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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Економіка і регіон
.- Одеса
Ekonomìka ì regìon

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Obikhod H., Omelchenko A. Financial Priorities of Ecological Safety Supporting (based on the principles of sustainable development). - C. 5-10.
  4. Riashchenko V., Koryuhina C. Modern Business Education Problems and Challenges. - C. 11-14.
  5. Кубатко О. В. Еколого-економічні флуктуації показників здоров’я населення. - C. 15-21.
  6. Бондар-Підгурська О. В., Глєбова А. О., Хоменко І. І. Нанотехнології як основа реалізації парадигми розвитку національної економіки. - C. 22-30.
  7. Chernysh I., Hliebova A., Makhovka V. Innovational Technologies for the Travel Industry: Security and Sustainable Development. - C. 31-37.
  8. Chichulin V., Chichulina K. Energy Security of the state: Comparative analysis and Improving the Regulatory frameworks for energy, resource efficiency of buildings in Ukraine and in the EU. - C. 38-47.
  9. Shary G., Dubіschev V. Government regulation of land relations: circulation of agricultural land. - C. 48-51.
  10. Sivitska S. Identification of strategic priorities of investment into development of alternative energetics. - C. 52-59.
  11. Koryuhina C., Sorokin O. Developing Marketing Strategy for Ramada Encore Kiev. - C. 60-66.
  12. Pohorelov Yu., Kozachenko H., Bilousova A. Representation Problems of Transactional Costs in Enterprise Accounting. - C. 67-75.
  13. Chychkalo-Kondratska I., Dobryanskaya V., Miroshnichenko V. Satellite navigation system marketing. - C. 76-83.
  14. Smoliak V. European vector of development of the insurance companies investment activity. - C. 84-87.
  15. Volkova N., Gogolyeva K. Analysis of bank payment cards market in Ukraine and prospects of its development. - C. 88-94.
  16. Vasylenko A. Cryptocurrency Phenomenon in the International Monetary System. - C. 95-100.
  17. Dubova V., Davydova I. Information Disclosure about Investment Property in the Financial Statements According to International Standards. - C. 101-107.
  18. Savenko R. Dynamic monitoring in anti-crisis management of state economic security. - C. 108-111.
№ 3 (64)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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