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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж23887/2012/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Журнал обчислювальної та прикладної математики
: наук. журн..- Київ
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Babenko C., Chapko R. On the combination of singular and hypersingular boundary integral equations for the Neumann boundary value problem for an elliptic equation with variable coefficients. - C. 1-10.
  4. Bulatsyk O., Tupychak I., Topolyuk Y. Rigorous vanishing solutions of a nonlinear hammerstein integral equation related to problems with free phase. - C. 11–22.
  5. Dyyak I., Savula Y., Styahar A. Numerical investigation of a plain strain state for a body with thin cover using domain decomposition. - C. 23–33.
  6. Gnativ L., Krol M., Kutniv M. Exact three-point difference scheme for second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations with boundary conditions of the third kind. - C. 34–52.
  7. Horlatch V., Klymenko I., Shynkarenko G. Formulation and well-posedness of the variational problem of viscous heat-conducting fluid acoustics. - C. 53–71.
  8. Myleiko G., Solodky S. Balancing principle for iterated Tikhonov method of severely ill-posed problems. - C. 72–88.
  9. Rostamy D., Zabihi F. Streamline Diffusion Schemes for solving a nonlinear hyperbolic boundary value problem. - C. 89–104.
  10. Shakhno S., Yarmola H. Two-step method for solving nonlinear equations with nondifferentiable operator. - C. 105–115.
  11. Sharipov K. On the recovery of continuous functions of two variables from noisy Fourier coefficients. - C. 116–124.
  12. Solodky S., Volynets E. On accuracy of solving semidiscrete ill-posed problems in Sobolev spaces with v-methods. - C. 125–132.
  13. Sybil Y. The mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem for the elliptic equation of the second order in domain with thin inclusion. - C. 133–138.
  14. Vasylyk V. Nonlocal problem for an evolution first order equation in Banach space. - C. 139–149.
№ 3 (109)
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