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Leibowitz, David.
The Ironic defense of Socrates [Electronic resource] : plato’s Apology / David Leibowitz. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 206 p
Переклад назви: Іронічний захист Сократа: "Апологія" Платона


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальному залі "Фонду Президентів України"

This book offers a controversial new interpretation of Plato’s Apology of Socrates. By paying unusually close attention to what Socrates indicates about the meaning and extent of his irony, David Leibowitz arrives at unconventional conclusions about Socrates’ teaching on virtue, politics,and the gods; the significance of his famous turn from natural philosophy to political philosophy; and the purpose of his insolent “defense speech.” Leibowitz shows that Socrates is not just a colorful and quirky figure from the distant past but an unrivaled guide to the good life – the thoughtful life – who is as relevant today as he was in ancient Athens. On the basis of his fresh understanding of the dialogue as a whole, and of the Delphic oracle story in particular, Leibowitz also attempts to show that the Apology is the key to the Platonic corpus, indicating how many of the disparate themes and apparently contradictory conclusions of the other dialogues fit together.

антична філософія -- філософська суперечка

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