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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2016/5(5)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Title, Content.
  2. Kulinchenko G., Mozok E. The study of thermal field of an object represented in the basis of green functions. - C. 4-11.
  3. Storozhenko V., Myagkiy A., Orel R. Optimization of the procedure of thermal flaw detection of the honeycomb constructions by improving the accuracy of interference function. - C. 12-18.
  4. Naduty V., Malanchuk Z., Malanchuk Y., Korniyenko V. Research results proving the dependence of the copper concentrate amount recovered from basalt raw material on the electric separator field intensity. - C. 19-24.
  5. Andreeva O., Borts B., Kostikov A., Tkachenko V. Investigation of the oxide phase convective homogenization while vacuum-arc with hollow cathode remelting of steel. - C. 25-32.
  6. Vlasova О., Kovalenko V., Kotok V., Vlasov S. Research of the mechanism of formation and properties of tripolyphosphate coating on the steel basis. - C. 33-39.
  7. Kryvenko P., Kyrychok V., Guzii S. Influence of the ratio of oxides and temperature on the structure formation of alkaline hydro- aluminosilicates. - C. 40-48.
  8. Kopylov V. Effect of multiphase structure of plasma coatings on their elastic and strength properties. - C. 49-57.
  9. Abstract and References. - C. 58-64.
№ 5(5) (83)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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