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Ukrainian journal of physics
: sci. j..- Kyiv
Ukraïnsʹkij fìzičnij žurnal

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Kyzyma O. A., Tomchuk A. V., Avdeev M. V., Tropin T. V., Aksenov V. L., Korobov M. V. Structural researches of carbonic fluid nanosystems. - C. 835-843.
  4. Kulinskii V. L. Asymmetry of the hamiltonian and the singular behavior of the Tolman length within the canonical formalism approach. - C. 844-853.
  5. Makhlaichuk V. M. Kinematic shear Vvscosity of water, aqueous solutions of electrolytes, and ethanol. - C. 854-860.
  6. Odinaev S., Makhmadbegov R. S. Research of the dependences of dielectric properties and frequency spectra of dielectric losses in NaCl aqueous solution on the state parameters. - C. 861-867.
  7. Sabirov L. M., Semenov D. I. Different structural states of 4-methylpyridine-water solutions: experimental study of the adiabatic compressibility at the hypersonic frequency. - C. 868-871.
  8. Sabirov L. M., Semenov D. I., Khaydarov Kh. S. Negative dispersion of high-frequency sound velocity in aqueous solutions of non-electrolyte in a vicinity of the singular point concentration. - C. 872-875.
  9. Tukhvatullin F. H., Tashkenbaev U. N., Jumabaev А., Hushvaktov H., Absanov А., Hudoyberdiev B., Kuyliev B. Raman scattering spectra of liquid bromoform and its solutions. - C. 876-879.
  10. Khorolskyi O. V., Rudenko O. P. Viscometric research of concentration regimes for polyvinyl alcohol solutions. - C. 880-884.
  11. Chalyi A. V., Zaitseva E. V., Chalyy K. A., Khrapiichuk G. V. Dimensional crossover and thermophysical properties of nanoscale condensed matter. - C. 885-891.
  12. Chekhun V. F., Chalyy K. A., Zabashta Yu. F., Vergun L. Yu., Batsak B. V. Medical physics: molecular aspects. - C. 892-904.
  13. Bulavin L. A., Soloviov D. V., Kuklin A. I., Lisetski L. N., Kasian N. A., Krasnikova A. O., Vashchenko O. V., Zinchenko A. V. Small-angle X-ray scattering and differential scanning calorimetry studies of DPPC multilamellar structures containing membranotropic agents of different chemical nature. - C. 905-909.
  14. Lebovka N. I., Bulavin L. A., Melnyk I. A., Repnin K. F., Kovalchuk V. I. Impact of aggregation on the percolation anisotropy on a square lattice in an elongated geometry. - C. 910-916.
  15. Sklyarchuk V. M., Plevachuk Yu. O., Omelchuk A. O., Faidiuk N. V. Viscosity, conductivity, and thermoelectric power in ionic and ion-electron eutectic liquid systems. - C. 917-924.
  16. Strelchuk V. V., Nikolenko A. S., Stubrov Yu. Yu., Belyaev A. E., Gubanov V. O., Biliy M. M., Bulavin L. A. Phonon energy spectra and stationary elastic waves in single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphite bulk crystals. - C. 925-931.
  17. Mchedlov-Petrossyan N. O., Kamneva N. N., Kryshtal A. P., Marynin A. I., Zakharevich V. B., Tkachenko V. V. The properties of 3 nm-sized detonation diamond from the point of view of colloid science. - C. 932-937.
  18. Ōsawa E. Novel features of nanoscience compared to physics and chemistry. - C. 938-943.
  19. Klepko V. V., Lysenkov E. A. Features of percolation transition in systems on the basis of oligoglycols and carbon nanotubes. - C. 944-949.
  20. Gubanov V. O., Ovander L. N. Development of the bethe method for the construction of two-valued space group representations and two-valued projective representations of point groups. - C. 950-959.
  21. Zhyganiuk I. V., Malomuzh M. P. Physical nature of hydrogen bond. - C. 960-974.
  22. Rudenko O. P. Some words about my fellow townsman. - C. 975-976.
Vol. 60
№ 9
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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