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Вісник Київського національного лінгвістичного університету
.- Київ. Серія, Філологія

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Cognitive linguistic studies

  4. Freeman M. H. On the measures of English verse. - C. 8-19.
  5. Lunyova T. Ad hoc categories in the ekphrastic space of John Berger’s essays about painting: A cognitive linguistic analysis. - C. 20-30.
  6. Prihodko G. Eco-cognitive approach to the study of evaluation concept. - C. 31-40.
  7. Romanyshyn N. Antiquity and englishness as literary aesthetic forms of national identity in John Keats' poetry. - C. 41-50.
  8. Derivatological studies

  9. Valiukh Z. Emergent semantics of the Ukrainian noun as a determinant of its derivational capacity. - C. 51-59.
  10. Discourse studies

  11. Andreichuk N. A semiosis-based approach to discourse interpretation. - C. 60-70.
  12. Potapenko S. Communicative strategies as a two-faceted phenomenon: A cross-linguistic study of inaugural addresses. - C. 71-83.
  13. Pozhar A. Age-related conversations in Anglo-American literary discourse: a linguopragmatic aspect. - C. 84-93.
  14. Varetska O. Verbal and paraverbal criticism: A discursive study of German and Ukrainian electoral speeches. - C. 94-104.
  15. Translation studies

  16. Tabakowska E. Tenderness: General commitments of literary translation. - C. 105-113.
  17. Reviews

  18. Seif F. Y. De-sign in the Transmodern world: envisioning reality beyond absoluteness. Switzerland: Peter Lang AG, 399 p. (ISBN 978-3-0343-2866-1) (2019). - C. 114-117.
  19. Korolyov I. Review of the monograph Mariia Shutova. (2016). Ethnocultural stereotyped portraits of the English and Ukrainians (cognitive and onomasiological reconstruction of phraseological formulae). - C. 118-120.
  20. Information for readers

  21. Guidelines for authors. - C. 121-125.
Т. 23
№ 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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