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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2018/1(10)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Титул, зміст.
  2. Halysh V., Trembus І., Deykun I., Ostapenko А., Nikolaichuk А., Ilnitska G. Development of effective technique for the disposal of the prunus armeniaca seed shells. - C. 4-9.
  3. Terentiev O., Tkachuk K., Tverda O., Kleshchov A. Mathematical model of the reverse water post-purification at mining enterprises when using electromagnetic focusing of contaminants. - C. 10-16.
  4. Kryshtopa S., Panchuk M., Dolishnii B., Kryshtopa L., Hnyp M., Skalatska О. Research into emissions of nitrogen oxides when converting the diesel engines to alternative fuels. - C. 16-22.
  5. Malovanyy M., Zhuk V., Sliusar V., Sereda A. Two-stage treatment of solid waste leachates in aerated lagoons and at municipal wastewater treatment plants. - C. 23-30.
  6. Mygalenko K., Nuyanzin V., Zemlianskyi A., Dominik A., Pozdieiev S. Development of the technique for restricting the propagation of fire in natural peat ecosystems. - C. 31-37.
  7. Moshynskyi V., Fylypchuk V., Ivanchuk N., Martyniuk P. Computer modeling of water cleaning in wetland taking into account of suffosion ang colmatation. - C. 38-43.
  8. Hryhoriev S., Petryshchev A., Shyshkanova G., Zaytseva T., Frydman O., Krupey K., Andreev A., Katschan A., Petrusha Yu., Stepanov D. A study of environmentally friendly recycling of technogenic chromium and nickel containing waste by the method of solid phase extraction. - C. 44-49.
  9. Pospelov B., Andronov V., Rybka E., Popov V., Romin A. Experimental study of the fluctuations of gas medium parameters as early signs of fire. - C. 50-55.
  10. Gomelya M., Trohymenko G., Hlushko O., Shabliy T. Electroextraction of heavy metals from wastewater for the protection of natural water bodies from pollution. - C. 55-61.
  11. Epoyan S., Karahiaur A., Volkov V., Babenko S. Research into the influence of vertical drainage elements on the operational efficiency of rapid filters. - C. 62-69.
  12. Abstract and References. - C. 70-80.
№ 1(10) (91)
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