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Iztayev B. 
Devising technology of the accelerated method for making yeast-free bakery products from wheat flour = Розробка технології прискореного методу отримання бездріжджових хлібобулочних виробів із пшеничного борошна / B. Iztayev, M. Yakiyayeva, M. Magomedov, A. Iztayev, M. Kenzhekhojayev, Y. Spandiyarov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/11. - С. 50-57. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

This paper reports a study into different ways of applying a highly effective technology for making yeast-free bread from wheat flour of the highest, first, and second grades by the accelerated method. The dough mechanical loosening technology was used, which makes it possible to reduce the time to prepare the high-quality dough and bake bread. This study has confirmed that the mechanical loosening technique makes it possible to make high-quality yeast-free bread by an accelerated method without fermentation and proving. Such a technique reduces the time of dough preparation by 3 times, improves the rheological properties of the dough, and reduces baking time by 2 times, as well as improves the quality of bread from flour of the highest, first, and second grade. The results showed that the safety indicators of yeast-free bakery products prepared from flour of the highest, first, and second grade meet the norms established by TR TC 021/2011 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety". In terms of microbiological indicators, the results demonstrated that during storage for 5 days QMAFAnM ranged as follows: in yeast-free bakery products from flour of the highest grade - from 1,2 x 10<^>2 to 1,8 x 10<^>2 CFU/g. In the yeast-free bakery products from flour of the first grade - from 1,5 x 10<^>2 to 2,1 x 10<^>2 CFU/g; in the yeast-free bakery products from flour of the second grade - from 1,9 x 10<^>2 to 3,2 x 10<^>2 CFU/g. In addition, bacteria of the E. coli group were found on all yeast-free bakery products. Thus, applying the highly effective technology of the accelerated dough preparation could significantly improve the quality of bread, reduce the time of baking, and reliably ensure that useful properties are maintained.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л83


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