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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101277/2017/2(2)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Науковий вісник Полісся
: наук. екон. журн..- Чернігів
Naukovyi visnyk Polissia

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Heorhiadi N. H., Shpak N. O., Vankovych L. Y. Reflexive management of the diffusion of enterprise innovational activity results. - C. 8-15.
  4. Kasych А. О., Voсhozka M. Conceptual provisions of the development of Ukrainian national innovation system. - C. 16-23.
  5. Hurkovskyy V. І. Electronic petitions in Ukraine as an element of modern democracy: perspectives and ways of improvement. - C. 24-30.
  6. Kaluhina N. A. Sakun A. A., Tardaskina T. M. Innovative strategy of the telecommunication enterprise development. - C. 31-38.
  7. Sydoruk S. V., Tsyhanyuk N. G. Dominant tourist flow of management techniques. - C. 39-43.
  8. Grynkevych S. S., Bulyk O. B. International labour migration: European and Ukrainian special aspects. - C. 44-51.
  9. Goncharenko O. G., Kravchuk A. V. Basis operatuion of enterprises prodyction complex penal system. - C. 52-56.
  10. Harafonova O. I., Yankovoi R. V. Implementation of strategic alternatives and strategies for changes to enterprises under crisis conditions. - C. 57-60.
  11. Gonchar O. I. Management of the potential of an enterprise on the basis of graph-analytical models. - C. 61-65.
  12. Volot O. І., Gogol Т. А. Information technologies in accounting and management companies: modernization and integration system. - C. 66-69.
  13. Zaitseva О. I. Sales information potential in the management of strategic enterprise adaptation under dysfunction social and economic institutions. - C. 70-73.
  14. Rakosii P. V. Theoretical approaches to the formation of the enterprise system crisis. - C. 74-77.
  15. Honcharenko I. H., Berezina E. Yu., Shevchenko A. М. Modernization of financial intermediaries relations in modern conditions of national economy. - C. 78-84.
  16. Bacho R. J. , Vdovenko N. M., Poyda-Nosyk N. N. Implementation of foreign experience of pre-trial dispute settlement at financial services markets in Ukraine. - C. 85-93.
  17. Sadchykova I. V., Sadchykov V. S., Krasnyanska Y. V. Structure and concept of the automatic banking systems operating: domestic and foreign experience. - C. 94-103.
  18. Klymenko T. V. Venture capital financing of innovation activities. - C. 104-110.
  19. Polenkova M. V., Kontseva V. V., Bezuhlyi А. O. Distribution of financial resources for federal road funds. - C. 111-117.
  20. Rusul L. V. Bancassurance under financial markets' globalization in Ukraine. - C. 118-126.
  21. Фрич А. О. Напрями вдосконалення оподаткування фінансового сектору. - C. 127-132.
  22. Shkarlet S. M., Khomenko I. O. The current state and prospects of development of international electronic commerce. - C. 133-138.
  23. Вдовенко Н. М., Деренько О. О. Парадигмальний погляд на формування заходів регулювання ринку продукції аквакультури. - C. 139-143.
  24. Pererva P. G. , Kobielieva T. O. , Tkachova N. P. Investigation of the role of venture companies in the early stages of the product life cycle. - C. 144-149.
  25. Черчик Л. М. Діагностика в системі стратегічного менеджменту підприємства. - C. 150-155.
  26. Romanenko Y. A., Chaplay I. V. Theoretical and methodological foundations subsystem brand management at the enterprise. - C. 156-163.
  27. Kolodiichuk V. А. Management of logistics expences on the AIC enterprises. - C. 164-169.
  28. Yakymchuk A. Y., Akimova L. M., Simchuk T. O. Applied project approach in the national economy: practical aspects. - C. 170-177.
  29. Romanyshyna O. Y. Information technologies in preparation for future professional activity managers, institutions and organizations in education. - C. 178-183.
  30. Doniy N. E. Wisdom as a commodity in economic-centered social space of xxi century. - C. 184-188.
  31. Tsybulia S. D., Starchak V. G., Ivanenko K. N. Ecomanagement of pipeline transport as factor of economics ecologization. - C. 189-194.
  32. Lifintsev D. S., Canavilhas J. Cross-cultural management: obstacles for effective cooperation in multicultural environment. - C. 195-202.
  33. Перетятько Ю. М. Інтернет як джерело отримання інформації: статистичний аспект. - C. 203-307.
№ 2(2) (10)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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