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Biopolymers and cell
: sci. j..- Kyiv
Бібліографія (MLA):  |  References (BSI)  |  Зміст  |  Бібліографія (ДСТУ)

  1. Petrova N. V., Velichko A. K., Petrova N. V., Razin S. V., Kantidze O. L. "Stress factor – dependent differences in molecular mechanisms of premature cell senescence." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 323-337.
  2. Morderer D. Ye., Nikolaienko O. V., Rynditch A. V. "Identification of Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation sites of endocytic scaffold ITSN1 by tandem mass spectrometry." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 338-344.
  3. Yusova E. I. "Plasmin enzymatic activity in the presence of actin." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 345-350.
  4. Kuklin A. V., Poliezhaieva T. A., Zhyryakova I. O., Ogryzko V. V., Obolenskaya M. Yu. "Expression of isgylation related genes in regenerating rat liver." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 351-361.
  5. Bannikova M. A. "Detection of stress resistance genes in transgenic maize by multiplex and touchdown polymerase chain reaction." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 362-370.
  6. Kovalchuk M. V., Deryabina O. G., Pichkur L. D., Verbovskaya S. A., Shuvalova N. S., Pichkur O. L., Kordium V. A. "Distribution of transplanted human mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s Jelly in the central nervous systems of the EAE rats." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 371-378.
  7. Malanchuk O. M. "Development of monoclonal antibody against protein Rictor, a component of the mTORC2 complex." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 379-386.
  8. Shchegelskaya E. A., Grigorieva T. G., Omelchenko E. A., Zabirnyk A. S., Markelova E. V., Panibrattseva S. G., Borovoy I. A., Gubina-Vaculik G. I., Oleynik G. A. "Migration of labeled bone marrow MSCs and skin fibroblasts after systemic and local transplantation in rat burn wound model." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 387-394.
  9. Kropyvko S. V. "New partners of TKS4 scaffold protein." Biopolymers and cell 315 (2015): 395-401.
Vol. 31
№ 5
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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