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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж29048/2023/73<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Овочівництво і баштанництво
: міжвід. тем. наук. зб..- Київ
Ovočìvnictvo ì baštanniictvo

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Selection of vegetable and water-melon, melon and gourd crops

  4. Bilenka O. M., Horhan T. M., Pidlubenko I. M., Ovchinnikova O. P., Shtepa L. Yu. Evaluation of the adaptive potential of promising shallot accessions. - C. 6-12.
  5. Kondratenko S. I., Dulnev P. G., Kyriukhina N. O., Pidlubenko I. M. Selenium-containing biologically active composite formulations as effective growth regulators for improving sowing quality of seeds and morpho-biological parameters of white and purple cabbage heads. - C. 13-22.
  6. Serhiienko O. V., Нarbovska T. M., Solodovnik L. D., Radchenko L. O. Main periods of growth and development of F1 cucumber hybrids and their yields depending on weather. - C. 23-31.
  7. Serhiienko O. V., Shabetia O. M., Linnik Z. P., Serhiienko M. B. Dominance and heterosis in F1 watermelon hybrids. - C. 32-39.
  8. Sych Z. D., Kubrak S. M., Shubenko L. A. Breeding value of shallot cultivars and local forms in terms of economic characters for the RightBank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. - C. 40-49.
  9. Technology of growing vegetable and melon crops in field conditions and greenhouses

  10. Melnyk O. V., Dukhina N. H., Stovbir O. P. Effect of mycorrhizal formulation Mycofriend on potato productivity. - C. 50-58.
  11. Chefonova N. V., Ivanin D. V., Vitanov O. D. Allelopatic compatibility of common bean and companion crops. - C. 59-71.
  12. Shablia O. S., Kosenko N. P., Kuts О. V., Rud V. P. Gourd growing efficiency using silicon-containing fertilizers in the south of Ukraine. - C. 72-80.
  13. Systems of protection of vegetable crops from diseases and pests

  14. Sergienko V. G., Borzykh O. I., Tkalenko H. M., Balan G. O. Control of white cabbage diseases using biologicals. - C. 81-88.
  15. Storage and processing of vegetable and melon products

  16. Pusik L. M., Pusik V. K. Winter garlic bulb weight loss during storage depends on protective coatings. - C. 89-96.
  17. Innovative and investment development of the vegetable market

  18. Rud V. P., Mohylna O. M., Terokhina L. A., Ilinova Ye. M. Global overview of the onion market and production prospects in Ukraine. - C. 97-105.
  19. Info for authors. - C. 106-109.
  20. Правила для авторів. - C. 110-113.
Вип. 73

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