonial conversions in French and Indian North America / Tracy Neal Leavelle. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. - 264 p.. - (Early American studies)
Переклад назви: Католицька трубка миру: колоніальні перетворення у французькій та індійській Північній Америці


Географічні рубрики:

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In 1730 a delegation of Illinois Indians arrived in the French colonial capital of New Orleans. An Illinois leader presented two ceremonial pipes, or calumets, to the governor. One calumet represented the diplomatic alliance between the two men and the other symbolized their shared attachment to Catholicism. The priest who documented this exchange also reported with excitement how the Illinois recited prayers and sang hymns in their Native language, a display that astonished the residents of New Orleans. The "Catholic" calumet and the Native-language prayers and hymns were the product of long encounters between the Illinois and Jesuit missionaries, men who were themselves transformed by these sometimes intense spiritual experiences. The conversions of people, communities, and cultural practices that led to this dramatic episode all occurred in a rapidly evolving and always contested colonial context. In The Catholic Calumet, historian Tracy Neal Leavelle examines interactions between Jesuits and Algonquian-speaking peoples of the upper Great Lakes and Illinois country, including the Illinois and Ottawas, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Leavelle abandons singular definitions of conversion that depend on the idealized elevation of colonial subjects from "savages" to "Christians" for more dynamic concepts that explain the changes that all participants experienced. A series of thematic chapters on topics such as myth and historical memory, understandings of human nature, the creation of colonial landscapes, translation of religious texts into Native languages, and the influence of gender and generational differences demonstrates that these encounters resulted in the emergence of complicated and unstable cross-cultural religious practices that opened new spaces for cultural creativity and mutual adaptation.

католицька церква -- колоніалізм -- месіанство -- тубільці -- Америка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blaut, J. M.
The colonizer’s model of the World [Electronic resource] / J. M. Blaut. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1993. - 253 p. - (Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History)
Переклад назви: Колонізаторная модель Світу.


Географічні рубрики:

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This book challenges one of the most pervasive and powerful beliefs of our time concerning world history and world geography. This is the doctrine of European diffusionism, the belief that the rise of Europe to modernity and world dominance is due to some unique European quality of race, environment, culture, mind, or spirit, and that progress for the rest of the world results from the diffusion of European civilization. J.M. Blaut persuasively argues that this doctrine is not grounded in the facts of history and geography, but in the ideology of colonialism. It is the world model which Europeans constructed to explain, justify, and assist their colonial expansion.

світ -- пристрої

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