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Вісник Запорізького національного університету
: зб. наук. пр..- Запоріжжя. Економічні науки

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Buhai V. Z., Hevorhian H. A. Analyze of methodical approaches of definition of need in restructuring and choosing its type. - C. 9-15.
  4. Dashko I. M. Economic mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. - C. 16-21.
  5. Kyshnir S. О., Shaitanov О. М. Analysis of strategic development of the enterprise which provides the agro-industrial complex with equipment by the case of jsc "Kharkiv tractor plant". - C. 22-27.
  6. Lynenko A. V. Research of features of financial management in business combinations. - C. 28-31.
  7. Сherep O. G., Zaborska K. O., Chernikova N. M. Problematic issues in ensuring the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. - C. 32-35.
  8. Shvets Yu. O., Onipko A. D. Economic development enterprises: theoretical aspects of definition and assessment of impact factors. - C. 36-42.
  9. Nikitenko V. O. Implementation of digital sustainable development concept in modern economic conditions. - C. 43-48.
  10. Makarenko O. I., Kozyriatskyi A. O. Forecasting economic development of Zaporizhzhia region. - C. 49-53.
  11. Chernova L. S. The Maple ® symbolic mathematics system in the method of projections for discrete optimization problems. - C. 54-66.
  12. Proskurina N. M., Plutytska K. M. Formation of the accounting policies based on ias and their impact on financial performance. - C. 67-72.
  13. Shmygol N. M., Khakimova Kh. R., Makiienko Yu. V., Shmygol Ye. I. Financial results management methods based on the application of different amortizations’ methods. - C. 73-77.
  14. Gamova O. V. Internal control of salary calculation in order to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise. - C. 78-86.
  15. Vyshnyakov V. M., Lavrenchuk I. V. Analysis of labor migration in Ukraine and economic effects of migration. - C. 87-92.
  16. Kainara D. O. Peculiarities of introduction of the land market in Ukraine. - C. 93-96.
  17. Karbekov K. S., Lepiokhin O. V., Matviichuk I. A. Improvement of indicators of providing national security. - C. 97-102.
  18. Koloberdianko I. I., Serbolova Z. S. Ukraine's contradictory nature of cooperation with the imf. - C. 103-107.
  19. Rovenska V. V. Formation of the latest tendencies of economic recovery of Ukraine in the post-conflict period. - C. 108-115.
  20. Salimbayeva R. O., Myrzakhanova D. Zh., Nurgaziyev K. Sh., Bulambayev A. B. Development of the energy sector of the national economy in the conditions of industrialization. - C. 116-122.
  21. Salimbaeva R. O., Tagay A. A., Boltaeva A. Zh., Meirambek K. Formation of clusters as an effective instrument of increasing competitiveness of the economy of Kazakhstan. - C. 123-128.
  22. Korinnyi S. O., Khudoley L. V. Innovative activity in Ukraine: analysis of problems of formation and prospects of development. - C. 129-135.
  23. Myrzakhanova D. J., Agymbay A. O., Utegulova B. S., Shmanova N. S. Tax relations system impact on the efficiency of the tax administration system performance. - C. 136-141.
  24. Cherep A. V., Nurlikhina G. B., Osypenko S. O., Osypenko O. M. Reform of the local tax and fees institute in the context of implementation of the financial decentralization policy. - C. 142-147.
  25. Kaliuzhna Yu. V., Labenska Yu. D. Comparative analysis of marketing performance indicators. - C. 148-153.
  26. Levytska I. V., Klymchuk A. O., Klymchuk O. V. Functions of salary at machine-building enterprises in formation of motives and stimules of personnel. - C. 154-159.
  27. Cherep A. V., Helman V. М., Rybalko O. M. Management employee life cycle of higher education. - C. 160-164.
  28. Вимоги до оформлення статей у "Вісник Запорізького національного університету" за фахом "Економічні науки". - C. 165-168.
Вип. 4 (44)
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