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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Biopolymers and cell
: sci. j..- Kyiv
Бібліографія (ДСТУ):  |  Зміст

  1. Petrova N. V. Stress factor – dependent differences in molecular mechanisms of premature cell senescence / N. V. Petrova, A. K. Velichko, N. V. Petrova, S. V. Razin, O. L. Kantidze // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 323-337
  2. Morderer D. Ye. Identification of Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation sites of endocytic scaffold ITSN1 by tandem mass spectrometry / D. Ye. Morderer, O. V. Nikolaienko, A. V. Rynditch // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 338-344
  3. Yusova E. I. Plasmin enzymatic activity in the presence of actin / E. I. Yusova // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 345-350
  4. Kuklin A. V. Expression of isgylation related genes in regenerating rat liver / A. V. Kuklin, T. A. Poliezhaieva, I. O. Zhyryakova, V. V. Ogryzko, M. Yu. Obolenskaya // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 351-361
  5. Bannikova M. A. Detection of stress resistance genes in transgenic maize by multiplex and touchdown polymerase chain reaction / M. A. Bannikova // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 362-370
  6. Kovalchuk M. V. Distribution of transplanted human mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s Jelly in the central nervous systems of the EAE rats / M. V. Kovalchuk, O. G. Deryabina, L. D. Pichkur, S. A. Verbovskaya, N. S. Shuvalova, O. L. Pichkur, V. A. Kordium // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 371-378
  7. Malanchuk O. M. Development of monoclonal antibody against protein Rictor, a component of the mTORC2 complex / O. M. Malanchuk // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 379-386
  8. Shchegelskaya E. A. Migration of labeled bone marrow MSCs and skin fibroblasts after systemic and local transplantation in rat burn wound model / E. A. Shchegelskaya, T. G. Grigorieva, E. A. Omelchenko, A. S. Zabirnyk, E. V. Markelova, S. G. Panibrattseva, I. A. Borovoy, G. I. Gubina-Vaculik, G. A. Oleynik // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 387-394
  9. Kropyvko S. V. New partners of TKS4 scaffold protein / S. V. Kropyvko // Biopolymers and cell. - 2015. - Vol. 31, № 5. - С. 395-401
Vol. 31
№ 5
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