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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж68596/2021/159<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Геотехнічна механіка
: міжвід. зб. наук. пр..- Дніпро
Geotekhnicheskaya Mekhanika

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Bulat A. F., Baranov V. A. The process of accumulation of germanium in the coal of Ukraine. - C. 3-10.
  4. Мinieiev S. P., Kostrytsia O. O., Prusova A. A., Skachko R. M., Dykan О. P., Maltseva V. Ye. Justification of the parameters for safe blasting of floor rocks in the roadway driven through the hazardous by outbursts sandstones. - C. 11-29.
  5. Kiriia R. V., Zhyhula Т. І., Smirnov A. M., Novikov L. A. Classification of knowledge factors risk when working with tubular lentil conveyors. - C. 30-37.
  6. Skipochka S. I., Serhiienko V. M., Krasovskyi I. S. Further improvements of the shock-wave control equipment. - C. 38-48.
  7. Rubel A. O. Research and development of schemes of the discrete step of reinforcement in the shaft with rope profile conductors. - C. 49-57.
  8. Kozii Ye. S. Arsenic, mercury, fluorine and beryllium in the с_(1 )coal seam of the Blahodatna mine of Pavlohrad-Petropavlivka geological and industrial area of Western Donbas. - C. 58-68.
  9. Shevchenko O. I. Analysis of the influence of the size of particles on the choice of design and mode parameters of the vibro-impact screen during dehydration and separation of technogenic raw materials. - C. 69-78.
  10. Shevchenko V. H., Myroshnychenko V. V., Kokoulin I. Ye. The algorithm for determining an optimal system of routes for the mine ventilation and safety engineering masters for the purpose of monitoring aerodynamic parameters of the ventilation network in mines. - C. 79-88.
  11. Isakov B. B., Chetveryk M. S. Perspective trends for the development of cycle-flow technology in deep quarries taking into account the structure of their working area. - C. 89-95.
  12. Bubnova O. A., Voron O. A. The procedure for selecting the optimal direction of use of disturbed and technogenic environments. - C. 96-107.
  13. Slyambekov N. A. Review of the use of advanced technologies in drilling and blasting. - C. 108-114.
Вип. 159
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