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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Лісове господарство, лісова, паперова і деревообробна промисловість
: наук.-техн. зб..- Львів
Lìsove gospodarstvo, lìsova, paperova ì derevoobrobna promislovìstʹ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. 1. Деревообробна промисловість / Woodworking industry

  4. Kozak R. O. Determination of the equivalent diameter and specific straw particles surface. - C. 5-9.
  5. Solonynka V. R., Kshyvetskyy B. Ya. Water effect on the structure of adhesive films formed by pva dispersion-based composition. - C. 9-14.
  6. Kshyvetskyy B. Ya. Optimization of moisture and temperature effects on strength and durability of ther-moplastic adhesive wood joints. - C. 14-18.
  7. Pobereyko S. B., Petriv O. М., Pobereyko В. Р. Developing software for modelling the strength of biaxially stressed wood. - C. 18-20.
  8. Kopanskyy M. M. Production of wood-based composites made from rape straw wastes. - C. 20-22.
  9. Kiyko I. O. Influence of the structural elements’ placement of the furniture boards on their shape stability. - C. 22-28.
  10. Pylypiv І. Z., Dumanskyy О. І. Building mathematical models depending on bend radius fiber boards con-cerning its thickness and hydration time. - C. 28-33.
  11. Kombarov A. M., Biley P. V. Analysis of physical factors affecting the drying process of lumber. - C. 33-37.
  12. Lesyshyn I. M., Pobereyko В. Р. Software development for determination of stress fields in the wood with a parabolic distribution of moisture. - C. 37-40.
  13. Gayda S. V. Techniques for recycled of post-consumer wood in the production of quality particleboard. - C. 41-51.
  14. Mayevskyy V. O., Vus A. Ya., Mayevska O. M., Matsyuk R. I. Location of sawing pattern on the covering working zone of segment and sector with consideration of their real shape. - C. 51-59.
  15. Kopynets Z. P., Shchupakivskyy R. B. Investigation of beech lumber drying process by the low temperature multi-stage regimes. - C. 59-62.
  16. 2. Лісове господарство / Forestry

  17. Khoyetskyy P. B. Re-acclimatization of european bison (bison bonasus l.) in the skole beskids (the eastern carpathians). - C. 63-69.
  18. Bondarenko T. V. Transformation of energy base in poland. Energy conservation and use of renewable energy. - C. 69-75.
Вип. 40
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