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Sellars, John.
Stoicism [Electronic resource] / J. Sellars. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2006. - 201 p
Переклад назви: Стоїцизм


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальному залі "Фонду Президентів України"

One of the most popular of the Hellenistic schools of philosophy in antiquity, Stoicism flourished for some five hundred years and has remained a constant presence throughout the history of Western philosophy. Its doctrines appealed to people from all strata of ancient society-from the slave Epictetus to the emperor Marcus Aurelius. This book provides a lucid, comprehensive introduction to this great philosophical school. It gives an overview of the history of the school, covers its philosophy as a system, and explores the three main branches of Stoic theory. John Sellars includes historical information on the life and works of the ancient Stoic philosophers and summaries, analyses, and appraisals of their principal doctrines in logic, physics, and ethics. He also includes a fascinating account of the Stoic legacy from later antiquity to the present. The volume includes a glossary and chronology, which, together with its accessible yet authoritative approach, makes it the ideal choice for students, scholars, and general readers interested in what Stoicism has meant, both philosophically and historically, for western civilization.



Möllering, Guido.
Trust [Electronic resource] : reason, routine, reflexivity / G. Möllering. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2006. - 240 p.
Переклад назви: Довіра: підтави, звички, обґрунтування


  Повний текст доступний у читальному залі "Фонду Президентів України"

What makes trust such a powerful concept? This question has been at the back of my mind for about nine years now while I have been researching trust both in highly abstract terms and in more practical settings. It is with great pleasure and satisfaction, but also with a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty, of course, that I present in this book what I believe to be the most important approaches to understanding trust in the social sciences as well as core original insights into the leap of faith as the essential element at the heart of trust. Young scholars are increasingly discouraged from writing books and advised to focus their efforts on journal articles. Personally, I am glad that people around me have encouraged me to compose and publish this work. The opportunity to develop and describe my scholarly understanding of trust more thoroughly has been immensely valuable to me because in this book I can connect my most recent thoughts with some ideas that I have presented separately in articles and chapters elsewhere. As a result, a bigger picture emerges not just for me, but also for the reader. I have noticed that key inspirations have often come from books rather than articles on trust, which might reflect the fact that trust is a complex topic that does not lend itself well to merely incremental or fragmented contributions. Books, however, can integrate a broad range of ideas and move the field in new directions. The authors whose writings have enabled me to develop my own argument are duly cited in this book. Of those who have encouraged, inspired and assisted me in my work on trust over the years in person, I would like to thank specifically: Mats Alvesson, Reinhard Bachmann, Jens Beckert, Katinka Bijlsma-Frankema, Sandro Castaldo, John Child, Nicole Gillespie, Chris Grey, Rod Kramer, Christel Lane, Frederique Six, Denise Skinner, Jorg Sydow, Malin Tillmar, Antoinette Weibel, Arnold Windeler and Aks Zaheer. Countless others have also helped me through constructive dialogue and exchanges of ideas. I am grateful to all of them and hope that this work provokes further lively discussion to which I already look forward.

людські стосунки -- суспільна мораль

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Malyshev, Alexander Victorovych.
Philosophical reflections at the beginning of XXI century [Electronic resource] / Alexander Victorovych Malyshev. - К. : Prometey, 2006. - 84 p.
Переклад назви: Філософські роздуми на початку XXI століття


Географічні рубрики:

  Текст у форматі PDF 0.89 Мб

In his work, the author makes one more attempt to answer the main question of philosophy – what is primary the spirit or the matter. Analysis of frost patterns shows that the life in the Universe is typical and appears in line with the rule “Everything or Nothing”. A human being was formed initially by another human being as well as other forms of life. The nature of female and male physhology is explained in a different way. Male is the external being of the Universe, while female is internal. The kind of difference of humanity’s ability to explore the nature, where the main role is played by existence of the full range of chemical elements in the area, where people have been developed, is explained in another way. The philosophy of the state is described from another point of view. Contradicting the theory of communism by Marx, the study on family and priority is offered to the public. The structure of the society in the frames of synergetics finds its reflection in the rule “Everything or Nothing”. While considering the issue of the role of the Church in life of the society “Sacramental study on atheism” is offered.

проблеми філософії -- сучасна філософія -- ідеалізм -- постмодернізм


Stanlick, Nancy.
American philosophy [Electronic resource] : the basics / N. Stanlick. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2013. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Американська філософія: основи


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальному залі "Фонду Президентів України"

American Philosophy: The Basics introduces the history of American thought from early Calvinists to the New England Transcendentalists and from contract theory to contemporary African American philosophy. The key question it asks is: what it is that makes American Philosophy unique? This lively and compelling book moves through key periods in the development of American thought from the founding fathers to the transcendentalists and pragmatists to contemporary social commentators.

історія -- культура

за 02.06.2024
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