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Biopolymers and cell
: sci. j..- Kyiv
Бібліографія (MLA):  |  References (BSI)  |  Зміст  |  Бібліографія (ДСТУ)

  1. Lomov N. A., Borunova V. V., Rubtsov M. A. "CRISPR/Cas9 technology for targeted genome editing." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 243-248.
  2. Arifulin E. A. "Ultrastructural organization of replicating chromatin in prematurely condensed chromosomes." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 249-254.
  3. Grom M. Yu., Yakovenko L. F., Granich V. M., Dobrohod A. S., Torbas O. O., Radchenko A. D., Sirenko Yu. M., Sidorik L. L., Kornelyuk A. I. "Autoantibodies against tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase and its separated domains at essential hypertension." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 255-263.
  4. Antonovych G. V., Zholobak N. M., Shibinska M. O., Spivak M. Ya. "The effect of antiviral substance 6-(2-morpholin-4-yl-ethyl)-6H-indolo (2,3-b)quinoxaline upon biomarkers of inflammation." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 264-271.
  5. Gulkovskyi R. V., Livshits L. A., Sivolob A. V. "Association of the EPHA1 gene polymorphism with idiopathic mild intellectual disability." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 272-278.
  6. Pokholenko Ia. O., Gorbatiuk O. B., Okunev O. V., Irodov D. M., Degtiarova M. I., Palivoda O. G., Kordium V. A. "Development of the chromatographic medium for the affinity isolation of the recombinant hIFN-β1b based on immobilized single-chain antibodies." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 279-284.
  7. Luchakivska Yu. S., Komarnytskii I. K., Kurchenko I. M., Yurieva O. M., Zhytkevich N. V., Kuchuk M. V. "Construction and analysis of the transgenic carrot and celery plants expressing the recombinant thaumatin II protein." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 285-293.
  8. Savinska L. O., Klipa O. M., Khoruzenko A. I., Shkarina K. A., Garifulin O. M., Filonenko V. V. "Generation and characterization of polyclonal antibodies specific to N-terminal extension of p85 isoform of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (p85 S6K1)." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 294-300.
  9. Rachkov A. E., Bakhmachuk A. O., Gorbatiuk O. B., Matsishin M. J., Khristosenko R. V., Ushenin Iu. V., Soldatkin A. P. "SPR investigations of the formation of intermediate layer of the immunosensor bioselective element based on the recombinant Staphylococcal protein A." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 301-308.
  10. Kravchenko S. A., Chernushyn S. Yu., Kucherenko A. M., Soloviov O. O., Livshits L. A. "Development of MLPA approach for SNP detection in MTHFR, F5 and F2 genes." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 309-315.
  11. Avdieiev S. S., Gera L., Hodges R., Dmytrenko V. V. "Glioma-associated protein CHI3L2 suppresses cells viability and induces G1/S transition arrest." Biopolymers and cell 314 (2015): 316-230.
Vol. 31
№ 4 (August−September)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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