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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж71781/2018/75<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії
: зб. наук. пр..- Запоріжжя
Gumanіtarniy vіsnik Zaporіzhkoi derzhavnoi іnzhenernoi akademіi

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Bilohur V. E. Self-realisation of personality in sport as the main megatrend of sport formation paradigm in conditions of globalization: socioanthropological measurements. - C. 13-24.
  4. Kononets M. O. Information and communication technologies as a major megatrend of preparation of the administration of the administrative society. - C. 25-36.
  5. Sosnin A. V. Rights and freedoms in information and communication activities of a modern human. - C. 37-52.
  6. Teslenko T. V. "Spirit/mind-body" dihotomy and its impact on the formation of "homo creativus" in the context of economic philosophy: methodological bases. - C. 53-64.
  7. Korsak K. V., Liashenko L. M. A new cloudtag theory of explanation of the indo-european languages commonality and cultures. - C. 65-78.
  8. Nikitenko V. O. Human interaction, culture and education as a key driver of sustainable development information society. - C. 79-89.
  9. Blaginina S. V., Pylypenko S. P., Osnatch O. M. On improving the quality of modern higher education and spiritual and moral education of youth: German and other European experience. - C. 90-104.
  10. Debych M. A., Humenna O. A. The elite quality of higher education as a consequence of global internationalization. - C. 105-118.
  11. Kirik T. V., Shevchuk I. K., Kirik V. O. Competition of humanist paradigms during the reform of higher education in Ukraine. - C. 119-131.
  12. Mejerytė-Narkevičienė K. Benefits of business and university collaboration in curriculum development. - C. 132-142.
  13. Saiapina S. А., Коrkishko О. Н. Electronic portfolio as a means of successful employment of graduates of pedagogical profile. - C. 143-159.
  14. Tovarnichenko V. А. Game and diving in virtual reality as a marginality manifestation. - C. 160-168.
  15. Andriukaitiene R., Chrep A. V., Voronkova V. H., Punchenko O. P., Kyvliuk O. P. Managing organizational culture as a factor in organizational change. - C. 169-179.
  16. Melnyk V. V. Sustainable development management concept in fourth wave of globalization (globalization 4.0). - C. 180-192.
  17. Sergienko T. I., Kraynik O. M. Directions of industrial management efficiency improving with use of information resources. - C. 193-204.
  18. Kovalchuk A. Y. Innovative potential of scientific institutions of Ukraine: philosophical and legal aspects. - C. 205-215.
  19. Mindaugas Z., Jotautienė E. Investigation of lorry noise and fuel consumption during acceleration. - C. 216-223.
  20. Наші автори. - C. 224-230.
  21. Вимоги до оформлення наукових статей. - C. 231-233.
Вип. 75
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