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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж28079:Ек./2013/9<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
.- Київ. Економіка
Visnyk Kyyivs'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Ekonomika

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Bachev H. New Institutional Economics Framework for Assessing and Improving Agrarian . - C. 5-17.
  4. Alpysbaeva A. Financial Mechanism of the Innovative Activity in the Republic of Kazakstan. - C. 17-20.
  5. Baybolatova Zh. Priority Directions of Finance Management System Development in State Business Area of Kazakhstan. - C. 21-25.
  6. Chernyak E. An Influence of International Labor Force Migration on National Competitiveness. - C. 25-29.
  7. Golubnicha G., Melnik T. Financial Reporting and Source Documents of Ukrainian Enterprises when Applying the IFRS. - C. 29-34.
  8. Ignatovych N., Gura V. Innovative Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Axiological Aspect. - C. 35-37.
  9. Kharchenko T., Sagaydack J. Specific Features of Development of Organic Products Market in Ukraine. - C. 38-43.
  10. Kharlamova G. An Ecological-Economic Convergence: Transition to Sustainable Energy. - C. 44-49.
  11. Kovtun N., Dolinovskaya O. Comparative Analysis of the Key Factors of Growth of State Debt of Ukraine and Eu. - C. 49-58.
  12. Murovana T. Modern Approaches to Accounting and Taxation in Environmental Entrepreneurship. - C. 58-65.
  13. Naumenkova S., Lagutina K. Peculiarities of Approaches to the Assessment of Corporate Mergers in the Banking Sector of Ukraine. - C. 65-70.
  14. Revutska N., Lavrenenko V. Formation of Enterprise Intellectual Capital in Context of Resource Theory. - C. 71-76.
  15. Sembekov A. National Insurance Markets in Formation of Eurasian Economic Space. - C. 76-80.
  16. Starostina A., Kravchenko V. Methodological Aspects of Qualifying Academic Papers Preparation (Importance of Scientific Problems, Definitions of Theme, Goals, Objectives, Subject and Object of Study). - C. 80-83.
  17. Taubayev A. Integration and Networking Mechanisms of Promoting Scientific and Innovation Activity in the Higher Education System of Kazakhstan. - C. 84-87.
  18. Virchenko V. Nature of Intellectual Property Relations and its Role in a Public Reproduction. - C. 87-93.
  19. Zasadnyi B. Analysis of the Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards by Countries with Economies in Transition. - C. 94-98.
Вип. 9 (150)
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