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Hrabovska O. 
The use of enzyme preparations for pectin extraction from potato pulp / O. Hrabovska, H. Pastukh, O. Lysyi, V. Miroshnyk, N. Shtangeeva // Ukr. Food J.. - 2018. - 7, № 2. - С. 215-233. - Бібліогр.: 33 назв. - англ.

Introduction. The use of enzyme preparations at various stages of the technological process of extracting pectin from potato pulp and their influence on yield and purity of pectin has been studied. Materials and methods. The hydrolysis of potato pulp's protopectin was carried out in various ways using hydrochloric acid, enzymatic preparations of cellulolytic and amylolytic activity at different stages of the technological process and in a combined method. Results and discussion. The effect of a complex enzyme preparation of cellulase on the final produce yield and quality has been researched. It was stated that adding the enzyme preparation at the stage of preliminary treatment of raw materials in an amount of 0,1 % of the total dry matter mass (accordingly 9 CU/g of raw material) in combination with acid-thermal hydrolysis leads to an increase in the recovery of alcohol-sugared potato pectin from 7 % to 13,6 %. The positive influence of amylolytic enzyme preparations on the physical and chemical properties of potato pectin has been proved. Dosage of the enzyme was carried out in the amount of 3 AU/g of absolutely dry starch. The use of amylolytic enzyme preparations in order to process potato pulp in combination with acid hydrolysis raised the uronide component of potato pectin from 27,4 % to 42 %. The study of the structure of potato pectin samples, extracted under different conditions, by comparison of infrared spectra has been carried out. We have used the method of X-ray diffraction analysis to investigate changes in the structure of potato pectin obtained by different methods and compared it with potato starch. It is proved that the use of enzymes at the stage of preliminary processing of raw materials increases the yield, purity and complexing ability of pectin. Conclusions. The use of cellulolytic enzyme preparations and <$E alpha>-amylase in the technology of pectin extraction from a potato pulp in combination with acid-thermal hydrolysis leads to an increase in the yield and purity of potato pectin.

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