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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2017/4(4)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Титул, Contents.
  2. Nosov K., Zholtkevych G., Georgiyants M., Vysotskа О., Balym Y. Development of the descriptive binary model and its application for identification of clumps of toxic cyanobacteria. - C. 4-11.
  3. Raskin L., Sira O., Ivanchykhin Y. Models and methods of regression analysis under conditions of fuzzy initial data. - C. 12-19.
  4. Bihun R., Tsehelyk G. Construction of interpolation method for numerical solution of the cauchy's problem. - C. 19-27.
  5. Ruzhentsev V., Onishchenko Y. Development of the approach to proving the security of block ciphers to impossible differential attack. - C. 28-33.
  6. Lenkov S., Zhyrov G., Zaitsev D., Tolok I., Lenkov E., Bondarenko T., Gunchenko Y., Zagrebnyuk V., Antonenko O. Features of modeling failures of recoverable complex technical objects with a hierarchical constructive structure. - C. 34-42.
  7. Veselovska О., Drohomyretska K., Kolyasa L. Criterion of the continuation of harmonic functions in the ball of n-dimensional space and representation of the generalized orders of the entire harmonic functions in ℝn in terms of approximation error. - C. 43-49.
  8. Geche F., Mulesa O., Buchok V. Synthesis of generalized neural elements by means of the tolerance matrices. - C. 50-62.
  9. Dobrovska L., Dobrovska I. Design of the universal classifier as a RBF network based on the cart solution tree. - C. 63-71.
  10. Abstract and References. - C. 72-80.
№ 4(4) (88)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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