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Biopolymers and cell
: sci. j..- Kyiv
Бібліографія (ДСТУ):  |  Зміст

  1. Ioudinkova E. S. Folded genome as a platform for the functional compartmentalization of the eukaryotic cell nucleus / E. S. Ioudinkova, A. A. Gavrilov, S. V. Razin // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 83-89
  2. Sklyar I. V. Translocations affecting human immunoglobulin heavy chain locus / I. V. Sklyar, O. V. Iarovaia, M. Lipinski, Y. S. Vassetzky // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 90-95
  3. Trosiuk T. V. Structural dissection of human translation elongation factor 1Bγ (eEF1Bγ): expression of full-length protein and its truncated forms / T. V. Trosiuk, V. V. Liudkovska, V. F. Shalak, B. S. Negrutskii, A. V. El’skaya // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 96-106
  4. Dubrovska A. M. Low-density microarray analysis of TGFβ1-dependent cell cycle regulation in human breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 cell line / A. M. Dubrovska, S. S. Souchelnytskyi // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 107-117
  5. Shablii V. A. Mesenchymal and trophoblast immunophenotype of multipotent stromal cells from human placenta / V. A. Shablii, M. D. Kuchma, V. M. Kyryk, H. M. Svitina, Yu. M. Shablii, L. L. Lukash, G. S. Lobintseva // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 118-121
  6. Varyvoda O. Yu. Mice with pituitary tumor transforming gene ( pttg ) knockout demonstrate increased urinary space in renal corpuscles / O. Yu. Varyvoda, A. M. Yashchenko, A. D. Lutsyk, R. O. Bilyy, S. V. Afanasiev, Ye. Z. Filyak, R. S. Stoika // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 122-128
  7. Kondratov A. G. Comparative analysis of epigenetic markers in plasma and tissue of patients with colorectal cancer / A. G. Kondratov, K. A. Nekrasov, L. V. Lototska, G. V. Panasenko, L. A. Stoliar, Y. V. Lapska, O. O. Kolesnyk, I. B. Shchepotin, A. V. Rynditch // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 129-134
  8. Rogulska O. Yu. Adhesion and proliferation of adipose derived mesenchymal stromal cells on chitosan scaffolds with different degree of deacetylation / O. Yu. Rogulska, Yu. O. Petrenko, O. V. Kalinkevich, A. N. Kalinkevich, O. Yu. Petrenko // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 135-140
  9. Budzanivska I. G. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of a coat protein of an Ukrainian isolate of Potato virus Y : comparison with homologous sequences of other isolates and phylogenetic analysis / I. G. Budzanivska, L. P. Ovcharenko, A. V. Kharina, I. I. Boubriak, V. P. Polischuk // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 141-148
  10. Dotsenko V. A. Mathematical modeling of folate-related processes in human placenta / V. A. Dotsenko, M. Yu. Obolenskaya // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 149-156
  11. Mykuliak V. V. The mechanisms of substrates interaction with the active site of Mycobacterium tuberculosis tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase studied by molecular dynamics simulations / V. V. Mykuliak, A. I. Kornelyuk // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 157-162
  12. Fedak G. A critical review of a book entitled "Mobile genetic elements and plasticity of plant genomes", written by prof. V. A. Kunakh (Kyiv: Logos, 2013) / G. Fedak // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 163
  13. Dragavtsev V. A. A critical review of V. A. Kunakh’s monography "Mobile genetic elements and plant genome plasticity" (Kiyv: Logos, 2013; 288 p. ISBN 978-966-171-721-2) / V. A. Dragavtsev // Biopolymers and cell. - 2014. - Vol. 30, № 2. - С. 164
Vol. 30
№ 2 (March-April)
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