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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16425/2015/18/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics
: international scientific journal.- Kyiv
Бібліографія (MLA):  |  References (BSI)  |  Зміст  |  Бібліографія (ДСТУ)

  1. Karachevtseva L. A., Lytvynenko O. O., Konin K. P., Parshyn K. A., Sapelnikova O. Yu., Stronska O. J. "Electro-optical effects in 2D macroporous silicon structures with nanocoatings." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 377-384.
  2. Neimet Yu. Yu., Studenyak I. P., Buchuk M. Yu., Bohdan R., Kökényesi S., Daróci L., Nemec P. "Photo-induced effects in (Ag3AsS3)0.6(As2S3)0.4 thin films and multilayers with gold nanoparticles." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 385-390.
  3. Belyaev A. E., Boltovets N. A., Bobyl A. B., Kladko V. P., Konakova R. V., Kudryk Ya. Ya., Nasyrov M. U., Sachenko A. V., Slipokurov V. S., Slepova A. S. "Structural and electrical-physical properties of the ohmic contacts based on palladium to n+-n-n++-n+++-InP." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 391-395.
  4. Naumov A. V., Kolomys O. F., Romanyuk A. S., Tsykaniuk B. I., Strelchuk V. V., Trius M. P., Avksentyev A. Yu., Belyaev A. E. "Self-heating effects in AlGaN/GaN HEMT heterostructures: Electrical and optical characterization." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 396-402.
  5. Bratus’ V. Ya., Melnyk R. S., Shanina B. D., Okulov S. M. "Thermal annealing and evolution of defects in neutron-irradiated cubic SiC." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 403-409.
  6. Lopatynska O. G., Lopatynskyi A. M., Borodinova T. I., Chegel V. I., Poperenko L. V. "Localized surface plasmon resonance in Au nanoprisms on glass substrates." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 410-415.
  7. Stanetska А. S., Tomashyk V. N., Stratiychuk І. B., Tomashyk Z. F., Kravetskyy M. Yu., Galkin S. N. "Development, optimization and improvement of ZnSe crystal surfaces mechanical and chemical treatment and washing methods." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 416-421.
  8. Venger E. F., Melnichuk L. Yu., Melnichuk A. V., Semikina T. V. "Surface polariton excitation in ZnO films deposited using ALD." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 422-427.
  9. Tetyorkin V. V., Sukach A. V., Boiko V. A., Tkachuk A. I. "Characterization of grain boundaries in CdTe polycrystalline films." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 428-432.
  10. Grytsenko K. P., Lytvyn P. M., Doroshenko T. P., Kolomzarov Yu. V., Bricks J. L., Kurdyukov V., Slominskii Yu. L., Tolmachev O. I. "Morphology of sulphur-terminated compound deposits condensed on different substrates in vacuum." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 433-437.
  11. Dan’ko V. A., Dorozinsky G. V., Indutnyi I. Z., Myn’ko V. I., Ushenin Yu. V., Shepeliavyi P. E., Lukaniuk M. V., Korchovyi A. A., Khrystosenko R. V. "Nanopatterning Au chips for SPR refractometer by using interference lithography and chalcogenide photoresist." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 438-442.
  12. Dobrovolsky Yu., Pidkamin L., Kuzenko V. "Thermostabilized photodiode for monitoring radiation of medical lasers." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 443-447.
  13. Vlaskina S. I., Mishinova G. N., Vlaskin V. I., Rodionov V. E., Svechnikov G. S. "External impacts on SiC nanostructures in pure and lightly doped silicon carbide crystals." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 448-451.
  14. Okhrimenko O. B. "Phenomenological model of athermal interaction of microwave radiation with the structures wide-gap semiconductor – oxide film." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 452-455.
  15. Milenin G. V. "Probabilistic approach to the analysis of regularities in behavior of parameters inherent to materials of electronic equipment under action of external fields." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 456-459.
  16. Sopinskyy M. V., Mynko V. I., Olkhovik G. P. "Long wavelength light sensitivity of thin film system based on PbI2 and Cu." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 460-463.
  17. Kostylyov V. P., Sachenko A. V., Serba O. A., Slusar T. V., Vlasyuk V. M., Tytarenko P. O., Chernenko V. V. "Influence of nanostructured ITO films on surface recombination processes in silicon solar cells." Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 184 (2015): 464-467.
Vol. 18
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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